System Ecology - Terrestrial Ecosystem Modelling
Short description
We explore the impacts of environmental and anthropogenic changes on terrestrial ecosystem functioning and services such as forest growth, carbon sequestration, nutrient cycling, and shading by trees in cities. We develop process-based dynamic models;
1) To test our current theoretical understanding of processes as we did by incorporating the phosphorous cycle in the CoupModel, a terrestrial ecosystem model,
2) To predict impacts when measuring is not possible, for instance long-term impacts of climate and land use change on soil organic matter, and
3) To verify and scale up in time and space experimental data in order to compare sustainability of different management practices. An example is the development of the Tracey model to predict the spreading and storage of radionuclides in plants. See links to references below.
Momen Eshaq, MSc-student
Zhicong Xie, PhD-student (start autumn/winter)
Tebkew Shibabaw, presently Bahir Dar University, Ethiopia.
Martin Rappe George, presently Water Authority of the South Baltic Sea District, Sweden.
Hongxing He
Linnea Hansson, presently Skogforsk, Sweden.
Linnea Berglund
Stefan Bengtsson
Lasse Tarvainen
Deliang Chen
Åsa Kasimir
Per-Erik Jansson
Eva Ring, Skogforsk
Klas Rosen
Title: Projekt ‘Impacts of several years consecutive summer droughts on forest-climate feedbacks - an ecosystem modelling approach’, Annemieke Gärdenäs (PI), Lasse Tarvainen Deliang Chen, del av en doktorandtjänst som lysas ut vår 2023, finansär MERGE, strategisk områden “ModElling the Regional and Global Earth system, (2023-2024) |
Workpackage “Modelling long-term impacts of climate stress on trees in urban environment” inom Formas-finansierat projekt “Sustainable trees to promote sustainable cities in a changing climate”, Lasse Tarvainen (PI), relaterat till doktorandtjänst vår 2023. |
Title: The combined impacts of land use change and climate change on soil organic carbon stocks in the Ethiopian highlands skriven av Tebkew Shibabaw, Martin O. Rappe George, Annemieke I. Gärdenäs, Geoderma Regional, 32, 2023, doi:10.1016/j.geodrs.2023.e00613 |
Title: CoupModel (v6.0): an ecosystem model for coupled phosphorus, nitrogen, and carbon dynamics – evaluated against empirical data from a climatic and fertility gradient in Sweden ,skriven av He, H., Jansson, P.-E., and Gärdenäs, A. I., Geosci. Model Dev., 2021(14), 735–761doi:10.5194/gmd-14-735-2021 |
Project: Guiding drained peatland management towards negative GHG emissions by Åsa Kasimir (PI), Salim Belyazid, Louise Andresen, Natascha Kljun, Sylvia Toet, Cecilia Akselsson, Edith Hammer, Emma Kritzberg, Annemarie Gärdenäs, Patrik Vestin, Per-Erik Jansson, och Leif Klemedtsson, EGU2020, doi: 10.5194/egusphere-egu2020-19120, Formas finansierat. |
Title: The grain storage of wet-deposited caesium and strontium by spring wheat — A modelling study based on a field experiment, by Annemieke I. Gärdenäs, S. Linnea Berglund, Stefan B. Bengtsson, Klas Rosén, Science of The Total Environment, 2017 (574):1313-1325, doi:10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.08.036. |
Title: Nitrogen leaching following clear-cutting and soil scarification at a Scots pine site – A modelling study of a fertilization experiment by M.O. Rappe George, L.J. Hansson, E. Ring, P.E. Jansson, A.I. Gärdenäs, Forest Ecology & Management, 2017 (385): 281-294, doi: 10.1016/j.foreco.2016.11.006. |