View of Sollefteå
View of Sollefteå
Photo: Henrik Sandgren

The challenge of localizing public services – equal access to public services and democratic governance in the whole of Sweden

Research project
Active research
Project size
Project period
2022 - ongoing
Project owner
School of Public Administration, University of Gothenburg

Short description

Hard political decisions need to be made in the coming years. The future for Sweden's rural areas depends on the capacity of local communities to democratically address the challenges that come with decisions on the location of public services. In order to create a sustainable society, decisions must be accepted or at least tolerated by the

All around Sweden, initiatives are taken by local and regional political actors to defend public services and find innovative solutions. We must learn from both successes and setbacks. This project aims to support learning between municipalities and regions.

This project aims to increase knowledge about how political priorities and decision-making on the location of public services can be made in a legitimate way.