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The impacts of changed living conditions on child and adolescent mental health

Research project
Inactive research
Project period
2013 - ongoing
Project owner
Curt Hagquist

Short description

In order to study whether changes in different societal conditions can explain the increase of mental health problems among young people in Sweden, interdisciplinary research has been conducted between 2013 and 2020 by researchers at the Centre for Research on Child and Adolescent Mental Health (CFBUPH), Karlstad University and the Department of Education and Special Education, the University of Gothenburg. The research programme – The impacts of changed living conditions on child and adolescent mental health – was mainly funded with grants from Forte, the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare. The research collaboration followed two main tracks: the school environment and economic conditions at the individual and societal levels.


A final scientific report was submitted to Forte in January 2021 with a clear key message: Economic stress and school stress are two very likely explanations of the increase of mental health problems among young people in Sweden. The report summarizes the results for the entire program period. 68 papers have been published in scientific journals and additional papers are underway in review processes.

Final report to FORTE (pdf 3,3 MB).

Project manager / Program manager

Principal Investigator of the research programme was Professor Curt Hagquist, guest professor of Public Health at the University of Gothenburg, Department of Education and Special Education. Until September 2020, he was the director of the Centre for Research on Child and Adolescent Mental Health at Karlstad University.