
The Program on Governance and Local Development (GLD)

Research group

Short description

Why are some societies able to provide safe and secure environments, good education, adequate health care and other factors that promote human development, while others fail to do so? The Program on Governance and Local Development (GLD) brings together researchers from all over the world in a joint effort to shed light on the relationship between governance and local development.

Research area

We investigate the role of state and non-state actors in order to gain insights into the relationship between governance and factors at the local level such as poverty, gender relations, elite dynamics, and ethnic diversity. Its aim is to promote improvement in human welfare globally.

Local Governance Performance Index (LGPI)

The LGPI is a tool that has been developed for benchmarking local governance and development. It is based on citizen household surveys, implemented to be representative at the local and the national levels. The LGPI is designed to make it easier for both governments and citizens alike to obtain, assess and compare results. GLD is currently conducting research projects in Malawi and Tunisia.

Dissemination of research results

The Program communicates its findings to a wide audience locally and internationally through scholarly publications, activities on social media, policy briefs, and public presentations. We also hold workshops in cooperation with local partners to look at the findings and policy implementation, and to identify areas in need of future research.