
Topics in applied macroeconomics

Research project
Active research
Project size
1 608 000
Project period
2025 - 2027
Project owner
Department of Economics

Jan Wallanders och Tom Hedelius Stiftelse Tore Browaldhs Stiftelse

Short description

The aim of the program is to study the relationship between macroeconomic variables and individuals' decisions and expectations. This is done by studying macroeconomic issues using microdata and methods from applied microeconomic research.

Three different areas are studied, each with important implications for both policy and aggregate economic development: (i) How are individuals' decisions to invest in human capital affected by macroeconomic conditions? (ii) How are individuals' inflation expectations formed, and what role do consumption patterns play? iii) How is the public's trust in the central bank determined and how is trust affected by how the policy decisions are further communicated in the media?