
Who are the frail older persons?

Research project
Active research
Project owner
Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology

Short description

This research project aims to broaden our understanding of the concept of frailty in order to contribute to the understanding of the frailty process among older persons, and to study how frailty, everyday activities and morbidity are related to each other and what it means for older frail persons.

With focus on both people at risk of becoming frail and those who already are frail, we study people's opportunities to live the life they want to live and be the type of persons they want to be. This also includes: 

  • how early undetected signs of frailty are experienced by the persons themselves (e.g. participation and social engagement in daily activities and leisure activities); and
  • the influence of factors (environmental, assistive devices, support) that regulate the pace and direction of the frailty process.

Assessment (1) and screening (2) of frailty are also part of the project.


  1. Comprehensive geriatric assessment of frail older people: ideals and reality
    Synneve Dahlin Ivanoff, Anna Duner, Kajsa Eklund, Katarina Wilhelmson, Eva Lidén & Eva Holmgren (2018)
    Journal of Interprofessional Care, 32:6, 728-734, DOI: 10.1080/13561820.2018.1508130
  2. Screening for frailty among older emergency department visitors: Validation of the new FRESH-screening instrument
    Eklund K, Wilhelmsson K, Landahl S, Dahlin-Ivanoff S.
    BMC Emerg Med 16, 27 (2016).