Young People, Precariousness and Wellbeing
Short description
The core interests of this research theme concern children and young people, and their learning, upbringing and everyday life. During the past few decades there have been significant social and structural changes in society. In response to these changes, extensive research has been launched about topics such as the experiences of young people of violence and harassment. In addition, the consequences of migration and discrimination have been given increasing attention.
About the research theme
The core interests of the research themeYoung people, Precariousness and Wellbeing (YPW) concern children and young people, and their learning, upbringing and everyday life. During the past few decades there have been significant social and structural changes in society, which have had, and continue to have, implications for the life conditions of children and young people. Global changes have local consequences for the daily lives of children and young people. In response to these changes, extensive research has been launched about topics such as the experiences of young people of violence and harassment and, more generally, about the precariousness of their lives in school and in society. In addition, the consequences of migration and discrimination have been given increasing attention.
Within this research theme, there are also practice based projects where researchers collaborate with preschools, leisure.home centres, schools and other institutions in joint developmental activities and various local initiatives that concern the daily lives of young people.
National and international collaboration
What unites the research efforts is a theoretical and methodological platform, which takes its point of departure in traditions with a strong interest in identity development and categorizing practices as well as in the normative, economic, social and political consequences of these practices for the life conditions of children and young people. Researchers within this theme have strong ties to universities in Sweden, the Nordic countries and internationally and collaborate with fellow researchers at Aalborg University, the University of Helsinki, Inland Norway University, the University of Eastern Finland, Newcastle University and the University of Lincoln. Members of YPW also contribute to the activities of several international research organizations and networks such as ESA, ISA, ASA, RECE, EERA, NERA and Ethnography and Education.
Research network MYECI
The strategic research milieu Migrant Youth, Education, Culture & Identity links scholars from Iceland, Norway, Denmark and the UK with the YPW-group
Learn more about Migrant Youth, Education, Culture & Identity
Collquia and seminar
YPW organizes one colloquium and one seminar:
Colloquium of Young People, Precariousness and Wellbeing (YPW)
The multi-disciplinary colloquium, YPW- colloquium, research interest focuses on issues related to social justice in education and children’s and young people’s living conditions and everyday lives. More specifically, the main research interests of the YPW-colloquium are issues connected to segregation, social class, gender equality, sexuality and gender identity, student victimization and children’s and young people’s well-being. The colloquium is led by Nils Hammarén and Helene Fransson.
YPW seminar
The seminar is a shared forum for presenting and discussing the research work produced by the members of this research theme.The seminar is led by Johannes Lunneblad.