University of Gothenburg

Doctoral students och projects

Below is a list of current doctoral students and their projects.

Erik Andersson
LL.D. subject: Law of procedure
Thesis subject: Evidence Assessment and the Swedish Asylum Process

Clara Bergstrand
LL.D. subject: Public Law
Thesis project: Control of welfare – On the reclaim of social insurance benefits

Mikael Bernardini
LL.D. subject: Criminal Law
Thesis project: Swedish criminal punishment system and how it has developed during the last decades

Robert Einefors
LL.D. subject: Private Law
Thesis project: Collaboration between three-dimensional real properties: An analysis of the conflicts between the legal entities in three-dimensional real property in Swedish law

Lovisa Fransson
LL.D. subject: Public Law
Thesis project: The legal policy instruments to promote biodiversity in financial decision-making: an analysis on the regulatory effects from the European Green Deal

Johanna Gipperth
LL.D. subject: International Law
Thesis project: Human Rights Justifications in the Anthropocene 

Gina Hedin
LL.D. subject: Tax law
Thesis project: Deduction of input VAT on costs in relation to transaction in shares

Karin Hervéus
LL.D. subject: International Law
Thesis project: EU and the Paradigm of Circularity – towards a common EU framework for labour migration?

Kristina Hultegård
LL.D. subject: Jurisprudence
Thesis project: Story of the child in Swedish courts

David Jersenius
LL.D. subject: Private Law
Thesis project:
Weighing anchor, towards a more sustainable maritime law

David Jivegård
LL.D. subject: Jurisprudence
Thesis project: Relationsship between societal unity and individual difference

Julia Johansson
LL.D. subject: Public Law
Thesis project: The Notion of Risk within Chemicals Legislation

Dmitrii Kuznetsov
LL.D. subject: Public Law
Thesis project:Separation of powers and the role of the judiciary in implementation of states' environmental obligations

Kristjan Laas
LL.D. subject: Environmental Law
Thesis project: No-net-loss, environmental compensation and restoration of marine habitats: Legal constraints and solutions

Hugo Lundberg
LL.D. subject: International law

Thesis project: Unilateral Coercive Measures: Toward an Immanent Social Critique

Hedvig Lärka
LL.D. subject: International law

Thesis project: Mapping the tax wars - a Jurisdictional Approach

Erik Mägi
LL.D. subject: Private Law
Thesis project: How the constitution of legal parenthood has emerged in patterns of norm and exception

Elin Sandegård
LL.D. subject: Public Law
Thesis project: The Swedish abortion act – a matter of rights?

Otto Swedrup
LL.D. subject: Public Law
Thesis project: Creating legal space? - Cooperation between the public sector and civil society in the provision of welfare services

Ellen Verde
LL.D. subject: Jurisprudence

Thesis project: A Silent Revolution – Swedish Constitutionalism and Legal Structure

Martin Westlund
LL.D. subject: International Law
Thesis project: Judicial Power of the European Union: Migration Law and Separation of Powers

Jesper Zackrisson
LL.D. subject: Private Law
Thesis project: Issuers' obligation to disclose inside information under the EU Market Abuse Regulation

Karin Åberg
LL.D. subject: International Law
Thesis project: Human Rights and Humanitarianism