Study here
We provide high-quality education in the disciplines of sociology, work science, criminology, and human resources management.
As an international student you may select from a wide range of courses in sociology, social psychology, criminology and work science at the first cycle (undergraduate) and second cycle (graduate) levels.
We offer two-year master’s degree programmes in sociology and criminology. In cooperation with other departments, we are involved in the international master’s degree programme, Strategic Resources Management and Labour Relations.
International Courses and Programmes
Applied Qualitative Research Methods
15 credits
Contemporary Sociological Analyses and Horizons
15 credits
Emotions in organizations
7.5 credits
Local and global social movements
15 credits
MA-Thesis in Sociology
30 credits
MA-Thesis in Sociology
15 credits
Markets and Welfare in Contemporary Society: Local and Global Perspectives
15 credits
Markets, Welfare and Social Movements: Sociological Perspectives
30 credits
Master's Programme in Strategic Human Resource Management and Labour Relations
120 credits
Programme for Master in Sociology
120 credits
Social Change
15 credits
Sustainability Science and Expertise: Sociological Perspectives
7.5 credits