Applied Analytical Chemistry in Marine Sciences
This course focuses on theory and applications of state-of-the-art methodology and gives a deepened understanding of the analytical techniques needed to characterize physical- and chemical properties of the ocean as well as quantification of individual compounds. The techniques presented are also relevant for a wider application within industry and environmental science.
Chemical measurements in the ocean involve a number of challenges related to the composition of seawater and the large spatial and temporal scales over which measurements are made. The flow of chemicals on local and global scales are closely linked to human activities and the climate of the Earth. To understand the biogeochemical processes the physical and chemical complexity of the seawater as well as the atmosphere and sediments need to be addressed. The analytical challenges involved are many since natural concentrations of many organic and inorganic species are extremely low, only seven ions are present in seawater with a concentration above 1mM. Furthermore, the sea is an organic soup with approximately 100 µM dissolved organic carbon of which only a small fraction are identified. In addition, biogeochemical processes cannot be interpreted through single measurements at single occasions. Therefore, new technologies are emerging, and sensor development are rapidly growing.
The course provides knowledge in the following fields of marine analytical chemistry:
- The use of instrumental analytical techniques
- The use of sensor technology
- Determination of trace organic and inorganic compounds in seawater and sediments
Teaching will be performed as lectures, exercises, laboratory sessions, fieldwork, and practicals. Within several parts of the course oral as well as written presentations are included.
The compulsory components of the course are laboratory sessions (including written and oral presentations) and fieldwork, as well as a written exam.
Prerequisites and selection
Entry requirements
Completed and passed courses comprising 120 credits in the field of natural science or engineering are required, including at least 30 credits within chemistry.
Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits.
Study Facilities at the Department of Marine Sciences