Student taking a photo
Photo: Natalie Greppi

Apply for MFA Programme in Design with Specialisation in Embedded Design

The information on this page concerns application for autumn 2024

Portfolio instructions  

Your application must be anonymous. Do not include your name or contact details in this material. Applications can be written in English or Swedish. We prefer if you write in English as parts of the program's jury are English-speaking. 

Your portfolio to the MFA programme in Embedded Design should include: 

  1. LETTER OF INTENT. Max length 3000 characters including blanks. You are asked to address your studies and professional career to date, as well as the question of why you wish to study the MFA programme in Embedded Design. You are also asked to address how you could assimilate the knowledge from the programme to your own design practice.

    The letter of intent should address the questions:
    - Why do you want to study the MFA in Embedded Design?
    - What are you expecting to learn or gain by participating in the MFA in Embedded Design?
    - How do you want to integrate the skills and knowledge from the programme in your own design practice?
    - What can you contribute to student peers, in collaborations with students and project partners, and to the continued knowledge of the MFA in Embedded Design programme?
  2. CURRICULUM VITAE (CV) – 1 pdf, maximum 2 pages. In the CV you should list your professional and academic experiences that are relevant to the MFA in Embedded Design programme as well as participation in design, artistic and/or business, entrepreneurial, organizational practices including other relevant activities.

3. PORTFOLIO, Design projects or other artistic activities.

Three work samples required. The following formats are accepted:
Video- or audiofiles: max 2 files, max 250 MB each and max 5 minutes in length.
PDF: Size A4, max 20 pages, max 10MB.

In the portfolio, you are required to include work samples from previous academic and/or professional activities in order to illustrate your skills in creative, artistic and design work. It must show the personal direction of your interest in design and as well as skills in presentation, visualization and communication. Work samples can be provided as technical drawings, illustrations or photographs, or in a video format. The work must be presented at least with a title or topic, materials used, size, purpose and year of completion of each project. If you choose to present a work that has been done as a team work, please provide information on which part or role you and your team members had in the project.

4. PORTFOLIO REFLECTION. Max length 2000 characters including blanks. One key feature in the MFA in Embedded Design is a reflection of the learning progression and the definition of your own, as well as collaborative, creative practice. From the start of your studies you are required to begin a process of defining your individual designerly role and expected direction of your studies in design. 

In the portfolio reflection, we ask you to write about an already realized project or a theme within a group of projects that reflect your interests in the area of an embedded design practice within organizational contexts. Please feel free to use images or visualizations as references. We will assess your ability to articulate your learning goals as well as your understanding of the field of design. 

Photo: Natalie Greppi
Photo: Natalie Greppi
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Get to know the educations at HDK-Valand

Assessment/Criteria of the portfolio 

As a whole we will assess:

  • Artistic and design process 
  • Collaborative approach
  • Field of interest 
  • Development potential

Your work samples must meet the assessment criteria to be approved.

Submit your portfolio  

Submit your portfolio through our portfolio tool  SlideRoom . 

SlideRoom closes at midnight (CET) on the day of deadline. When you have submitted your portfolio in time, you receive a confirmation e-mail from SlideRoom. 

We recommend that you upload your material 24 hours before the deadline. Please note that it is not possible to submit your portfolio after the application deadline.  

Photo: Natalie Greppi

Application, selection & admission  

Documentation of Bachelor’s degree and English 6 

Submit all documentation on that shows you fulfill the entry requirement. It is important that you submit complete documentation and follow the country specific guidelines carefully. More information: Provide application documents  

If you submit incomplete documentation you will be considered unqualified. 

Selection and admission

All complete applications are assessed by a jury consisting of the Programme Director and representatives from the department.  

The work samples are considered approved or not approved. If your work samples are not approved, you will be unqualified for the programme. 

If you do not have a Bachelor’s degree in Design you can be granted an exemption. HDK-Valand can grant exemption if an applicant in other ways have demonstrated ability to benefit from programme. Ability to benefit from programme can be demonstrated by: 

  • other relevant education

  • relevant work experience or other practical experience  

  • relevant artistic skills and abilities

Key dates 

16 October 2023: Application round opens 

15 January 2024: Last day to apply on  

15 January 2024: Last day to submit your portfolio in SlideRoom

1 February 2024: Last day to submit documentation of BA Degree/English on  

1 February 2024: Last day to pay the application fee or provide proof you are exempted from paying

21 March 2024: Admission results are published on