Students watching a film
Photo: Natalie Greppi

Apply for MFA Programme in Film

This programme is open for application until 15 January 2024.

Portfolio instructions for autumn 2024

Your portfolio to the MFA Programme in Film should include: 


(Max 3000 characters)

In this section of the application, you are required to describe your professional and creative reasons for pursuing a master's education. Explain why you are interested in inquiry-led education in film, and why specifically the MFA in Film at HDK-Valand.

Your response must include:

a) A brief description of your educational background and your artistic practice.

b) A description of your understanding of the MFA in Film programme at HDK-Valand.

c) A description of the question(s) or enquiries that motivate your interest in the MFA in Film.

d) An outline of how the MFA in Film at HDK-Valand will contribute towards your future professional ambitions.

(Max 3000 characters)

In this section, you are required to describe and reflect on your film/visual practice, and what inspired your projects and processes.

Outline the following areas in your response:
a) Describe the films or visual projects you have made or been involved in. Be clear about your role in each project.
b) Describe the motivations for making these film projects.
c) Describe your artistic method(s) towards the development and production of your film projects. Connect this to your selected work samples (see below).
d) Describe possible research question(s) that motivate your future projects in this MFA in Film.
(Max 1 page, pdf format)

List your education including the names of the institutions, as well as the start and end dates of your studies. Outline your professional background, skills, art/filmography, grants/awards etc. Clearly describe your professional role in each of the projects mentioned in your CV.


Add one or more film-work samples in which you have had a decisive professional role in its making. Your role should be clearly stated in the credits. Your samples can be  - excerpts from a longer film; stand-alone scenes/sequences; or a short film. You are welcome to submit a film project that has been made especially for this application. In total the samples must not exceed 5 minutes.


Navigate to video: Get to know the educations at HDK-Valand
Video (01:00)
Get to know the educations at HDK-Valand
Photo: Natalie Greppi

Portfolio assessment

Emphasis is placed on the applicant's motivation and objectives for the education.
An ability to show a connection of the film samples to the education motivation and professional development with the Masters programme.

Submit your portfolio

Submit your portfolio through our portfolio tool SlideRoom . 

SlideRoom closes at midnight (CET) on the day of deadline. When you have submitted your portfolio in time, you will receive a confirmation e-mail från SlideRoom. 

We recommend that you upload your material 24 hours before the deadline. Please note that it is not possible to submit your portfolio after the application deadline.  

Photo: Natalie Greppi

Application, selection & admission  

Documentation of Bachelor’s degree and English 6 

Submit all documentation on that shows you fulfill the entry requirement. It is important that you submit complete documentation and follow the country specific guidelines carefully. More information: Provide application documents . 

If you submit incomplete documentation you will be considered unqualified. 

Selection and admission

All complete applications are assessed by a jury consisting of the Programme Director and representatives from the department.  

A number of applicants are selected for interviews. The interviews are held at HDK-Valand or conducted online. Notification on whether you are called for an interview or not will be sent to the email address that is registered on  

Applicants who do not meet the entry requirements can be granted exemption if the department judges that the applicant in other ways have demonstrated ability to benefit from programme. Ability to benefit from programme can be demonstrated by:

  • other relevant education
  • relevant work experience or other practical experience
  • relevant artistic skills and abilities

Key dates  

16 October 2023: Application round opens 

15 January 2024: Last day to apply on  

15 January 2024: Last day to submit your portfolio in SlideRoom

1 February 2024: Last day to submit documentation of BA Degree/English on  

1 February 2024: Last day to pay the application fee or provide proof you are exempted from paying

February 2024: Invitations to interviews will be sent out. The invitation is sent to the e-mail address registered on

February 2024: Interviews are held.

21 March 2024: Admission results are published on