
Contending Visions of Global Order: Worldmaking after U.S. Hegemony

Bachelor’s level
15 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Mixed time
Location independent
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 23 000 SEK
First payment: 23 000 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application closed


This course focuses on international relations as they are undergoing deep structural changes at a rapid pace. The breakdown in relations between Russia and the West and increasing tensions between China and the U.S. are at the forefront of this global restructuring. Western sanctions against Russia have impacted the global political economy to the extent of threatening recession in the West, and Russia and China have developed a strategic relationship and are building new regional cooperation in Eurasia.


This course aims at studying the global system as it is undergoing rapid transformation, and global events as they occur. The aim of the course is to focus on the three main actors, Russia, the U.S., and China, and how this triad is maneuvering in or challenging the global order. The course will work with theoretical perspectives from international relations, international political economy, as well as the wider social sciences, including world-systems analysis.

In this course we are also looking at and considering regional cooperation initiatives in relation to the global order. Here, we especially look at what is happening in Eurasia but also the role of, and consequences for, Europe and especially the EU.

A main perspective you will learn to develop in this course is the global, macroscope view. You will also learn to look at how different major actors see their interests in this global environment. You will learn to consider historical and political economy factors in studying global conflict.
The course is highly relevant given the increased conflicts today between the major global powers: The U.S., Russia, and China.   


The teaching is online and consists of both pre-recorded material possible to view at convenience and online real-time zoom seminars and lectures. 

The teaching is conducted in English.

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

General entrance requirements


Selection is based upon average grade from upper secondary school (34 %), the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits (33 %) and Högskoleprovet - Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (33 %).

After graduation

Students taking this course will gain a deeper understanding of global order and global conflict, both as a way of analysing the world and with regard to what is happening today. The knowledge and perspectives can be used in a broad field of application, within politics and political commentary, diplomacy, media, and NGO-work.