
Data Analysis for Earth Sciences

Dataanalys för geovetare

First cycle
7.5 credits (ECTS)

About the Syllabus

Registration number
GU 2024/78
Date of entry into force
Decision date
Valid from semester
Autumn semester 20204
Decision maker
Department of Earth Sciences

Course modules

Computer based exercises, 2.5 Credits
Assignments, 5 Credits


The course includes 7,5 credits at the undergraduated level and is a compulsory course in the N1GVS Bachelor's Programme in Earth Sciences. The course is also offered as an elective course subject to availability.

Entry requirements

Admission to the course requires basic knowledge of statistical analysis in a successfully completed course, for example GVN400 Investigation Methods in Earth Sciences, or equivalent, and at least 60 credits in the main field of Earth Sciences. Students with equivalent education, can after review and approval, be given access to the course.


Course content summary:

  • Basic statistical measures and tests, statistical significance, confidence, intervals, common graphical representations (histogram, cumulative frequency, time series and multi-axis graphs).
  • Elementary coding. What is a script, what are variables, use of multidimensional variables, indexing, logic tests, loops and data aggregation, commenting and -of course! - making graphs. Data and code organization.
  • Scientific writing. How to describe and summarize results, how to write a caption, how to make a presentable graph. How to make a scientific data reusable by writing metadata and documentation.
  • How to select appropriate data analysis methods for geological, hydrological and climate-related data that take into account specific issues that arise in analysis of earth-science data: periodicity, correlation and autocorrelation, and handling of missing data.


On successful completion of the course the student will be able to:

Knowledge and understanding

  • describe the descriptive statistics, hypothesis tests, and data-modelling and graphical techniques that are most important for Earth Sciences.
  • recognize essential pogramming terminology and syntax.
  • describe and take account of particular issues that arise in earth-science data analysis: periodicity, correlation and auto-correlation, and handling missing data.

Competence and skills

  • write scripting code to analyze earth-science data: import raw data, conduct analysis and statistical tests, and create graphs.
  • use and interpret hypothesis tests, confidence intervals and correlation indicies.
  • translate between one-dimensional data perspectives: time-series graphs, distribution visualizations, parametric models and descriptive statistics.
  • compose analysis descriptions that use scientific terminology and conventions. 

Judgement and approach

  • create graphs and tables that clearly convey analysis results.
  • select appropriate methods for data analysis.
  • perform analysis of geological, hydrological and climate-related data, including data selection and pre-treatment.

Sustainability labelling

No sustainability labelling.

Form of teaching

The teaching consists of lectures, computer-based exercises, reading of literature, and supervision.

Language of instruction: English

Examination formats

The student will be examined by:

Component 1: Computer based exercises, 2,5 credits: U/G

Component 2: Assignments, 5 credits: U/G/VG

If a student who has twice received a failing grade for the same examination component wishes to change examiner ahead of the next examination session, such a request should be made to the department in writing and should be approved by the department unless there are special reasons to the contrary (Chapter 6, Section 22 of Higher Education Ordinance).

If a student has received a recommendation from the University of Gothenburg for study support for students with disabilities, the examiner may, where it is compatible with the learning outcomes of the course and provided that no unreasonable resources are required, decide to allow the student to sit an adjusted exam or alternative form of assessment.

In the event that a course has ceased or undergone major changes, students are to be guaranteed at least three examination sessions (including the ordinary examination session) over a period of at least one year, but no more than two years after the course has ceased/been changed. The same applies to internships and professional placements (VFU), although this is restricted to just one additional examination session.


The grading scale comprices: Pass with Distinction (VG), Pass (G) and Fail (U).

For the grade Pass (G) in the course the grade Pass (G) is required for all components in the course. For the grade Pass with Distinction (VG), the grade Pass with Distinction (VG) is required on component 2 Assignments.

Course evaluation

The students are given the opportunity to make an anonymous written evaluation of the course.

The result of and possible changes to the course will be shared with the students who participated in the evaluation and students who are starting the course.

Other regulations

Students admitted to N1GVS Bachelor's Programme in Earth Sciences are given priority for admission to the course.