
Degree Project in Physiology and Cell Biology

Master’s level
30 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 64 000 SEK
First payment: 64 000 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees


The course is primarily for you that are interested in developing your laboratory skills, and want to work with questions related to the physiology of plants and animals on a cellular or organismal level. By carrying out an individual project associated to one of our research groups you will gain insight in current research as well as research methodologies.


During the degree project course you are given the opportunity to deepen both your practical and theoretical knowledge of physiology or cell biology. You will carry out an individual project, closely linked to current research, usually within one of the ongoing research projects at the Department of Biological & Environmental Sciences.

You will spend most of the time collecting and analysing data, but you are expected to take part in all steps from planning to presenting the results. Hence, at the end of the course you should have acquired good knowledge of research methodologies relevant for the specific subject.

 The focus and scope of the project is determined in consultation between you and your supervisor, and you must contact potential supervisors to discuss possible projects well in advance before the course starts. Who you should contact depends on what type of research you are interested in. If you consider an external project (e.g. at other institutions, industries or governmental agencies) you should contact the course coordinator to discuss the feasibility.

Research within physiology or cell biology at the department includes several areas, and may focus on either plants or animals. Potential degree projects encompass questions from how general physiological processes at an organismal level are affected by environmental factors such as toxins, temperature, salt concentrations or oxygen, to detailed studies at cellular and organelle level (e.g. cell signalling, enzyme activity, membrane transport). More  information about current research projects as well as contact information can be found at the department’s web-page.

You are expected to have an approved project and supervisor before the course starts. The degree project usually covers two semesters (60 hec) but may also be limited to 30 or 45 hec. Regardless, you have to apply for the 30 hec-course; the technicalities are sorted out when the course starts.

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

Passed basic courses in biology, comprising 60 credits and at least one passed advanced course on a relevant subject of at least 15 credits. In addition, a passed degree project at bachelor level of at least 15 credits in a biology related area is required.


Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 285 credits


You will be stationed in the Natrium building, on Medicinareberget in Gothenburg (Medicinaregatan 7B). Some projects may also include time at the marine research station at Kristineberg outside Fiskebäckskil.