Dependable Real-Time Systems
Master’s level
7.5 credits (ECTS)
Offered by the
Department of Computer Science and Engineering
at the
Faculty of Science and Technology
This course is intended to give a deeper understanding of the problems involved in designing dependable real-time systems based on multiprocessor architectures. Specifically, the course covers the following topics:
- Background: motivation for; and definition of; real-time computing systems.
- Characteristics of real-time systems: application constraints; design methods; task models; run-time mechanisms; architectures.
- Evaluation of real-time systems: performance measures; evaluation methodologies.
- Single and multiprocessor scheduling: problem definition; terminology; and algorithms.
- Complexity theory and NP-completeness in the context of real-time scheduling.
- Real-time communications: protocols and end-to-end delay guarantees.
- Fault-tolerance techniques for real-time systems: models; algorithms and architectures.
Prerequisites and selection
Entry requirements
To be eligible for the course students should have successfully completed courses corresponding to 120 higher education credits within the subject Computer Science or equivalent. In addition, a pass grade in the preparatory course DIT162 Real-Time systems, 7.5 credits, is required. Applicants must prove knowledge of English: English 6/English B or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS.
Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 285 credits