The skin is our largest organ. Knowledge and understanding about chemical and immunological interactions between the skin and our environment are central in the context of a sustainable society. Every day, we are exposed to a multitude of chemical compounds. Sometimes, the exposure is deliberate, as for topical or transdermal drug delivery, but equally frequent the exposure is unintended.
The course Dermatochemistry provides in-depth knowledge about the central aspects of pharmacy and biotoxicology in the context of skin uptake. The course is interdisciplinary and deals with
- the structure, function and immunology of the skin
- mechanistic understanding of chemical structure-activity relations and photochemistry
- methods for studies of skin uptake, risk analysis and prevention.
A central component of the course is a project work on a research topic of your choice.
Dermatochemistry is a course intended for students during the last year of the Pharmacy programme. It can also be applied for as an elective stand-alone course for other programmes.
The course consists of lectures, seminars and a project work, both in group and individually. The examination includes a written exam, as well as written and oral presentations. The project work includes literature survey, report writing and peer-review.
The course is taught in English.
Prerequisites and selection
Entry requirements
90 credits within Pharmacy/Medicine or 75 credicts in chemistry including KEM031, Organic chemistry (15 credits). Students with equal qualifications can be admitted.
Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits.
After graduation
If you are a student at the Pharmacy programme, you will normally proceed with your master’s project after this course. If you take this course as an elective stand-alone course, you can potentially fit it in in your programme curriculum. If you are already working, this course can be seen as competence development.
The course is given on Campus Medicinareberget.
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