Pictures of students working together

Eat - Food Culture, Materiality and Design

Bachelor’s level
15 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Mixed time
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 74 750 SEK
First payment: 74 750 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application closed


This course is for those who are interested in the connection between design and eating. Through fundamental design methods, we work with concepts and phenomena in food culture and design to create common knowledge and understanding. We do this through workshops, literature, field trips, supervision and discussions, both individually and collectively in group meetings as well as through individual project work.


Eating can involve an infinite number of different things. It can be about survival, pleasure or stress as well as meetings, time and access. Eating has different meanings for everyone.

The course is aimed at you who is interested in the relations between design and eating. Perhaps you involved in the restaurant business, work with design or have an interest for food culture. Through basic design methods the students of the course will work with concepts of design and food culture to create collective knowledge and understanding. Together you will explore the meal as a platform for conversation, reflection, experiences and meetings. The materiality, spatiality and choreography of eating – that is, the things we use, the space we are in and how we move about – is the hub of your exploratory design work.

During the semester you will engage in a design project that has its entry point in one of the three themes of the course: Food – Body (such as the senses and norms), Food – Politics (such as power and resource allocation) and Food – Artefacts (such as function and materials)

At our website you can learn about workshops, student work and course related events from previous semesters.

The course is taught in English.

Course sessions  

The course meetings are planned to primarily take place on Mondays and Tuesdays starting from week 37. Initially, the course meetings will be held every third week, which will then transition to meetings approximately every other week.

A more detailed schedule for the course will be published in Timeedit and Canvas in June 2024.

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

General entrance requirements

Apply in three steps

1. Apply for the course at Deadline 15 April, 2024.

2. To this course you can apply with a portfolio. Submit your portfolio in SlideRoom. Deadline 15 April, 2024. 

3. Submit documentation proving you meet the entry requirements of the course on Deadline June 20, 2024.

If you want to apply with a portfolio, it must contain the following:1. CV (in English or Swedish), maximum 4000, characters including space. 

2. Letter of Intent (In English or Swedish) - The letter is a written motivation describing why you are applying to the course and how you look at the relationship between food culture and design. 

3. Provide up to 5 pictures representing your practice and your interest in food culture. Your own practice can include design, artistic practice, visual communication, restaurant work, food blogs, events, urban gardening, performance etc. 
Your application must be anonymous. Do not include name or contact details anywhere in this material.


Selection is based upon average grade from upper secondary school (25 %), Högskoleprovet - Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test (25 %) and portfolio (50%).