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German Contemporary Literature and Culture: Reception, Transfer and Context

Master’s programme
2 years
120 credits (ECTS)


The programme deals with contemporary German literature and its cultural reception and mediation. For example, you gain an overview of the various areas of literature mediation in the German-speaking countries, primarily publishing, journalism and literary awards. You delve into the authorships of various contemporary writers while also studying literary theory and literary history courses that place contemporary and post-war German literature into a European context.


Information auf Deutsch

The main field of study throughout the programme is German, and the main questions in the programme therefore concern contemporary German literature and its cultural reception and mediation, as well as its various historical, theoretical and international contexts.

Programme structure and content

German is the language of instruction in the compulsory courses within the programme. Independent projects are written in German. Other courses are given in English, German, Swedish (if the student has knowledge of Swedish) or another language specified in the syllabus for the selected course.

More information about programme structure and content

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

A Degree of Bachelor of Arts, and 60 credits of German with at least 30 credits from TY1210 or the equivalent Swedish or foreign courses. The credits taken in German may be outside the Bachelor's degree. In addition, language proficiency equivalent to English 6 is required.

After graduation

The programme leads to a Degree of Master of Arts (120 credits) in German.

Through the programme, you acquire a broad knowledge base: it therefore prepares you for a flexible working life and for doctoral studies in German. The programme’s profile links cultural, literary, (inter)medial and aesthetic discourses with a practical orientation and action competence. This prepares the student for an always dynamic international labour market.

The programme’s specialisations mean opportunities for positions in, for example, the cultural and literary sectors.


The Faculty of Humanities, Renströmsgatan 6, Gothenburg