Reading list

Global Studies: Key Concepts

First cycle
7.5 credits (ECTS)

About the Reading list

Valid from
Autumn semester 2024 (2024-09-02)
Decision date

Chapter in book

Appadurai, Arjun. 1996. Disjuncture and Difference in the Global Cultural Economy. In Modernity at Large: Cultural Dimensions of Globalization. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 27–47.

Darian-Smith, Eve. 2018. Decolonizing Global Studies. In Mark Juergensmeyer, Saskia Sassen, Manfred B. Steger and Victor Faessel (eds.) The Oxford Handbook of Global Studies. Oxford University Press, 251–274.

Della Porta, Donatella, Massimiliano Andretta and Lorenzo Mosca. 2006. Globalization and Social Movements. In Globalization from Below: Transnational Activists and Protest Networks. Minneapolis: University of Minnesota Press, 1–26.

Eriksen, Thomas Hylland. 2007. Introduction. In Globalization: The Key Concepts. Oxford: Berg, 1–14.

Friedmann, Harriet. 2005. From Colonialism to Green Capitalism: Social Movements and Emergence of Food Regimes. In Frederick H. Buttel and Philip McMichael (eds.). New Directions in the Sociology of Global Development. Bingley: Emerald Group Publishing Limited, 227–264.

Grasseni, Cristina. 2020. Direct Food Provisioning: Collective Food Procurement. In J. K. Gibson-Graham and Kelly Dombroski (eds). The Handbook of Diverse Economies. Edward Elgar Publishing Limited, 223–229.

Scholte, Jan Aart. 2005. Introduction. In Globalization: A Critical Introduction. (2nd Edition). New York: Palgrave Macmillan, 1–12.

Wallerstein, Immanuel. 2007. Historical Origins of World-Systems Analysis: From Social Science Disciplines to Historical Social Sciences. In World-Systems Analysis: An Introduction. Durham: Duke University Press, 1–22.

West, Paige. 2012. The World of Coffee from Papua New Guinea. In From Modern Production to Imagined Primitive: The Social World of Coffee from Papua New Guinea. Durham/London: Duke University Press, 1–32.


Bakari, Mohamed El-Kamel. 2013. Globalization and Sustainable Development: False Twins. New Global Studies, 7(3): 23–56.

Brumann, Christoph. 2014. Shifting Tides of World-Making in the UNESCO World Heritage Convention: Cosmopolitanisms Colliding. Ethnic and Racial Studies, 37(12): 2176–2192.

Caldwell, Melissa L. 2004. Domesticating the French Fry: McDonald’s and Consumerism in Moscow. Journal of Consumer Culture, 4(1): 5–26.

Devine, Jennifer A. 2016. Contesting Global Heritage in the Chicle Workers' Museum. Latin American Research Review, 51(3): 101–122.

Dauvergne, Peter. 2021. The Globalization of Artificial Intelligence: Consequences for the Politics of Environmentalism. Globalizations, 18(2): 285–299.

Evans, Peter. 2008. Is an Alternative Globalization Possible? Politics & Society, 36(2): 271–305.

Grasseni, Cristina. 2011. Re-Inventing Food: Alpine Cheese in the Age of Global Heritage. Anthropology of Food, 8 (online).

Hinds, Kristina. 2023. Invisible on the Globe but not in the Global: Decolonising IR Using Small Island Vistas. Review of International Studies, 49(3): 368–378.

Holt Giménez, Eric and Annie Shattuck. 2011. Food Crises, Food Regimes and Food Movements: Rumblings of Reform or Tides of Transformation. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 38(1):109–144.

Kumar, Kundan. 2014. The Sacred Mountain: Confronting Global Capital at Niyamgiri. Geoforum, 54: 196–206.

Nirmal, Padini and Dianne Rocheleau. 2019. Decolonizing Degrowth in the Post-Development Convergence: Questions, Experiences, and Proposals from Two Indigenous Territories. ENE: Nature and Space, 2(3): 465–492.

Nygren, Anja, Markus Kröger and Barry Gills. 2022. Global Extractivisms and Transformative Alternatives. The Journal of Peasant Studies, 49(4): 734–759.

Phillips, Lynne. 2006. Food and Globalization. Annual Review of Anthropology, 35: 37–57.

Prempeh, E. Osei Kwadwo. 2004. Anti-Globalization Forces, the Politics of Resistance, and Africa: Promises and Perils. Journal of Black Studies, 34(4): 580–598.

Richards, Patricia. 2014. Decolonizing Globalization Studies. The Global South, 8(2): 139–154.

Robinson, Guy M. 2018. Globalization of Agriculture. Annual Review of Resource Economics, 10: 133–60.

Robinson, Guy M. 2023. Globalization Futures. Research in Globalization, 7.

Sage, Colin. 2013. The Interconnected Challenges for Food Security from a Food Regimes Perspective: Energy, Climate and Malconsumption. Journal of Rural Studies 29: 71–80.

Sassen, Saskia. 2002. Locating Cities on Global Circuits. Environment & Urbanization, 14(1): 13–30.

Schlosberg, David and Romand Coles. 2016. The New Environmentalism of Everyday Life: Sustainability, Material Flows and Movements. Contemporary Political Theory, 15(2): 160–181.

Tsing, Anna. 2000. The Global Situation. Cultural Anthropology, 15(3): 327–360.

Van Oudenhoven, Frederik J.W. and L. Jamila Haider. 2012. Imagining Alternative Futures through the Lens of Food in the Afghan and Tajik Pamir Mountains. Revue d’ethnoécologie 2,

Zaslove, Andrej. 2008. Exclusion, Community, and a Populist Political Economy: The Radical Right as an Anti-Globalization Movement. Comparative European Politics, 6: 169–189.