Reading list

Globalization, Poverty and International Social Work

Second cycle
15 credits (ECTS)

About the Reading list

Valid from
Spring semester 2025 (2025-01-20)
Decision date

Established by the Board of Department 2010-06-01 with changes 2012-05-29, 2013-09-09, 2017-05-
08, 2018-09-04, 2022-10-04, 2024-11-25 starting from spring 2025.

*For all literature the most recent edition is used unless otherwise indicated (not articles).

Androff, David & Damanik, Janianton (2024). Social development, social work, and the sustainable development goals. In Androff, David & Damanik, Janianton, The Routledge International Handbook of Social Development, Social Work, and the Sustainable Development Goals. New York: Routledge, 1–31. [31 p.] 

Becevic, Zulmir & Herz, Marcus (2023) Towards an agonistic social work: a framwork for political action and radical practice. European Journal of Social Work, 26(6), 1164–1177. [13 p.]

Bell, Derek (2013). Climate change and human rights. WIREs Climate Change, 4, 159–170. [11 p.]

Björngren Cuadra, Carin (2011). Right of access to health care for undocumented migrants in EU: a comparative study of national policies. European Journal of Public Health, 22(2), 267–271. [4 p.]

Brysk, Alison (2005): Human Rights and Private Wrongs: Constructing Global Civil Society. New York: Routledge, chapters 1 & 6. [26 p.] 

Cosgrove, Serena & Curtis, Benjamin (2018). Understanding Global Poverty: Causes, Capabilities and Human Development. Routledge. (E-book) [283 p.]
And chapters from Ritzer (2016) 

D’Alessandro, Simone, Cieplinski, André, Distefano, Tiziano & Dittmer, Kristofer (2020). Feasible alternatives to green growth. Nature Sustainability, 3(April), 329–335. [6 p.]

De Haas, Hein, Castles, Stephen & Miller, Mark J. (2019). The Age of Migration. International Population Movements in the Modern World. Bloomsbury. [167 p.] 

Dominelli, Lena (2023). Social work practice during times of disaster: a transformative green social work model for theory, education and practice in disaster interventions. Routledge. (E-book: Introduction & chapter 4.) [48 p.]

Forsythe, David P. (2021). Advanced Introduction to: The Politics of International Human Rights. Edward Elgar Publishing, chapter 3 & 7. [34 p.]

Healy, Lynn M. (2024). Sustainable development Goal 10: The challenge of reducing inequality. In Androff, David & Damanik, Janianton, The Routledge International Handbook of Social Development, Social Work, and the Sustainable Development Goals. New York: Routledge, 138–152. [15 p.]

Healy, L. M. & Thomas, R. L. (2021). International Social Work: Professional Action in an Interdependent World. Oxford University Press. (E-book, chapters 1, 2, 3, 5, 9 & 13.) [146 p.]

Ife, Jim (2016): “Human Rights and Social Work: Beyond Conservative Law” in Journal of Human Rights and Social Work 1 (1). pp. 3-8. 5 p.

Koehler, Gabriele (2017). The 2030 Agenda and eradicating poverty: New horizons for global social policy? Global Social Policy, 17(2), 210–216. [7 p.] 

Makili-Aliyev, Kamal (2025) Revisiting Sweden's Approach to Human Rights in Foreign Policy. Studies in European Affairs, forthcoming. [ca 8 p.]

Piper, Nicola, Hennebry, Jenna & Likic-Brboric, Branka (2024). (International) migration and the SDGs. In Androff, David & Damanik, Janianton, The Routledge International Handbook of Social Development, Social Work, and the Sustainable Development Goals. New York: Routledge, 166–180. [15 p.]

Ritzer, George (2016). The Blackwell Companion to Globalization. Wiley Blackwell. (E-book: chapters 1–6, 12, 14, 18, 26–29 & 34.) [248 p.]

Roby, Jini L. (2005). Women and children in the global sex trade: Toward more effective policy. International Social Work, 48(2), 136–147. [11 p.]

Sewpaul, Vishanthie (2024). Social work, Covid-19 and the sustainable development goals: A South African perspective. In Androff, David & Damanik, Janianton, The Routledge International Handbook of Social Development, Social Work, and the Sustainable Development Goals. New York: Routledge, 244–256. [13 p.]

Smet, Andries De; Dirix, Jo; Diependaele, Lisa & Sterckx, Sigrid (2015) *”Globalization *and Responsibility for Human Rights”, Journal of Human Rights, 14:3, 419-438. (19p.)

World Health Organization (2022) World report on health of refugees and migrants [selection of 60 pages, freely available online]