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Photo: Malin Arnesson

How to apply for an internship at the Master's programme in Public Health Science

Are you studying the Master's programme in Public Health Science and want to apply for an internship? Choose between an internship course for 20 or 10 weeks. Here are some tips on possible internships and information on how to apply.


During the second year, you will have the opportunity to complete an internship. Choose between two internship courses, either a 20 weeks course or a 10 weeks course. Read more about the courses and how to apply below.


You may intern in a number of settings, such as at a company, an organization, or in a research setting. You are ultimately responsible for finding an internship placement that matches your interests though opportunities will be continually shared with you by the course coordinator. Internships should have a clear connection to the field of public health and must be approved by the course coordinator before the internship begins.

Here are som tips on possible internships:

  • FoU R&D Primary Care for Region Västra Götaland (a centre for research and development in the field of welfare)
  • The Ministry of Health and Social Affairs, Sweden
  • RFSU (Swedish non-profit organization with a focus on sexual and reproductive health and rights)
  • Choices Program (help consumers make healthy choices)
  • IQVIA (collect data and give advanced analysis to healthcare system)
  • Boston Scientific (global life science company)
  • Cochlear (world-leading within hearing device implants)
  • Mahidol University in Bangkok (work with public health in an international environment)
  • Rajarata University i Sri Lanka (improve population health with local researchers)

Internship courses