
Literary Writing in Exile

Bachelor’s level
15 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Mixed time
Location independent
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 74 750 SEK
First payment: 74 750 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application closed, late application opens 15 July 2024.


The course highlights the role of exile literature within a democratic public sphere. The aim of the course is to enable you to develop your fiction writing by critically reflecting on issues of movement between countries, languages, literary publics and contexts.


This course focuses on the role that exile literature plays within a larger democratic community and the discussion of how exile is shaping contemporary literature. The purpose of the course is to provide students with an opportunity to develop their literary writing and to reflect together with others on questions concerning transitions between nations, countries, languages and literary contexts and communities.Students will explore the theme of exile in relation to their own writing as well as the writing of others. The course discusses strategies and methods you can use to develop your writing in situations where the context of the literary work is changing. The course deals with literary writing, reading and translation in relation to experiences of displacement and loss – as well as reorientation and innovation. 
The main part of the course will be taking place online on Fridays, with lectures, seminars and workshops. The examination seminars in the end of the course will be scheduled to Gothenburg, but with the possibility to participate digitally.

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

General entry requirements + approved work sample. Exceptions may be made for Swedish when the language of instruction is English.

Apply in three steps

1. Apply for the course at Deadline April 15, 2024. 
2. Submit your letter of intent in SlideRoom. Deadline April 15, 2024. 
3. Submit documentation proving you meet the entry requirements of the course on Deadline June 20, 2024.

Your work sample should consist of a newly written text containing the following themes:

1. Tell about, or refer to, a literary work or author in exile that has influenced your own thinking and writing.
2. Briefly describe your own experience of writing and/or literary work.
3. Describe why you are applying to the course. 4. In this course, we work collectively and experiment with different ways of working with writing. What are your thoughts on that? 
The text can be written in Swedish or English. Maximum 5000 characters including spaces. Your application must be anonymous. Do not include name or contact details anywhere in this material. 

The text will be assessed based on the following criteria:
- Ability to reflect on own writing
- Ability to place your own literary work in relation to the themes of the course.- Experience/ability to work artistically in collective work forms.


The selection is based on submitted work samples.