
Master's Programme in Global Studies

Master’s programme
2 years
120 credits (ECTS)
Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 188 040 SEK
First payment: 47 010 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application closed

Study pace
Study form
Application period
Application code
Full education cost: 188 040 SEK
First payment: 47 010 SEK

No fees are charged for EU and EEA citizens, Swedish residence permit holders and exchange students.

More information about tuition fees

Application opens 17 March 2025


Are you keen on working for a more equal, sustainable and inclusive world? As a student of the Master Programme in Global Studies, you will gain an in-depth understanding of how global challenges shape lives, environments, and possibilities for action and imagination. Focusing on top-notch interdisciplinary research and the development of real-life skills, the programme enables you to contribute to a more sustainable world.


Climate change and environmental degradation, the realization of post-carbon futures, and the persistence of both large-scale armed conflicts and mundane forms of violence are all challenges that have effects on social and ecological systems across the planet. As states, international organizations, and transboundary economic and social actors compete and collaborate to tackle the issues at hand, the Master Programme in Global Studies at the University of Gothenburg helps you understand how structures and actors’ specific interests and capabilities interact and contribute to the dynamics of change.

The programmme is squarely situated within the diverse and multi-perspective field of Global Studies and is informed by a historical and socio-ecological sensitivity toward the understanding of contemporary global challenges. The programme provides you with the analytical skills to understand the complexity of global challenges as well as the capacity to identify political alternatives to address them. As a genuinely interdisciplinary and multi-perspective field, Global Studies helps you examine and comprehend the transnational features—those that cut across categories such as local, state, regional, international, private, public—of the political, social, economic, and environmental dynamics that characterize today’s planetary challenges. Understanding how they have unfolded over time and in context with other factors such as the emergence of secularization, the ‘modern’ state, capitalism, or imperialism, builds the foundation for in-depth inquiries. In addition, the student-centered and inclusive approach to teaching and learning constitutes the perfect environment for you to translate such understandings into ways to develop society towards fair and equitable socio-ecological solutions. Graduates of Global Studies, thus, can lead the change towards a world in which the policies of today do not become tomorrow’s problems.

Programme structure and content

Teaching and learning within the programme are research-oriented, problem-based as well as skills-developing activities. The first year combines building student knowledge through a broad set of analytical insights (Perspectives, Globalities and Methodology courses—term 1) and the application of such knowledge in a problem-based simulation as well as its continuous refinement (Project course as well as internship or proficiency course—term 2).  Year two is decisively research-oriented and provides thematic input drawing on faculty expertise in the Environmental Social Sciences, Social Anthropology and Global Relations for the identification and development of the Master thesis (elective courses, research practice and design as well as Master thesis, term 3 and 4). Teaching combines various innovative approaches such as simulations and novel examination formats with group work and regular teaching based on solid research experience by teachers from different disciplinary backgrounds. This guarantees intellectual openness and a variety of perspectives.

Who should apply?

The Master in Global Studies prepares students to be productive members of communities who, based on solid knowledge and ideas, can help develop sustainable solutions to current and upcoming problems. They will be equipped to develop visions for convivial and positive human development.

If you are creative and interested in designing and implementing solutions for societal challenges and if your vision goes beyond national borders to include global connections, this programme is for you. You will engage in knowledge and systematic inquiry which will be applied in practical ways.

Prerequisites and selection

Entry requirements

A Bachelor's degree with a minimum of 30 credits within the Social Sciences or Humanities.

Applicants must prove their knowledge of English: English 6 from Swedish upper secondary school, or the equivalent level of an internationally recognized test, for example TOEFL or IELTS.


Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits.

After graduation

Students of the MSc Global Studies acquire knowledge, skills and understanding pivotal for working towards sustainable solutions of planetary challenges. Graduates have contributed to such solutions within multilateral organizations including the UN, non-governmental organizations, media as well as national and local administrations worldwide. A degree within Global Studies additionally enables you to continue work within research as analyst for think tanks or pursuing a doctoral degree within the social sciences. The School of Global Studies hosts PhD programmes within Environmental Social Sciences, Social Anthropology as well as Peace and Development Research.


The teaching facilities of the School of Global Studies are located in central Gothenburg. Most classes are held in the historic building of Annedalsseminariet, which faces a beautiful English garden. Our locales are well-equipped with learning technology and we offer teaching in gallery-seated lecture halls and smaller rooms for seminars or group sessions. We also have group rooms and study places that you may use on both weekdays and weekends. Annedalsseminariet is accessible with an elevator, orientation signs in Braille, a ramp at the entrance door, accessible WC, and automatic door openers. Tram and bus stops are nearby. The Social Sciences Library, where you find your course literature, is within a 10-minute walk, and in the surrounding areas, Linnéstaden and Haga, there are plenty of cafés and vibrant student life.


An internship is part of the Global Studies master, in which you broaden your experience and work with an NGO, state or private organisation. The skills you acquire will enable you to understand your own research contribution to Global Studies better while preparing you to bring your knowledge and analytical potential to the labour market. National as well as international internships are possible.