
Meet students and alumni at ITLGU

Here are two of our alumni at the International master's programme in Information Technology and Learning.


What attracted you to choose this program in particular?

I was particularly drawn to the program due to its well-structured curriculum and the comprehensive range of courses offered. I would say, the master's program strikes an excellent balance between theoretical foundation and practical applications, blending key concepts in learning, communication, and information technology. This trajectory provided me with the opportunities to explore my interests and enhance areas of expertise. In addition, the unique entanglement of the program, which combines the Department of Education and the Department of Applied IT, along with the opportunities to connect with their well-known researchers, has also immediately captured my interest when deciding on a program for my continued studies.

During the third term of the program, where you had the opportunity to delve deeper into a specific area or subject through elective courses, what did you choose to specialize in?

During the third term of the program, I chose to do an internship with one of the research groups at Gothenburg University as part of my elective course. The internship program provided me with the opportunity to delve deeper into my future career path and gain practical experience in applying the theories and methods I had learned during the first year of the master's program. Throughout the internship, I collaborated with both Swedish and international research members, which provided me with a space to explore and discuss my research interests within the topic of "literacies" and the development of digital technologies. This internship experience not only allowed me to continue exploring these areas but also provided me with the opportunity to write my master's thesis in collaboration with the research group, focusing on the overarching theme of critical data literacy and social media. I strongly believe that this internship experience has equipped me with a solid research foundation and the experiences necessary to support my current position as a PhD research fellow.

Could you please share what you are currently working on and how it relates to your experience in the program?

I just started my PhD studies at Oslo Metropolitan University in Norway. I work with the SciLMi research project: Meta-Scientific Literacies in the (Mis-)Information Age, a Teacher Academy project funded by the EU's Erasmus+ program. The project aims to develop, pilot, and evaluate hybrid courses for teachers to equip them with the competence to teach students how to interpret information. My primary focus within this project is on teachers' pedagogical competences and designing continuous professional development programs to help them improve their competences and teaching strategies for educating students about socio-scientific information on digital and social media platforms. This PhD project is closely aligned with and builds upon the courses I completed during my master's studies, including theoretical foundations, literacies in the digital world, design and method courses, and professional learning in digital worlds. So for those interested in pursuing a career in academia as researchers or within industries as learning designers, I highly recommend considering this master's program as it offers valuable preparation for both paths.

A smiling man in a shirt with pattern


What attracted you to choose this program in particular?

Having a bachelor's degree in education, I am always curious about the adoption of technology in learning environments, especially since I don't have a technical background. This program stood out because it welcomed individuals from varied backgrounds and offered a unique blend of education and IT. It promised a global exchange of ideas, allowing me to interact with classmates from every corner of the world, enriching my perspectives and preparing me for a more integrated approach to technology in learning.

During the third term of the program, where you had the opportunity to delve deeper into a specific area or subject through elective courses, what did you choose to specialize in?

Inspired by the first and second terms of the program, which introduced me to the fascinating world of human-computer interaction, I chose Interaction Design from Umeå university as my elective. This course further ignited my passion for understanding how technology interfaces can be designed to enhance user experiences. It provided me with a deeper appreciation for the subtleties of user-centered design and the importance of creating intuitive, accessible digital environments.

Could you please share what you are currently working on and how it relates to your experience in the program?

My current job as a Product Manager directly benefits from the program's focus on the intersection of IT and learning. The program equipped me with the skills to navigate the complexities of digital product development and foster collaboration between cross-functional teams of both UX designers and software developers. It has been instrumental in enabling me to bridge the gap between technical possibilities and user's needs, leading to the creation of innovative and impactful e-learning solutions.

A man in dark suit sitting on a chair