Ornithological identification methodology
This distance education course will give you tools to identify Scandinavian birds. The course includes a workshop that gives you practical experiences of handling wild birds.
External morphology of birds and their moulting patterns are properties that are used to determine species, gender and age. This course provides the basic knowledge required to identify birds. You will learn to describe a bird in a standardized and consistent manner in terms of its external morphology and become familiar with methods of determining the age and sex of birds.
You will be presented to a selection of bird species that regularly occur in Scandinavia and their sounds, and is expected after the course to be able to identify these species. You also learn how to handle live birds for capture, ringing and sampling.
The course is given in the form of distance education except for the last part of the course, which includes a few days of intensive study where excursions are included.
Prerequisites and selection
Entry requirements
University studies of a minimum of 60 credits in Biology. Applicants must prove their knowledge ofEnglish: English 5/English A from Swedish Upper Secondary School or the equivalent level of aninternationally recognized test, for example TOEFL, IELTS.
Selection is based upon the number of credits from previous university studies, maximum 165 credits.
This is mainly a distance course, but there are also a few days of intensive studies on location in Gothenburg.