Project Management and Evaluation
The course provides introductory knowledge to project management and evaluation in activities relevant to global challenges. During the course, you will gain basic theoretical knowledge of and skills in, for example, financial and administrative planning, conflict resolution and impact analysis.
The course provides introductory knowledge to project management and evaluation in activities relevant to global challenges. You will gain basic theoretical knowledge of and skills in, for example, financial and administrative planning, conflict resolution and impact analysis. You will also study methods for evaluation and analysis of the social context within which projects are carried out. An important part of the course is to consider contextual and ethical dimensions in projects and evaluations.
Please consider that the course is offered with English as the language of instruction in the spring semester, and in Swedish in the autumn semester.
Prerequisites and selection
Entry requirements
To be admitted to the course, 60 credits in a social sciences subject is required.
After graduation
The subject of global studies is aimed to students who want to work in organizations that deal with global challenges in social, economic and ecological sustainability. The studies' broad social science perspective gives you the prerequisites for a deeper understanding of current issues and you will learn to critically analyze social phenomena in a globalized world.