Reading list

Religious Fundamentalism and Violent Extremism

Religiös fundamentalism och våldsbejakande extremism

Second cycle
7.5 credits (ECTS)

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Dwyer, Philip (2022), Violence: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780198831730, 160 pages.

Véronique Altglas (2022), Religion and Conflict in Northern Ireland: What Does Religion Do? Cham: Palgrave MacMillan.

Juergensmeyer, Mark (2022), When Gods Stops Fighting: How Religious Violence Ends. Berkeley: University of California Press, ISBN 9780520384736, 196 pages.

Ruthven, Malise (2007), Fundamentalism: A Very Short Introduction. Oxford: Oxford University Press, ISBN 9780199212705, 176 pages.

Articles (all accessible via the Library of the University of Gothenburg)

Axelson, Tomas & Jonas Stier (2020) Religions – a Janus-Faced Phenomenon in Local Politics: A Swedish Interreligious council and Participants’ Views on Religions as a Possible Asset for Social Cohesion in the Local Community, Interreligious Studies and Intercultural Theology, 4(2): 224-246.

Blee, Katheen M. (1991). Women in the 1920s’ Ku Klux Klan Movement. Feminist Studies, 17(1): 57-77.

Clemmow, Caitlin; Gill, Paul; Bouhana, Noémie; Silver, James and Horgan, John (2020), Disaggregating Line-actor Grievance- fuelled Violence: Comparing Lone-actor Terrorists and Mass Murderers, Terrorism and Political Violence 34(3): 558–584.

Gill, Paul, Horgan, John & Deckert, Paige (2014). Bombing alone: Tracing the Motivations and Antecedent Behaviors of Lone-Actor Terrorists, Journal of Forensic Sciences, 59(2): 425-435.

Greenwood, Maja Taouzari (2019). When Foreign Fighters Come Home: The Story of Six Danish Returnees. Perspective on Terrorism, 13(4): 27-38.

Gøtzsche-Astrup, Oluf; Lindekilde, Lasse and Fjellman, Anna-Maria (2023). Perceived Legitimacy of CVE Policies and the Willingness to Report Concerns of Radicalization to Authorities in the Nordic Countries, Terrorism and Political Violence 35(3): 712–728.

Larsson, Göran (2022), Those Who Choose to Fight the Islamic State: Autobiographical Accounts of Western Volunteers, Terrorism and Political Violence 34(8):1758–1773.

Nesser, Petter (2024). Introducing the Jihadi Plots in Europe Dataset (JPED), Journal of Peace Research, 61(2): 317-329.

Taylor, Bron (1998), Religion, violence and radical environmentalism: From earth first! To the Unabomber to the earth liberation front, Terrorism and Political Violence 10(4):1-42