- Why did you win the Tech Girl of the Year?
- How will you as a role model inspire other girls to take an interest in technology?
- Why did you choose to study informatics at the University of Gothenburg?
- What do you find attractive about working in tech?
- What do you think is needed to get more young women interested in tech?
- What do you want to say to girls who want to follow an education related to technology?
Tanya Singh is appointed "Tech Girl of the Year"
The BSc student in informatics Tanya Singh has been appointed "Tech Girl of the Year" 2020 by Microsoft Sweden. Tanya was declared winner when the award was presented in June 2020 – for the 18th year in a row. The purpose of the competition is to show examples of female role models in tech industry to inspire more people to study subjects as information technology.
On June 11 2020 Universum broadcast a digital version of event Universum Awards. The event replaced the physical event “Universum Awards” which was supposed to be held on March 19 in Stockholm, but was cancelled due to the prevailing Covid-19 situation. The gala aims to encourage and open doors for motivated students with outstanding talents, such as tech students, economists, and civil engineers. During the digital gala, awards were presented in several categories, including Microsoft's Tech Girl of the Year award.
Why did you win the Tech Girl of the Year?
– I won because I let my norm-critical thoughts, ideas and actions, which I was inspired by from other strong female role models, shape my view of the tech industry and the opportunities the industry offers.
How will you as a role model inspire other girls to take an interest in technology?
– I want to show that the tech industry should be inclusive and equal, not only because it "is a good thing" but because it is needed. In discussions with other people, young people and also parents, I want to show what opportunities there are and what technology has to offer. A choice of career is not linked to gender and it is important to show young girls the opportunities in the tech industry.
Why did you choose to study informatics at the University of Gothenburg?
– Since I was a nine-year-old, I stared blindly at becoming a lawyer without really reflecting on what I like to do. In school I followed a specialisation in natural science and in high school I chose the natural science programme. It made a big impression on me. The reason for choosing the BSc programme in informatics at the University of Gothenburg is because that the education is broad and offers both the technical perspective and also a lot of knowledge in organisation and leadership.
What do you find attractive about working in tech?
– I am attracted by the fact that the tech industry constantly has been making new advancements and is embracing the new. I like that, it feels challenging in a healthy way.
What do you think is needed to get more young women interested in tech?
– Representation and role models already at a young age. To expose young women and girls early on to what is related to technology, in the same way that young boys are exposed to it at a young age.
What do you want to say to girls who want to follow an education related to technology?
– You are exactly what the tech industry needs – come as you are. You do not need to check a list of how to be to be able to work with technology or study a tech-related education. Whether you are a make-up guru in your spare time or play football at an elite level, you belong with us – just the way you are. A warm recommendation is to join one of all awesome groups online where you get advice and support from other girls and women in tech. There are also associations at local and national level to strengthen and include girls and women in tech. There is a large network out there just waiting for you to join.