Image Breadcrumb Home Swedish Mariculture Research Center, SWEMARC Research Past projects Past projects Read more about past SWEMARC projects. NOMACULTURE NOMACULTURE is an interdisciplinary research project that developed strategies for the establishment of a sustainable marine… Research project/group Alternative Feed Ingredients for Finfish Aquaculture, Sustainable marine raw… Research project/group Effects of alternative feed ingredients and environment on nutrient uptake,… Research project/group Role of cuticular hydrocarbons for mate choice in seaweed flies Research project/group Exploring a multi-trophic aquaculture system containing non-fed species Research project/group Management of sustainable industries - a study on the governance of the Swedish… Research project/group Sweaweed – Seaweed production systems with high-value applications Research project/group CirkAlg – Optimization of Land-Based Seaweed Cultivation Research project/group Cirkular-IMTA Research project/group Knowledge summary of seaweed cultivation from a Swedish perspective