
Elin Naurin


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Sprängkullsgatan 19
41123 Göteborg
Box 711
40530 Göteborg

Om Elin Naurin


Elin Naurin is Professor at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg and a Wallenberg Academy Fellow.

Research interests

Naurin has a wide research interest in theories and practices of representative democracy. Specific interests are parties' election pledges and politicians' responsiveness to public opinion. She also studies adult politial socialization, especially the role of pregnancy, childbirth and early parenthood for individual's' political opinions, behavior and knowledge about politics.

Naurin's work is published in journals such as American Political Science Review, American Journal of Political Science, British Journal of Political Science, International Organization, Social Science and Medicine, Comparative Political Studies, European Journal of Public Health, Political Studies, West European Politics, Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties, Scandinavian Political Studies and Party Politics. Among her books are Party Mandates and Democracy. Making, Breaking, and Keeping Election Pledges in Twelve Countries (Univeristy of Michigan Press), which is edited together with Terry Royed and Robert Thomson and summarises the work by the Comparative Party Pledges Group, and Election Promises, Party Behaviour and Voter Perceptions (2011) with Palgrave Macmillan, which in 2015 received the SWEPSA prize for best book on Swedish politics 2011-2015. In Swedish, Naurin's work is found for example in the book Samverkan och strid i den parlamentariska demokratin (SNS 2017, together with Johannes Lindvall, Hanna Bäck, Carl Dahlström and Jan Teorell) and Det politiska spelet (Studentlitteratur 2014, together with Bengt Johansson, Staffan Kumlin and Lena Wängnerud).

Naurin was appointed Wallenberg Academy Fellow in 2017 to create the Gothenburg Research Program on Pregnancy and Politics. The project investigates the role of pregnancy and childbirth for individuals' political development. Questions regarding this are more than welcome and ongoing work is available on request. In 2022, Naurin was granted a five-year extended fellowship that will start 2024. See also: Pregnancy and perceptions of politics. And in Swedish: Hon studerar vad graviditet gör med vår syn på politik.

Click Here To Visit My Google Scholar Page


Are you interested in the data on Swedish election pledges published by Naurin? You can download the data, the codebook, and the instruction on how to use it and cite it all here.


Naurin currently teaches methods and holds lectures and seminars on the master level course "Citizens, Politicians and the Media. Evaluating Democratic Processes" at the University of Gothenburg. The course is a collaboration between the Department of Political Science and the Department of Journalism, Media and Communication. Naurin is also, together with Henrik Oscarsson, responsible for the development of the project Grundlagskonventet (the Constitutional Convention) at the Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg. Grundlagskonventet is a role play where undergraduate student act to create a new constitution for Sweden and it has received pedagogical prize for outstanding achievements at the University of Gothenburg.

Click below on "Mitt CV" to see a summary of my CV including a list of my most important publications: