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- Kristina Holmgren
Kristina Holmgren
Sektionen för hälsa och rehabiliteringOm Kristina Holmgren
Jag är professor i arbetsterapi vid Institutionen för neurovetenskap och fysiologi, enheten för arbetsterapi och fysioterapi, Sahlgrenska akademin, Göteborgs universitet. Jag är forskargruppsledare för TIDAS – en forskargrupp som bedriver forskning om tidig identifiering av arbetsrelaterad stress, hälsa och sjukfrånvaro. TIDAS är en del av vårdforskningsprogrammet New Ways som ligger vid enheten för socialmedicin och epidemiologi. Jag arbetar även på FoU-centrum inom primärvården i Göteborg och Södra Bohuslän.
Mina huvudsakliga forskningsområden är:
- Tidig identifiering av personer som riskerar sjukskrivning på grund av arbetsrelaterad stress
- Sambanden mellan kombinationen av arbetsengagemang och arbetsklimat, och hälsa, sjukfrånvaro och arbetsåtergång
- Folkhälsovetenskapliga frågor som risk och friskfaktorer i relation till arbetshälsa, sjukfrånvaro och återgång till arbete
- Utveckling av frågeformulär – Work Stress Questionnaire (WSQ)
- Attityder och perspektiv till förtroendet för försäkringskassan
- Projektansvarig och projektledare för TIDAS-projektet (https://www.gu.se/forskning/tidas) ”Tidig identifiering av personer som riskerar sjukfrånvaro på grund av arbetsrelaterad stress. En randomiserad kontrollerad studie av personer som söker för fysiska och psykiska besvär hos primärvården” 2014 –
- Projektansvarig och projektledare för ’Att vara på jobbet och att komma tillbaka till jobbet’ 2011 – 2013
- Projektansvarig och projektledare för ’Tidig-projektet – tidig identifiering av arbetsrelaterad stress hos kvinnor’ 2007 – 2012
- Projektledare för ’Sjukskrivnas attityd till förtroendet för försäkringskassan – en fokusgruppsstudie’ 2012 – 2016
- Projektledare för Hälsoresursprojektet 2007 – 2015
Min forskning innefattar både epidemiologiska och kvalitativ studier, och interventionsstudier. Jag är för närvarande huvudhandledare för tre doktorander och bihandledare för två.
Prevention of sickness absence through early identification and rehabilitation of at-risk patients with musculoskeletal disorders (PREVSAM): short term effects of a randomised controlled trial in primary
Annika Ekhammar, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Susanne Bernhardsson, Kristina Holmgren, Lena Bornhöft, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Maria E H Larsson
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2025 -
Exercise and health-related quality of life and work-related outcomes in primary care patients with anxiety disorders - A randomized controlled
Alexander Wall, Malin Henriksson, Jenny Nyberg, Kristina Holmgren, Jörgen Isgaard, Anna-Karin Lennartsson, Johan Svensson, Louise Danielsson, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg, N David Åberg
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2024 -
Exploring the impact of mental and work-related stress on sick leave among middle-aged women: observations from the population study of women in Gothenburg,
Kirsten Mehlig, Amanda von Below, Kristina Holmgren, Cecilia Björkelund, Lauren Lissner, Ingmarie Skoglund, Magnus Hakeberg, Dominique Hange
Scandinavian journal of primary health care - 2024 -
Photo-supported conversations about well-being (BeWell™) for patients with exhaustion disorders - a controlled clinical intervention
A Birgitta Gunnarsson, Petra Wagman, Ulrica Horberg, Kristina Holmgren, Sara Holmberg
Balancing on a slack line - Staffs' experiences of talking about sexuality and sexual health with patients cared for in forensic psychiatry in
Anna Lindskog, Malin Lindroth, Kristina Holmgren, Anna Birgitta Gunnarsson
Work-related stress is associated with low work ability, but not with poor self-rated health: A cross-sectional study in primary
Louise Danielsson, Anna Frantz, Kristina Holmgren
Is a Problem-Solving Intervention with Workplace Involvement for Employees on Sickness Absence Due to Common Mental Disorders More Effective, than Care as Usual, in Reducing Sickness Absence Days? Results of a Cluster-Randomised Controlled Trial in Primary Health
Ida Karlsson, Anna Frantz, Iben Axen, Gunnar Bergstrom, Ute Bueltmann, Anna Finnes, Kristina Holmgren, Lydia Kwak, Elisabeth Bjork Bramberg
Occupational therapists' experiences of photo-supported conversations - An intervention in primary health
Joanna Nordstrand, A Birgitta Gunnarsson, Petra Wagman, Ulrica Hoerberg, Kristina Holmgren
Experiences of rehabilitation coordination among people on sick leave with mental health
Kristin Lork, Louise Danielsson, Maria E H Larsson, Kristina Holmgren
The PREVSAM model, "prevention of sickness absence through early identification and rehabilitation of at-risk patients with musculoskeletal disorders", is seen as beneficial for patients risking persistent musculoskeletal disorders but may be difficult to implement - a focus group
Annika Ekhammar, Maria E H Larsson, Susanne Bernhardsson, Kristina Holmgren
Work-related stress, reason for consultation and diagnosis-specific sick leave: How do they add
Anna-Maria Hultén, Kristina Holmgren, P. Bjerkeli
Plos One - 2023 -
Components of primary care multimodal rehabilitation and their association with changes in sick leave: An observational
Yvonne Severinsson, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Kristina Holmgren, Lina Bunketorp Käll, Maria Dottori, Maria Eh Larsson
Work (Reading, Mass.) - 2023 -
Does employer involvement in primary health care enhance return to work for patients with stress-related mental disorders? a cluster randomized controlled
Anja Beno, Monica Bertilsson, Kristina Holmgren, K. Glise, Anders Pousette, Karin Segerfelt, Lisa Björk
BMC Primary Care - 2023 -
Experiences of participating in a problem-solving intervention with workplace involvement in Swedish primary health care: a qualitative study from rehabilitation coordinator's, employee's, and manager's
Ida Karlsson, Lydia Kwak, Iben Axén, Gunnar Bergström, Ute Bültmann, Kristina Holmgren, Elisabeth Björk Brämberg
BMC Public Health - 2023 -
Swedish managers' experience-based understanding of the Capacity to work in employees with Common Mental Disorders: a Focus Group
E. Tengelin, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren, C. Stahl, Monica Bertilsson
Journal of Occupational Rehabilitation - 2022 -
Exploring reasons for sick leave due to common mental disorders from the perspective of employees and managers - what has gender got to do with
L. Holmlund, H. T. Ljungberg, U. Bultmann, Kristina Holmgren, E. B. Bramberg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being - 2022 -
Work-related stress and future sick leave in a working population seeking care at primary health care centres: a prospective longitudinal study using the
Anna-Maria Hultén, P. Bjerkeli, Kristina Holmgren
BMC Public Health - 2022 -
Does the number of reasons for seeking care and self-rated health predict sick leave during the following 12 months? A prospective, longitudinal study in swedish primary health
Kristin Lork, Kristina Holmgren, Jenny Hultqvist
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2022 -
Psykisk hälsa i
Gunnel Hensing, Lisa Björk, Kristina Holmgren
2021 -
A short work-directed rehabilitation to promote work capacity while depressed and anxious: a qualitative study of workers'
Kristin Lork, Kristina Holmgren, Louise Danielsson
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2021 -
Does a brief work-stress intervention prevent sick-leave during the following 24 months? A randomized controlled trial in Swedish primary
Jenny Hultqvist, Pernilla Bjerkeli, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren
Work - 2021 -
A study protocol of the photo-supported conversations about the well-being intervention (Be Well (TM)) for people with stress related
A Birgitta Gunnarsson, P. Wagman, H. T. Sternudd, S. Holmberg, Kristina Holmgren, U. Horberg
Bmc Psychology - 2021 -
Self-reported sick leave following a brief preventive intervention on work-related stress: a randomised controlled trial in primary health
Anna-Maria Hultén, Pernilla Bjerkeli, Kristina Holmgren
Bmj Open - 2021 -
Implementing Employer Involvement for Patients with Stress-Related Disorders
in Swedish Primary Care – A Process
Lisa Björk, Kristina Glise, Anders Pousette, Kristina Holmgren, Monica Bertilsson
Journal of Family Medicine & Community Health - 2021 -
Work-directed rehabilitation or physical activity to support work ability and mental health in common mental disorders: a pilot randomized controlled
Louise Danielsson, Margda Waern, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren
Clinical Rehabilitation - 2020 -
Support persons’ views on remote communication and social media for people with communicative and cognitive
Margret Buchholz, Ulrika Ferm, Kristina Holmgren
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2020 -
Remote communication for people with disabilities: Support persons’ views on benefits, challenges, and suggestions for technology
Margret Buchholz, Kristina Holmgren, Ulrika Ferm
Technology and Disability - 2020 -
Prevention of sickness absence through early identification and rehabilitation of at-risk patients with musculoskeletal pain (PREVSAM): a randomised controlled trial
Maria E H Larsson, Lena Margareta Nordeman, Kristina Holmgren, Anna Grimby-Ekman, Gunnel Hensing, Cecilia Björkelund, Stefan Bergman, Annika Ekhammar, M. Dottori, Susanne Bernhardsson
BMC Musculoskeletal Disorders - 2020 -
Positioning work related stress - GPs' reasoning about using the WSQ combined with feedback at
Anna-Maria Hultén, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Kristina Holmgren
BMC Family Practice - 2020 -
Effects of a work stress intervention on healthcare use and treatment compared to treatment as usual: a randomised controlled trial in Swedish primary
Christine Sandheimer, Tove Hedenrud, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren
BMC Family Practice - 2020 -
Does early identification of high work related stress affect pharmacological treatment of primary care patients?-analysis of Swedish pharmacy dispensing data in a randomised control
P. J. Bjerkeli, Ingmarie Skoglund, Kristina Holmgren
Bmc Family Practice - 2020 -
Development and Construct Validity of the Work Instability Scale for People With Common Mental Disorders in a Sample of Depressed and Anxious Workers: A Rasch
Louise Danielsson, Robin Fornazar, Kristina Holmgren, Åsa Lundgren Nilsson, Gunnel Hensing
Rehabilitation Process and Outcome - 2020 -
The Work Stress Questionnaire (WSQ) - Reliability and face validity among male
Anna Frantz, Kristina Holmgren
BMC Public Health - 2019 -
Digital Communication and Social Media for People with Communicative and Cognitive
Margret Buchholz, Ulrika Ferm, Kristina Holmgren
Everyday Technologies in Healthcare - 2019 -
Effects of a work-stress intervention in Swedish primary care versus treatment as usual:
Christine Sandheimer, Tove Hedenrud, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren
European Journal of Public Health - 2019 -
Does early identification of work-related stress, combined with feedback at GP-consultation, prevent sick leave in the following 12 months? a randomized controlled trial in primary health
Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing, U. Bültmann, Emina Hadzibajramovic, Maria E H Larsson
BMC Public Health - 2019 -
Involving the employer to enhance return to work among patients with stress-related mental disorders - study protocol of a cluster randomized controlled trial in Swedish primary health
Lisa Björk, K. Glise, Anders Pousette, Monica Bertilsson, Kristina Holmgren
Bmc Public Health - 2018 -
Increasing return-to-work among people on sick leave due to common mental disorders: design of a cluster-randomized controlled trial of a problem-solving intervention versus care-as-usual conducted in the Swedish primary health care system
Elisabeth Björk Brämberg, Kristina Holmgren, U. Bultmann, Hanna Gyllensten, J. Hagberg, L. Sandman, G. Bergstrom
BMC Public Health - 2018 -
The experience of return to work self-efficacy among people on sick
Kristin Lork, Kristina Holmgren
Work (Reading, Mass.) - 2018 -
"That is how I speak nowadays" - experiences of remote communication among persons with communicative and cognitive
Margret Buchholz, Ulrika Ferm, Kristina Holmgren
Disability and rehabilitation - 2018 -
Tillit kommer inte på
Ylva Norén Bretzer, Kristina Holmgren, Lotta Dellve, Leif Denti, Motzi Eklöf, Nomie Eriksson, Göran Jutengren, Martin Lindström, Daniel Normark, Svante Prado, Helena Rohdén
Dagens Samhälle - 2018 -
Förtroende för Försäkringskassan - en
Kristina Holmgren, Frida Rosstorp, Helena Rohdén
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift - 2018 -
Lärdomar om tillit, och nya forskningsuppgifter för
Ylva Norén Bretzer, Kristina Holmgren
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift - 2018 -
Introduktion: TIllit mellan
Ylva Norén Bretzer, Kristina Holmgren
Socialmedicinsk Tidskrift - 2018 -
Working in dissonance: experiences of work instability in workers with common mental
Louise Danielsson, Monica Bertilsson, Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing
Bmc Public Health - 2017 -
En sjukförsäkring att lita på? Rapport från forskarseminarium i Umeå 14–15 januari
Ylva Norén Bretzer, Kristina Holmgren, Frida Rosstorp
2017 -
When abilities and job demands no longer match: work instability in common mental
Louise Danielsson, M. Bertilsson, Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing
9th European Public Health Conference 2016, Vienna, Austria - 2016 -
Experiences of work ability in young workers: an exploratory interview
Maria Boström, Kristina Holmgren, Judith K Sluiter, Mats Hagberg, Anna Grimby-Ekman
International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health - 2016 -
Early identification in primary health care of people at risk for sick leave due to work-related stress - Study protocol of a randomized controlled trial
Kristina Holmgren, Christine Sandheimer, Ann Charlotte Mårdby, Maria E H Larsson, Ute Bültmann, Dominique Hange, Gunnel Hensing
BMC Public Health - 2016 -
Confidence in public institutions: A focus group study on views on the Swedish Social Insurance
Kristina Holmgren, Frida Rosstorp, Helena Rohdén
Work - 2016 -
Registry-based analysis of participator representativeness: A source of concern for sickness absence
Marit Knapstad, Jesper Löve, Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing, Simon Øverland
BMJ Open - 2016 -
Förtroendet för Försäkringskassan 1999 -
Metoder för att bedöma arbetsplats och arbetsuppgifter i relation till personens
Kristina Holmgren, Charlotte Wåhlin
Återgång i arbete. Processer, bedömningar, åtgärder. (Red.) Kerstin Ekberg, Mona Eklund, Gunnel Hensing - 2015 -
Strong support for relocation to other work tasks: A cross-sectional study of attitudes to sickness insurance regulations in
Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren, Helena Rohdén
Work (Reading, Mass.) - 2015 -
Shame among long-term sickness absentees: Correlates and impact on subsequent sickness
Marit Knapstad, Simon Overland, Max Henderson, Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing
Scandinavian journal of public health - 2014 -
Harmful alcohol habits did not explain the social gradient of sickness absence in Swedish women and
Ann-Charlotte Mårdby, Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing
Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health - 2014 -
Previous sickness absence and current low perceived social support at work among employees in the general population: a historical cohort
Marit Knapstad, Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing, Simon Øverland
BMJ Open - 2014 -
The association between self-efficacy and sick-leave among men and women: a cross-sectional study of the general working population in
Kristina Holmgren, Ann-Charlotte Mårdby
Epidemiology Biostatistics and Public Health - 2014 -
Confidence in public institutions – a focus group study on
Kristina Holmgren, Frida Rosstorp, Helena Rohdén
Eur J Public Health - 2014 -
Associations between leisure activities and binge drinking in adults: Findings from a Swedish newly sick-listed
Annika Andersson, Ann-Charlotte Mårdby, Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing
Work : A journal of Prevention, Assesment and rehabilitation - 2014 -
Remain in Work-What Work-Related Factors Are Associated With Sustainable Work Attendance A General Population-Based Study of Women and
Kristina Holmgren, Jesper Löve, Ann-Charlotte Mårdby, Gunnel Hensing
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2014 -
Does unbalanced gender composition in the workplace influence the association between psychosocial working conditions and sickness
Robin Jonsson, Ulrik Lidwall, Kristina Holmgren
Work: A Journal of Prevention, Assessment and Rehabilitation - 2013 -
Kan kombinationen av bra arbetsklimat och lagom stort arbetsengagemang predicera
Kristina Holmgren, Elin Ekbladh, Lotta Dellve, Gunnel Hensing
AT-forums abstractsamling 2013, Förbundet Sveriges Arbetsterapeuter - 2013 -
The Combination of Work Organizational Climate and Individual Work Commitment Predicts Return to Work in Women But Not in
Kristina Holmgren, E. Ekbladh, Gunnel Hensing, Lotta Dellve
Journal of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2013 -
Explaining the social gradient in sickness absence: a study of a general working population in
Jesper Löve, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren, Kjell Torén
BMC Public Health - 2013 -
Early identification of work-related stress predicted sickness absence in employed women with musculoskeletal or mental disorders. A prospective, longitudinal study in a primary health care
Kristina Holmgren, Malin Fjällström Lundgren, Gunnel Hensing
Disability and Rehabilitation - 2013 -
Can work ability explain the social gradient in sickness absence: a study of a general population in
Jesper Löve, Kristina Holmgren, Kjell Torén, Gunnel Hensing
BMC public health - 2012 -
Does unbalanced gender composition at the work place
Kristina Holmgren
5th European Public Health Conference (O), Malta, 2012 - 2012 -
Can early identification of work-related stress predict sick-leave in women with physical or mental
Kristina Holmgren, Malin Fjällström Lundgren, Gunnel Hensing
9th COTEC Congress of Occupational Therapy (Oral presentation), Stockholm 2012 - 2012 -
Participation in leisure activities and binge drinking in adults – findings from a Swedish general population
Annika Andersson, Christina Andersson, Kristina Holmgren, Ann-Charlotte Mårdby, Gunnel Hensing
Addiction Research & Theory - 2012 -
Harmful alcohol habits were no more common in a sample of newly sick-listed Swedish women and men compared to a random population
Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren, Ann-Charlotte Mårdby
Alcohol and Alcoholism - 2011 -
Strong support for work place transfer - a cross sectional study of attitudes to sickness insurance regulations in Sweden,
Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing, Helena Rohdén
4th European Public Health Conference (P), Chopenhagen, Denmark, 2011 - 2011 -
Early identification of work-related stress in employed women risking sickness
Kristina Holmgren
AT-forum, nationell arbetsterapikongress, Stockholm, Sverige 2011 - 2011 -
Arbetsrelaterad stress hos yrkesverksamma kvinnor som söker till primärvården för muskuloskeletala eller psykiska
Kristina Holmgren, Malin Fjällström Lundgren, Gunnel Hensing
Socialmedicinsk tidskrift - 2011 -
Sänkt förtroende för
Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren, Helena Rohdén
Nordiskt ljus. Trettiosju kapitel om politik, medier och samhälle. Red: Holmberg, Sören & Lennart Weibull - 2010 -
The association between poor organisational climate and high work commitments, and sickness absence in a general population of women and
Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing, Lotta Dellve
3rd European Public Health Conference (P), Amsterdam, The Netherlands, 2010 - 2010 -
The association between poor organizational climate and high work commitments, and sickness absence in a general population of women and
Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing, Lotta Dellve
Journal of occupational and environmental medicine / American College of Occupational and Environmental Medicine - 2010 -
The prevalence of work-related stress, and its association with self-perceived health and sick-leave, in a population of employed Swedish
Kristina Holmgren, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Cecilia Björkelund, Gunnel Hensing
BMC public health - 2009 -
Development of a questionnaire assessing work-related stress in women - identifying individuals who risk being put on sick
Kristina Holmgren, Gunnel Hensing, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff
Disability and rehabilitation - 2009 -
Hälsa viktigt för inställningen till ändrade
Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren, Helena Rohdén
Svensk höst - SOM-rapport nr 46. Holmberg, Sören & Weibull, Lennart (red) - 2009 -
Work-related stress in women. Assessment, prevalence and return to
Kristina Holmgren
AT-forums abstraktsamling 2009 - 2009 -
The prevalence of work-related stress, and its association to self perceived health and sick leave, in a cohort of employed Swedish women, in 2004 –
Kristina Holmgren, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Cecilia Björkelund, Gunnel Hensing
Eur J Public Health - 2008 -
Work-related stress in women. Assessment, prevalence and return to
Kristina Holmgren
2008 -
Utveckling av ett frågeformulär som mäter arbetsrelaterad stress hos kvinnor och test av dess
Kristina Holmgren, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Gunnel Hensing
AT-forums abstraktsamling 2007 - 2007 -
Supervisors’ view on employer responsibility in the return to work process. A focus group
Kristina Holmgren, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff
AT-forums abstraktsamling 2007 - 2007 -
Supervisors' views on employer responsibility in the return to work process. A focus group
Kristina Holmgren, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff
J Occup Rehabil - 2007 -
Supervisors’ view on employer responsibility in the return to work process. A focus group
Kristina Holmgren, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff
Eur J Public Health - 2006 -
Sjukskrivna kvinnors uppfattning om möjligheter och hinder för arbetsåtergång. En
Kristina Holmgren, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff
AT-forums abstraksamling från 2005 - 2005 -
Women on sickness absence--views of possibilities and obstacles for returning to work. A focus group
Kristina Holmgren, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff
Disabil Rehabil - 2004