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- Magnus Lindwall
Magnus Lindwall
Psykologiska institutionenOm Magnus Lindwall
Magnus Lindwall är professor i psykologi med inriktning hälsopsykologi. Hans forskning är framförallt inriktad mot den del av områdena idrottspsykologi och hälsopsykologi som handlar om fysisk aktivitet, träning och psykologisk hälsa och motivation till fysisk aktivitet och hälsobeteenden (på engelska: exercise psychology).
Magnus disputerade 2004 vid Psykologiska Institutionen, Stockholms Universitet på en avhandling som handlade om självuppfattning, kroppsuppfattning, och träning. Åren 2004-2008 var han lektor vid Högskolan i Halmstad och 2008-2011 var han verksam vid Psykologiska Institutionen, Göteborgs Universitet via en post-doc tjänst och sedan som lektor. Från hösten 2011 var han anställd som lektor vid Institutionen för kost och idrottsvetenskap och 2015 blev han befordrad till professor i idrottsvetenskap där. Från januari 2017 var han åter anställd på Psykologiska Institutionen som lektor i hälsopsykologi. I maj 2017 blev han befordrad till professor i psykologi med inriktning hälsopsykologi.
Från mars 2019 är han även gästprofessor vid Gymnastik- och idrottshögskolan (GIH) i Stockholm.
Magnus forskning handlar framförallt om följande områden:
- relationen mellan fysisk aktivitet/motion/träning och psykisk hälsa. Han har under de senaste åren bland annat undersökt sambanden mellan fysisk aktivitet och depression och kognition hos äldre i olika stora longitudinella databaser.
- motivation till livsstil och beteendeförändring, framförallt kopplat till fysisk aktivitet och träning. Denna forskning utgår främst från en teori som heter Self-Determination theory (SDT) och handlar om hur man kan skapa en långsiktigt hållbar och mer självbestämmande motivation till fysisk aktivtet och träning. 2019 kom en bok på svenska om motivation ("Motivation inom träning, hälsa och idrott", utgiven av Studentlitteratur) som sammanfattar forskningen och beskriver hur man kan jobba praktiskt, där Magnus var en av redaktörerna. Hösten 2020 kom han tillsammans med Olof Röhlander ut med boken "Motivationsrevolutionen" som också handlar om hållbar motivation.
- självkänsla och självuppfattning (framförallt inriktat mot kroppen), där han hösten 2011 kom ut med en bok på svenska ("Självkänsla: Bortom populärpsykologi och enkla sanningar").
Förutom forskning och undervisning är han även engagerad i det som kallas för tredje uppgiften, dvs att dela med sig av kunskap utanför universitetet och samverka med samhället. Han medverkar även regelbundet i debatten kring pseudovetenskap i populärpsykologi via debattartiklar, inlägg och på sociala media.
In or out of reach? Long-term trends in the reach of health assessments in the Swedish occupational
Elin Ekblom-Bak, Magnus Lindwall, Linnea Eriksson, Andreas Stenling, Magnus Svartengren, Robert Lundmark, Lena Kallings, Erik Hemmingsson, Daniel Väisänen
Scandinavian journal of work, environment & health - 2024 -
Change in Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Risk of Depression, Anxiety, and Cerebrovascular
Camilla A Wiklund, Magnus Lindwall, Örjan Ekblom, Jenny Nyberg, Maria I Åberg, Sofia Paulsson, Elin Ekblom-Bak
American journal of preventive medicine - 2024 -
Change in Cardiorespiratory Fitness and the Risk of Colorectal and Prostate Cancer Incidence in
E Bojsen‐Møller, K A Bolam, D Väisänen, S Paulsson, Magnus Lindwall, H Rundqvist, J Nyberg, M Åberg, E Ekblom-Bak
Cancer Medicine - 2024 -
En liten bok om
Magnus Lindwall
2024 -
Cardiorespiratory fitness in midlife and subsequent incident depression, long-term sickness absence, and disability pension due to depression in 330,247 men and
Camilla A. Wiklund, Orjan Ekblom, Sofia Paulsson, Magnus Lindwall, Elin Ekblom-Bak
Association between change in cardiorespiratory fitness and prostate cancer incidence and mortality in 57 652 Swedish
Kate A. Bolam, Emil Bojsen-Moller, Peter Wallin, Sofia Paulsson, Magnus Lindwall, Helene Rundqvist, Elin Ekblom-Bak
Association Between Cardiorespiratory Fitness and Cancer Incidence and Cancer-Specific Mortality of Colon, Lung, and Prostate Cancer Among Swedish
Elin Ekblom-Bak, Emil Bojsen-Møller, Peter Wallin, Sofia Paulsson, Magnus Lindwall, Helene Rundqvist, Kate A. Bolam
JAMA network open - 2023 -
Levels and change in autonomous and controlled work motivation in older workers-The role of proximity to retirement and sense of community at
G. Henning, A. Stenling, S. Tafvelin, M. Ebener, Magnus Lindwall
Journal of Occupational and Organizational Psychology - 2023 -
Retirement Adjustment in Germany From 1996 to
G. Henning, Boo Johansson, Magnus Lindwall, O. Huxhold
Work Aging and Retirement - 2022 -
Bidirectional Within- and Between-Person Relations Between Physical Activity and Cognitive
A. Stenling, D. E. Sorman, Magnus Lindwall, L. Machado
Journals of Gerontology Series B-Psychological Sciences and Social Sciences - 2022 -
Alcohol Consumption Over the Retirement Transition in Sweden: Different Trajectories Based on
Neda Agahi, Susanne Kelfve, Linda Hassing, Magnus Lindwall
Work, Aging and Retirement - 2022 -
Cardiorespiratory fitness and lifestyle on severe COVID-19 risk in 279,455 adults: a case control
E. Ekblom-Bak, D. Vaisanen, B. Ekblom, V. Blom, L. V. Kallings, E. Hemmingsson, G. Andersson, P. Wallin, J. S. Eriksson, T. Holmlund, Magnus Lindwall, A. Stenling, A. Lonn
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - 2021 -
The Role of Domain-Specific and Domain-General Cognitive Functions and Skills in Sports Performance: A
A. Kalen, E. Bisagno, L. Musculus, M. Raab, A. Perez-Ferreiros, A. M. Williams, D. Araujo, Magnus Lindwall, A. Ivarsson
Psychological Bulletin - 2021 -
Basic psychological need satisfaction across the retirement transition: Changes and longitudinal associations with depressive
Andreas Stenling, Georg Henning, Pär Bjälkebring, Susanne Tafvelin, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Magnus Lindwall
Motivation and Emotion - 2021 -
Associations between physical activity and core affects within and across days: a daily diary
A. Ivarsson, A. Stenling, K. W. Josefsson, Sten Höglind, Magnus Lindwall
Psychology & Health - 2021 -
Lifestyle Habits and Mental Health in Light of the Two COVID-19 Pandemic Waves in Sweden,
V. Blom, A. Lonn, B. Ekblom, L. V. Kallings, D. Vaisanen, E. Hemmingsson, G. Andersson, P. Wallin, A. Stenling, O. Ekblom, Magnus Lindwall, J. S. Eriksson, T. Holmlund, E. Ekblom-Bak
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2021 -
Towards an active and happy retirement? Changes in leisure activity and depressive symptoms during the retirement
Georg Henning, Andreas Stenling, Allison Bileak, Pär Bjälkebring, Alan J. Gow, Marie Kivi, Graciela Muniz-Terrera, B Johansson, Magnus Lindwall
Aging and Mental Health - 2021 -
Physical activity and cognitive function: between-person and within-person associations and
A. Stenling, D. E. Sorman, Magnus Lindwall, P. Hansson, J. K. Ljungberg, L. Machado
Aging, Neuropsychology and Cognition - 2021 -
Association of change in physical activity associated with change in sleep complaints: results from a six-year longitudinal study with Swedish health care
M. Gerber, Mats Börjesson, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Magnus Lindwall
Sleep Medicine - 2020 -
Latent Cognitive Profiles Differ Between Incipient Alzheimer’s Disease and Dementia with Subcortical Vascular Lesions in a Memory Clinic
Mattias Göthlin, Marie Eckerström, Magnus Lindwall, Sindre Rolstad, Carl Eckerström, Michael Jonsson, Petronella Kettunen, Johan Svensson, Anders Wallin
Journal of Alzheimer's Disease - 2020 -
Latent profile analysis patterns of exercise, sitting and fitness in adults – Associations with metabolic risk factors, perceived health, and perceived
E. Ekblom-Bak, A. Stenling, J. S. Eriksson, E. Hemmingsson, L. V. Kallings, G. Andersson, P. Wallin, Ö Ekblom, B. Ekblom, Magnus Lindwall
PLoS ONE - 2020 -
A Classification of Motivation and Behavior Change Techniques Used in Self-Determination Theory-Based Interventions in Health
P. J. Teixeira, M. M. Marques, M. N. Silva, J. Brunet, J. L. Duda, L. Haerens, J. La Guardia, Magnus Lindwall, C. Lonsdale, D. Markland, S. Michie, A. C. Moller, N. Ntoutnanis, H. Patrick, J. Reeve, R. M. Ryan, S. J. Sebire, M. Standage, M. Vansteenkiste, N. Weinstein, K. Weman-Josefsson, G. C. Williams, M. S. Hagger
Motivation Science - 2020 -
Going web or staying paper? The use of web-surveys among older
S. Kelfve, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Magnus Lindwall
BMC Medical Research Methodology - 2020 -
Magnus Lindwall, Olof Röhlander
2020 -
The Role of Personality in Retirement Adjustment: Longitudinal Evidence for the Effects on Life
Isabelle Hansson, Georg Henning, Sandra Buratti, Magnus Lindwall, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
Journal of personality - 2020 -
Life after childhood bullying: Body image development and disordered eating in
Kristina Holmqvist Gattario, Magnus Lindwall, Ann Frisén
International Journal of Behavioral Development - 2020 -
Involuntary and Delayed Retirement as a Possible Health Risk for Lower Educated
Stefanie König, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson
Journal of Population Ageing - 2019 -
Effects of Mindfulness-Acceptance-Commitment (MAC) on Sport-Specific Dispositional Mindfulness, Emotion Regulation, and Self-Rated Athletic Performance in a Multiple-Sport Population: an RCT
Torbjörn Josefsson, Andreas Ivarsson, Henrik Gustafsson, Andreas Stenling, Rasmus Tornberg, Magnus Lindwall, Jan Böröy
Mindfulness - 2019 -
Preretirement Work Motivation and Subsequent Retirement Adjustment: A Self-Determination Theory
Georg Henning, Andreas Stenling, Susanne Tafvelin, Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Magnus Lindwall
Work, Aging and Retirement - 2019 -
Changes in within- and between-person associations between basic psychological need satisfaction and well-being after
Georg Henning, Pär Bjälkebring, Andreas Stenling, Boo Johansson, Magnus Lindwall
Journal of Research in Personality - 2019 -
The Role of Personality in Retirement Adjustment: Longitudinal Effects on Life
Isabelle Hansson, Georg Henning, Sandra Buratti, Magnus Lindwall, Marie Kivi, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Austin, Texas, USA, November 13-17, 2019 - 2019 -
Direct and Indirect Associations between Personality and Life Satisfaction in the Retirement
Isabelle Hansson, Georg Henning, Sandra Buratti, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress (IAGG-ER), Gothenburg, Sweden, May 23-25, 2019 - 2019 -
Motivation inom träning, hälsa och idrott: Ett självbestämmande
Magnus Lindwall, Andreas Stenling, Karin Weman Josefsson
2019 -
Motivational profiles and burnout in elite athletes: A person-centered
H. Gustafsson, M. Carlin, L. Podlog, A. Stenling, Magnus Lindwall
Psychology of Sport And Exercise - 2018 -
Effects of an Empowerment-Based Health-Promotion School Intervention on Physical Activity and Sedentary Time among Adolescents in a Multicultural
Andreas Fröberg, Linus Jonsson, Christina Berg, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Peter Korp, Magnus Lindwall, Anders Raustorp, Christel Larsson
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2018 -
The Role of Personality in Retirement Adjustment: Mediating Effects of Self-Esteem, Autonomy, and Social
Isabelle Hansson, Georg Henning, Sandra Buratti, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
GSA Annual Scientific Meeting, Boston, Massachusetts, USA, November 14-18, 2018 - 2018 -
Retirement as a lens for socioeconomic differences in cognition and
Stefanie König, Magnus Lindwall, Georg Henning, Boo Johansson
Nordic Journal of Working Life Studies - 2018 -
Effects of a Two-Year Empowerment-Based School Intervention on Sedentary Time and Physical Activity among Adolescents in a Swedish Multicultural Area Characterized by Low Socioeconomic
Andreas Fröberg, Linus Jonsson, Christina Berg, Eva-Carin M Lindgren, Peter Korp, Magnus Lindwall, Anders Raustorp, Christel Larsson
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity, 3-6 June, Hongkong - 2018 -
Exploring longitudinal measurement invariance and the continuum hypothesis in the Swedish version of the Behavioral Regulation in Sport Questionnaire (BRSQ): An exploratory structural equation modeling
Andreas Stenling, A. Ivarsson, Magnus Lindwall, D. F. Gucciardi
Psychology of Sport and Exercise - 2018 -
Zooming in on the Effects: a Controlled Trial on Motivation and Exercise Behaviour in a Digital
K. Weman-Josefsson, U. Johnson, Magnus Lindwall
Current Psychology - 2018 -
Longitudinal associations between exercise identity and exercise motivation: A multilevel growth curve model
N. Ntoumanis, A. Stenling, C. Thøgersen-Ntoumani, S. Vlachopoulos, Magnus Lindwall, D. F. Gucciardi, C. Tsakonitis
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports - 2018 -
Longitudinal associations between athletes' controlled motivation, ill being, and perceptions of controlling coach behaviors: A Bayesian latent growth curve
A. Stenling, A. Ivarsson, P. Hassmen, Magnus Lindwall
Psychology of Sport and Exercise - 2017 -
Presenteeism, stress resilience, and physical activity in older manual workers: a person-centred
C. Thogersen-Ntoumani, J. Black, Magnus Lindwall, A. Whittaker, G. M. Balanos
European Journal of Ageing - 2017 -
Stirring the motivational soup: withinperson latent profiles of motivation in
Magnus Lindwall, Andreas Ivarsson, Karin Weman-Josefsson, Linus Jonsson, Nikos Ntoumanis, Heather Patrick, Cecilie Thøgersen-Ntoumani, David Markland, Pedro Teixeira
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - 2017 -
The only constant is change: Analysing and understanding change in sport and exercise psychology
Andreas Stenling, Andreas Ivarsson, Magnus Lindwall
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology - 2017 -
Mechanisms in Self-Determined Exercise Motivation: Effects of a Theory Informed Pilot
Anna Karin Weman-Josefsson, Kristina Fröberg, Sara Karlsson, Magnus Lindwall
Current psychology - 2017 -
Low leisure-time physical activity, but not shift-work, contributes to the development of sleep complaints in Swedish health care
M. Gerber, Magnus Lindwall, Mats Börjesson, Emina Hadzibajramovic, I. H. Jonsdottir
Mental Health and Physical Activity - 2017 -
Psychosocial factors and sport injuries: Meta-analyses for prediction and
Andreas Ivarsson, Urban Johnson, Mark Andersen, Ulrika Tranaeus, Andreas Stenling, Magnus Lindwall
Sports Medicine - 2017 -
Psychological health in the retirement transition: Rationale and first findings in the HEalth, Ageing and Retirement Transitions in Sweden (HEARTS)
Magnus Lindwall, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Pär Bjälkebring, Sandra Buratti, Isabelle Hansson, Linda Hassing, Georg Henning, Marie Kivi, Stefanie König, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Boo Johansson
Frontiers in Psychology - 2017 -
The role of personality for subjective well-being in the retirement transition - Comparing variable- and person-oriented
Georg Henning, Isabelle Hansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson
Personality and Individual Differences - 2017 -
The Role of Personality in the Adaptation to
Georg Henning, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson, Isabelle Hansson, Anne Ingeborg Berg
The 21st IAGG World Congress of Gerontology & Geriatrics, San Fransisco, California, USA, July 23-27, 2017 - 2017 -
Mindfulness Mechanisms in Sports: Mediating Effects of Rumination and Emotion Regulation on Sport-Specific
T. Josefsson, A. Ivarsson, Magnus Lindwall, H. Gustafsson, A. Stenling, J. Boroy, E. Mattsson, J. Carnebratt, S. Sevholt, E. Falkevik
Mindfulness - 2017 -
Fitness Moderates the Relationship between Stress and Cardiovascular Risk
M. Gerber, Mats Börjesson, T. Ljung, Magnus Lindwall, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise - 2016 -
Continuity in Well-Being in the Transition to
Georg Henning, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson
GeroPsych - The Journal of Gerontopsychology and Geriatric Psychiatry - 2016 -
Cross-lagged structural equation modeling and latent growth
Andreas Stenling, Andreas Ivarsson, Magnus Lindwall
An introduction to intermediate and advanced statistical analyses for sport and exercise scientists - 2016 -
Viewing exercise goal content through a person-oriented lens: A self-determination
Magnus Lindwall, Anna Karin Weman-Josefsson, Simon Sebire, Martyn Standage
Psychology of Sport And Exercise - 2016 -
Perceived stress in retirement: The interplay of personality and control over
Georg Henning, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson
23rd Nordic Congress of Gerontology, Tampere, Finland, June 21 - 2016 -
”But I Wanted to Stay!”: The Role of Adaptive Strategies and Personality in Involuntary
Georg Henning, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson
Work, Age, Health, and Employment - Evidence from Longitudinal Studies; Wuppertal, September 20 - 2016 -
Gruppdynamik inom idrott - Nycklar till världens bästa
Magnus Lindwall, Urban Johnson, Pär Rylander
2016 -
Improved Blood Pressure Control Using an Interactive Mobile Phone Support
Ulrika Bengtsson, Karin I Kjellgren, Inger Hallberg, Magnus Lindwall, Charles Taft
The Journal of Clinical Hypertension - 2016 -
Changes in mental health in compliers and noncompliers with physical activity recommendations in patients with stress-related
A. Lindegard, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Mats Börjesson, Magnus Lindwall, M. Gerber
Bmc Psychiatry - 2015 -
Bayesian Structural Equation Modeling in Sport and
Andreas Stenling, Andreas Ivarsson, Urban Johnson, Magnus Lindwall
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology - 2015 -
Things We Still Haven’t Learned (So
Andreas Ivarsson, Mark B Andersen, Andreas Stenling, Urban Johnson, Magnus Lindwall
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology - 2015 -
Assessment of cognitive performance online: A first report from the “Health, Aging and Retirement Transition in Sweden” – HEARTS
Georg Henning, Pär Bjälkebring, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Sandra Buratti, Linda Hassing, Marie Kivi, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson
Third International Conference on Aging & Cognition. Dortmund, Germany, 23-25 April. - 2015 -
Individual experiences following a 6-month exercise intervention: A qualitative
Ellen Staveborg Kerkelä, Linus Jonsson, Magnus Lindwall, Jennifer Strand
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2015 -
Trends and knowledge base in sport and exercise psychology research: A bibliometric review
J Lindahl, A Stenling, Magnus Lindwall, C Colliander
International Review of Sport and Exercise Psychology - 2015 -
Longitudinal associations between physical activity and depression scores in Swedish women followed 32
Pia Gudmundsson, Magnus Lindwall, Deborah Gustafson, Svante Östling, Tore Hällström, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2015 -
Using bifactor exploratory structural equation modeling to examine global and specific factors in measures of sport coaches’ interpersonal
A Stenling, A Ivarsson, P Hassmen, Magnus Lindwall
Frontiers in Psychology - 2015 -
Gender differences in the relation of personality traits and self-presentation with physical
H.F Aşçı, Magnus Lindwall, A Altıntaş, N Edepli
Science & sports - 2015 -
Promoting Graded Exercise as a Part of Multimodal Treatment in Patients Diagnosed with Stress-Related
Markus Gerber, Agneta Lindegård Andersson, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Elin Arvidsson, Magnus Lindwall
Journal of Clinical Nursing - 2015 -
Individual experiences following a six month exercise intervention: a qualitative
Ellen Staveborg Kerkelä, Linus Jonsson, Magnus Lindwall, Jennifer Strand
International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), 2015, Abstract Book - 2015 -
Need satisfaction, Motivational regulations and Exercise: Moderation and mediation
Anna Karin Weman-Josefsson, Magnus Lindwall, Andreas Ivarsson
International Journal of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity - 2015 -
Changes in Perceived Autonomy Support, Need Satisfaction, Behavioral Regulations, and Well-Being in Young Elite
A Stenling, Magnus Lindwall, P Hassmen
Sport, Exercise, and Performance Psychology - 2015 -
Longitudinal relationships between perceived stress, exercise self-regulation, and exercise involvement among physically active
M Gerber, Magnus Lindwall, S Brand, C Lang, C Elliot, U Pühse
Journal of Sports Sciences - 2015 -
Physical self esteem- A ten year follow-up study from early adolescence to early
Anders Raustorp, Magnus Lindwall
International Journal of Adolescents Medicine and Health - 2015 -
Anna Karin Weman-Josefsson, Magnus Lindwall, Kristina Fröberg, Sara Karlsson
ECSS Amsterdam 2014 Book of Abstracts - 2014 -
Physical activity and cognitive functioning in the oldest old: Within- and between-person cognitive and psychosocial
A Robitaille, G Muniz, Magnus Lindwall, A.M Piccinin, L Hoffman, Boo Johansson, S.M Hofer
European Journal of Ageing - 2014 -
Effects of Physical Exercise on Depressive Symptoms and Biomarkers in
Trevor Archer, Torbjörn Josefsson, Magnus Lindwall
CNS & Neurological Disorders - Drug Targets - 2014 -
The Physical Self in Motion: Within-Person Change and Associations of Change in Self-Esteem, Physical Self-Concept, and Physical Activity in Adolescent
Magnus Lindwall, Hulya Asci, Peter Crocker
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology - 2014 -
Participation in Organized Sport and Self-Esteem Across Adolescence:The Mediating Role of Perceived Sport
Stefan Wagnsson, Magnus Lindwall, Henrik Gustafsson
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology - 2014 -
Physical Activity in Employees with Differing Occupational Stress and Mental Health Profiles: A Latent Profile
M Gerber, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Magnus Lindwall, Gunnar Ahlborg
Psychology of Sport And Exercise - 2014 -
The Relationships of Change in Physical Activity With Change in Depression, Anxiety, and Burnout: A Longitudinal Study of Swedish Healthcare
Magnus Lindwall, Markus Gerber, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir, Mats Börjesson, Gunnar Ahlborg
Health Psychology - 2014 -
The effects of a short-term mindfulness based intervention on self-reported mindfulness, decentering, executive attention, psychological health, and coping style: Examining unique mindfulness effects and
Torbjörn Josefsson, Magnus Lindwall, Anders G Broberg
Mindfulness - 2014 -
Psychosocial stress as a predictor of injury in elite junior soccer: A latent growth curve
Andreas Ivarsson, Urban Johnson, Magnus Lindwall, Henrik Gustafsson, Mats Altemyr
Journal of Science and Medicine in Sport - 2014 -
Rationale and development of individual counseling based on self-determination theory and motivational
Linus Jonsson, Magnus Lindwall, Anna Karin Weman-Josefsson
ISBNPA 2014 Abstract Book - 2014 -
Self-esteem and self-perceptions in sport and
K.R Fox, Magnus Lindwall
Routledge companion to sport and exercise psychology: Global perspectives and fundamental concepts - 2014 -
Physical activity and
Magnus Lindwall, Hulya Asci
Physical activity and mental health - 2014 -
Physical exercise intervention in depressive disorders: meta-analysis and systematic
Torbjörn Josefsson, Magnus Lindwall, Trevor Archer
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports - 2014 -
Cardiorespiratory fitness protects against stress-related symptoms of burnout and
M Gerber, Magnus Lindwall, Agneta Lindegård, Mats Börjesson, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
Patient Education and Counseling - 2013 -
The mediation of mastery oriented climate between coach initiated prosocial feedback and prosocial behavior in
S. Wagnsson, Göran Patriksson, Magnus Lindwall, Owe Stråhlman, C Nyberg
Oral presentation at the 18th annual Congress of the European College of Sport Science (ECSS) - 2013 -
To adjust or not adjust: Nonparametric effect sizes, confidence intervals, and real-world
Andreas Ivarsson, Mark B Andersen, Urban Johnson, Magnus Lindwall
Psychology of Sport and Exercise - 2013 -
Social Activity and Cognitive Functioning Over
C.L Brown, L.E Gibbons, R.F Kennison, A Robitaille, Magnus Lindwall, M.B Mitchell, S.D Shirk, A Atri, C.R Cimino, A Benitez, S.W.S MacDonald, E.M Zelinski, S.L Willis, K.W Schaie, Boo Johansson, R.A Dixon, D.M Mungas, S.M Hofer, A.M Piccinin
Journal of Aging Research - 2012 -
Cognitively stimulating activities: Effects on cognition across four studies with up to 21 years of longitudinal
M.B Mitchell, C.R Cimino, A Benitez, C.L Brown, L.E Gibbons, R.F Kennison, S.D Shirk, A Atri, A Robitaille, S.W.S MacDonald, Magnus Lindwall, E.M Zelinski, S.L Willis, K.W Schaie, Boo Johansson, R.A Dixon, D.M Mungas, S.M Hofer, A.M Piccinin
Journal of Aging Research - 2012 -
Dynamic associations of change in physical activity and change in cognitive function: Coordinated analyses of four longitudinal
Magnus Lindwall, C.R Cimino, Gibbons, M.B Mitchell, A Benitez, C.L Brown, R.F Kennison, S.D Shirk, A Atri, A Robitaille, S.W.S MacDonald, E.M Zelinski, S.L Willis, K.W Schaie, Boo Johansson, Marcus Praetorius, R.A Dixon, D.M Mungas, S.M Hofer, A.M Piccinin
Journal of Aging Research - 2012 -
Self-reported physical activity and aerobic fitness are differently related to mental
Magnus Lindwall, Thomas Ljung, Emina Hadzibajramovic, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
Mental Health and Physical Activity - 2012 -
Method Effects: The Problem With Negatively Versus Positively Keyed
Magnus Lindwall, V. Barkoukis, C Grano, F. Lucidi, L. Raudsepp, J. Liukkonen, C Thogersen-Ntoumani
Journal of Personality Assessment - 2012 -
Concerns regarding hair cortisol as a biomarker of chronic stress in exercise and sport
M Gerber, S Brand, Magnus Lindwall, C Elliot, N Kalak, C Herrmann, U Pühse, Ingibjörg H Jonsdottir
Journal of Sports Science and Medicine - 2012 -
Fysisk aktivitet och psykisk ohälsa hos
Magnus Lindwall, Ingvar Karlsson
Äldres hälsa- ett sjukgymnastiskt perspektiv - 2012 -
Factorial validity and invariance of the Life Satisfaction Index in older people across groups and time: Addressing the heterogeneity of age, functional ability, and
C. Fagerstrom, Magnus Lindwall, Anne Ingeborg Berg, M. Rennemark
Archives of Gerontology and Geriatrics - 2012 -
Predicting alcohol consumption and binge drinking in company employees: An application of planned behaviour and self-determination
Martin S. Hagger, Adam J. Lonsdale, Vello Hein, Andre Koka, Taru Lintunen, Heidi Pasi, Magnus Lindwall, Lisa Rudolfsson, Nikos D. Chatzisarantis
British Journal of Health Psychology - 2012 -
The reciprocal relationship between physical activity and depression in older European adults: A prospective cross-lagged panel design using SHARE
Magnus Lindwall, Pernilla Larsman, M. S. Hagger
Health Psychol - 2011 -
Factorial validity and measurement invariance of the Revised Physical Self-Perception Profile (PSPP-R) in three
Magnus Lindwall, H. Asci, M. S. Hagger
Psychol Health Med - 2011 -
The importance of importance in the physical self: support for the theoretically appealing but empirically elusive model of
Magnus Lindwall, F. H. Asci, A. Palmeira, K. R. Fox, M. S. Hagger
J Pers - 2011 -
Exercise, self-esteem and
Magnus Lindwall
The Psychology of Strength Training and Conditioning, D. Tod, & D. Lavallee (Eds.) - 2011 -
Självkänsla: Bortom populärpsykologi och enkla
Magnus Lindwall
2011 -
Fysisk aktivitet och
Magnus Lindwall
Kognitiv Medicin, L-O Wahlund, C. Nilsson, & A. Wallin (Red.) - 2011 -
Health and well-being profiles of older European
C Thogersen-Ntoumani, V Barkoukis, C Grano, F Lucidi, Magnus Lindwall, J Liukkonen, L Raudsepp, W Young
Magnus Lindwall, Boo Johansson
Gerontologist - 2011 -
Exercising impressive impressions: the exercise stereotype in male
Magnus Lindwall, K. A. Ginis
Scandinavian Journal of Medicine & Science in Sports - 2010 -
Motivation till motion och fysisk
Karin Josefsson, Magnus Lindwall
Hälsa & Livsstil – forskning och praktiska tillämpningar, L. Hallberg (Red.) - 2010 -
Fysisk aktivitet och psykologisk
Magnus Lindwall, Urban Johnson
Hälsa & Livsstil – forskning och praktiska tillämpningar, L. Hallberg (Red.) - 2010 -
Relationships between physical activity and perceived qualities of life in old age. Results of the SNAC
M. Rennemark, Magnus Lindwall, A. Halling, J. Berglund
Aging Ment Health - 2009 -
Movement in mind: the relationship of exercise with cognitive status for older adults in the Swedish National Study on Aging and Care
Magnus Lindwall, M. Rennemark, T. Berggren
Aging Ment Health - 2008 -
Who cares what other people think? Self-presentation in exercise and
Kathleen A. Martin Ginis, Magnus Lindwall, Harry Prapavessis
Tenenbaum, Gershon; Eklund, Robert C. (2007). Handbook of sport psychology (3rd Ed.) - 2007 -
Cross-cultural validity and measurement invariance of the social physique anxiety scale in five European
M. S. Hagger, F. H. Asci, Magnus Lindwall, V. Hein, O. Mulazimoglu-Balli, M. Tarrant, Y. P. Ruiz, V. Sell
Scand J Med Sci Sports - 2007 -
Depression and exercise in elderly men and women: findings from the Swedish national study on aging and
Magnus Lindwall, M. Rennemark, A. Halling, J. Berglund, P. Hassmen
J Aging Phys Act - 2007 -
Moving towards a favorable image: the self-presentational benefits of exercise and physical
Magnus Lindwall, K. A. Martin Ginis
Scand J Psychol - 2006 -
[Exercise and self confidence--keys to better mental health of the
Magnus Lindwall, P. Hassmen
Lakartidningen - 2006 -
Examining the Validity of a Swedish Version of the Self-Presentation in Exercise
Magnus Lindwall
Measurement in Physical Education and Exercise Science - 2005 -
The effects of a 6-month exercise intervention programme on physical self-perceptions and social physique anxiety in non-physically active adolescent Swedish
Magnus Lindwall, Eva-Carin Lindgren
Psychology of Sport and Exercise - 2005 -
A cross-cultural evaluation of a multidimensional and hierarchical model of physical self-perceptions in three national
Martin S. Hagger, F. Hülya Asçi, Magnus Lindwall
Journal of Applied Social Psychology - 2004 -
Factorial validity and invariance testing of the Swedish Social Physique Anxiety Scale: Arguments for gender-specific
Magnus Lindwall
Journal of Sport & Exercise Psychology - 2004 -
Factorial structure and invariance across gender of the Swedish self-consciousness
Magnus Lindwall
J Pers Assess - 2004 -
The role of exercise and gender for physical self-perceptions and importance ratings in Swedish university
Magnus Lindwall, P. Hassmen
Scand J Med Sci Sports - 2004