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- Marie Berg
Marie Berg
Professor emeritus
Reproduktiv och perinatal hälsaOm Marie Berg
Professor Emeritus in Health Care Sciences specialising Reproductive and Perinatal health at University of Gothenburg and Ordinary Professor at Evangelical University in Africa. PhD, MPH, MNursSci, RN, RM
Ongoing missions
- Quality improvement of perinatal care in DR Congo in collaboration with the CEPAC church health care department
- Program director for Midwife Education Program at Evangelical University of Africa, i Bukavu DR Kongo.
My research aims at supporting a healthy pregnancy, childbirth and parenthood in normal as well as complicated conditions, focusing a normal, physiological birth with a person-centred holistic approach, minimal use of medical interventions and midwives fulfilling international professional norms.
Ongoing research (main)
- Room4Birth: the health care environment with focus on the birthing room and its influence on the birth process, and birth outcomes including experience in Sweden and the DR Congo
- Oxytocin and its use during labour and third stage
- Midwife education Program in the DR Congo, implementation with focus Person-Centered Care and Simulation-based learning.
- Implementation of quailty care of mother and newborn in the DR Congo, focusing the Panzi hospital and the Ibanda health zone in the DR Congo (different aspects such as use of MiMo, a Midwifery Model of woman-centred childbirth care, the health care environment and logistics, management of Retentio Placentae)
Finished research project (not all)
- Obesity in pregnancy, healthy lifestyleintervention.
- Diabetes, pregnancy, childbirth and motherhood, focusing Diabetes type 1
- Sexuality, childbirth and HIV
Research group: Sexuell, reproduktiv och perinatal hälsa. https://www.gu.se/forskning/sexuell-reproduktiv-och-perinatal-halsa
The disciplin of Reproductive and Perinatal health, The midwife philosophy, theoretical model of midwifery care, qualitative methods, Systematic literature reviews, Diabetes and chidbirth, maternal health and care in low. oncome setting.
Earlier missions
- Assessment committe for Associate Professorship, at Sahlgrenska Academy (SA), University of Gothenburg (2003-2022).
- Board member scientific board for Swedish Midwifery Association (2003-2022).
- University hospital consultant midwife at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
- Responsible Discipline Reproductive and Perinatal Health (2012-2020) at UGOT.
- Program Director for the Midwifery education program (2002-2012) at UGOT.
- Development and establishing of bachelor, master one year (2003), and master (2009) for midwives in the discipline Reproductive and Perinatal Health/Midwifery science at UGOT, and a full master program (2015).
- Board member in the Sahlgrenska Akademy (SA) board (medical faculty board) a UGOT (2015-2018).
- Director for the PhD programe at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences at UGOT (2012-2015).
- Member in the PhD examination board at SA, UGOT (2010-2018)
- Work 44 years as a midwife
- Work in Dem. Rep. Congo since 1981 as head of maternity care, head of a woman lifeskills school and etctera, since 2015 focusing the Panzi hosital and te collaboration with Dr Prof Denis Mukwege (Nobe, Peace Price winner 2018) .
Evaluating the implementation of person-centred care and simulation-based learning in a midwifery education programme in the Democratic Republic of Congo: a study
Frida Temple, Ewa Carlsson-Lalloo, Marie Berg, Urban Berg, Alumeti Munyali Désiré, Olivier Nyakio, Aline Mulunda, Malin Bogren
Global health action - 2024 -
Testing the feasibility of a translated and culturally adapted person-centred training programme in maternal and newborn healthcare in Democratic Republic of Congo: A process
Ewa Carlsson-Lalloo, Frida Temple, Marie Berg, Urban Berg, Alumeti Munyali Désiré, Aline Mulunda, Malin Bogren
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare - 2024 -
Caesarean section rate reduced by a redesigned birthing room. Results of a quality improvement intervention at a hospital in Democratic Republic of
Marie Berg, Urban Berg, E. Mapatano, D. Mukwege
Effekten av att föda barn i ett speciellt utformat födslorum: En randomiserad kontrollerad
Lisa Goldkuhl, Hanna Gyllensten, Christina Nilsson, Helle Wijk, Göran Lindahl, Anna-Karin Ringqvist, Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, Marie Berg
Konferensbidrag Reproduktiv Hälsa, Karlstad - 2023 -
Implementing a new birthing room design: a qualitative study with a care provider
Lisa Goldkuhl, Malin Tistad, Hanna Gyllensten, Marie Berg
BMC health services research - 2023 -
Impact of Birthing Room Design on Maternal Childbirth Experience: Results From the Room4Birth Randomized
Lisa Goldkuhl, Hanna Gyllensten, Cecily Begley, Christina Nilsson, Helle Wijk, Göran Lindahl, Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, Marie Berg
HERD - 2023 -
Corrigendum to “Room4Birth – The effect of giving birth in a hospital birthing room designed with person-centred considerations: A Swedish randomised controlled trial” [Sex. Reprod. Healthc. 32 (2022)
Lisa Goldkuhl, Hanna Gyllensten, Cecily Begley, Helle Wijk, Christina Nilsson, Göran Lindahl, Anna Karin Ringqvist, Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, Marie Berg
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare - 2023 -
Att diagnostiseras med graviditetsdiabetes - påverkar �det upplevelsen av graviditet, förlossning och
Pia Vikner, Verena Sengpiel, Helena Backman, Helena Strevens, Anna-Karin Wikström, Marie Berg, Karolina Linden
Konferens Reproduktiv Hälsa 2023 - 2023 -
Contextual factors influencing implementation of a university-based midwifery education programme in Central Africa: A qualitative
Marie Berg, Ewa Carlsson-Lalloo, F. K. Ngongo, Malin Bogren
Nurse Education in Practice - 2023 -
Impact of the built environment on labour and birth outcomes: the Swedish Room4Birth randomised
Lisa Goldkuhl, Hanna Gyllensten, Christina Nilsson, Helle Wijk, Marie Berg
33rd ICM Triennal Congress, Bali, Indonesia, 11-14 June 2023 - 2023 -
Using process-oriented groups reflections with health care providers to improve childbirth care in the Democratic Republic of Congo - An implementation
Marie Berg, Maria Hogenäs, Malin Bogren
Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives - 2022 -
Implementation of a midwifery model of womancentered care in practice: Impact on oxytocin use and childbirth
Ingela Lundgren, Anna Dencker, Marie Berg, C. Nilsson, L. Bergqvist, O. Á Ólafsdóttir
European Journal of Midwifery - 2022 -
Room4Birth - The effect of giving birth in a hospital birthing room designed with person-centred considerations: A Swedish randomised controlled
Lisa Goldkuhl, Hanna Gyllensten, Cecily Begley, Helle Wijk, Christina Nilsson, Göran Lindahl, Anna-Karin Ringqvist, Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, Marie Berg
Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives - 2022 -
Women's Experiences of Physical Features in a Specially Designed Birthing Room: A Mixed-Methods Study in
Lisa Björnson Skogström, Emma Vithal, Helle Wijk, Göran Lindahl, Marie Berg
HERD - 2022 -
A Lifestyle Intervention During Pregnancy and Its Effects on Child Weight 2.5 Years
Karin Haby, Hanna Gyllensten, Marie Berg, Ragnar Hanås, Åsa Premberg
Maternal and Child Health Journal - 2022 -
Implementation of a three-pillar training intervention to improve maternal and neonatal healthcare in the Democratic Republic Of Congo: a process evaluation study in an urban health
Marie Berg, Sylvie Nabintu Mwambali, Malin Bogren
Global health action - 2022 -
A midwifery model of woman-centred care (MiMo) developed in a Nordic
Olof Asta Olafsdottir, Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren
Theories and perspectives for midwifery - 2022 -
Sexual satisfaction and its associations with patient-reported outcomes in a cohort of women living with human immunodeficiency virus in
Ewa Carlsson-Lalloo, Marie Berg, Marie Rusner, V. Svedhem, Åsa Mellgren
International Journal of Std & Aids - 2022 -
People living with HIV in Sweden report high levels of sexual satisfaction in a registry-based cohort
Ewa Carlsson-Lalloo, Marie Rusner, Marie Berg, Veronica Svedhem, Åsa Mellgren
AIDS Care - 2022 -
The midwife's role in achieving the Sustainable Development Goals: protect and invest together - the Swedish
Helena Lindgren, Malin Bogren, Ingrid Osika Friberg, Marie Berg, Gabriella Hök, Kerstin Erlandsson
Global health action - 2022 -
Ingela Lundgren, Marie Berg
Reproduktiv hälsa - barnmorskans kompetensområde (second edition). - 2022 -
Diabetes och graviditet. I: Lindgren H., Christensson K., Dykes A-K. Reproduktiv hälsa - barnmorskans kompetensområde (second
Marie Berg, Kerstin Berntorp, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm
2022 -
Evidensbaserat yrkesutövande. Reproduktiv hälsa - barnmorskans kompetensområde. I: Lindgren H., Christensson K., Dykes A-K. Reproduktiv hälsa - barnmorskans kompetensområde (second
Ingela Lundgren, Marie Berg
Lindgren H., Christensson K., Dykes A-K. Reproduktiv hälsa - barnmorskans kompetensområde (second edition) - 2022 -
An ethnography of the influence and meaning of the hospital birthing room for labouring nulliparous
Lisa Goldkuhl, Liselott (Lisen) Dellenborg, Marie Berg, Helle Wijk, Christina Nilsson
Nordic Midwifery Congress, Helsinki 2022 - 2022 -
Implementation of a midwifery model of woman-centered care in practice: Impact on oxytocin use and
Ingela Lundgren, Anna Dencker, Marie Berg, Christina Nilsson, Liselotte Bergqvist, Olaf Asta Olafsdotter
European Journal of Midwifery - 2022 -
The birthing room and its influence on the promotion of a normal physiological childbirth-a qualitative interview study with midwives in
Anna Andrén, C. Begley, Helena Dahlberg, Marie Berg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2021 -
The influence and meaning of the birth environment for nulliparous women at a hospital-based labour ward in Sweden: An ethnographic
Lisa Goldkuhl, Liselott (Lisen) Dellenborg, Marie Berg, Helle Wijk, Christina Nilsson
Women and birth : journal of the Australian College of Midwives - 2021 -
Women's childbirth experience emphasizing own capacity and safety: A cross-sectional Rwandan
Judith U Mukamurigo, Marie Berg, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Malin Bogren, Anna Dencker
Women and birth : journal of the Australian College of Midwives - 2021 -
Contextual factors influencing a training intervention aimed at improved maternal and newborn healthcare in a health zone of the Democratic Republic of
Malin Bogren, Sylvie Nabintu Mwambali, Marie Berg
PloS one - 2021 -
Supportive conditions for sexual and perinatal wellbeing in women living with HIV in Sweden: A phenomenological
Ewa Carlsson-Lalloo, Åsa Mellgren, Marie Berg, Marie Rusner
Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives - 2021 -
Cost effectiveness of a controlled lifestyle intervention for pregnant women with
Hanna Gyllensten, Karin Haby, Marie Berg, Åsa Premberg
BMC pregnancy and childbirth - 2021 -
Impact of the Helping Mothers Survive Bleeding After Birth learning programme on care provider skills and maternal health outcomes in low-income countries — An integrative
Malin Bogren, Anna Denovan, Felicity Kent, Marie Berg, Karolina Linden
Women and Birth - 2021 -
Barriers to delivering quality midwifery education programmes in the Democratic Republic of Congo — An interview study with educators and clinical
Malin Bogren, Berthollet Bwira Kaboru, Marie Berg
Women and Birth - 2021 -
Dosage of oxytocin for augmentation of labor and women’s childbirth experiences: A randomized controlled
Lotta Selin, Marie Berg, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, Anna Dencker
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica - 2021 -
An adaptable birthing room and its effect on labour and birth – feasibility study for the randomised controlled trial; Room4Birth in
Lisa Goldkuhl, Caroline Johansson, Lisa Björnson Skogström, Marie Berg
32'nd ICM Triennal Virtual Congress June 2021 - 2021 -
The lived experiences of healthcare during pregnancy, birth, and three months after in women with type 1 diabetes
Helena Dahlberg, Marie Berg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2020 -
Models for midwifery care: A mapping
Tine Eri, Marie Berg, Bente Dahl, Helga Gottfreðsdóttir, Eva Sommerstedt, Christina Prinds
Eur J Midwifery - 2020 -
Initial Validation of the Diabetes and Breastfeeding Management Questionnaire
Karolina Linden, Marie Berg, Carina Sparud Lundin, Annsofie Adolfsson, Jeanette Melin
International journal of environmental research and public health - 2020 -
Measuring women's experiences of decision-making and aspects of midwifery support: a confirmatory factor analysis of the revised Childbirth Experience
Anna Dencker, Liselotte Bergqvist, Marie Berg, Josephine T. V. Greenbrook, C. Nilsson, Ingela Lundgren
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2020 -
Effects of Birthing Room Design on Maternal and Neonate Outcomes: A Systematic
C. Nilsson, Helle Wijk, Lina Höglund, Helen Sjöblom, Eva Hessman, Marie Berg
Herd-Health Environments Research & Design Journal - 2020 -
Midwifery education, regulation and association in the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) – current state and
Malin Bogren, Britou Ndela, Carla Toko, Marie Berg
Global health action - 2020 -
Midwives' challenges and factors that motivate them to remain in their workplace in the Democratic Republic of Congo-an interview
Malin Bogren, Malin Grahn, B. B. Kaboru, Marie Berg
Human Resources for Health - 2020 -
Health professionals’ perceptions of a midwifery model of woman-centred care implemented on a hospital labour
Ingela Lundgren, Marie Berg, Christina Nilsson, Olof Asta Olafsdottir
Women and Birth - 2020 -
Health care professional's communication through an interpreter where language barriers exist in neonatal care: a national
Katarina Patriksson, Helena Wigert, Marie Berg, Stefan Nilsson
BMC Health Services Research - 2019 -
Fast-track program of elective joint replacement in hip and knee - Patients' experiences of the clinical pathway and care
Urban Berg, Marie Berg, Ola Rolfson, Annette Erichsen Andersson
Journal of Orthopaedic Surgery and Research - 2019 -
Quality of intrapartum care for healthy women with spontaneous onset of labour in Rwanda: A health facility-based, cross-sectional
Judith U Mukamurigo, Anna Dencker, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye, Joseph Ntaganira, Marie Berg
Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives - 2019 -
Room4Birth - the effect of an adaptable birthing room on labour and birth outcomes for nulliparous women at term with spontaneous labour start: study protocol for a randomised controlled superiority trial in
Marie Berg, Lisa Goldkuhl, Christina Nilsson, Helle Wijk, Hanna Gyllensten, Göran Lindahl, Kerstin Uvnäs Moberg, Cecily Begley
Trials - 2019 -
Midwives’ care on a labour ward prior to the introduction of a midwifery model of care: a field of
Christina Nilsson, Olof Asta Olafsdottir, Ingela Lundgren, Marie Berg, Liselott (Lisen) Dellenborg
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2019 -
High-dose versus low-dose of oxytocin for labour augmentation: a randomised controlled
Lotta Selin, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, Maria Jonsson, Anna Dencker, Gunnar Wallin, Eva Wiberg-Itzel, Elisabeth Almström, Max Petzold, Marie Berg
Women and birth : journal of the Australian College of Midwives - 2019 -
What About Fathers When Their Partner Suffers From Peripartum
Harshida Patel, Cecily Begley, Marie Berg
Sigma Nursing Repository - 2019 -
Maternal plasma levels of oxytocin during physiological childbirth - a systematic review with implications for uterine contractions and central actions of
Kerstin Uvnäs-Moberg, Anette Ekström-Bergström, Marie Berg, Sarah Buckley, Zada Pajalic, Eleni Hadjigeorgiou, Alicja Kotłowska, Luise Lengler, Bogumila Kielbratowska, Fatima Leon-Larios, Claudia Meier Magistretti, Soo Downe, Bengt Lindström, Anna Dencker
BMC pregnancy and childbirth - 2019 -
Offering weight management support to pregnant women with high body mass index: A qualitative study with
Ellinor K. Olander, Frida Berg, Marie Berg, Anna Dencker
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare - 2019 -
Evaluation of a midwifery model of woman-centred care during childbirth – a mixed method
Ingela Lundgren, Olof Asta Olafsdottir, Anna Dencker, Christina Nilsson, Liselotte Bergqvist, Charles Taft, Marie Berg
NJF Congress 2019 Reykjavik Conference app - 2019 -
Build professional competence and Equip with strategies to empower midwifery students – An interview study evaluating a simulation-based learning course for midwifery educators in
Malin Upper Bogren, J. Rosengren, K. Erlandsson, Marie Berg
Nurse Education in Practice - 2019 -
Sexuality and childbearing as it is experienced by women living with HIV in Sweden: a lifeworld phenomenological
Ewa Carlsson-Lalloo, Marie Berg, Åsa Mellgren, Marie Rusner
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-Being - 2018 -
Well-being, diabetes management and breastfeeding in mothers with type 1 diabetes – An explorative
Karolina Linden, Marie Berg, A. Adolfsson, Carina Sparud Lundin
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare - 2018 -
Person-centred, web-based support in pregnancy and early motherhood for women with Type 1 diabetes mellitus: a randomized controlled
Karolina Linden, Marie Berg, Ann-Sofie Adolfsson, Carina Sparud Lundin
Diabetic Medicine - 2018 -
Fathers’ experiences of care when their partners suffer from peripartum cardiomyopathy: a qualitative interview
Harshida Patel, Marie Berg, Cecily Begley, Maria Schaufelberger
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2018 -
Mighty Mums - a Lifestyle intervention at primary care level reduces gestational weiht gain in women with
Karin Haby, Marie Berg, Hanna Gyllensten, Ragnar Hanås, Åsa Premberg
BMC Obesity - 2018 -
Web-Based Intervention for Women With Type 1 Diabetes in Pregnancy and Early Motherhood: Critical Analysis of Adherence to Technological Elements and Study
Marie Berg, Karolina Linden, Annsofie Adolfsson, Carina Sparud Lundin, Agneta Ranerup
Journal of Medical Internet Research - 2018 -
Lifestyle intervention in pregnant women with BMI
Karin Haby, Marie Berg, Hanna Gyllensten, Ragnar Hanås, Åsa Premberg
NEON, The Network in Epidemiology and Nutrition. From evidence to practice. April 18-19 2018 - 2018 -
Reprioritizing life: a conceptual model of how women with type 1 diabetes
deal with main concerns in early
Ing-Marie Carlsson, Marie Berg, Annsofie Adolfsson, Carina Sparud Lundin
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2017 -
What do we know about women with Peripartum
Harshida Patel, Maria Schaufelberger, Cecily Begley, Marie Berg
Virginia Henderson Global Nursing e-Repository - 2017 -
Dysfunctional labor: Case definition & guidelines for data collection, analysis, and presentation of immunization safety
Linda O Eckert, Michel Boulvain, Chad Grotegut, Barbra M Fisher, Jay King, Marie Berg, Richard M K Adanu, Uma Reddy, Jason J S Waugh, Manish Gupta, Sonali Kochhar, Sara Kenyon
Vaccine - 2017 -
Measuring women's childbirth experiences: a systematic review for identification and analysis of validated
Helena Nilvér, Cecily Begley, Marie Berg
BMC Pregnancy Childbirth - 2017 -
Associations between perceptions of care and women's childbirth experience: a population-based cross-sectional study in
Judith U Mukamurigo, Marie Berg, Joseph Ntaganira, Laetitia Nyirazinyoye , Anna Dencker
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2017 -
The meaning of a poor childbirth experience - A qualitative phenomenological study with women in
Judith U Mukamurigo, Anna Dencker, Joseph Ntaganira, Marie Berg
PloS one - 2017 -
HIV-positive women´s experiences of sexuality and childbearing in Sweden- a phenomenological
Ewa Carlsson-Lalloo, Marie Berg, Åsa Mellgren, Marie Rusner
5º GCQHR e-Book 5th global congress for Qualitative Health Research - 2017 -
Communicating with parents who have difficulty understanding and speaking Swedish: An interview study with health care
Katarina Patriksson, Marie Berg, Stefan Nilsson, Helena Wigert
Journal of Neonatal Nursing - 2017 -
A midwifery challenge – supporting well-being in early pregnant women with type 1
Karolina Linden, Ann-Sofie Adolfsson, Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg
31st International Confederation of Midwives Triennal Congress, Toronto, Canada 18-22 June 2017 - 2017 -
Minimizing pregnancy weight gain in women with obesity - a challenge for
Marie Berg, Åsa Premberg, Karin Haby
31st International Confederation for Midwives Triennal Conference, 18-22 June, Toronto, Canada - 2017 -
An ethnographic study on midwives´ care of childbearing women at a normal labor ward in
Christina Nilsson, Ingela Lundgren, Marie Berg, Olof Asta Olafsdottir, Liselott (Lisen) Dellenborg
31th ICM Triennial Congress 18-22 June 2017 - 2017 -
Evaluation of a model of woman-centred care during
Ingela Lundgren, Olof Asta Olafsdottir, Charles Taft, Christina Nilsson, Anna Dencker, Marie Berg
31th ICM Triennieal Congress 18-22 June 2017 - 2017 -
A Guiding Tool for using a Midwifery Model of Woman Centred Childbirth Care : An Ethnographic Action Research in an Icelandic
Olof Asta Olafsdottir, Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren, Christina Nilsson
31th ICM Triennial Congress - 2017 -
Routine interventions in childbirth before and after initiation of an Action Research
Viola Nyman, Leyla Roshani, Marie Berg, Terese Bondas, Soo Downe, Anna Dencker
Sexual and Reproductive Healthcare - 2017 -
New thinking on improving maternity care
Sarah Church, Lucy Frith, Marie-Claire Balaam, Marie Berg, Valerie Smith, Christa van der Walt, Soo Downe, Edwin van Teijlingen
2017 -
The salutogenic approach to maternity care: from theory to practice and
Bengt Lindström, Marie Berg, Claudia Meier Magistretti, Mercedes Perez-Botella, Soo Downe
New thinking on improving maternity care - 2017 -
Shaping the midwifery profession in Nepal – Uncovering actors' connections using a Complex Adaptive Systems
Malin Bogren, Marie Berg, Lars Edgren, Edwin van Teijlingen, Helena Wigert
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare - 2016 -
Experiences of health care in women with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy in Sweden: a qualitative interview
Harshida Patel, Maria Schaufelberger, Cecily Begley, Marie Berg
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2016 -
Symptoms in women with Peripartum Cardiomyopathy: a mixed method
Harshida Patel, Marie Berg, Anders Barasa, Cecily Begley, Maria Schaufelberger
Midwifery - 2016 -
Bipolar disorder in pregnancy and childbirth: a systematic review of
Marie Rusner, Marie Berg, Cecily Begley
Bmc Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2016 -
Sexuality and Reproduction in HIV-Positive Women: A
Ewa Carlsson-Lalloo, Marie Rusner, Åsa Mellgren, Marie Berg
AIDS Patients Care and STDs - 2016 -
Setting the stage for health: Salutogenesis in midwifery professional knowledge in three European
Claudia Meier Magistretti, Soo Downe, Bengt Lindström, Marie Berg, Katarina Tritten Schwarz
International journal of qualitative studies on health and well-being - 2016 -
Well-Being and Diabetes Management in Early Pregnant Women with Type 1 Diabetes
Karolina Linden, Carina Sparud Lundin, A. Adolfsson, Marie Berg
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2016 -
Can a Lifestyle intervention for pregnant women with obesity have positive effects on weight gain during
Åsa Premberg, Ragnar Hanås, Marie Berg, Karin Haby
Abstract Book, NNC Nordic Nutrition Conference, Gothenburg, 20-22th of June, 2016 - 2016 -
High Dose versus Low Dose Oxytocin for Augmentation of Delayed Labour: a randomized controlled
Lotta Selin, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, Gunnar Wallin, Elisabeth Almström, Anna Dencker, Max Petzold, Marie Berg
NJF (Nordiskt Jordemoderförbund) Congress. Programme and abstracts. Gothenburg, May 12-14, 2016 - 2016 -
Challenges experienced by midwives providing antenatal care to asylum seeking women in
Johanna Staxäng, Marie Berg, Kristin Nilsson
NJF (Nordiskt Jordemoderförbund) Congress. Programme and abstracts. Gothenburg, May 12-14, 2016 - 2016 -
Can a lifestyle intervention for pregnant women with obesity have positive effects on weight gain during
Åsa Premberg, Ragnar Hanås, Marie Berg, Karin Haby
Food & Nutrition Research - 2016 -
Adopting a healthy lifestyle when pregnant and obese – an interview study three years after
Anna Dencker, Åsa Premberg, Ellinor K Olander, Christine McCourt, Karin Haby, Sofie Dencker, Anna Glantz, Marie Berg
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2016 -
Can a lifestyle intervention for pregnant women with obesity affect gestational weight
Karin Haby, Åsa Premberg, Ragnar Hanås, Marie Berg
European Obesity Summit (EOS) - Joint Congress of EASO and IFSO-EC, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 1-4, 2016 - 2016 -
Support to adopt a healthy lifestyle for pregnant women with BMI >
Anna Dencker, Åsa Premberg, Ellinor K. Olander, Christine McCourt, Karin Haby, Sofie Dencker, Anna Glantz, Marie Berg
The NJF Congress (Nordiskt Jordemorförbund), Gothenburg, 12-14 May 2016 - 2016 -
Cost-effectiveness of the behavioral antenatal care intervention programme Mighty
Hanna Gyllensten, Karin Haby, Marie Berg, Åsa Premberg, Elisabeth Hansson-Olofsson
European Obesity Summit (EOS) - Joint Congress of EASO and IFSO-EC, Gothenburg, Sweden, June 1-4, 2016. Obesity Facts. - 2016 -
Management of intrapartum care in expected normal childbirth: A prospective cross-sectional survey at a university hospital in
Jenny Carlsson, Johanna Cederfeldt, Cecily Begley, Marie Berg
NJF (Nordiskt Jordemoderförbund) Congress. Programme and abstracts. Gothenburg, May 12-14, 2016 - 2016 -
Mighty Mums; can a ifestyle intervention for pregnant women with obesity have positive effects on weight gain during
Karin Haby, Åsa Premberg, Ragnar Hanås, Marie Berg
SAPC, Society for Academic Primary Care, Dublin, 8th of July, 2016 - 2016 -
Development of guidelines for using a Midwifery Model of Woman-Centred Care during Childbirth: Ethnographic action
Olöf Asta Olafsdottir, Christina Nilsson, Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren
The Trinniel NJF (Nordiskt Jordemor Förbund) Congress, Gothenburg, 12-14 May 2016. - 2016 -
Diabetes och
Marie Berg, Kerstin Berntorp, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm
Reproduktiv hälsa - barnmorskans kompetensområde. Helena Lindgren et al. Del 2, 18.6, s. 357-368 - 2016 -
A Holistic, Person-Centred Care Model for Victims of Sexual Violence in Democratic Republic of Congo: The Panzi Hospital One-Stop Centre Model of
Denis Mukwege, Marie Berg
PLoS Medicine - 2016 -
Ingela Lundgren, Marie Berg
Reproduktiv hälsa - barnmorskans kompetensområde - 2016 -
Insider Action research as an approach and a method – Exploring institutional encounters from within a birthing
Viola Nyman, Marie Berg, Soo Downe, Terese Bondas
Action Research - 2016 -
Midwives´ care of childbearing women at a normal labor ward in Sweden – an ethnografic
Christina Nilsson, Ingela Lundgren, Marie Berg, Olöf Asta Olafsdottir, Liselott (Lisen) Dellenborg
The Trinniel NJF (Nordiskt Jordemor Förbund) Congress, Gothenburg, 12-14 May 2016. - 2016 -
Evaluation of a midwifery model of woman-centred care during
Ingela Lundgren, Olof Asta Olafsdottir, Christina Nilsson, Charles Taft, Marie Berg
NJF (Nordiskt Jordemoderförbund) Congress. Programme and abstracts. Gothenburg, May 12-14, 2016 - 2016 -
Teacher’s Attitudes and Strategies when Schoolchildren Need to Go to the
Barbro Lundblad, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström
Journal of Health Science - 2016 -
Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren
Reproduktiv hälsa - barnmorskans kompetensområde. Helena Lindgren et al. Del 1, 4.2, s. 60-64 - 2016 -
Quality of intra-partum care at a university hospital in Nepal: A prospective cross-sectional
Johanna Cederfeldt, Jenny Carlsson, Cecily Begley, Marie Berg
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare - 2016 -
Miscarriage - Evidence Based Information for the Web and Its Development
Annsofie Adolfsson, Emelie Arbhede, Elisabeth Marklund, Per-Göran Larsson, Marie Berg
Advances in Sexual Medicine - 2015 -
Towards a midwifery profession in Bangladesh - a systems approach for a complex
Malin Bogren, Helena Wigert, Lars Edgren, Marie Berg
Bmc Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2015 -
Person-centred care in interventions to limit weight gain in pregnant women with obesity - a systematic
Ellinor K Olander, Marie Berg, Christine McCourt, Eric Carlström, Anna Dencker
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2015 -
Use of participatory design in the development of person-centred web-based support for persons with long-term
Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Ingalill Koinberg, Agneta Ranerup, Ingela Skärsäter
19th International Philosophy of Nursing Society (IPONS) Conference. Stockholm 24-26 Augusti, - 2015 -
Mother and baby risks associated with obesity in pregnancy: a systematic review of
Jamile Marchi, Marie Berg, Anna Dencker, Ellinor K. Olander, Cecily Begley
16th Healthcare Interdisciplinary Research Conference, 4 – 5 November 2015, at Trinity College Dublin, School of Nursing and Midwifery - 2015 -
Risks for the mother and baby associated with obesity in pregnancy: a systematic review of
Jamile Marchi, Marie Berg, Anna Dencker, Ellinor K. Olander, Cecily Begley
Poster presentation abstract at Hot Topic Conference: Obesity & Pregnancy 2015, that took place 29-30th October 2015 in London, UK. - 2015 -
Risks associated with obesity in pregnancy, for the mother and baby: a systematic review of
J. Marchi, Marie Berg, Anna Dencker, E. K. Olander, Cecily Begley
Obesity Reviews - 2015 -
Breastfeeding practices in women with type 1 diabetes: A discussion of the psychosocial factors and policies in Sweden and
Bodil Rasmussen, Helen Skouteris, Marie Berg, Cate Nagle, Heather Morris, Alison Nankervis, Carina Sparud Lundin
Women and Birth - 2015 -
The use of salutogenesis theory in empirical studies of maternity care for healthy mothers and
Mercedes Perez-Botella, Soo Downe, Claudia Meier Magistretti, Bengt Lindstrom, Marie Berg
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare - 2015 -
Role of Theories in the Design of Web-Based person-Centered Support: A Critical
Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin, Ingalill Koinberg, Ingela Skärsäter, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Marie Berg
International Journal of Chronic Diseases - 2014 -
Afterpains: a comparison between active and expectant management of the third stage of
Elisabeth Jangsten, Marie Berg
Optimizing childbirth across Europe - an intedisciplinary maternity care conference. 9-10 April 2014, Brussels. Part of COST Action IS0907: Childbirth Cultures, Concerns & Consequences: Creating a dynamic EU framework for Optimal maternity care. - 2014 -
A systematic review identifying outcomes to measure the effect of oxytocin used in treating delay in
Cecily Begley, Gross Mechthild, Anna Dencker, Carina Benstoem, Marie Berg, Declan Devane
Optimizing childbirth across Europe - an intedisciplinary maternity care conference. 9-10 April 2014, Brussels. Part of COST Action IS0907: Childbirth Cultures, Concerns & Consequences: Creating a dynamic EU framework for Optimal maternity care. - 2014 -
Outcome measures in studies on the use of oxytocin for the treatment of delay in labour: A systematic
Cecily Begley, M.M. Groß, Anna Dencker, C. Benstoem, Marie Berg, D. Devane
Midwifery - 2014 -
How to use first-time father questionnaire (FTFQ) - fathers experiences of
Åsa Premberg, Charles Taft, Marie Berg
The International Confederation of Midwives. ICM 30th Triennial Congress. 1-5 June 2014 Prague, Czech Republic - 2014 -
Do I need to change? Midwives´experiences of action research and the first encounter on labour ward in
Viola Nyman, Marie Berg, S. Downe, T. Bondas
The Nordic Conference on Advances in Health Care Sciences Research - 2014 -
A woman-centered web-support program during pregnancy and early motherhood for women with type 1
Karolina Linden, Ann-Sofie Adolfsson, Marie Berg
The International Confederation of Midwives. ICM 30th Triennial Congress. 1-5 June 2014 Prague, Czech Republic - 2014 -
Motherhood and diabetes: a research program on childbearing in women with type 1
Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg
The 19th PSAD Scientific Spring Meeting, Santpoort, the Netherlands. May 9-11, 2014 - 2014 -
Best practice in maternity care: a salutogenic
Claudia Meier Magistretti, Marie Berg, Soo Downe, Katharina Tritten Schwarz, Bengt Lindstroem
Optimising Childbirth Across Europe An interdisciplinary maternity care conference, 9 & 10 of April, 2014 in Vrije University, Etterbeek campus, Brussels, Belgium - 2014 -
The inclusion of person-centred care in interventions developed to target the gestational weight gain of pregnant women with obesity. A systematic
Ellinor K. Olander, Marie Berg, Christine McCourt, Eric Carlström, Anna Dencker
10th Annual Scientific Meeting of the UK Society for Behavioural Medicine at the East Midlands Conference Centre in Nottingham, UK. Wednesday 3rd December 2014 – Thursday 4th December 2014 - 2014 -
A web-based support for pregnant women and new mothers with type 1 diabetes mellitus in Sweden (MODIAB-Web): study protocol for a randomized controlled
Annsofie Adolfsson, Karolina Linden, Per-Göran Larsson, Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg
Trials - 2014 -
A midwifery model of intrapartum care - development and
Marie Berg, Christina Nilsson, Ingela Lundgren, Olöf Asta Olofsdottir
Leadership, learning and research in nursing and midwifery. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, 2nd European regional conference. 16-18 June 2014 Gothenburg, Sweden. - 2014 -
High dose versus low dose oxytocin for augmentation of delayed labour, a randomized controlled
Lotta Selin, Marie Berg, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm, Gunnar Wallin, Elisabeth Almström, Anna Dencker, Max Petzold
Optimizing childbirth across Europe - an intedisciplinary maternity care conference. 9-10 April 2014, Brussels. Part of COST Action IS0907: Childbirth Cultures, Concerns & Consequences: Creating a dynamic EU framework for Optimal maternity care. - 2014 -
A midwifery model of childbirth care - Development and implementation in Sweden and
Marie Berg, Olof Asta Olafsdottir, Ingela Lundgren
Optimizing childbirth across Europe - an intedisciplinary maternity care conference. 9-10 April 2014, Brussels. Part of COST Action IS0907: Childbirth Cultures, Concerns & Consequences: Creating a dynamic EU framework for Optimal maternity care. - 2014 -
Midwives´ experiences of action research and the nature of the first encounter on a hospital based labour ward in
Viola Nyman, Terese Bondas, Soo Downe, Marie Berg
Optimizing childbirth across Europe - an intedisciplinary maternity care conference. 9-10 April 2014, Brussels. Part of COST Action IS0907: Childbirth Cultures, Concerns & Consequences: Creating a dynamic EU framework for Optimal maternity care. - 2014 -
Promoting learning in web-based support for persons with long-term illness challenges and
Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Inga-Lill Koinberg, Agneta Ranerup, Ingela Skärsäter
Leadership, learning and research in nursing and midwifery. Sigma Theta Tau International Honor Society, 2nd European regional conference. 16-18 June 2014 Gothenburg, Sweden. - 2014 -
The use of a salutogenic framework in empirical studies of maternity
Marie Berg, Mercedes Perez-Botella, Claudia Meier Magistretti, Bent Lindström, Soo Downe
Optimizing childbirth across Europe conference - part of COST Action IS0907: Childbirth Cultures, Concerns & Consequences: Creating a dynamic EU framework for Optimal maternity care. 9-10 April 2014, Brussels - 2014 -
An examination of the set up, running of, and outputs from the multinational
Soo Downe, Mechthild Gross, Valerie Smith, Marie Berg, Elisabeth Severinsson, Marie-Clare Balaam
The International Confederation of Midwives. ICM 30th Triennial Congress. 1-5 June 2014 Prague, Czech Republic - 2014 -
The use of salutogenesis theory in maternity care
M. Perez-Botella, S. Downe, Marie Berg
The International Confederation of Midwives. ICM 30th Triennial Congress. 1-5 June 2014 Prague, Czech Republic - 2014 -
Stakeholder engagement and the diffusion of childbirth knowledge: Experiences of the COST
Joanna White, Maria Schouten, Marie Berg, Claudia Meier Magistretti
Optimizing childbirth across Europe - an intedisciplinary maternity care conference. 9-10 April 2014, Brussels. Part of COST Action IS0907: Childbirth Cultures, Concerns & Consequences: Creating a dynamic EU framework for Optimal maternity care. - 2014 -
Where midwives are not yet recognised: A feasibility study of professional midwives in
Malin Upper Bogren, E. van Teijlingen, Marie Berg
Midwifery - 2013 -
Use of participatory design in the development of person-centred web-based support for persons with long-term
Carina Sparud Lundin, Ulrika Josefsson, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström, Ingalill Koinberg, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Agneta Ranerup, Ingela Skärsäter
European Journal for Person Centered Healthcare - 2013 -
Use of theories in web-based support as a health oriented service for persons with chronic
Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg, Ingalill Koinberg, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Ingela Skärsäter, Agneta Ranerup
The 21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals & Health Services. Body and Mind 22-24 May 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2013 -
Marie Berg, Helena Lindgren
Omvårdnad på avancerad nivå. Kärnkompetenser inom sjuksköterskans specialistområden. A-K. Edberg, A. Ehrenberg, F. Friberg, L. Wallin, H. Wijk & J. Öhlén (red). Artikelsamling på bokens webbutgåva - 2013 -
Föräldraskap och
Tone Ahlborg, Marie Berg
Omvårdnad på avancerad nivå. Kärnkompetenser inom sjuksköterskans specialistområden. A-K. Edberg, A. Ehrenberg, F. Friberg, L. Wallin, H. Wijk & J. Öhlén (red). Artikelsamling på bokens webbutgåva. - 2013 -
Web-based Support in Long-term Illness – a Person-centred Care
Ingela Skärsäter, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström, Ingalill Koinberg, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin, Ulrika Josefsson
Medicine 2.0, 6th World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, Internet/Web 2.0. London, GB; September 23-24, 2013 - 2013 -
Study protocol for evaluating a web-support program with a control group for pregnant women and new mothers with type 1 diabetes
Karolina Linden, Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg, Ann-Sofie Adolfsson
7th International DIP Symposium - Diabetes, Hypertension, Metabolic syndrome & Pregnancy. Florence, Italy, March 13-16, 2013 - 2013 -
Web-based support as a person-centered and health oriented service for women with type 1 diabetes during pregnancy and early
Karolina Linden, Marie Berg, Ann-Sofie Adolfsson, Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin
21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services. 22-24 May 2013, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2013 -
Ongoing Research: A Social and learning Community to Support Self-Management in Childbearing Women with Type 1
Karolina Linden, Carina Sparud Lundin, Ann-Sofie Adolfsson, Agneta Ranerup, Marie Berg
Medicine 2.0. 6th World Congress on Social Media, Mobile Apps, Internet/Web 2.0. London, 23-24 September 2013. Abstracts - 2013 -
Livet som nybliven mamma med typ 1
Marie Berg, Carina Sparud Lundin
Diabetesbladet - 2013 -
Välbefinnande, sjukdomskontroll och amningserfarenheter hos kvinnor med typ 1
Marie Berg, Carina Sparud Lundin
Diabetolognytt - 2013 -
Professional´s skills in assment of perineal tears after childbirth - a systematic
Ann Morris, Marie Berg, Anna Dencker
Open Journal of Obstetrics and Gynecology - 2013 -
Care seeking during the latent phase of labour – Frequencies and birth outcomes in two delivery wards in
Ingela Lundgren, Karin Andrén, Eva Nissen, Marie Berg
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare - 2013 -
Person-centred web-based support - development through a Swedish multi-case
Ulrika Josefsson, Marie Berg, Ingalill Koinberg, Anna-Lena Hellström, Margaretha Jenholt Nolbris, Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin, Ingela Skärsäter
BMC medical informatics and decision making - 2013 -
Glancing beyond or being confined to routines: Labour ward midwives' responses to change as a result of action
Viola Nyman, T. Bondas, S. Downe, Marie Berg
Midwifery - 2013 -
Person-Centred Web Support to Women with Type 1 Diabetes in Pregnancy and Motherhood - The Development
Marie Berg, Ann-Sofie Adolfsson, Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin
Diabetes Technology & Therapeutics - 2013 -
Midwifery education, regulation and association in six South Asian countries--a descriptive
Malin Bogren, Anita Wiseman, Marie Berg
Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives - 2012 -
A midwifery model of woman-centred childbirth care – In Swedish and Icelandic
Marie Berg, Olof Asta Olafsdottir, Ingela Lundgren
Sexual & Reproductive Healthcare - 2012 -
Women's experiences after early versus postponed oxytocin treatment of slow progress in first childbirth - a randomized controlled
Liselotte Bergqvist, Anna Dencker, Charles Taft, Håkan Lilja, Lars Ladfors, Lena Skaring-Thorsén, Marie Berg
Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives - 2012 -
Web-based learning and support – a person-centred care approach in long-term
Ingela Skärsäter, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström, Ingalill Koinberg, Margaretha Nolbris, Ulrika Josefsson, Agneta Ranerup, Carina Sparud Lundin
Scandinavian Conference on Health Informatics - 2012 -
Breastfeeding and its impact on daily life in women with type 1 diabetes during the first six months after childbirth: a prospective cohort
Marie Berg, Lena-Karin Erlandsson, Carina Sparud Lundin
International Breastfeeding Journal - 2012 -
Father for the first time - development and validation of a questionnaire to assess fathers' experiences of first childbirth
Åsa Premberg, Charles Taft, Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg
BMC pregnancy and childbirth - 2012 -
Web-based information for pregnant women and new mothers with type 1 diabetes- a description of the development
Karolina Linden, Marie Berg, Carina Sparud Lundin
BMC Medical informatics and decision making - 2012 -
Women's Health Care: Well-Being, Diabetes Management, and Breastfeeding in Women with Type 1 Diabetes Two and Six Months after
Marie Berg, Carina Sparud Lundin
Journal of Women’s Health Care - 2012 -
Quality of life after adopting compared with childbirth with or without assisted
Lars Hogström, Marianne Johansson, Per-Olof Janson, Marie Berg, Jynfiaf Francis, Jan Sogn, Anna-Lena Hellström, Annsofie Adolfsson
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica - 2012 -
Internet use, needs, and expectations of web-based information and communication in childbearing women with type 1
Carina Sparud Lundin, Agneta Ranerup, Marie Berg
BMC Medical Informatics and Decision Making - 2011 -
First-time fathers ’ experiences of
Åsa Premberg, Marie Berg
ICM congress, Durban, 2011 South Africa - 2011 -
First-time fathers' experiences of childbirth-A phenomenological
Åsa Premberg, Gunilla Carlsson, Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg
Midwifery - 2011 -
First-time Fathers’ Experiences of
Åsa Premberg, Gunilla Carlsson, Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg
Book of abstracts, ICM 29th Triennial Congress. International Confederation of Midwives. Durban 18-23 June 2011 - 2011 -
Waiting for permission to enter the labour ward world: first time parents' experiences of the first encounter on a labour
Viola Nyman, Soo Downe, Marie Berg
Sexual & Reproductive HealthCare - 2011 -
Parental participation in the care of their child in neonatal intensive
Marie Berg, Helena Wigert
Thompson G, Dykes F, Downe S. Qualitative Insights in Midwifery and Childbirth: phenomenological Approaches - 2011 -
Afterpains: a comparison between active and expectant management of the third stage of
Elisabeth Jangsten, Ingrid Bergh, Lars-Åke Mattsson, Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg
Birth - 2011 -
Management and Care of Prolonged Pregnancy: A literature Review for Evidence-Based Practice using the Mini-HTA
Anna Wessberg, Marie Berg
Book of abstracts. ICM 29th Triennial Congress. International Confederation of Midwives. Durban 18-23 June 2011 - 2011 -
Extraordinary exposed in early motherhood - a qualitative study exploring experiences of mothers with type 1
Carina Sparud Lundin, Marie Berg
BMC women's health - 2011 -
Severe male infertility after failed ICSI treatment-a phenomenological study of men's
Marianne Johansson, Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg
Reproductive health - 2011 -
What is, could be better: Swedish women´s perceptions of their intrapartal care during planned vaginal
Ann-Christin Bojö-Sandin, Marie Berg, Linda Kvist, Bodil Wilde
International Journal of health Care Quality Assurance - 2011 -
Indikation för värkstimulering med oxytocin under aktiv
Marie Berg, AK Dykes, L Nordström, Ulla-Britt Wennerholm
2011 -
ICU nurses perceptions of responsibilities and organisation in relation to organ donation - A phenomenographic
Anne Flodén, Marie Berg, Anna Forsberg
Intensive and Critical Care Nursing - 2011 -
Breastfeeding in women with type 1 diabetes: exploration of predictive
Carina Sparud Lundin, Margareta Wennergren, Anders Elfvin, Marie Berg
Diabetes care - 2011 -
Blood loss and after pains – a randomised clinical trial comparing active and expectant management of the third stage of
Elisabeth Jangsten, Marie Berg
Book of abstracts , . ICM 29th Triennial Congress. International Confederation of Midwives. Durban 18-23 June 2011. - 2011 -
Use and abuse of oxytocin for augmentation of labour – a Swedish
Marie Berg, Lotta Selin, Elisabeth Almström, Gunnar Wallin
Book of Abstracts. The 18th Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives June 2010. - 2011 -
Predictive factors related to labour duration in healthy nulliparous women with spontaneous onset of active labour - a prospective
Anna Dencker, Liselotte Bergqvist, Håkan Lilja, Marie Berg
ICM 29th Triennial Congress i Durban, Sydafrika 19 - 23 Juni 2011 - 2011 -
Mothers' experiences of skin-to-skin care of healthy full-term newborns--a phenomenology
Rebecka Dalbye, Elisabet Calais, Marie Berg
Sexual & reproductive healthcare : official journal of the Swedish Association of Midwives - 2011 -
A midwifery model of women centred care during childbirth in a Swedish and an Icelandic
Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren, Olaf Asta Olafsdottir
Svenska Barnmorskeförbundets Jubileumskonferens. Reproduktiv Hälsa. - 2011 -
Vårdandets värdegrund vid
Marie Berg
Att stödja och stärka : vårdande vid barnafödande - 2010 -
Att bli
Marie Berg, Åsa Premberg
Att stödja och stärka : vårdande vid barnafödande / Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren (red.) - 2010 -
Vårdande vid barnafödande med ökade
Marie Berg
Att stödja och stärka : vårdande vid barnafödande / Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren (red.) - 2010 -
Att stödja och stärka- vårdande vid
Värdegrunden för vårdandet vid
Parental presence when their child is in neonatal intensive
Helena Wigert, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2010 -
Children's experiences of attitudes and rules for going to the toilet in
Barbro Lundblad, Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2010 -
Management of the third stage of labour - focus group discussions with Swedish
Elisabeth Jangsten, Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg
Midwifery - 2010 -
Childbirth experience questionnaire (CEQ): development and evaluation of a multidimensional
Anna Dencker, Charles Taft, Liselotte Bergqvist, Håkan Lilja, Marie Berg
BMC pregnancy and childbirth - 2010 -
. Promoting a normal focus in situations of high
Marie Berg
Book of Abstracts, at: European Science Foundation (ESF EMRC/SCSS) Exploratory Workshop: Promoting Normality in Childbirth across Europe. The University of Dublin Trinity College, Faculty of health Sciences, Dublin Ireland 22-25 March 2010. - 2010 -
Identification of latent phase factors associated with active labor duration in low-risk nulliparous women with spontaneous
Anna Dencker, Marie Berg, Liselotte Bergqvist, Håkan Lilja
Active versus expectant management of the third stage of labour - a single blind randomised
Elisabeth Jangsten, Marie Berg
Book of Abstracts. The 18th Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives June 2010. - 2010 -
A midwifery model of women centred care in a Nordic
O A Olafsdottir, Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren
Book of Abstracts. The 18th Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives June 2010. - 2010 -
First time fathers´experiences of
Åsa Premberg, Gunilla Carlsson, Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg
Book of Abstracts. The 18th Congress of the Nordic Federation of Midwives June 2010. - 2010 -
Active versus expectant management of the thirds stage of labour – a single blind randomised
Elisabeth Jangsten, Marie Berg
Book of abstracts - 2010 -
Midwifery relationship with childbearing women at increased
Marie Berg
Kirkham M. The midwife-mother relationship 2nd edition. - 2010 -
Everyday experiences of life, body and well-being in children with
Benita Gunnarsson Mériaux, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2010 -
Gender perspective on quality of life, comparisons between groups 4-5.5 years after unsuccessful or successful IVF
Marianne Johansson, Annsofie Adolfsson, Marie Berg, Jynfiaf Francis, Lars Hogström, Per-Olof Janson, Jan Sogn, Anna-Lena Hellström
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica - 2010 -
Skin-to-skin contact of fullterm infants: an explorative study of promoting and hindering factors in two Nordic childbirth
E. Calais, R. Dalbye, K. H. Nyqvist, Marie Berg
Parents`participation in the care of their child in neonatal intensive
Helena Wigert, Marie Berg
2010 -
Utvärdering av manuella förlossningssimulatorer i barnmorskeutbildning - Ett pedagogiskt
Marie Berg, Tone Ahlborg
2010 -
Värdegrunden för barnmorskans
Marie Berg
Lärobok för barnmorskor. Annette Kaplan et al. (red.) - 2009 -
Early versus delayed oxytocin augmentation in nulliparous women with prolonged labour--a randomised controlled
Anna Dencker, Marie Berg, Liselotte Bergqvist, Lars Ladfors, L S Thorsén, Håkan Lilja
BJOG : an international journal of obstetrics and gynaecology - 2009 -
Experiences of professional support during pregnancy and childbirth- a qualitative study of women with type 1
Marie Berg, Carina Sparud Lundin
BMC Pregnancy and Childbirth - 2009 -
Use and abuse of oxytocin for augmentation of
Lotta Selin, Elisabeth Almström, Gunnar Wallin, Marie Berg
Acta obstetricia et gynecologica Scandinavica - 2009 -
Quality of life for couples 4-5.5 years after unsuccessful IVF
Marianne Johansson, Annsofie Adolfsson, Marie Berg, Jynfiaf Francis, Lars Hogström, Per-Olof Janson, Jan Sogn, Anna-Lena Hellström
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand - 2009 -
Breastfeeding, glycemic control and support in mothers with type 1
Marie Berg, Carina Sparud Lundin
The Abstract Book: Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood: Bio-Cultural Perspectives 8 - 10 September 2009, Grange Over Sands, Cumbria, UK. - 2009 -
Conditions for parents’ participation in the care of their child in neonatal intensive care – a field
Helena Wigert, Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg
BMC Pediatrics - 2008 -
Dystocia in labour - risk factors, management and outcome: a retrospective observational study in a Swedish
Lotta Selin, Gunnar Wallin, Marie Berg
Acta Obstetricia et Gynecologica Scandinavica - 2008 -
Evidence-based care and childbearing - A critical
Marie Berg, Terese Bondas, Berit Støre Brinchmann, Ingela Lundgren, O A Ólafsdóttir, Katri Vehviläinen-Julkunen, Elisabeth Hall
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2008 -
Postpartum consultation: Occurrence, needs and
Marie Berg, Ingrid Carlgren
BMC pregnancy and childbirth - 2008 -
Experiences of the first year as
Åsa Premberg, Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2008 -
Relationships: the hidden threads in the tapestry of maternity
Billie Hunter, Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren, Olaf Asta Olafsdottir, Mavis Kirkham
Midwifery - 2008 -
Health care professionals' experiences of parental presence and participation in neonatal intensive care
Helena Wigert, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström
International Journal of Qualitative Studies on Health and Well-being - 2007 -
Early random capillary glucose level screening and multidisciplinary antenatal teamwork to improve outcome in gestational diabetes
Marie Berg, Annika Adlerberth, Bo Sultan, Margareta Wennergren, Gunnar Wallin
Acta Obstet Gynecol Scand - 2007 -
Experiences of children treating functional bladder disturbances on
Barbro Lundblad, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström
Journal of pediatric urology - 2007 -
Adolescents' experiences of well-being when living with a long-term illness or
Leeni Berntsson, Marie Berg, Marianne Brydolf, Anna-Lena Hellström
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2007 -
Central concepts in the midwife-woman
Ingela Lundgren, Marie Berg
Mothers' experiences of having their newborn child in a neonatal intensive care
Helena Wigert, Renée Johansson, Marie Berg, Anna-Lena Hellström
Scandinavian journal of caring sciences - 2006 -
Feeling good in daily life: from the point of view of boys with posterior urethral
Anna-Lena Hellström, Marie Berg, Ewa Sölsnes, Gundela Holmdahl, Ulla Sillén
J Urol - 2006 -
Swedish women's experiences of doula support during
Marie Berg, A Terstad
Midwifery - 2006 -
Tactile massage and severe nausea and vomiting during pregnancy - women's
A Ågren, Marie Berg
Scand J Caring Sci - 2006 -
A Midwifery Model of Care for Childbearing women at High Risk: Genuine Caring in Caring for the
Marie Berg
Journal of Perinatal Education - 2005 -
Pregnancy and Diabetes: How Women Handle the
Marie Berg
Journal of Perinatal Education - 2005 -
Women's experiences of childlessness 2 years after the end of in vitro fertilization
M Johansson, Marie Berg
Scand J Caring Sci - 2005 -
Childbirth education -fathers views and
Åsa Premberg, Marie Berg
Nordisk Barnmorskekongress i Reykjavik 2004 - 2004 -
Att stödja och stärka – vårdande vid
Att vårda vid barnafödande är att stödja och
Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren
Att stödja och stärka – vårdande vid barnafödande, Berg, M. ; Lundgren, I. (red) - 2004 -
Vårdande av barnafödande kvinnor med ökad
Marie Berg
Att stödja och stärka – vårdande vid barnafödande, Berg, M. ; Lundgren, I. (red.) - 2004 -
Värdegrunden för vårdandet vid
Marie Berg
Att stödja och stärka – vårdande vid barnafödande, Berg, M. ; Lundgren, I. (red.) - 2004 -
Is the Childbirth Experience Improved by a Birth
Ingela Lundgren, Marie Berg, Gunilla Lindmark
J Midwifery & Women’s health - 2003 -
Childbirth Experience in Women at High Risk: Is It Improved by Use of a Birth
Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren, Gunilla Lindmark
J Perinatal Education - 2003 -
Genuine Caring in Caring for the Genuine. Childbearing and high risk as experienced by women and
Marie Berg
2002 -
Swedish midwives’ care of women who are at high obstetric risk or who have obstetric
Marie Berg, Karin Dahlberg
Midwifery - 2001 -
Pregnancy and diabetes - a hermeneutic phenomenological study of women's
Marie Berg, Marja-Liisa Honkasalo
J Psychosom Obstet Gynecol - 2000 -
Master thesis in Nursing: Vårdrelation och födande : kvinnors möte med barnmorskan under förlossningen på en ABC-enhet. Caring relationship and childbirth: Women´s encounter with the midwife at an Alternative Birth Center
Marie Berg
1999 -
Motherhood and the woman´s encounter with delivery ward staff - a qualitative study with focus on normal and complicated deliveries. Moderskap och vårdrelation. En kvalitativ studie med fokus på normal respektive komplicerad
Marie Berg
1999 -
Studying Maternal Experiences of
Karin Dahlberg, Marie Berg, Ingela Lundgren
Birth - 1999 -
A phenomenological study of women´s experience of complicated
Marie Berg, Karin Dahlberg
Midwifery - 1998 -
Women´s encounter with the midwife during
Marie Berg, Karin Dahlberg
Midwifery - 1996