
Marie Berg

Professor Emeritus

Reproductive and perinatal health
Visiting address
Arvid Wallgrens backe hus 1 och 2
41346 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 457
40530 Göteborg

About Marie Berg

Professor in Health Care Sciences specialising Reproductive and Perinatal Health, Institute of Health and Care Sciences (UGOT), PhD, MPH, MNursSci, RN, RM

  • Editorial board member for the scientific journal: Sexual and Reproductvie HealthCare.
  • Quality improvement of perinatal care at the Panzi hospital and Ibanda Health zone in Bukavu, DR. Congo
  • Devolope, start and director for a midwifery education program at Evangelical University of Africa, Bukavu DR Congo

Research: aims at supporting a healthy, pregnancy, labour,birthand early motherhood in normal and complicatedconditions, fcusing promotion of a normal åhysiological birth using a minimal of medical interventions andusing a person-centerd, holistic approach, and to stregthen the quality of the professional midwife and the midwifery led care.

Ongoing central research projects:

  • Room4Birth: The design of the birthing room and its influence on labour and birth outcomes and on women´s experiences.
  • Oxytocin and its use during labour and third stage of labour.
  • Midwifery education in Dem. Rep. Congo.
  • Maternity and newborn care in Dem. Rep. Congo focusing Panzi general referral hospital and the Ibanda healthcare zone in Bukavu
  • Sexuality, pregnancy and motherhood in women living with HIV.

Terminated central research projects:

  • Obesity and lifestyle in pregnant women
  • Diabetes, pregnancy and early motherhood.

Research group: Sexual, Reproductive and Perinatal health

Earlier missions:

  • Assessment committe for Associate Professorship, at Sahlgrenska Academy (SA), University of Gothenburg (2003-2022).
  • Board member scientific board for Swedish Midwifery Association (2003-2022).
  • University hospital consultant midwife at Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden
  • Responsible Discipline Reproductive and Perinatal Health (2012-2020) at UGOT.
  • Program Director for the Midwifery education program (2002-2012) at UGOT.
  • Development and establishing of bachelor, master one year (2003), and master (2009) for midwives in the discipline Reproductive and Perinatal Health/Midwifery science at UGOT, and a full master program (2015).
  • Board member in the Sahlgrenska Akademy (SA) board (medical faculty board) a UGOT (2015-2018).
  • Director for the PhD programe at the Institute of Health and Care Sciences at UGOT (2012-2015).
  • Member in the PhD examination board at SA, UGOT (2010-2018)
  • Work 40 years as a midwife
  • Work in Dem. Rep. Congo since 1981 as head of maternity care, head of a woman lifeskills school and etctera, since 2015 focusing the Panzi hosital and te collaboration with Dr Prof Denis Mukwege (Nobe, Peace Price winner 2018) .