Göteborgs universitet

Utbildningssociologiska kollegiet

Kollegiet är ett forum för den vetenskapliga diskussionen av sociala, kulturella och politiska dimensioner av utbildning och undervisning. I form av arbetsseminarier och föredragningar av medlemmar och inbjudna gäster presenteras och diskuteras forskningsverksamhet av relevans för kollegiet, däribland avhandlingsarbeten och färdiga avhandlingar, liksom annan aktuell forskning inom området, nationell som internationell. Här behandlas också den vetenskapliga utvecklingen inom området.

Seminarier vid Utbildningssociologiska kollegiet


Social Mobilities: Multidimensionality, Operationalization, and Subgroup Heterogeneity

Max Thaning, Swedish Institute for Social Research, Stockholm university
Link to dissertation >>



The ideal of zero tolerance against racism in Norwegian upper secondary schools: an identification of factors which drive school staff's work. 

With Christine Lillethun Norheim

6 maj, 13.00-15.00 

Plats: Pedagogen hus A, rum A1 336 

Zoom-länk >>
Abstract: In 2017, the Norwegian Education Act was revised. Among the most debated additions was paragraph 9A which requires schools to have zero tolerance against all forms of degrading treatment. The revision was intended to improve students’ psychosocial environment and learning. Still, recent surveys show that the number of students who are bullied is increasing (Norwegian Directorate of Education and Training, 2024). Moreover, a new survey shows that 45 percent of the responding children and youth have been subjected to racism in the last year (Bufdir, 2024). In this and other reports (NCAR, 2017; UNICEF, 2022) schools are identified by children and youth as one of the arenas where they experience most racism. Many children and youth also report that support from school staff is lacking or limited (Bufdir, 2024). 
In my doctoral project, I investigate the work school staff in Norwegian upper secondary schools do when they witness, are told or suspect that students are subjected to racism. Drawing on interview material produced as part of this project, this presentation identifies factors which affect how school staff interpret and do zero tolerance, specifically in response to racism. In the first part of the presentation, I argue that the participants’ enactment of zero tolerance appears to require clear-cut cases of racism where one or a few students target the phenotypical, religious, or other visible markers of another student. Then, I analyze the impact of ambivalence on enactment of zero tolerance. Lastly, I argue that processes of juridification and marketization drive individualized understanding and response to racism in the education context and that systemic changes are needed to combat racism in and through schools.

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Ordförande för Utbildningssociologiska kollegiet är Andreas Ottemo, sekreterare och koordinator är Mohammad Ammar Syed

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