Sidans innehåll
- Caring for and containing the hateful other. Schools’ strategies to deal with students with neo-Nazi convictions
- Hiding in the classroom: How neo-Nazi leaders prepare their children for schooling
- Forskning om studieresor till Förintelsens minnesplatser
- A European Guantanamo for Swedish children
- Democratic pilgrimage: Swedish students’ understanding of study trips to Holocaust memorial sites
- Mixing Logics – Multiagency approaches for Countering Violent Extremism
- The Hateful Other: Neo-Nazis in School and Teachers' Strategies for Handling Racism
- Talk is Silver and Silence is Gold? Assessing the Impact of Public Disengagement from the Extreme Right on Deradicalization
- Signs of Concern about Islamic and Right-Wing Extremism on a Helpline against Radicalization
- Empatisk nyfikenhet: Perspektiv på att bemöta intolerans
Videopresentationer av forskningsartiklar
Presentationer av Segerstedtinstitutets forskningsresultat