
Dimitrios Theodoridis

Visiting Research Fellow

Economic History
Visiting address
Viktoriagatan 13
41125 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 625
40530 Göteborg

About Dimitrios Theodoridis

My research interests lie within eighteenth and nineteenth century global history with a special focus on trade, colonialism, natural resources, economic inequality and slavery. In my doctoral dissertation Development Constrained, through a series of four research essays I examined the changing role of natural resources, and specifically that of land, for economic development during the era of the first industrialization.

I am currently working on a large research project which examines wealth inequality in colonial slave based societies in the Caribbean. I am also working on a smaller projects on labor regimes in India and the US in a comparative perspective throughout the nineteenth century and on the Baltic trade.

I have been teaching courses in quantitative research methods in economic history and courses in environmental history.

På andra webbplatser


  • Environmental Economic History, Colonial History, Economic inequality, Slavery, Economic Development, Industrial Revolution

Pågående forskning

  • Reversal of fortune or persistence of wealth? Institutions and wealth inequality in a Caribbean plantation economy, 1750s to 1917, 2019-01 - 2023-01


  • Quantitative Research Methods, Environmental history, History of Industrialization