
Anders Sandoff

Senior Lecturer

Department of Business Administration
+46 31-711 93 78
Visiting address
Vasagatan 1
41124 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 610
40530 Göteborg

About Anders Sandoff

Anders Sandoff has been working with energy-related research for over twenty years. His Ph.D. focused on the competitive forces driving changes in the Swedish retail electricity industry. He has continued working on business model issues in utilities with a special focus on district heating. Parallel to this strategic management track, Anders has done research on corporate finance and capital budgeting practice within the energy industry. Anders has also addressed different environmental issues such as EU ETS, energy efficiency and sustainable urban development.

Currently, Sandoff is the scientific leader for several projects on Public Innovation Governance where he leads a transdisciplinary research group focusing on how and why cities engage city business partnership often in the form of test-beds, to co-produce a sustainable urban development without prioritizing special interests over democratic values, local conditions, and fair competition. 

Sandoff is coordinator and teacher in several courses on undergraduate and graduate level focusing corporate sustainability. Sandoff is also the coordinator for the sustainable business track within the social science environmental undergraduate program.

Sandoff is a member of the Schools council for sustainable development and is also the schools representative in GRLI (Global Responsible Leadership Initiative). 

Sandoff is a member of the Swedish government negotiation board regarding district heating pricing issues and a member of an expert group supporting the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate.

Sandoff has also made several investigations commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Competition Authority, City of Gothenburg, District Heating Industry Association, several energy companies, and consulting firms.


On other web sites

Research areas

  • Corporate finance
  • Strategic management
  • Corporate sustainability

Research in progress

  • Casa Blanca - Utveckling och test av ett kvotpliktssystem med fokus på effektreduktion, 2017-01 - 2020-03
  • Mot långsiktigt hållbara industriella energisystem - hållbara innovationer, värdekedjesamarbeten och affärsmodellsutveckling, 2016-08 - 2019-02
  • City Business Partnership - Samverkan mellan stad och näringsliv för hållbar stadsutveckling, 2017-03 - 2018-10
  • Stadens roll i innovationssamverkan för hållbara städer Vinnovas bidrag till systemomställning, 2017-06 - 2018-04

Teaching areas

  • Corporate sustainability
  • Corporate finance
  • Strategic management