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- Anders Sandoff
Anders Sandoff
Senior Lecturer
Department of Business AdministrationAbout Anders Sandoff
Anders Sandoff has been working with energy-related research for over twenty years. His Ph.D. focused on the competitive forces driving changes in the Swedish retail electricity industry. He has continued working on business model issues in utilities with a special focus on district heating. Parallel to this strategic management track, Anders has done research on corporate finance and capital budgeting practice within the energy industry. Anders has also addressed different environmental issues such as EU ETS, energy efficiency and sustainable urban development.
Currently, Sandoff is the scientific leader for several projects on Public Innovation Governance where he leads a transdisciplinary research group focusing on how and why cities engage city business partnership often in the form of test-beds, to co-produce a sustainable urban development without prioritizing special interests over democratic values, local conditions, and fair competition.
Sandoff is coordinator and teacher in several courses on undergraduate and graduate level focusing corporate sustainability. Sandoff is also the coordinator for the sustainable business track within the social science environmental undergraduate program.
Sandoff is a member of the Schools council for sustainable development and is also the schools representative in GRLI (Global Responsible Leadership Initiative).
Sandoff is a member of the Swedish government negotiation board regarding district heating pricing issues and a member of an expert group supporting the Swedish Energy Market Inspectorate.
Sandoff has also made several investigations commissioned by the Swedish Energy Agency, Swedish Competition Authority, City of Gothenburg, District Heating Industry Association, several energy companies, and consulting firms.
On other web sites
Research areas
- Corporate finance
- Strategic management
- Corporate sustainability
Research in progress
- Casa Blanca - Utveckling och test av ett kvotpliktssystem med fokus på effektreduktion, 2017-01 - 2020-03
- Mot långsiktigt hållbara industriella energisystem - hållbara innovationer, värdekedjesamarbeten och affärsmodellsutveckling, 2016-08 - 2019-02
- City Business Partnership - Samverkan mellan stad och näringsliv för hållbar stadsutveckling, 2017-03 - 2018-10
- Stadens roll i innovationssamverkan för hållbara städer Vinnovas bidrag till systemomställning, 2017-06 - 2018-04
Teaching areas
- Corporate sustainability
- Corporate finance
- Strategic management
Antidotes to hubris in sustainable corporate
Jon Williamsson, Anders Sandoff, Gabriela Schaad
NFF 2024 - 2024 -
The implications of LLMs for the governance of
Jon Williamsson, Anders Sandoff, Gabriela Schaad
NFF 2024 - 2024 -
Implications of Large Language Models (LLMs) for teaching and learning in corporate
Jon Williamsson, Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff
NFF 2024 - 2024 -
Affärsmodeller för
Holding hands on the platform: Exploring the influence of municipal open innovation platforms on sustainable business model
Jon Williamsson, Anders Sandoff
Cities - 2023 -
Barriers to circular business model innovation in the energy
Jon Williamsson, Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff
Business Model Conference - 2023 -
Business Model Innovation for Circularity – Perspectives from the Swedish Energy
Building legitimacy for sustainable business schools: Using the business model concept when teaching corporate
Jon Williamsson, Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff
Journal of Cleaner Production - 2022 -
Prerequisites for the emergence of inter-industry value chain collaboration for the circular
Gabriela Schaad, Jon Williamsson, Anders Sandoff
NFF 2022 Conference - 2022 -
Komplex projektstyrning för komplexa
Urban system services and sustainable urban
Jon Williamsson, Anders Sandoff
Northern Lead - discussion paper - 2021 -
Business logics for bioeconomy
Jon Williamsson, Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff
eceee Industrial Summer Study proceedings - 2020 -
Investeringar i förnybar kraftproduktion - Affärsmässiga drivkrafter och samhälleliga
Stadslinbana i Göteborg - Att i samverkan initiera och förankra en mångbottnad idé om kollektivtrafik och framtidens
Jessica Algehed, Christian Jensen, Anders Sandoff, Jon Williamsson
2020 -
Mobile Lab on Sharing in
Yuliya Voytenko Palgan, Kes McCormick, Charlotte Leire, Tove Lund, Emma Öhrwall, Anders Sandoff, Jon Williamsson
2020 -
Collaboration for a sustainable future - A study of cross-industry value chains in the
Business logic – the missing link between strategy, business model and business
Jon Williamsson, Anders Sandoff, Gabriela Schaad
Journal of Business Models - 2019 -
Creating business models for the circular economy through cross-industry
Jon Williamsson, Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff
Nordic Academy of Management Conference, University of Vaasa, Finland, 22. – 24. August 2019 - 2019 -
Samverkan i urbana innovationssystem
Med fokus på transport och mobilitet för en hållbar stad. En studie av
Anna Yström, Jessica Algehed, Christian Jensen, Anders Sandoff
2019 -
Attraktiva, hållbara och ansvarstagande städer är grunden i ett nytt ekonomiskt
Anders Sandoff, Jon Williamsson, Jessica Algehed, Christian Jensen
Innovation och stadsutveckling – en forskningsantologi om organiseringsutmaningar för stad och kommun - 2019 -
The Business of Creating Attractive, Sustainable and Accountable Cities - A New Narrative for Economic
Anders Sandoff, Jon Williamsson, Jessica Algehed, Christian Jensen
Clute International Conferences, Maui, Hawaii, 1-5 jan 2019 - 2019 -
Staden som arena för innovation - En studie av transformativ kapacitet, kommunens roll och Vinnovas
Anders Sandoff, Jessica Algehed, Jon Williamsson, Christian Jensen, Filip Bladini
2018 -
Strategisk tillgångsförvaltning i
John Johnsson, Anders Sandoff, Conny Overland, Håkan Sköldberg, Jon Williamsson, Kjerstin Ludvig, Niclas Sigholm, Victor Andersson
2017 -
Complementing the conceptual toolbox for sustainable transition – defining the business logic
Jon Williamsson, Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff, Christian Jensen, Johanna Mossberg
8th International Sustainability Transitions Conference, Gothenburg, 18-21 June 2017. - 2017 -
Innovation between municipality and market: Re-imagining the self, the other and the link
Jon Williamsson, Anders Sandoff, Christian Jensen
NFF 2017, 23 -25 August 2017, Bodø Norway. - 2017 -
Organizing for innovation between municipality and market: Knowing the where and when but missing the what and
Jon Williamsson, Anders Sandoff, Christian Jensen
NFF 2017, 23 -25 August 2017, Bodø, Norway. - 2017 -
Putting the ‘business’ back in ‘business school’: - The potential of the business model concept as a sensemaking artefact in business
Jon Williamsson, Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff
NFF 2017, 23-25 augusti 2017.Bodø, Norge. - 2017 -
Municipal innovation support and business model influence – The case of municipal innovation
Jon Williamsson, Anders Sandoff, Christian Jensen
Business Model Conference, Venice, Italy - 2017 -
Ekonomisk hållbarhet och bostadsrättsaffären: - En diskussion om värde, värdeskapande och
Gröna IT-Innovationer för fjärrvärme - Intervjustudie - Affärsmässiga
Anders Sandoff, Jon Williamsson
Drivkrafter bakom en energieffektiv
Ylva Norén Bretzer, David Langlet, Anders Sandoff, Marie Thynell
Urban välfärd, effektiv energi / Ylva Norén Bretzer (red) - 2016 -
The entrepreneurial multi-party sustainability initiative of a chemical cluster - Barriers at the interface between subsidiaries and parent
Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff, Johanna Mossberg, Christian Jensen
EGOS, 7-9 July 2016, Naples - 2016 -
Innovationsplattformar för hållbara attraktiva
Anders Sandoff, Jessica Algehed, Filip Bladini, Christian Jensen, Palm Klas, Jon Williamsson
2016 -
Towards green chemistry: The proactive sustainability vision of a local chemical cluster – Spanning the boundaries between subsidiary and parent
Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff, Christian Jensen, Johanna Mossberg
EGOS, Athens Greece, July 2-4 2015 - 2015 -
Collaborative challenges in organizing sustainable development: Progress towards green vision implementation in the chemical
Christian Jensen, Johanna Mossberg, Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff
EGOS, Athens Greece, July 2-4 2015 - 2015 -
Challenges in organizing sustainable development in two different network constellations: Analyzing the first steps towards realizing a green vision in the chemical industry from a collaborative
Christian Jensen, Johanna Mossberg, Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff
NESS June 9-11 2015, Trondheim, Norway - 2015 -
Towards green chemistry: the multi-party sustainability initiative of a chemical cluster - Spanning the boundaries between subsidiary and parent
Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff, Christian Jensen, Johanna Mossberg
EGOS Post-Doctoral & Early Career Scholars Pre-Colloquium Workshop - 2015 -
Planerarens roll i
Filip Bladini, Christian Jensen, Klas Palm, Anders Sandoff, Jon Williamsson
Tillväxt kräver planering - 2015 -
Business models for district
Anders Sandoff, Jon Williamsson
Advanced District Heating and Cooling (DHC) Systems - 2015 -
Bridging barriers for multi-party investments in energy efficiency – A real options based approach for common utility systems design and
Johanna Mossberg, Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey, Christian Jensen, Anders Sandoff, Gabriela Schaad, Andreas Furberg, Mattias Haggärde
Proceedings of the ECEEE Summer Study 2014 - 2014 -
Energy efficient transition in Sweden: triggers and barriers for retrofitting processes in municipality owned housing
David Langlet, Ylva Norén Bretzer, Anders Sandoff, Marie Thynell
ENHR Edinburgh July 1-4, 2014. Book of abstracts - 2014 -
Kapitel 9 ‐ Drivkrafter för energieffektiv
Marie Thynell, Ylva Norén Bretzer, Anders Sandoff, David Langlet
Elda inte för kråkorna. Norén Bretzer, Ylva (red.) - 2014 -
Towards green chemistry: The proactive sustainability vision of a chemical cluster - Spanning the boundaries between subsidiary and parent
Gabriela Schaad, Anders Sandoff, Christian Jensen
Gronen Research Conference 2014, 16-18 june, Helsinki - 2014 -
Joint cost allocation and
Conny Overland, Anders Sandoff
Nordic Accounting Conference 2014, 13-14 November 2014, Copenhagen. - 2014 -
Feasibility of Electrifying Urban Goods Distribution
Sofia Löfstrand, Jonas Hellgren, Niklas Thulin, Henrik Engdal, Stefan Pettersson, Jon Williamsson, Anders Sandoff
SAE International Journal of Commercial Vehicles - 2013 -
Fjärrvärmens Affärsmodeller: Slutrapport för
Bo Rydén, Anders Sandoff, Jon Williamsson, Daniel Stridsman, Niklas Hansson
2013 -
Climate-friendly construction and capital constraints: A problem of asymmetric
Conny Overland, Anders Sandoff, Anders Hansson
2013 Nordic Environmental Social Sciences conference, Copenhagen, 11th-13th June - 2013 -
Lån till klimatanpassat byggande: En förstudie om problemet med långivares och låntagares
Conny Overland, Anders Sandoff, Anders Hansson
2013 -
Cashflow based profitability
Anders Sandoff
District Heating and Cooling - 2013 -
Dominant logics for energy efficiency in the public housing sector. -– What are the prospects for moving towards ecological
Anders Sandoff, Gabriela Schaad
2013 Nordic Environmental Social Sciences conference, Copenhagen, 11th-13th June - 2013 -
From fossil to biogenic feedstock - Exploring Different Technology Pathways for a Swedish Chemical
Johanna Jönsson, Roman Hackl, Simon Harvey, Christian Jensen, Anders Sandoff
Proceedings of ECEEE industrial summer study - 2012 -
Centrala Älvstaden - om platsens betydelse trots att allting
Petter Rönnborg, Christian Jensen, Anders Sandoff
Affärsdriven hållbar stadsutveckling - Goda exempel och potential - 2012 -
Om urbanisering och stadutveckling i
Christian Jensen, Petter Rönnborg, Anders Sandoff
Affärsdriven hållbar stadsutveckling - Goda exempel och potential - 2012 -
Samverkansmodeller för affärsdriven hållbar
Anders Sandoff, Petter Rönnborg, Christian Jensen
Affärsdriven hållbar stadsutveckling - Goda exempel och potential - 2012 -
Carbon mitigation strategies in the heat and power sector and the efficiency of the European Union emission trading scheme (EU
Anders Sandoff, Gabriela Schaad, Jon Williamsson
The 13th annual SNEE conference. European Integration in Swedish Economic Research. May 17-20, 2011, Mölle, Sweden - 2011 -
Leading indicators in successful facilitation schemes for Clean Tech
Anders Sandoff
Towards a Sustainable Nordic Energy System - 2010 -
Företagsstrategier för utsläppshandel och
Anders Sandoff, Petter Rönnborg, Gabriela Schaad, Jon Williamsson
2010 -
Bioenegy combines in district heating systems: Prospects for a future growth
Erik Axelsson, Anders Sandoff, Conny Overland
12th international symposium on district heating and cooling, September 5th - September 7th, 2010, Tallinn, Estonia - 2010 -
Bioenergikombinat i
Erik Axelsson, Conny Overland, Karolina Nilsson, Anders Sandoff
2009 -
Does EU ETS lead to emission reductions through trade? The case of the Swedish emissions trading sector
Anders Sandoff, Gabriela Schaad
Energy Policy - 2009 -
Ägar- och företagsstyrning i kommunala energibolag En enkätstudie riktad till ägare, styrelse och företagsledning om motiv, mål, medel och
Anders Sandoff
2008 -
Företagsstrategier för utsläppshandel och klimatåtaganden. En enkätstudie av företagens agerande och attityder inom ramen för EU´s system för handel med
Anders Sandoff, Petter Rönnborg, Gabriela Schaad, Daniel Helgstedt
2007 -
Does EU ETS lead to emission reductions through trade? The case of the Swedish trading sector
Anders Sandoff
The ninth annual SNEE conferenceEuropean Integration in Swedish Economic Research Grand Hotel, Mölle, May 22-25, 2007 - 2007 -
The impact of capital budgeting practice in the development of the Nordic energy
Anders Sandoff
Ten Perspectives on Nordic Energy - 2006 -
The impact of corporate governance structures in the development of the Nordic energy
Anders Sandoff
Ten Perspectives on Nordic Energy - 2006 -
Kalkylhandbok för investeringsbedömningar av värmeglesa
Anders Sandoff, Peter Svahn, Conny Overland, Daniel Helgstedt
2005 -
Aktörers beslutsfattande och politisk
Nordleden - Slutrapport för etapp
Bo Rydén, Erik Ahlgren, Owe Andersson, Åsa Boholm, Erik M. Dugstad, Tomas Ekvall, Bengt Hansson, Mats Höjeberg, David Knutsson, Kristin Munthe, Anna Krook Riekkola, Ted Lindblom, Anders Sandoff, Berit Tennbakk, Lasse Torgersen, Thomas Unger, Sven Werner
2003 -
Om drivkrafter bakom energisystemets
Anders Sandoff
Nordleden –Slutrapport för etapp 2 - 2003 -
Teoretiskt ramverk för analys av aktörernas drivkrafter för
Anders Sandoff
Nordleden –Slutrapport för etapp 2 - 2003 -
Aktörers drivkrafter för investeringar i
Anders Sandoff
Nordleden –Slutrapport för etapp 2 - 2003 -
Resursbaserad Konkurrenskraft – en analys av elleverantörers
Anders Sandoff
2002 -
Skillnader i regelverk och effektiviteten på
Göran Bergendahl, Ted Lindblom, S-O Olsson, Anders Sandoff
2001 -
Enkätstudie om drivkrafter bakom strukturförändringar i elleverantörsbranschen - En
Anders Sandoff
2000 -
Mätning och styrning av tjänsteproduktion i energiföretag: en fallstudie om betydelsen av ett processorienterat
Anders Sandoff, Catarina Tholin
1999 -
Information för konkurrenskraft inom en avreglerad elmarknad - en