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- Anna Bendz
Anna Bendz
Senior Lecturer
Department of Political ScienceDirector of Studies
Department of Political ScienceAbout Anna Bendz
PresentationAnna Bendz is associate professor at the department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, where she works as a research fellow and teacher. She is affiliated with the Centre for Collective Action Research (CeCar) and Gothenburg Research Group on elections, public opinion and political behaviour (GEPOP). She is director of studies for the teachers’ education program at the department.
Research interests One of my research interests concerns collective action theory, with particular focus on how to manage common natural resources (in particular water systems), and also on how to achieve feasible government policies for food consumption. A second research interest is policy feedback and how knowledge concerning policy programs affect public attitudes, where I have done research on the Swedish welfare state (privatization of welfare services and attitudes to social insurances).
Current research
I am currently involved in three research projects.
Research project 1 (primary investigator): ”Overcoming large scale collective action problems in an upstream- downstream setting: A panel-based survey experiment with politicians and citizens along the Göta River water system.” Financed by the Swedish Research Council 2020-2023.
Research project 2 (participating researcher): “Climate policies for food consumption: where’s the beef?: Analyzing the policy options and political feasibility for a climate neutral welfare society.” Financed by Formas 2020-2023.
Research project 3 (participating researcher): ”Climate change- developing social science teaching for advancing knowledge, action and hope" Financed by the Swedish Research Council 2022-2025.
I teach primarily on courses within the teachers’ education program, foremost different courses in civics for students on the program for becoming upper-secondary school teacher.
Photo Download picture.
A bridge over sustainable water: Politicians’ perceptions about the preconditions for collective
Anna Bendz, Patrik Öhberg
Ambio - 2024 -
A bridge over sustainable water: Politicians' perceptions about the preconditions for collective
Anna Bendz, Patrik Öhberg
AMBIO - 2024 -
Convince with facts: Information effects on attitudes to the sickness insurance in
Anna Bendz, Maria Oskarson
Scandinavian Political Studies - 2024 -
Why do people accept or reject climate policies targeting food consumption? Unpacking justifications in the public debate in online social
Anna Bendz, Felix Bäckstedt, Niklas Harring, U. Martin Persson
Food Policy - 2023 -
The welfare reality check: how policy-specific information influences public
Anna Bendz, Maria Oskarson
Journal of Elections, Public Opinion and Parties - 2022 -
Litar svenska folket på
Anna Bendz, Maria Oskarson
Ingen anledning till oro (?) - 2021 -
Public response to welfare policy retrenchment: The importance of trust in implementing agencies. The case of early retirement in Sweden
Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta, Anna Bendz
Social Policy & Administration - 2020 -
Indispensable, yet Invisible: Drinking water management as a local political issue in Swedish
Anna Bendz, Åsa Boholm
Local Government Studies - 2020 -
Drinking water risk management: local government collaboration in West
Anna Bendz, Åsa Boholm
Journal of Risk Research - 2019 -
Going with the flow?
On citizens’ support for inter-municipal collective action for drinking water risk prevention in an upstream-downstream
Anna Bendz, Sverker C. Jagers
Presented at Nordic Environmental Social Science Conference (NESS), Luleå, juni 2019 - 2019 -
Research amidst the contentious issue of wolf presence: Exploration of reference frames and social, cultural, and political
Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist, Anna Bendz, Serena Cinque, Camilla Sandström
Large Carnivore Conservation and Management: Human Dimensions, Edited by Tasos Hovardas - 2018 -
The Limits of a Commitment? Public Responses to Asylum Policy in Sweden over
Dennis Andersson, Anna Bendz, Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta
Scandinavian Political Studies - 2018 -
Empowering the People: Public Responses to Welfare Policy
Anna Bendz
Social Policy & Administration - 2017 -
Hur reagerar opinionen på ökad
Dennis Andersson, Anna Bendz
Bergström A., Johansson B., Oscarsson H. & Oskarson M. (red.) Fragment - 2015 -
Paying Attention to Politics. Public Responsiveness and Welfare Policy
Anna Bendz
Policy Studies Journal - 2015 -
The Nordic Welfare State in Three Eras. From Emancipation to Discipline. By Johannes
Anna Bendz
West European Politics - 2015 -
Slimming Down the Giant: Public Opinion Responses to Welfare State Reduction in
Anna Bendz
The XVII Nordic Political Science Congress August 12-15 2014, Gothenburg - 2014 -
Slimming Down the Giant: Public Opinion Responses to Welfare State Reduction in
Anna Bendz
ECPR Joint Sessions 10-15 April 2014, Universidad de Salamanca - 2014 -
Slimming down the Giant. Public Responses to Welfare State Reduction in
Anna Bendz
ECPR Joint Sessions, 10-15 April 2014, Universidad de Salamanca - 2014 -
Slimming down the Giant. Public Responses to Welfare State Reduction in
Anna Bendz
XVII Nordic Political Science Congress, August 12-15 2014, Gothenburg - 2014 -
Att ge feedback på välfärdspolitiken: hur reagerar medborgarna på ökad
Anna Bendz
Mittfåra och marginal - 2014 -
When Does Public Opinion Respond to Policy
Anna Bendz, Richard Svensson
APSA American Political Science Association 2014 - 2014 -
Swedish Citizens’ Opinions on Decision Support in Primary
Agneta Ranerup, Anna Bendz, Lars Norén
Electronic Government, an International Journal - 2013 -
Vilka gillar
Anna Bendz
När förvaltning blir business. Marknadiseringens utmaningar för demokratin och välfärdsstaten. - 2013 -
Paying Attention to Politics: Public Responsiveness and Welfare Policy
Anna Bendz
ECPR General Conference, Bourdeaux, September 4-7 2013. - 2013 -
Policy Bouncing Back: Welfare Policy and Public
Anna Bendz
41st ECPR Joint Sessions of Workshops Johannes Gutenberg Universität, Mainz, 11-16 March 2013 - 2013 -
Policy Bouncing Back: Welfare Policy and Public
Anna Bendz
71th the Annual National Conference of the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago, April 10-14, 2013 - 2013 -
Valfrihetsnormer och
Anna Bendz
Medborgarna om välfärden - 2012 -
Vårdvalet i
Anna Bendz
Västsvensk vardag - 2012 -
Värmlänningarna och
Anna Bendz, Serena Cinque, Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist
Värmländska landskap - 2012 -
Maktskiften i medborgarnas
Anna Bendz
Västsvensk demokrati i tid och rum, red. L. Nilsson - 2011 -
Att välja vård - Västsvenskarna och
Anna Bendz
Västsvensk demokrati i tid och rum, red. L. Nilsson - 2011 -
Rättssäkerhet som välfärdspolitiskt ideal: Reformer av socialförsäkringens administration från 1955 till
Anna Bendz
2010 -
Maktskiften i medborgarnas
Anna Bendz
2010 -
Maktskiften i
Anna Bendz, Folke Johansson
Makten över kommunerna: Forskning om självstyrelse, hierarkier och nätverk - 2008 -
Rör inte mitt
Annelie Sjölander Lindqvist, Anna Bendz, Serena Cinque
Regionen och flernivådemokratin - 2008 -
Hundens plats i
Anna Bendz
Det nya Sverige (red. S. Holmberg & L. Weibull) - 2007 -
I välfärdsstatens hägn: Autonomi inom
Anna Bendz