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- Patrik Öhberg
Patrik Öhberg
SOM InstituteVice Director
SOM InstituteAbout Patrik Öhberg
Patrik Öhberg is an associate professor at the SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg.
He currently leads the project ""Citizen Influence on Individual Politicians in Party-centered Systems" (financed by Swedish Research Council).
Research interest
Öhberg has a wide research interest in theories and practices of representative democracy. Specific interests include the perceptions and behaviors of political and administrative elites. He is also interested in questions about democratic responsiveness as well as the role of gender in politics.
Öhberg's work is published in journals such as British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics, Public Administration, Party Politics, Scandinavian Political Studies, and Politics and Gender. During Spring 2017 his book "Ambitious Politicians" comes out on University Press of Kansas.
Öhberg spent his International Postdoc stipend period (Swedish Research Council) placed at the National Election Chair at the Department of Political Science at Université de Montréal (2012-2014).
Öhberg is principal investigator of the project Panel of Politicians (Politikerpanelen), which is a webbased panel of politicians conducted at the Laboratory for Opinion Research, University of Gothenburg. Öhberg is also principal investigator of the Riksdag survey and of the Swedish part of the international elite survey, Comparative Candidates Study. Moreover, he has worked as data manager of the Riksdag survey within the Swedish National Election Study Programme.
In his dissertation Öhberg studied the role of personal career ambitions among Swedish parliamentarians. (For a English summary: englishsummary.pdf.)
Öhberg has also written books in Swedish on Israeli history and Zionism. He contributes regularily to the research blogg Politologerna.
Terrorism som tolkningsram: en diskurssemantisk studie av svensk riksdagsdebatt
Magnus Pettersson Ängsal, Daniel Brodén, Mats Fridlund, Leif-Jöran Olsson, Patrik Öhberg
Svenskans beskrivning 38 Förhandlingar vid trettioåttonde sammankomsten. Örebro 4–6 maj 2022 Del III / Redigerad av Danny Jansson, Ida Melander, Gustav Westberg & Daroon Yassin Falk. - 2024 -
Ryktet om de radikala unga männen är starkt överdrivet: Tre decennier av frågor om jämställdhet och
Lena Wängnerud, Patrik Öhberg
Inferno.SOM-rapport 83. Ulrika Andersson, Björn Rönnerstrand och Anders Carlander (red.), sid 317-330 - 2024 -
Samförfattande som datadriven tvärvetenskap: Pragmatiska lärdomar från
Daniel Brodén, Mats Fridlund, Leif-Jöran Olsson, Magnus Pettersson Ängsal, Patrik Öhberg
Proceedings of the Huminfra Conference (HiC 2024), 10-11 January, 2024, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2024 -
Who’s Afraid of Terrorism and Extremism? Divisive Worries and Securitarian Concerns in Swedish Public Opinion and Parliamentary Action,
Daniel Brodén, Mats Fridlund, Patrik Öhberg, Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, Magnus Pettersson Ängsal
Violent Extremism: A Nordic Outlook, eds. Amir Rostami & Christofer Edling - 2024 -
Are Personality Traits Related to Politicians’ Positions on
Mike Medeiros, Patrik Öhberg, Colin Scott
Representation - 2024 -
A bridge over sustainable water: Politicians' perceptions about the preconditions for collective
Anna Bendz, Patrik Öhberg
AMBIO - 2024 -
All inclusive eller baspaket? Svenska folket tecknar ett
Felix Cassel, Björn Rönnerstrand, Freja Wessman, Patrik Öhberg
Inferno - 2024 -
The Expertise Paradox: How Policy Expertise Can Hinder
M. M. Pereira, Patrik Öhberg
British Journal of Political Science - 2024 -
The diachrony of the new political terrorism: Neologisms as discursive framing in Swedish parliamentary data
Daniel Brodén, Leif-Jöran Olsson, Mats Fridlund, Magnus Pettersson Ängsal, Patrik Öhberg
Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Publications - 2023 -
Vem e’ de’ du vill ha? Svenska folkets uppfattningar om viktiga egenskaper hos
Felix Cassel, Patrik Öhberg
Ovisshetens tid - 2023 -
Skilda världar? Ideologisk polarisering kring våldets orsaker i samhället
Felix Cassel, Patrik Öhberg
Ovisshetens tid - 2023 -
Misrepresentation and
A. Karna, Patrik Öhberg
Kyklos - 2023 -
Election campaigns and the cyclical nature of emotions - How politicians engage in affective
Patrik Öhberg, Felix Cassel
Scandinavian Political Studies - 2023 -
Ovisshetens tid –
Ulrika Andersson, Patrik Öhberg, Johan Martinsson, Nora Theorin
Ovisshetens tid - 2023 -
Ovisshetens tid. Den nationella SOM-undersökningen
Ulrika Andersson, Patrik Öhberg, Johan Martinsson, Nora Theorin
2023 -
Nu när opinionen omfamnar EU – är det dags för ett Europas förenta
Marcus Weissenbilder, Ulrika Andersson, Patrik Öhberg
Ovisshetens tid - 2023 -
A Multimodal Digital Humanities Study of Terrorism in Swedish Politics: An Interdisciplinary Mixed Methods Project on the Configuration of Terrorism in Parliamentary Debates, Legislation, and Policy Networks
Jens Edlund, Daniel Brodén, Mats Fridlund, Cecilia Lindhé, Leif-Jöran Olsson, Magnus Pettersson Ängsal, Patrik Öhberg
Intelligent Systems and Applications. Proceedings of the 2021 Intelligent Systems Conference, September 2–3, 2021 / Arai K. (eds) - 2022 -
Linguistic Framing of Political Terror: Distant and Close Readings of the Discourse on Terrorism in the Swedish Parliament
Magnus Pettersson Ängsal, Daniel Brodén, Mats Fridlund, Leif-Jöran Olsson, Patrik Öhberg
CLARIN Annual Conference Proceedings, 10–12 October 2022, Prague, Czechia. Eds. Tomaž Erjavec & Maria Eskevich - 2022 -
Brott, men inga straff? Svenska folkets inställning till våldsbrott och hur de ska
Felix Andersson, Klara Bové, Patrik Öhberg
Du sköra nya värld - 2022 -
Det finns en sjö och sedan aldrig mer – medborgares och politikers inställning till att tillåta aktiv
Felix Andersson, Patrik Öhberg
Du sköra nya värld - 2022 -
Unifying or Divisive Threats? Anxiety about Political Terrorism and Extremism among the Swedish Public and Parliamentarians,
Patrik Öhberg, Daniel Brodén, Mats Fridlund, Victor Wåhlstrand Skärström, Magnus Pettersson Ängsal
DHNB 2022: Proceedings of the 6th Digital Humanities in the Nordic and Baltic Countries Conference (DHNB 2022), Uppsala, Sweden, March 15-18, 2022, CEUR-WS vol. 3232 - 2022 -
Kriminalpolitik - Lika hett som man kan
Felix Andersson, Marie Demker, Caroline Mellgren, Patrik Öhberg
Ingen anledning till oro (?) - 2021 -
Ett svenskt vintermord får en upplösning? Medborgare och politiker om nedläggningen av Palmeutredningen och utpekandet av
Felix Andersson, Daniel Brodén, Patrik Öhberg
Ingen anledning till oro (?) - 2021 -
Ethics in Elite Experiments: A Perspective of Officials and
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
British Journal of Political Science - 2021 -
Gender, socio-political cleavages and the co-constitution of gender identities: A multidimensional analysis of self-assessed masculine and feminine
Amy C Alexander, C. Bolzendahl, Patrik Öhberg
European Journal of Politics and Gender - 2021 -
Vem räds terrorismen? Kluven oro och säkerhetsivrare i
Daniel Brodén, Mats Fridlund, Patrik Öhberg
Ingen anledning till oro (?) : SOM-undersökningen 2020 / Ulrika Andersson, Anders Carlander, Marie Grusell och Patrik Öhberg (red). - 2021 -
Ingen anledning till oro (?) : SOM-undersökningen
Ingen anledning till oro (?) -
Ulrika Andersson, Anders Carlander, Marie Grusell, Patrik Öhberg
Ingen anledning till oro (?) - 2021 -
”Utan sociala medier hade vi aldrig någonsin kunnat växa så som vi har gjort” – En studie om Sverigedemokrater på
Felix Andersson, Patrik Öhberg
Digitala är vi allihopa? - 2020 -
Speaking truth to power: Political advisers' and civil servants' responses to perceived harmful policy
Birgitta Niklasson, Peter Munk Christiansen, Patrik Öhberg
Journal of Public Policy - 2020 -
How do politicians respond to opinion polls? An experiment with Swedish
G. Schumacher, Patrik Öhberg
Research & Politics - 2020 -
Regntunga skyar –
Ulrika Andersson, Anders Carlander, Patrik Öhberg
978-91-89673-47-2 - 2020 -
The moment you decide, you divide. How politicians assess procedural
Peter Esaiasson, Patrik Öhberg
European Journal of Political Research - 2020 -
The Case for Non-Binary Gender Questions in
Mike Medeiros, Benjamin Forest, Patrik Öhberg
PS - Political Science and Politics - 2020 -
A sensitive question? The effect of an ethnic background question in
Patrik Öhberg, Mike Medeiros
Storm och stiltje
Ulrika Andersson, Björn Rönnerstrand, Patrik Öhberg, Annika Bergström
Storm och stiltje - 2019 -
Storm och
Ingen kommer undan
Kvinnors och mäns politiska åsikter och intresse under 30
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Storm och stiltje - 2019 -
Not all Crises are Detrimental for the Government. The Global Economic Crisis and the Swedish
Patrik Öhberg
Historical Social Research / Historische Sozialforschung - 2018 -
Candidate selection and party discipline in Europe: A comparative
G. Cordero, Patrik Öhberg, X. Coller, A. M. Jaime-Castillo
Democratizing Candidate Selection, New Methods, Old Receipts? Ed. Guillermo CorderoXavier Coller - 2018 -
Sweden: civil servants and political advisers as
Birgitta Niklasson, Patrik Öhberg
Minister, Minders, and Mandarines: an international study of relationships at the executive summit of parliamentary democracies. Richard Shaw, Chris Eichbaum (red.) - 2018 -
The Party's View of Dyadic Responsiveness: A Survey Experiment in
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Scandinavian Political Studies - 2018 -
Administrative Politicization or Contestability? How Political Advisers Affect Neutral Competence in Policy
Patrik Öhberg, Peter Munk Christiansen, Birgitta Niklasson
Public Administration - 2017 -
Party Representatives’ Adaptation to Election Results. Dyadic Responsiveness
Daniel M. Butler, Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Comparative Political Studies - 2017 -
Reaching across the aisle : Explaining government–opposition voting in
Tom Louwerse, Simon Otjes, David M. Willumsen, Patrik Öhberg
Party Politics - 2017 -
Vad gör en valrörelse med oss? Om relationerna mellan väljare, valda och journalister i valet
Stefan Dahlberg, Bengt Johansson, Patrik Öhberg
Johansson B. & Truedsson (red.). När makten står på spel: Journalistik i valrörelser - 2017 -
Toe the line, break the whip: explaining floor dissent in parliamentary
David M. Willumsen, Patrik Öhberg
West European Politics - 2017 -
Does politics crowd out professional competence? The organisation of ministerial advice in Denmark and
P. M. Christiansen, Birgitta Niklasson, Patrik Öhberg
West European Politics - 2016 -
Trials of a role model. Sweden does an about-face on refugee
Patrik Öhberg, Elin Naurin
Inroads: a journal of opinion - 2016 -
Den kapitalistiska kon ska inte slaktas, hon ska
Patrik Öhberg
Ekonomisk Debatt - 2016 -
A Sensitive Question? The Effect of an Ethnic Background Question on Survey
Patrik Öhberg, Mike Medeiros
Political Institutions and Elite Behavior: Experimental Approaches. SPSA Conference-within-a-Conference. January 9, San Juan, Puerto Rico - 2016 -
The role of gender in online campaigning: Swedish candidate’s motives and use of social media during the European election
Linn Sandberg, Patrik Öhberg
General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR). September 7-10, Prague - 2016 -
Politicians as lab rats? Communication with elite experiment subjects on what it means to be part of an
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Southern Political Science Association (SPSA) Annual Meeting. January 7-9, 2016. San Juan, Puerto Rico. - 2016 -
Politicians as lab rats? Communication with elite experiment subjects on what it means to be part of an
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Midwest Political Science Association’s Annual Meeting (MPSA). April 7-10, 2016. Chicago - 2016 -
The Moment You Decide You Divide – How Citizens and Politicians Assess Procedural
Peter Esaiasson, Patrik Öhberg
The Annual American Political Science Association Meeting - 2016 -
Party-constrained Policy Responsiveness: A Survey Experiment on Politicians' Response to Citizen-initiated
Patrik Öhberg, Elin Naurin
British Journal of Political Science - 2016 -
Endurance at the Top: Gender and Political Ambition of Spanish and Swedish
C. Galais, Patrik Öhberg, X. Coller
Politics & Gender - 2016 -
Kandidaterna och
Patrik Öhberg
Berg, L. & Oscarsson, H. (Red.) 20 år med personvalet - 2015 -
Patrik Öhberg
Hagevi, M. (Red.) Partier och partisystem - 2015 -
The Party
Gissur Erlingsson, Ann-Kristin Kölln, Patrik Öhberg
Oxford Handbook of Swedish Politics - 2015 -
Do Politicians in Strong Party Systems Individually Respond to Election Results and Advocate within their Party for Voters’
Daniel M. Butler, Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Paper presented at the Gothenburg Workshop on Intra-Party Politics, Department of Political Science, University of Gothenburg, 17-18 September 2015. - 2015 -
Costly Responsiveness: The Party as a Constraining Factor for Candidates’ Responsiveness to Citizen-Initiated
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Paper presented at the 1st Gothenburg-Barcelona workshop on experimental political science, University of Gothenburg, May 7-8, 2015. - 2015 -
Costly Responsiveness: The Party as a Constraining Factor for Candidates’ Responsiveness to Citizen-Initiated
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Paper presented at the General Conference of the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), Montreal, 26 - 29 August 2015 in section S22 Experimental Political Science, panel P277 Political Participation and Representation. - 2015 -
Costly Responsiveness: The Party as a Constraining Factor for Candidates’ Responsiveness to Citizen-Initiated
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Paper presented at the Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association (APSA), September 3-6 2015, San Francisco. Division 35: Political Organizations and Parties. Panel: Party Policy Positioning and Campaign Strategies. - 2015 -
Testing the Impact of Political Generations: The Class of 94 and Pro-feminist Ideas in the Swedish
Patrik Öhberg, Lena Wängnerud
Scandinavian Political Studies - 2014 -
The interests of immigrants first. Can Sweden maintain its generous refugee policy and its generous welfare
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Inroads. The Canadian journal of opinion - 2013 -
When are politicians responsive to public opinion? Results from a scenario-‐based survey of 3600 Swedish
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Paper presented at the annual conference of Aapor. Boston 16-19 May 2013 - 2013 -
Call me maybe? Politicians’ views of citizen-initiated contacts with elected representatives. A survey and experiment with Swedish
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Stepping stones. Research on Political Representation, Voting Behavior, and Quality of Governmen - 2013 -
Mandates and accountability. Comparing MPs’, candidates’ and citizens' perceptions of fulfillment of election
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Paper prepared for the American Political Science Association, Chicago August 29 – September 1 2013. Section: Comparative Politics. Panel: 11-21. Do parties keep their election promises? Thursday, Aug 29, 2013, 10:15 AM-12:00 PM. - 2013 -
Mandates and accountability. Comparing MPs’, candidates’ and citizens' perceptions of fulfillment of election
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Paper prepared for the Midwest Political Science Association, Chicago 11-14 April 2013. Panel: 28-22, Accountability and Democratic Responsiveness, Friday April 12 - 2013 -
A comparative analysis of MP’s, candidates and citizens' perceptions of election
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Paper presented for the 2012 Annual Meeting of the American Political Science Association, New Orleans August 30- September 2, 2012. Panel 14.2 and 11.61 Do Parties Keep Their Election Promises? Co-sponsored by Section 14, Advanced Industrial Societies and Section 11, Comparative Politics. Thursday, Aug 30 2012, 8.00 AM – 9.45 AM. - 2012 -
Motivated reasoning. A comparative analysis of politicians' and citizens' perceptions of election
Elin Naurin, Patrik Öhberg
Paper presented at the Midwestern Political Science Association, Chicago 11-15 April 2012. Section 27. Political Psychology. Panel 19. Reputations, Accountability, and Attributions of Responsibility. - 2012 -
Politiker med karriärambitioner – en omöjlig självklarhet: En studie om karriärambitionernas betydelse i den representativa
Patrik Öhberg
2011 -
Reepalus kommentarer om sionismen är
Patrik Öhberg
Newsmill - 2010 -
Politicians’ Personal Career Ambitions and Corruption – a working
Patrik Öhberg
The Quality of Government Institute, Berlin - 2010 -
Patrik Öhberg
2009 -
Israels historia. Från biblisktid till dagens
Patrik Öhberg
2009 -
Inte tuffare villkor för kvinnor i
Patrik Öhberg
Göteborgs-Posten - 2006 -
Politiker med karriärambitioner – en omöjlig
Patrik Öhberg
Valets mekanismer - 2006 -
Israel har
Patrik Öhberg
Ordfront - 2005 -
Personvalet – det kom, det sågs
Patrik Öhberg
NOPSA - 2003 -
Änglar finns de? - En studie av politikers
Patrik Öhberg
Statsvetenskapliga förbundets årsmöte - 2003 -
Svenskt bistånd stödjer
Patrik Öhberg
Sydsvenskan - 2003 -
Änglar finns de? - En studie av politikers
Patrik Öhberg
Statsvetenskpliga förbundets årsmöte, Umeå - 2003 -
Personvalet – det kom, det sågs
Patrik Öhberg
Nordiska statsvetarförbundets årsmöte, Aalborg - 2002