
Patrik Öhberg


SOM Institute
Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1 b
41313 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 710
40530 Göteborg

Vice Director

SOM Institute
Visiting address
Seminariegatan 1 B
41313 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 710
40530 Göteborg

About Patrik Öhberg


Patrik Öhberg is an associate professor at the SOM Institute, University of Gothenburg.

He currently leads the project ""Citizen Influence on Individual Politicians in Party-centered Systems" (financed by Swedish Research Council).

Research interest

Öhberg has a wide research interest in theories and practices of representative democracy. Specific interests include the perceptions and behaviors of political and administrative elites. He is also interested in questions about democratic responsiveness as well as the role of gender in politics.

Öhberg's work is published in journals such as British Journal of Political Science, Comparative Political Studies, West European Politics, Public Administration, Party Politics, Scandinavian Political Studies, and Politics and Gender. During Spring 2017 his book "Ambitious Politicians" comes out on University Press of Kansas.

Öhberg spent his International Postdoc stipend period (Swedish Research Council) placed at the National Election Chair at the Department of Political Science at Université de Montréal (2012-2014).

Öhberg is principal investigator of the project Panel of Politicians (Politikerpanelen), which is a webbased panel of politicians conducted at the Laboratory for Opinion Research, University of Gothenburg. Öhberg is also principal investigator of the Riksdag survey and of the Swedish part of the international elite survey, Comparative Candidates Study. Moreover, he has worked as data manager of the Riksdag survey within the Swedish National Election Study Programme.

In his dissertation Öhberg studied the role of personal career ambitions among Swedish parliamentarians. (For a English summary: englishsummary.pdf.)

Öhberg has also written books in Swedish on Israeli history and Zionism. He contributes regularily to the research blogg Politologerna.

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