
Anna Davidsson

Senior Lecturer

Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Anna Davidsson

Presentation ANNA DAVIDSSON (former Hedenus) is associate professor in Sociology. In 2011, she presented her PhD thesis ”At the End of the Rainbow – Post-winning life among Swedish lottery winners”. The thesis primarily discusses how sudden windfall affects people’s work commitment and attitudes towards jobs. It also considers the importance of the lottery winning for the winners’ sense of self, consumption habits and conceptions of money.

Specialist Fields Work life and labour market studies focusing on recruitment, staffing, flexibilization, and social consequences of digitalization and green transition. Alongside her current research, Anna Davidsson has a special interest in issues concerning feminist perspectives, gender and sexuality.

Current research Anna Davidsson is currently coordinating a project on ”A Social Sustainable Green Transition in West Sweden” which is part of a research programme on Labour market challenges of green transition in West Sweden: Electrification and the transition of the automotive cluster. The aim of the research programme is to study the electrification of the automotive cluster in West Sweden as a case of regional industrial green transition. The specific project focuses on the impacts of the forecasted structural transformation on the inhabitants living conditions and job prospects, and how municipalities work to mitigate negative side-effects of the structural transformation.

Moreover, Anna Davidsson is part of the Swedish research team involved in the EU-funded project ST4TE: Strategies for Just and Equitable Transitions in Europe. The project study the relationship between the green, digital and twin transition (TT) and investigate their impact on inequalities among individuals and territories, with the ambition to contribute with knowledge, policy recommendations, and tools to counterbalance the unequal effects of the twin transition. For more information:

Teaching and tutoring Anna Davidsson is director of studies for the teacher education and also teaches on courses within the teacher education. In addition she teaches on undergraduate courses in sociology and and supervises theses concerning work sociology, or sexuality and gender. Supervising PhD students in work science (Johan Røed Steen) and sociology (Tomas Gustavsson), and (Gustav Ekström).