
Sofia Björk

Senior Lecturer

Department of Sociology and Work Science
Visiting address
Skanstorget 18
41122 Göteborg
Room number
Postal address
Box 720
40530 Göteborg

About Sofia Björk

SOFIA BJÖRK obtained her PhD in Sociology at the University of Gothenburg in 2017.

Sofia Björk is coordinator of the Feminist seminar at the department.

Specialist Fields

  • Feminist Research
  • Sociology of Emotions
  • Working Life Research

Doctoral Thesis

Sofia Björk's thesis titled "Gender and emotions in family care. Understanding masculinity and gender equality in Sweden" considers how, despite widely shared ideals of gender equality, family care continues to be gendered in Sweden. Explanations are sought in conflicting norms and ideals and the emotions they evoke. Although it may seem contradictory, ideals of gender equality include gendered expectations. While the ideals can help fathers to feel good about their care arrangements, for mothers they can sometimes even amplify the tensions. The thesis shows how caregivers need to manage emotions related to failing to live up to some norms and ideals in order to cope with their every-day prioritizations between work and care, and to form emotionally sustainable and liveable lives.

Current research

Sofia Björk is currently working on two projects and a research overview:

Within the project “Ideals and practices of gender equality among parents in blue- and white-collar jobs. The role of the Swedish parental insurance.” (Forte 2021-2024), together with Marita Flisbäck and Ann-Zofie Duvander, we examine ideals and practices for gender equality and justice among parents in the LO and Saco professions, who are expecting and having their first child. We analyse the importance of ideals and living conditions for taking parental leave and want to find out to what extent the parental insurance is adapted to the ideals and conditions of different occupational groups.

The project “Differences in assessment, handling and prevention of occupational disorders due to strain, exhaustion and infection? Meanings of norms and resources related to gender, ethnicity and type of work” (Forte 2021-2024), carried out together with Lotta Dellve, Kristina Hermansson, Ylva Wallinder, Helena Olofsdotter Stensöta, Helena Sandén, Hans Ekbrand. The project investigates how meanings of employees' gender, country of birth, socio-economy and age are manifested in risk management and assessment of injuries in gender-segregated occupations with low educational requirements. What norms about responsibilities, the content of work and injuries are discernible in the assessments of what is understood, communicated and approved as occupational injuries? What guidelines have been formulated in the organizations and how do employees relate to these? How is the work injury understood by the injured person?

Sofia Björk also, on behalf of the Swedish Agency for Work Environment Expertise, conducts a systematic literature review of LGBTQ people's social and organizational work environment. The project is conducted in cooperation with Andrea Eriksson from KTH. The overview aims to identify risk and health factors in the work environment and what characterizes an inclusive workplace.

Teaching and tutoring Sofia Bjork lectures in Quantitative Methods, Sociology and Social Psychology and supervises undergraduate students.