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- Doris Lydahl
Doris Lydahl
Senior Lecturer
Linguistics and Theory of Science unitDirector of Studies
Department of Philosophy, Linguistics, Theory of ScienceAbout Doris Lydahl
I am a senior lecturer in theory of science, associate lecturer in sociology, and a researcher within the field of science and technology studies. My research concerns the meeting between policy and practice. I am studying how and when policy is enacted in practice at for example hospitals, in psychiatry and in elderly care. Specifically, I am interested in what is often taken for granted: the mundane, ordinary and routine-like everyday work and procedures. Building on insights from science- and technology studies I see mundane and everyday practices as places where policy, science and technology meet and enact their normativities, values and orders and where these are transformed and adapted.
Besides teaching, I am currently working on a research project that addresses how individuals suffering from Long Covid in Sweden develop knowledge about their condition through their own and other sufferers' experiences about the condition. The project is funded by Forte.
I have previously researched welfare technology in elderly care in a project funded by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond. Before that, I was a postdoc at the University of Tampere. I received my PhD in June 2017 from the Department of Sociology and Work Science.
I was awarded The Torgny T. Segerstedt prize for best article in Sociologisk Forskning 2017 for her paper "Visible persons, invisible work?: Exploring articulation work in the implementation of person-centred care on a hospital ward".
Research projects
2020-2023 The Values of Welfare Technologies (funded by RJ).
2022- Beyond Covid? Using Patient Knowledge to Improve the Care and Management of Long Covid Sufferers (funded by FORTE)
Research interests
STS, care, welfare practices, elderly care, home as a place of care, digitalization, technologies in care and medicine, and ethnography.
I have extensive experience of teaching in theory of science, sociology, STS, social work and qualitative methods.
- Member of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S)
- Member of the European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST)
- Member of the Socio-Gerontechnology Network
Values of welfare technologies: a qualitative study of how employees in Swedish care for older adults understand and justify the use of new
Doris Lydahl, Anna Davidsson
BMC Health Services Research - 2024 -
Good care and adverse effects: Exploring the use of social alarms in care for older people in
Doris Lydahl
Health - 2024 -
Introduction: Doing Engagements and Interventions with
Doris Lydahl, Niels Christian Mossfeldt Nickelsen
Ethical and Methodological Dilemmas in Social Science Interventions - Careful Engagements in Healthcare, Museums, Design and Beyond / Lydahl, D., Mossfeldt Nickelsen, N.C. (eds) - 2024 -
Ethical and Methodological Dilemmas in Social Science Interventions - Careful Engagements in Healthcare, Museums, Design and
Doris Lydahl, Niels Christian Mossfeldt Nickelsen
2024 -
Encouraging Care and Allowing Space: On the Aftermath of Careful
Doris Lydahl
Ethical and Methodological Dilemmas in Social Science Interventions - Careful Engagements in Healthcare, Museums, Design and Beyond / Editors: Doris Lydahl, Niels Christian Mossfeldt Nickelsen - 2024 -
Hur personcentrerad är kommunal hälso- och sjukvård? Patienters och sjuksköterskors
Personcentrering i en kommunal
Exploring documentation in Person-centred care: A content analysis of care
Doris Lydahl, Nicky Britten , Axel Wolf, Öncel Naldemirci, Helen Lloyd, Birgit Heckemann
International Journal of Older People Nursing - 2022 -
Observing and Commenting on Clients’ Home Environments in Mobile Support Home Visit Interactions: Institutional Gaze, Normalization and
Kirsi Juhila, Suvi Holmberg, Doris Lydahl, Chris Hall
Housing, Theory and Society - 2022 -
Patienters och anhörigas upplevelser av vård i hemmet i
Engaging with Hard‐To‐Reach Clients: Towards the Last Resort Response by Welfare
Sirpa Saario, Christopher Hall, Doris Lydahl
Social Inclusion - 2021 -
Välfärdsteknikens värden - en
Doris Lydahl
2021 -
Standard tools for non-standard care: The values and scripts of a person-centred assessment
Doris Lydahl
Health - 2021 -
Shadowing care workers when they’re ‘doing
Doris Lydahl
Doing Human Service Ethnography. Jacobsson, Katarina, Gubrium, Jaber (red.) - 2021 -
The Promises and Fears of Welfare Technologies in Elderly
Doris Lydahl, Anna Hedenus
ISA Forum of Sociology, virtual Porto Allegre, 23-28 February - 2021 -
Faring well with technologies in the
Doris Lydahl
Chronic Living: Quality, Vitality and Health in the 21st Century, virtual University of Copenhagen, 4-6 March - 2021 -
Doing data together - affective relations and mobile ethnography in home
Doris Lydahl, S. Holmberg, K. Gunther, J. Ranta
Qualitative Research - 2021 -
Editorial: Care in
Lisa Lindén, Doris Lydahl
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology studies - 2021 -
Doing good: autonomy in the margins of
Doris Lydahl, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Sociology of Health and Illness - 2020 -
Unsettling usefulness
Doris Lydahl
EASST/4S conference, virtual. Prag, August 18-21. - 2020 -
Documenting patient goals: first findings from a quantitative
Birgit Heckemann, Doris Lydahl, Axel Wolf, Öncel Naldemirci, Helen Lloyd, Nicky Britten
Centrum för personcentrerad vård - GPCC 10-årsjubileumskonferens: Tillsammans för en bättre vård. Gothenburg, Sweden, 6-7 February. - 2020 -
Bernike Pasveer, Oddgeir Synnes and Ingunn Moser (eds) (2020) Ways of Home Making in Care for Later Life. London: Palgrave Macmillan. 312 pages. ISBN
Doris Lydahl
Science & Technology Studies - 2020 -
Tekniken både tämjer och släpper
Doris Lydahl
Äldre i Centrum - 2020 -
Unsettling Usefullness
Doris Lydahl
EASST 4s Joint Conference, virPrague, 18-21 August - 2020 -
'It is not a pill'
Uncertainties and promises in the entanglements of qualitative and quantitative medical
Doris Lydahl
Nordic Journal of Science and Technology Studies - 2019 -
Doing good- normativities in the margins of
Doris Lydahl, Cecilia Hansen Löfstrand
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), New Orleans 4-7 September - 2019 -
Doing data: mobile ethnography in home
Doris Lydahl, Suvi Holmberg
Ethnography with a twist, University of Jyväskylä, 12-14 February. - 2019 -
Tenacious assumptions of person-centred care? Exploring tensions and variations in
Öncel Naldemirci, Doris Lydahl, Nicky Britten, Mark Elam, Lucy Moore, Axel Wolf
Health (London, England : 1997) - 2018 -
Observing and commenting clients’ home environment in home visit
Kirsi Juhila, Chris Hall, Doris Lydahl
Discourse and Narrative Approaches to Social Work and Counselling (DANASWAC), York, August 13-16 - 2018 -
Visible persons, invisible work? Exploring articulation work in the implementation of person-centred care on a hospital
Doris Lydahl
European Association for the Study of Science and Technology (EASST), Lancaster, July 25-28 - 2018 -
'It is Not a Pill’ - Engaging a Randomized Controlled Trial of Person-Centred
Doris Lydahl
Sociologidagarna, Lund, March 7-9 - 2018 -
Visible persons, invisible work?: Exploring articulation work in the implementation of person-centred care on a hospital
Doris Lydahl
Sociologisk forskning - 2017 -
The realities of partnership in person-centred care: A qualitative interview study with patients and
Axel Wolf, Lucy Moore, Doris Lydahl, Öncel Naldemirci, Mark Elam, Nicky Britten
BMJ Open - 2017 -
Deliberate and emergent strategies for implementing person-centred care: a qualitative interview study with researchers, professionals and
Öncel Naldemirci, Axel Wolf, Mark Elam, Doris Lydahl, Lucy Moore, Nicky Britten
BMC Health Services Research - 2017 -
Barriers and facilitators to the implementation of person‐centred care in different healthcare
Lucy Moore, Nicky Britten, Doris Lydahl, Öncel Naldemirci, Mark Elam, Axel Wolf
Scandinavian Journal of Caring Sciences - 2017 -
Elaboration of the Gothenburg model of person-centred
Nicky Britten, Lucy Moore, Doris Lydahl, Öncel Naldemirci, Mark Elam, Axel Wolf
Health Expectations - 2017 -
Care, tinkering and technologies: a study of person-centered care in
Doris Lydahl
Dumme Dinge – schlaue Sachen? Die materiale Seite von Pflege und Care, Heidelberg, January 18-20 - 2017 -
'It is Not a Pill’ - Engaging a Randomized Controlled Trial of Person-Centred
Doris Lydahl
Annual Meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science (4S), Boston, August 30 - September 2 - 2017 -
Same and different? Perspectives on the introduction of person-centred care as standard
Doris Lydahl
2017 -
Personcentrerad vård bör utvecklas från
Doris Lydahl
Allmänmedicin : tidskrift för Svensk förening för allmänmedicin (SFAM) - 2017 -
Tenacious assumptions of person-centred
Öncel Naldemirci, Doris Lydahl, Mark Elam, Axel Wolf, Lucy Moore, Nicky Britten
ESA 12th Conference Abstract Book, ESA Conference, August 26, Prag - 2015 -
Preserving uniqueness through standardization: the role of templates in person-centred
Doris Lydahl
Annual meeting of the Society for Social Studies of Science, november 11-14, Denver - 2015 -
Preserving uniqueness through standardization: the role of templates in person-centred
Doris Lydahl
International Philosophy of Nursing Conference, 24-26 augusti, Karolinska Institutet - 2015 -
Feminismen har ingen kris – den är under
Sofia Björk, Doris Lydahl
Göteborgs Posten - 2014