
Astrid von Rosen


Aesthetics Unit
Visiting address
Renströmsgatan 6
41255 Göteborg
Postal address
Box 200
40530 Göteborg

About Astrid von Rosen

I am full professor of art history and visual studies, scenogaråhy studies, at the Department of Cultural Sciences, University of Gothenburg. I am also director for cross-facult Centre for Critical Heritage Studies. My areas of research are scenography studies and cross-disciplinary performing arts and critical archival studies.

Since the 1960s scenography studies have been part of Swedish art history. My doctoral dissertation from 2010 explors the life and work of poioneering scenographer Knut Ström, both in Germany and Sweden. The Swedish reserach council funded cross-disciplinary research project Expansion and diversity: Digital mapping and analysis of independent performing arts in Gothenburg 1965-2000, forms the basis of my current work.

Some of my latest publications are:

2023. Andrew Flinn and Astrid von Rosen, “An Introduction to the Long-Awaited English Translation of Dig Where You Stand”, Dig Where You Stand: How to Research a Job, by Sven Lindqvist, Repeater Books, London 2022, p. 1-19.

2023 (paperback edition). Editor (with V. Kjellmer) and contributor. Scenography and Art History: Performance Design and Visual Culture, London: Bloomsbury.

2022. “Scenography: From marginalized study object to vital theoretical concept”. Swedish Art Historiography: Institutionalization, identity and practice. Red. Britt-Inger Johansson och Ludwig Qvarnström. Nordic Academic Press, p. 203-211.

2022. “Affect and Digital Caregiving: Challenging the Performing Arts Canon with a ‘Dig Where You Stand’ Database”, Archives and Records: special issue confronting the canon, 43:2, 128-142. DOI:

2021. Editorial: “Why scenography and Art History?”, i Journal of Art History / Konsthistorisk tidskrift, med temat Scenography and Art History. Volume 90, issue 2, 65-71. Open access:

2020. “Scenographing Resistance: Remembering Ride This Night”, Nordic Theatre Studies, special issue Memory Wars. Vol. 31, No. 2. 73-88.

2020. Co-written with Eszter Szalczer. “Scenographic Dialogues: Staging Carl Grabow’s 1907 Designs for A Dream Play [Part 1]”. Dokumenterat 51, 4–42. Part 1: Open access:
