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- Catharina Hägglin
Catharina Hägglin
Affiliated Researcher
Odontology Section 1-
Evaluation of collaborative oral health care planning between older adults and personnel from public dental care and municipal care organizations: a study protocol for a cluster-randomized controlled study in
Jessica Persson Kylen, Sara Björns, Catharina Hägglin, Lisa Bellander, Annsofi Brattback Atzori, Sven Persson Kylen, Ann-Christine Baar, Helle Wijk
TRIALS - 2025 -
Decisional needs for older adults, home health care nurses and dental hygienists during team-based oral health assessments in ordinary home settings - a qualitative
Jessica Persson Kylen, Sara Björns, Catharina Hägglin, Ingela Grönbeck Lindén, Laurence Piper, Inger Wårdh
BMC Geriatrics - 2024 -
Identifying Flowing Change and Learning Towards Healthy Ageing—An Action Research
Jessica Persson Kylén, Ann Svensson, Annsofi Brattbäck Atzori, Sven Persson Kylén, Catharina Hägglin
Journal of Health Management - 2024 -
Validity of the Oral Hygiene Ability Instrument
Ingela Grönbeck Lindén, Marika Wenemark, Pia Andersson, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Lars Gahnberg, Catharina Hägglin
A preventive care approach for oral health in nursing homes: a qualitative study of healthcare workers'
Lisa Bellander, Eva Angelini, Pia Andersson, Catharina Hägglin, Helle Wijk
BMC geriatrics - 2024 -
Evaluation of the Oral Hygiene Ability Instrument (OHAI): Test of
Ingela Grönbeck Lindén, Pia Andersson, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Lars Gahnberg, Catharina Hägglin
Oral Care Cards as a Support in Daily Oral Care of Frail Older Adults: Experiences and Perceptions of Professionals in Nursing and Dental Care-A Qualitative
J. Persson, Isabelle Johansson, C. J. Torge, Eva-Karin Bergström, Catharina Hägglin, I. Wardh
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2022 -
Tandhygienist i kommunal verksamhet - TAIK
En intervention med munhälsofrämjande insatser för den äldre
Catharina Hägglin, Jessica Persson
2022 -
Differences in personality, perceived stress and physical activity in women with burning mouth syndrome compared to
Elizabeth Jedel, Magnus L Elfström, Catharina Hägglin
Scandinavian journal of pain - 2021 -
Oral Assessment and Preventive Actions within the Swedish Quality Register Senior alert: Impact on Frail Older Adults’ Oral Health in a Longitudinal
Lisa Bellander, Pia Andersson, Helle Wijk, Catharina Hägglin
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2021 -
Oral health among older adults in nursing homes: A survey in a national quality register, the Senior
Lisa Bellander, P. Andersson, D. Nordvall, Catharina Hägglin
Nursing Open - 2021 -
Health-related quality of life in burning mouth syndrome - a case-control
Elizabeth Jedel, Magnus L Elfström, Catharina Hägglin
Scandinavian journal of pain - 2020 -
Development of an instrument to assess oral hygiene ability in older adults: The oral hygiene ability
Ingela Grönbeck Lindén, P. Andersson, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, L. Gahnberg, Catharina Hägglin
Gerodontology - 2020 -
Evaluation of the Jönköping dental fear coping model: a patient
Carl-Otto Brahm, Jesper Lundgren, Sven G. Carlsson, Peter Nilsson, Catharina Hägglin
Acta odontologica Scandinavica - 2019 -
Så kan vi mäta patientens upplevelse av
Inger von Bültzingslöwen, Kajsa Henning Abrahamsson, Catharina Hägglin, Ann-Christine Larsson Bolle, Elisabeth Wärnberg Gerdin, Sigvard Åkerman, Gunnar Ekbäck
Tandläkartidningen - 2019 -
Oral Risk Assessment of Dependent Older Residents
in Nursing Homes in Sweden - Results from the quality register Senior
Lisa Bellander, Pia Andersson, Dennis Nordvall, Catharina Hägglin
the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019 (IAGG-ER). 23-25 May 2019 in Gothenburg, Sweden - 2019 -
Är Folktandvårdens kliniker i Västra Götaland anpassade för äldre och personer med
Emelie Flander, Madeleine Wertsén, Catharina Hägglin
2019 -
Dental Hygienists in Municipal Service (TAIK) - Co-operation between Municipalities and the Dental Health
Jessica Persson, Catharina Hägglin, Eva-Karin Bergström, Lars Gahnberg, Ewa Nyström
the International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics European Region Congress 2019 (IAGG-ER). 23-25 May 2019 in Gothenburg, Sweden - 2019 -
Development and evaluation of the Jönköping Dental Fear Coping Model: a health professional
Carl-Otto Brahm, Jesper Lundgren, Sven G. Carlsson, Peter Nilsson, Catharina Hägglin
Acta odontologica Scandinavica - 2018 -
Development of the Oral Hygiene Ability Index
Ingela Grönbeck Lindén, Pia Andersson, Lars Gahnberg, Catharina Hägglin, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff
96th General Session of the International Association for Dental Research, IADR. 25-28 July 2018, London, England - 2018 -
Clinical characterization of women with burning mouth syndrome in a case-control
Shikha Acharya, Anette Carlén, Bengt Wenneberg, Mats Jontell, Catharina Hägglin
Acta Odontologica Scandinavica - 2018 -
The impact of a national quality register in the analysis of risks and adverse events among older adults in nursing homes and hospital wards—a Swedish Senior Alert
Anna Trinks, Catharina Hägglin, Dennis Nordvall, Elisabeth Rothenberg, Helle Wijk
Safety in Health - 2018 -
Saliva on the oral mucosa and whole saliva in women diagnosed with burning mouth
Shikha Acharya, Catharina Hägglin, Mats Jontell, Bengt Wenneberg, Jörgen Ekström, Anette Carlén
Oral Diseases - 2018 -
Factors Affecting Older Persons’ Ability to Manage Oral Hygiene: A Qualitative
Ingela Grönbeck Lindén, Catharina Hägglin, Lars Gahnberg, Pia Andersson
JDR Clinical & Translational Research - 2017 -
Sedation with orally administered midazolam in elderly dental patients with major neurocognitive
Lena Rignell, Mona Mikati, Madeleine Wertsén, Catharina Hägglin
Gerodontology - 2017 -
Mariestadsprojektet. Tandhygienist i kommunal
Ewa Nyström, Carina Gustavsson, Anita Petersson , Lars Gahnberg, Catharina Hägglin
2017 -
Discontinued dental attendance among elderly people in
Ingela Grönbeck Lindén, Catharina Hägglin, A. Petersson, P. O. Linander, Lars Gahnberg
Journal of International Society of Preventive and Community Dentistry - 2016 -
Native-born versus foreign-born patients' perception of communication and care in Swedish dental
Minh Olausson, Nadya Esfahani, Johanna Östlin, Catharina Hägglin
Swedish Dental Journal - 2016 -
Kan kallelse med bilder minska uteblivande i
Ewa Sjöström, Madeleine Wertsén Extern, Catharina Hägglin
2016 -
Munvård på äldreboende – hur lång tid tar
Samuelsson Carina, Söder Elisabeth, Catharina Hägglin
2015 -
Sedation with orally administered midazolam in dental patients suffering from severe
Lena Rignell, Madeleine Wertsén, Mona Mikati, Catharina Hägglin
IADR/AADR/CADR General Session & Exhibition. March 11-14, 2015, Boston, Massachusetts. Journal of Dental Research - 2015 -
Associations Between Oral Health and Risk of Dementia in a 37-Year Follow-Up Study: The Prospective Population Study of Women in
R. Stewart, Ulrika Stenman, Magnus Hakeberg, Catharina Hägglin, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog
Journal of the American Geriatrics Society - 2015 -
On the dynamics of dental fear: dental or
Catharina Hägglin, Sven G. Carlsson, Magnus Hakeberg
European Journal of Oral Sciences - 2013 -
Dentists' skills with fearful patients: education and
Carl-Otto Brahm, Jesper Lundgren, Sven G. Carlsson, Peter Nilsson, Johanna Hultqvist, Catharina Hägglin
European journal of oral sciences - 2013 -
Dentists' views on fearful patients. Problems and
Carl-Otto Brahm, Jesper Lundgren, Sven G. Carlsson, Peter Nilsson, Jill Corbeil, Catharina Hägglin
Swedish Dental Journal - 2012 -
Dentists' skills with fearful patients: education and
Carl-Otto Brahm, Sven G. Carlsson, Peter Nilsson, Jesper Lundgren, Catharina Hägglin
IADR, Iguacu falls, June 20-23, 2012 - 2012 -
A dental phobia treatment within the Swedish National Health
Catharina Hägglin, Ulla Wide Boman
Swedish Dental Journal - 2012 -
Första året i BITA (Barn i Tandvården) - Svarsfrekvens och
Azadeh Ahmadzadeh, Catharina Hägglin, Lars Dahlström
Odontologisk Riksstämma, 2009-11-13, Stockholm - 2009 -
Finns det samband mellan livskvalitet och munhälsa hos
Catharina Hägglin
Frisk i munnen på äldre dar - ett gemensamt ansvar, 2009-10-08, Göteborg - 2009 -
Evaluation of a Swedish version of the OHIP-14 among patients in general and specialist dental
Catharina Hägglin, Ulf Berggren, Magnus Hakeberg, Anna Edvardsson, Marina Eriksson
Swedish dental journal - 2007 -
Catharina Hägglin
MUNHÄLSA. Sjukdom och funktionshinder. - 2007 -
Psychological and quality of life aspects on edentulousness and treatment with dental
Ulf Berggren, Catharina Hägglin, U Trulsson, LR-M Hallberg
Chien, S. [et at.] (eds). Osseointegration and medical bio-reengineering. Scientific basis and clinical application. - 2005 -
A Swedish version of the GOHAI index. Psychometric properties and
Catharina Hägglin, Ulf Berggren, Jesper Lundgren
Swedish dental journal - 2005 -
Evaluation of a Swedish version of the OHIP-14 among patients in general and specialist dental
Catharina Hägglin, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson
Community Dental Health - 2005 -
Svenska versioner av oral hälsorelaterade livskvalitet
Catharina Hägglin
Att mäta oral hälso-relaterad livskvalitet – utmaningar och möjligheter, Odontologisk Rikstämma, 2005-10-27, Göteborg - 2005 -
Extrem tandvårdsrädsla hos
Catharina Hägglin
Scannews - 2004 -
Long-term follow-up of effects of different treatments for dental
Catharina Hägglin, Jesper Lundgren, Kajsa H. Abrahamsson, Sven G. Carlsson
J Dent Res - 2002 -
Dental anxiety in relation to mental health and personality factors. A longitudinal study of middle-aged and elderly
Catharina Hägglin, Magnus Hakeberg, T Hällström, Ulf Berggren, Lena Larsson, Margda Waern, Sigurdur Páll Pálsson, Ingmar Skoog
European journal of oral sciences - 2001 -
Structural relationships of dental anxiety, mood, and general
Magnus Hakeberg, Catharina Hägglin, Ulf Berggren, Sven G. Carlsson
Acta odontologica Scandinavica - 2001 -
Factors associated with dental anxiety and attendance in middle-aged and elderly
Catharina Hägglin, Magnus Hakeberg, Margareta Ahlqwist, Marianne Sullivan, Ulf Berggren
Community dentistry and oral epidemiology - 2000 -
Dental status of women in a 24-year longitudinal and cross-sectional study. Results from a population study of women in
Margareta Ahlqwist, Calle Bengtsson, Magnus Hakeberg, Catharina Hägglin
Acta odontologica Scandinavica - 1999 -
Variations in dental anxiety among middle-aged and elderly women in Sweden: a longitudinal study between 1968 and
Catharina Hägglin, Ulf Berggren, Magnus Hakeberg, Tore Hällström, Calle Bengtsson
Journal of dental research - 1999 -
Reported burning mouth symptoms among middle-aged and elderly
Magnus Hakeberg, Ulf Berggren, Catharina Hägglin, Margareta Ahlqwist
European journal of oral sciences - 1997 -
Assessment of patients with phobic dental
Ulf Berggren, Sven G. Carlsson, Magnus Hakeberg, Catharina Hägglin, Viktor Samsonowitz
Acta odontologica Scandinavica - 1997 -
Assessment of patients with direct conditioned and indirect cognitive reported origin of dental
Ulf Berggren, Sven G. Carlsson, Catharina Hägglin, Magnus Hakeberg, Viktor Samsonowitz
European journal of oral sciences - 1997 -
Dental anxiety among middle-aged and elderly women in Sweden. A study of oral state, utilisation of dental services and concomitant
Catharina Hägglin, Ulf Berggren, Magnus Hakeberg, Margareta Ahlqwist
Gerodontology - 1996