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- Margda Waern
Margda Waern
Senior Researcher
Department of Psychiatry and NeurochemistrySenior Researcher
Department of Psychiatry and Neurochemistry-
Polygenic risk scores for atrial fibrillation and heart failure and the risk of stroke and
Lina Rydén, Nazib Seidu, Hanna Wetterberg, Jenna Najar, Margda Waern, Silke Kern, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Ingmar Skoog, Anna Zettergren
Service User and Next-of-Kin Experiences of Psychosis Inpatient Care After a Person-Centred Care
Anneli Goulding, Stefan Wiktorsson, Katarina Allerby, Lilas Ali, Margda Waern
High CSF neurogranin level is related to lifetime reports of passive suicidal ideation in a population-based sample of older
Irma Rymo, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Silke Kern, Ingmar Skoog, Simona Florentina Sacuiu, Margda Waern
Journal of psychiatric research - 2024 -
Exercise and health-related quality of life and work-related outcomes in primary care patients with anxiety disorders - A randomized controlled
Alexander Wall, Malin Henriksson, Jenny Nyberg, Kristina Holmgren, Jörgen Isgaard, Anna-Karin Lennartsson, Johan Svensson, Louise Danielsson, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg, N David Åberg
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2024 -
Inpatient Suicides in Swedish Psychiatric Settings - A Retrospective Exploratory Study from a Nursing
My Lindberg, Charlotta Sunnqvist, Anne-Marie Wangel, Sara Probert-Lindstroem, Elin Froding, Erik Bergqvist, Anne Stefenson, Margda Waern, Asa Westrin
Occupational groups and risk of suicidal behavior in men: a Swedish national cohort study during
Jenny Nyberg, Catrin Wessman, Mia Söderberg, Anthony D LaMontagne, Kjell Torén, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
BMC public health - 2024 -
Clinical characteristics and 6-month follow-up of adults with and without alcohol use disorder who
Petter Olsson, Stefan Wiktorsson, Lotta M.J. Strömsten, Ellinor Salander Renberg, Bo Runeson, Margda Waern
Frontiers in Psychiatry - 2024 -
Older adults make sense of their suicidal behavior: a Swedish interview
Sara Hed, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Stefan Wiktorsson, Jennifer Strand, Silvia Sara Canetto, Margda Waern
One-year follow-up of a primary care-based 12-week exercise intervention for adults with anxiety
Anna-Karin Lennartsson, Malin Henriksson, Alexander Wall, Jenny Nyberg, Kristian Bolin, Berit A M Larsson, Louise Danielsson, Margda Waern, N David Åberg, Maria A I Åberg
Poor stress resilience in adolescence predicts higher risk of severe COVID-19 and other respiratory infections: A prospective cohort study of 1.4 million Swedish
Agnes af Geijerstam, Monica Hunsberger, Kirsten Mehlig, Jenny Nyberg, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg, Lauren Lissner
Determinants of suicidal behavior in dementia: A Swedish national register-based
Khedidja Hedna, Robert Sigström, K. Johnell, Margda Waern
International Psychogeriatrics - 2024 -
Perceptions of mental health, suicide and working conditions in the construction industry-A qualitative
Kristina Aurelius, Mia Söderberg, Viktoria Wahlström, Margda Waern, Anthony D LaMontagne, Maria A I Åberg
PloS one - 2024 -
Last general practitioner consultation during the final month of life: a national medical record review of suicides in
Nina Palmqvist Oberg, Sara Probert Lindstrom, Erik Bergqvist, Anna Ehnvall, Tabita Sellin, Anne Stefenson, Charlotta Sunnqvist, Margda Waern, Asa Westrin
Suicidal behavior and all-cause mortality in depressed older adults aged 75+treated with electroconvulsive therapy: A Swedish register-based comparison
Khedidja Hedna, Mattias Jonson, Robert Sigström, Anna Levinsson, Axel Nordenskjoeld, Margda Waern
Anxiety symptoms preceding suicide: A Swedish nationwide record
Sabrina Doering, Sara Probert-Lindström, Anna Ehnvall, Stefan Wiktorsson, Nina Palmqvist Öberg, Erik Bergqvist, Anne Stefenson, Jesper Fransson, Åsa Westrin, Margda Waern
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2024 -
Occupation-specific risk estimates for suicide and non-fatal self-harm from a Swedish cohort of male construction workers followed
Kirsten Mehlig, Kjell Torén, Anthony D. LaMontagne, Viktoria Wahlstrom, Jenny Nyberg, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
A Vicious Circle of Hope and Despair: Stigma Experienced by Relatives of Persons with Severe Mental
Bente Weimand, Anita Johansson, Nils Sjöström, Margda Waern, Mats Ewertzon
Depressive symptoms across the retirement transition in men and women: associations with emotion regulation, adjustment difficulties and work
Sara Hed, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Margda Waern
Biomarkers of Alzheimer's Disease and Cerebrovascular Disease in Relation to Depressive Symptomatology in Individuals With Subjective Cognitive
M. Zapater-Fajarí, P. Diaz-Galvan, N. Cedres, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Lina Rydén, Simona Sacuiu, Margda Waern, Anna Zettergren, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Silke Kern, V. Hidalgo, A. Salvador, E. Westman, Ingmar Skoog, D. Ferreira
Journals of Gerontology Series a-Biological Sciences and Medical Sciences - 2024 -
Attrition in the Gothenburg H70 birth cohort studies, an 18-year follow-up of the 1930
Lina Rydén, Hanna Wetterberg, Felicia Ahlnér, Hanna Falk Erhag, Pia Gudmundsson, Xinxin Guo, Erik Joas, Lena Johansson, Silke Kern, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Jenna Najar, Mats Ribbe, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Simona Sacuiu, Jessica Samuelsson, Robert Sigström, Johan Skoog, Margda Waern, Anna Zettergren, Ingmar Skoog
Frontiers in Epidemiology - 2023 -
Application of an accident approach to the study of acute suicidal episodes through repeated in-depth
Anna Maria Nilsson, I. Skarsater, Anna Ehnvall, Jan Beskow, Margda Waern
Death Studies - 2023 -
A Retrospective Comparison of Users with and without Previous Suicide
S. Probert-Lindström, M. Vaez, E. Fröding, Anna Ehnvall, T. Sellin, L. Ambrus, E. Bergqvist, N. Palmqvist-Öberg, Margda Waern, Å Westrin
Archives of Suicide Research - 2023 -
Autism in adult psychiatric out-patients: self-reported suicidal ideation, suicide attempts and non-suicidal
Johan Nyrenius, Margda Waern, Jonas Eberhard, Mohammad Ghaziuddin, Christopher Gillberg, Eva Billstedt
BJPsych Open - 2023 -
High polygenic risk score for exceptional longevity is associated with a healthy metabolic
M. Revelas, A. Thalamuthu, Anna Zettergren, C. Oldmeadow, Jenna Najar, Nazib Seidu, N. J. Armstrong, C. Riveros, J. B. Kwok, P. R. Schofield, J. N. Trollor, Margda Waern, M. J. Wright, Henrik Zetterberg, D. Ames, Kaj Blennow, H. Brodaty, R. J. Scott, Ingmar Skoog, J. R. Attia, P. S. Sachdev, K. A. Mather
Geroscience - 2023 -
Mild cognitive impairment is associated with passive suicidal ideation in older adults: A population-based
Irma Rymo, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Silke Kern, Henrik Zetterberg, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern, Simona Sacuiu
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2023 -
Multiancestry analysis of the HLA locus in Alzheimer's and Parkinson's diseases uncovers a shared adaptive immune response mediated by HLA-DRB1*04
Yann Le Guen, Guo Luo, Aditya Ambati, Vincent Damotte, Iris Jansen, Eric Yu, Aude Nicolas, Itziar de Rojas, Thiago Peixoto Leal, Akinori Miyashita, Céline Bellenguez, Michelle Mulan Lian, Kayenat Parveen, Takashi Morizono, Hyeonseul Park, Benjamin Grenier-Boley, Tatsuhiko Naito, Fahri Küçükali, Seth D Talyansky, Selina Maria Yogeshwar, Vicente Sempere, Wataru Satake, Victoria Alvarez, Beatrice Arosio, Michael E Belloy, Luisa Benussi, Anne Boland, Barbara Borroni, María J Bullido, Paolo Caffarra, Jordi Clarimon, Antonio Daniele, Daniel Darling, Stéphanie Debette, Jean-François Deleuze, Martin Dichgans, Carole Dufouil, Emmanuel During, Emrah Düzel, Daniela Galimberti, Guillermo Garcia-Ribas, José María García-Alberca, Pablo García-González, Vilmantas Giedraitis, Oliver Goldhardt, Caroline Graff, Edna Grünblatt, Olivier Hanon, Lucrezia Hausner, Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach, Henne Holstege, Jakub Hort, Yoo Jin Jung, Deckert Jürgen, Silke Kern, Teemu Kuulasmaa, Kun Ho Lee, Ling Lin, Carlo Masullo, Patrizia Mecocci, Shima Mehrabian, Alexandre de Mendonça, Mercè Boada, Pablo Mir, Susanne Moebus, Fermin Moreno, Benedetta Nacmias, Gael Nicolas, Shumpei Niida, Børge G Nordestgaard, Goran Papenberg, Janne Papma, Lucilla Parnetti, Florence Pasquier, Pau Pastor, Oliver Peters, Yolande A L Pijnenburg, Gerard Piñol-Ripoll, Julius Popp, Laura Molina Porcel, Raquel Puerta, Jordi Pérez-Tur, Innocenzo Rainero, Inez Ramakers, Luis M Real, Steffi Riedel-Heller, Eloy Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Owen A Ross, Luis Jose Royo, Dan Rujescu, Nikolaos Scarmeas, Philip Scheltens, Norbert Scherbaum, Anja Schneider, Davide Seripa, Ingmar Skoog, Vincenzo Solfrizzi, Gianfranco Spalletta, Alessio Squassina, John van Swieten, Raquel Sánchez-Valle, Eng-King Tan, Thomas Tegos, Charlotte Teunissen, Jesper Qvist Thomassen, Lucio Tremolizzo, Martin Vyhnalek, Frans Verhey, Margda Waern, Jens Wiltfang, Jing Zhang, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Zihuai He, Julie Williams, Philippe Amouyel, Frank Jessen, Patrick G Kehoe, Ole A Andreassen, Cornelia Van Duin, Magda Tsolaki, Pascual Sánchez-Juan, Ruth Frikke-Schmidt, Kristel Sleegers, Tatsushi Toda, Anna Zettergren, Martin Ingelsson, Yukinori Okada, Giacomina Rossi, Mikko Hiltunen, Jungsoo Gim, Kouichi Ozaki, Rebecca Sims, Jia Nee Foo, Wiesje van der Flier, Takeshi Ikeuchi, Alfredo Ramirez, Ignacio Mata, Agustín Ruiz, Ziv Gan-Or, Jean-Charles Lambert, Michael D Greicius, Emmanuel Mignot
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America - 2023 -
The effect of alcohol consumption on all-cause mortality in 70-year-olds in the context of other lifestyle risk factors: results from the Gothenburg H70 birth cohort
Felicia Ahlner, Hanna Falk Erhag, Lena Johansson, Jessica Samuelsson, Hanna Wetterberg, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
BMC Geriatrics - 2023 -
Subtle Differences in Cognition in 70-Year-Olds with Elevated Cerebrospinal Fluid Neurofilament Light and Neurogranin: A H70 Cross-Sectional
Maya Arvidsson Rådestig, Johan Skoog, Henrik Zetterberg, Tobias Skillbäck, Anna Zettergren, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Simona Sacuiu, Margda Waern, Hanna Wetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Silke Kern
Journal of Alzheimers Disease - 2023 -
Life-Weariness, Wish to Die, Active Suicidal Ideation, and All-Cause Mortality in Population-Based Samples of Older
Mattias Jonson, Robert Sigström, K. A. Van Orden, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2023 -
Girls With Social and/or Attention Deficit Re-Examined in Young Adulthood: Prospective Study of Diagnostic Stability, Daily Life Functioning and Social
Svenny Kopp, Karin Asztély, Sara Landberg, Margda Waern, Stefan Bergman, Christopher Gillberg
Journal of Attention Disorders - 2023 -
Time trends in depression prevalence among Swedish 85-year-olds: Repeated cross-sectional population-based studies in 1986, 2008, and
Mattias Jonson, Robert Sigström, Khedidja Hedna, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Hanna Falk Erhag, Hanna Wetterberg, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
Psychological Medicine - 2023 -
Polygenic risk scores for Alzheimer's disease in relation to cognitive change: A representative sample from the general population followed over 16
Jenna Najar, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Silke Kern, Johan Skoog, Margda Waern, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Anna Zettergren
Neurobiology of Disease - 2023 -
Life experienced as worth living and beyond: a qualitative study of the pathways to recovery and flourishing amongst individuals treated for borderline personality
Sophie I. Liljedahl, Anni Mossberg, Hanna Grenner, Margda Waern
BMC Psychiatry - 2023 -
The Meaning of Mental Imagery in Acute Suicidal Episodes: A Qualitative Exploration of Lived
Anna Maria Nilsson, Margda Waern, Anna Ehnvall, Ingela Skärsäter
Omega (United States) - 2023 -
Healthcare visits for mental disorders and use of psychotropic medications before and after self-harm in a cohort aged
Khedidja Hedna, Mattias Jonson, Robert Sigström, Maria A I Åberg, Katarina Wilhelmson, Margda Waern
Aging & Mental Health - 2023 -
Six-year mortality associated with living alone and loneliness in Swedish men and women born in
Masuma Novak, Margda Waern, Lena Johansson, Anna Zettergren, Lina Rydén, Hanna Wetterberg, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Pia Gudmundsson, Ingmar Skoog
BMC Geriatrics - 2023 -
Passive and active suicidal ideation in a population-based sample of older adults: Associations with polygenic risk scores of relevance for suicidal
Anna Zettergren, Mattias Jonson, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Jenna Najar, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Nazib Seidu, Silke Kern, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Frontiers in Psychiatry - 2023 -
Risk for first onset depression in adults with congenital heart
Susanne Nielsen, Mikael Dellborg, Margda Waern, Zacharias Mandalenakis, Kok Wai Giang
Representativeness in population-based studies of older adults: five waves of cross-sectional examinations in the Gothenburg H70 Birth Cohort
Hanna Wetterberg, Lina Rydén, Felicia Ahlner, Hanna Falk Erhag, Pia Gudmundsson, Xinxin Guo, Erik Joas, Lena Johansson, Silke Kern, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Jenna Najar, Mats Ribbe, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Jessica Samuelsson, Simona Sacuiu, Robert Sigström, Johan Skoog, Margda Waern, Anna Zettergren, Ingmar Skoog
Bmj Open - 2022 -
Comprehensive geriatric assessment is associated with increased antidepressant treatment in frail older people with unplanned hospital admissions-results from the randomised controlled study
Theresa Westgård, Isabelle Andersson Hammar, Katarina Wilhelmson, Margda Waern
Bmc Geriatrics - 2022 -
Accuracy of 12 short versions of the Geriatric Depression Scale to detect depression in a prospective study of a high-risk population with different levels of
Simona Sacuiu, Nazib Seidu, Robert Sigström, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Lena Johansson, Stefan Wiktorsson, Margda Waern
International Psychogeriatrics - 2022 -
Genome-wide meta-analysis for Alzheimer's disease cerebrospinal fluid
Iris E Jansen, Sven J van der Lee, Duber Gomez-Fonseca, Itziar de Rojas, Maria Carolina Dalmasso, Benjamin Grenier-Boley, Anna Zettergren, Aniket Mishra, Muhammad Ali, Victor Andrade, Céline Bellenguez, Luca Kleineidam, Fahri Küçükali, Yun Ju Sung, Niccolo Tesí, Ellen M Vromen, Douglas P Wightman, Daniel Alcolea, Montserrat Alegret, Ignacio Alvarez, Philippe Amouyel, Lavinia Athanasiu, Shahram Bahrami, Henri Bailly, Olivia Belbin, Sverre Bergh, Lars Bertram, Geert Jan Biessels, Kaj Blennow, Rafael Blesa, Mercè Boada, Anne Boland, Katharina Buerger, Ángel Carracedo, Laura Cervera-Carles, Geneviève Chene, Jurgen A H R Claassen, Stephanie Debette, Jean-Francois Deleuze, Peter Paul de Deyn, Janine Diehl-Schmid, Srdjan Djurovic, Oriol Dols-Icardo, Carole Dufouil, Emmanuelle Duron, Emrah Düzel, Tormod Fladby, Juan Fortea, Lutz Frölich, Pablo García-González, Maria Garcia-Martinez, Ina Giegling, Oliver Goldhardt, Johan Gobom, Timo Grimmer, Annakaisa Haapasalo, Harald Hampel, Olivier Hanon, Lucrezia Hausner, Stefanie Heilmann-Heimbach, Seppo Helisalmi, Michael T Heneka, Isabel Hernández, Sanna-Kaisa Herukka, Henne Holstege, Jonas Jarholm, Silke Kern, Anne-Brita Knapskog, Anne M Koivisto, Johannes Kornhuber, Teemu Kuulasmaa, Carmen Lage, Christoph Laske, Ville Leinonen, Piotr Lewczuk, Alberto Lleó, Adolfo López de Munain, Sara Lopez-Garcia, Wolfgang Maier, Marta Marquié, Merel O Mol, Laura Montrreal, Fermin Moreno, Sonia Moreno-Grau, Gael Nicolas, Markus M Nöthen, Adelina Orellana, Lene Pålhaugen, Janne M Papma, Florence Pasquier, Robert Perneczky, Oliver Peters, Yolande A L Pijnenburg, Julius Popp, Danielle Posthuma, Ana Pozueta, Josef Priller, Raquel Puerta, Inés Quintela, Inez Ramakers, Eloy Rodriguez-Rodriguez, Dan Rujescu, Ingvild Saltvedt, Pascual Sanchez-Juan, Philip Scheltens, Norbert Scherbaum, Matthias Schmid, Anja Schneider, Geir Selbæk, Per Selnes, Alexey Shadrin, Ingmar Skoog, Hilkka Soininen, Lluís Tárraga, Stefan Teipel, Betty Tijms, Magda Tsolaki, Christine Van Broeckhoven, Jasper Van Dongen, John C van Swieten, Rik Vandenberghe, Jean-Sébastien Vidal, Pieter J Visser, Jonathan Vogelgsang, Margda Waern, Michael Wagner, Jens Wiltfang, Mandy M J Wittens, Henrik Zetterberg, Miren Zulaica, Cornelia M van Duijn, Maria Bjerke, Sebastiaan Engelborghs, Frank Jessen, Charlotte E Teunissen, Pau Pastor, Mikko Hiltunen, Martin Ingelsson, Ole A Andreassen, Jordi Clarimón, Kristel Sleegers, Agustín Ruiz, Alfredo Ramirez, Carlos Cruchaga, Jean-Charles Lambert, Wiesje van der Flier
Acta neuropathologica - 2022 -
Psychosocial job stressors and risk of suicidal behavior – an observational study among Swedish
Maria A I Åberg, Elisabeth Staats, Josefina Robertson, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Thorén, Anthony LaMontagne, Mia Söderberg, Margda Waern, Jenny Nyberg
Scandinavian Journal of Work, Environment and Health - 2022 -
Suicide among Older People in Different European Welfare Regimes: Does Economic (in)Security Have Implications for Suicide
Jing Wu, Ying Li, Margda Waern
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health (IJERPH) - 2022 -
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder in adults who present with self-harm: a comparative 6-month follow-up
Petter Olsson, Stefan Wiktorsson, L. M. J. Strömsten, E. Salander Renberg, B. Runeson, Margda Waern
BMC Psychiatry - 2022 -
Psychoactive medication use and risk of suicide in long-term care facility
Khedidja Hedna, J. Fastbom, Mattias Jonson, Katarina Wilhelmson, Margda Waern
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2022 -
Clinical Characteristics in Older, Middle-Aged and Young Adults Who Present With Suicide Attempts at Psychiatric Emergency Departments: A Multisite
Stefan Wiktorsson, Lotta Strömsten, Ellinor S. Renberg, Bo Runeson, Margda Waern
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2022 -
Effects of exercise on symptoms of anxiety in primary care patients: A randomized controlled
Malin Henriksson, Alexander Wall, Jenny Nyberg, Martin Adiels, Karin Lundin, Ylva Bergh, Robert Eggertsen, Louise Danielsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Maria Westerlund, N David Åberg, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
Journal of affective disorders - 2022 -
Increasing person-centeredness in psychosis inpatient care: staff experiences from the Person-Centered Psychosis Care (PCPC)
Katarina Allerby, Anneli Goulding, Lilas Ali, Margda Waern
BMC Health Services Research - 2022 -
Coexisting service-related factors preceding suicide: a network
Malin Rex, T. Brezicka, Eric Carlström, Margda Waern, Lilas Ali
BMJ Open - 2022 -
Use of antidepressants and risk of repeat self-harm in older adults 75+with nonfatal self-harm: A 1-year prospective national
Khedidja Hedna, C. Montuori, A. Forte, M. Pompili, Margda Waern
Pharmacoepidemiology and Drug Safety - 2022 -
Patterns of Alcohol Consumption and Associated Factors in a Population-Based Sample of 70-Year-Olds: Data from the Gothenburg H70 Birth Cohort Study
Felicia Ahlner, Hanna Falk Erhag, Lena Johansson, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Jessica Samuelsson, Anna Zettergren, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2022 -
Overlapping Patterns of Suicide Attempts and Non-suicidal Self-Injuries in Adults: A Prospective Clinical Cohort
Margda Waern, L. Stromsten, Stefan Wiktorsson, B. Runeson, E. S. Renberg
Journal of Clinical Psychiatry - 2022 -
Author Correction: A genome-wide association study with 1,126,563 individuals identifies new risk loci for Alzheimer's
Douglas P Wightman, Iris E Jansen, Jeanne E Savage, Alexey A Shadrin, Shahram Bahrami, Dominic Holland, Arvid Rongve, Sigrid Børte, Bendik S Winsvold, Ole Kristian Drange, Amy E Martinsen, Anne Heidi Skogholt, Cristen Willer, Geir Bråthen, Ingunn Bosnes, Jonas Bille Nielsen, Lars G Fritsche, Laurent F Thomas, Linda M Pedersen, Maiken E Gabrielsen, Marianne Bakke Johnsen, Tore Wergeland Meisingset, Wei Zhou, Petroula Proitsi, Angela Hodges, Richard Dobson, Latha Velayudhan, Karl Heilbron, Adam Auton, Julia M Sealock, Lea K Davis, Nancy L Pedersen, Chandra A Reynolds, Ida K Karlsson, Sigurdur Magnusson, Hreinn Stefansson, Steinunn Thordardottir, Palmi V Jonsson, Jon Snaedal, Anna Zettergren, Ingmar Skoog, Silke Kern, Margda Waern, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Eystein Stordal, Kristian Hveem, John-Anker Zwart, Lavinia Athanasiu, Per Selnes, Ingvild Saltvedt, Sigrid B Sando, Ingun Ulstein, Srdjan Djurovic, Tormod Fladby, Dag Aarsland, Geir Selbæk, Stephan Ripke, Kari Stefansson, Ole A Andreassen, Danielle Posthuma
Nature genetics - 2022 -
Corrigendum to "Effects of exercise on symptoms of anxiety in primary care patients: A randomized controlled trial", published online ahead of print as J Affect Disord. 2021 Oct
Malin Henriksson, Alexander Wall, Jenny Nyberg, Martin Adiels, Karin Lundin, Ylva Bergh, Robert Eggertsen, Louise Danielsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Maria Westerlund, N David Åberg, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
Journal of affective disorders - 2022 -
Polygenic risk scores for Alzheimer's disease are related to dementia risk in APOE ɛ4
Jenna Najar, Sven J van der Lee, Erik Joas, Hanna Wetterberg, John Hardy, Rita Guerreiro, Jose Bras, Margda Waern, Silke Kern, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Anna Zettergren
Alzheimer's & dementia (Amsterdam, Netherlands) - 2021 -
A genome-wide association study with 1,126,563 individuals identifies new risk loci for Alzheimer's
D. P. Wightman, I. E. Jansen, J. E. Savage, A. A. Shadrin, S. Bahrami, D. Holland, A. Rongve, S. Borte, B. S. Winsvold, O. K. Drange, A. E. Martinsen, A. H. Skogholt, C. Willer, G. Brathen, I. Bosnes, J. B. Nielsen, L. G. Fritsche, L. F. Thomas, L. M. Pedersen, M. E. Gabrielsen, M. B. Johnsen, T. W. Meisingset, W. Zhou, P. Proitsi, A. Hodges, R. Dobson, L. Velayudhan, J. M. Sealock, L. K. Davis, N. L. Pedersen, C. A. Reynolds, I. K. Karlsson, S. Magnusson, H. Stefansson, S. Thordardottir, P. V. Jonsson, J. Snaedal, Anna Zettergren, Ingmar Skoog, Silke Kern, Margda Waern, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, E. Stordal, K. Hveem, J. A. Zwart, L. Athanasiu, P. Selnes, I. Saltvedt, S. B. Sando, I. Ulstein, S. Djurovic, T. Fladby, D. Aarsland, G. Selbaek, S. Ripke, K. Stefansson, O. A. Andreassen, D. Posthuma, Team andMe Res
Nature Genetics - 2021 -
Cognitive Performance and Cerebrospinal Fluid Markers in Preclinical Alzheimer's Disease: Results from the Gothenburg H70 Birth Cohort
Maya Arvidsson Rådestig, Johan Skoog, Henrik Zetterberg, Jürgen Kern, Anna Zettergren, Simona Sacuiu, Margda Waern, Hanna Wetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Silke Kern
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD - 2021 -
Towards ICD-11 for alcohol dependence: Diagnostic agreement with ICD-10, DSM-5, DSM-IV, DSM-III-R and DSM-III diagnoses in a Swedish general population of
A. Lundin, Margda Waern, Jesper Löve, Solveig Lövestad, Gunnel Hensing, A-K Danielsson
Drug and Alcohol Dependence - 2021 -
The Predictive Value of Health Anxiety for Cancer Incidence and All-Cause Mortality: A 44-Year Observational Population Study of
Robert Sigström, Tore Hällström, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
Psychosomatic Medicine - 2021 -
Anxiety severity and cognitive function in primary care patients with anxiety disorder: a cross-sectional
Jenny Nyberg, Malin Henriksson, Alexander Wall, Torbjörn Vestberg, Maria Westerlund, Marion Walser, Robert Eggertsen, Louise Danielsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, N David Åberg, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
BMC psychiatry - 2021 -
Passive and active suicidal ideation in Swedish 85-year-olds: Time trends
Mattias Jonson, Robert Sigström, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Hanna Wetterberg, Lina Rydén, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Khedidja Hedna, Ulrika Lagerlöf Nilsson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2021 -
Antidepressant Use and Suicide Rates in Adults Aged 75 and Above: A Swedish Nationwide Cohort
Khedidja Hedna, J. Fastbom, A. Erlangsen, Margda Waern
Frontiers in Public Health - 2021 -
Suicide among older people in different European welfare regimes: Does economic (in)security have implications for suicide
Jing Wu, Ying Li, Margda Waern
SWEAH (National Graduate School on Ageing and Health) Milestone Conference (virtual), Lund University, Sweden, 19-20 October, 2021 - 2021 -
A non-APOE polygenic risk score for Alzheimer's disease is associated with CSF neurofilament light in a representative sample of cognitively unimpaired
Ingmar Skoog, Silke Kern, Jenna Najar, Rita Guerreiro, Jose Bras, Margda Waern, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Anna Zettergren
The journals of gerontology. Series A, Biological sciences and medical sciences - 2021 -
Author Correction: A genome-wide association study with 1,126,563 individuals identifies new risk loci for Alzheimer's
Douglas P Wightman, Iris E Jansen, Jeanne E Savage, Alexey A Shadrin, Shahram Bahrami, Dominic Holland, Arvid Rongve, Sigrid Børte, Bendik S Winsvold, Ole Kristian Drange, Amy E Martinsen, Anne Heidi Skogholt, Cristen Willer, Geir Bråthen, Ingunn Bosnes, Jonas Bille Nielsen, Lars G Fritsche, Laurent F Thomas, Linda M Pedersen, Maiken E Gabrielsen, Marianne Bakke Johnsen, Tore Wergeland Meisingset, Wei Zhou, Petroula Proitsi, Angela Hodges, Richard Dobson, Latha Velayudhan, Karl Heilbron, Adam Auton, Julia M Sealock, Lea K Davis, Nancy L Pedersen, Chandra A Reynolds, Ida K Karlsson, Sigurdur Magnusson, Hreinn Stefansson, Steinunn Thordardottir, Palmi V Jonsson, Jon Snaedal, Anna Zettergren, Ingmar Skoog, Silke Kern, Margda Waern, Henrik Zetterberg, Kaj Blennow, Eystein Stordal, Kristian Hveem, John-Anker Zwart, Lavinia Athanasiu, Per Selnes, Ingvild Saltvedt, Sigrid B Sando, Ingun Ulstein, Srdjan Djurovic, Tormod Fladby, Dag Aarsland, Geir Selbæk, Stephan Ripke, Kari Stefansson, Ole A Andreassen, Danielle Posthuma
Nature genetics - 2021 -
Relatives' Experiences of Mental Health Care, Family Burden and Family Stigma: Does Participation in Patient-Appointed Resource Group Assertive Community Treatment (RACT) Make a
Nils Sjöström, Margda Waern, A. Johansson, B. Weimand, O. Johansson, M. Ewertzon
Issues in Mental Health Nursing - 2021 -
Work-directed rehabilitation or physical activity to support work ability and mental health in common mental disorders: a pilot randomized controlled
Louise Danielsson, Margda Waern, Gunnel Hensing, Kristina Holmgren
Clinical Rehabilitation - 2020 -
Epidemiology of suicidal feelings in an ageing Swedish population: From old to very old age in the Gothenburg H70 Birth Cohort
Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Barbara Vanaelst, Mattias Jonson, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Felicia Ahlner, Hanna Wetterberg, Lina Rydén, Silke Kern, Robert Sigström, Anna Zettergren, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Epidemiology and Psychiatric Sciences - 2020 -
Gender differences in resources related to depressive symptoms during the early years of retirement: A Swedish population-based
Sara Hed, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Isabelle Hansson, Marie Kivi, Margda Waern
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2020 -
Late-adolescent risk factors for suicide and self-harm in middle-aged men: explorative prospective population-based
Jenny Nyberg, Sara Gustavsson, Maria A I Åberg, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Margda Waern
The British journal of psychiatry : the journal of mental science - 2020 -
Cardiovascular and all-cause mortality attributable to loneliness in older Swedish men and
Masuma Novak, Margda Waern, Lena Johansson, Anna Zettergren, Lina Rydén, Hanna Wetterberg, Pia Gudmundsson, Ingmar Skoog
BMC geriatrics - 2020 -
Elevated resting heart rate in adolescent men and risk of heart failure and
Martin Lindgren, Josefina Robertson, Martin Adiels, Maria Schaufelberger, Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén, Margda Waern, N David Åberg, Annika Rosengren
ESC heart failure - 2020 -
'I wanted to talk about it, but I couldn't', an H70 focus group study about experiencing depression in early late
Therese Rydberg Sterner, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Pia Gudmundsson, Stefan Wiktorsson, Sara Hed, Hanna Falk, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
BMC Geriatrics - 2020 -
Striving for a more person-centered psychosis care: results of a hospital-based multi-professional educational
Katarina Allerby, Anneli Goulding, Lilas Ali, Margda Waern
BMC Psychiatry - 2020 -
Depression in relation to sex and gender expression among Swedish septuagenarians-Results from the H70
Therese Rydberg Sterner, Pia Gudmundsson, Hanna Falk, Nazib Seidu, Felicia Ahlner, Hanna Wetterberg, Lina Rydén, Robert Sigström, Svante Östling, Anna Zettergren, Silke Kern, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
Plos One - 2020 -
Reproductive period and dementia: A 44-year longitudinal population study of Swedish
Jenna Najar, Svante Östling, Margda Waern, Anna Zettergren, Silke Kern, Hanna Wetterberg, Tore Hällström, Ingmar Skoog
Alzheimers & Dementia - 2020 -
What are the sociodemographic and gender determinants of non-fatal self-harm in older adult users and non-users of antidepressants? A national population-based
Khedidja Hedna, J. Fastbom, Ingmar Skoog, G. Hensing, Margda Waern
Bmc Public Health - 2020 -
Predicting Fazekas scores from automatic segmentations of white matter signal
N. Cedres, D. Ferreira, A. Machado, S. Shams, Simona Sacuiu, Margda Waern, L. O. Wahlund, Anna Zettergren, Silke Kern, Ingmar Skoog, E. Westman
Aging-Us - 2020 -
Predicting suicide: A comparison between clinical suicide risk assessment and the Suicide Intent
A. U. Lindh, K. Beckman, A. Carlborg, Margda Waern, E. S. Renberg, M. Dahlin, B. Runeson
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2020 -
Sociodemographic and gender determinants of late-life suicide in users and non-users of
Khedidja Hedna, Gunnel Hensing, Ingmar Skoog, J. Fastbom, Margda Waern
European Journal of Public Health - 2020 -
Person-centered psychosis care: How increasing person-centeredness in psychosis inpatient care relate to care consumption and ward
Katarina Allerby, Anneli Goulding, Lilas Ali, Andreas Gremyr, Margda Waern
Schizophrenia Bulletin, 46, S323 - 2020 -
The Gothenburg H70 Birth cohort study 2014-16: design, methods and study
Therese Rydberg Sterner, Felicia Ahlner, Kaj Blennow, Synneve Dahlin-Ivanoff, Hanna Falk, Lena Havstam Johansson, Maria Hoff, Mathias Holm, Helena M Hörder, Tina Jacobsson, Boo Johansson, Lena Johansson, Jürgen Kern, Silke Kern, Alejandra Machado, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Johan Nilsson, Mats Ribbe, Elisabeth Rothenberg, Lina Rydén, André M. Sadeghi, Simona Sacuiu, Jessica Samuelsson, Robert Sigström, Johan Skoog, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Margda Waern, Eric Westman, Hanna Wetterberg, Henrik Zetterberg, Madeleine Zetterberg, Anna Zettergren, Svante Östling, Ingmar Skoog
European journal of epidemiology - 2019 -
Do later-born birth cohorts of septuagenarians sleep better? A prospective population-based study of two birth cohorts of
Johan Skoog, Robert Sigström, Svante Östling, Hanna Falk, Margda Waern, Valgeir Thorvaldsson, Ingmar Skoog, Boo Johansson
Sleep - 2019 -
Agreement between self-reports, proxy-reports and the National Patient Register regarding diagnoses of cardiovascular disorders and diabetes mellitus in a population-based sample of
Lina Rydén, Robert Sigström, Johan Nilsson, Valter Sundh, Hanna Falk, Silke Kern, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Katarina Wilhelmson, Ingmar Skoog
Age and Ageing - 2019 -
Depression and neuroticism decrease among women but not among men between 1976-2016 in Swedish
Therese Rydberg Sterner, Pia Gudmundsson, Robert Sigström, Felicia Ahlner, Nazib Seidu, Anna Zettergren, Silke Kern, Svante Östling, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2019 -
Effects of exercise on symptoms of anxiety, cognitive ability and sick leave in patients with anxiety disorders in primary care: study protocol for PHYSBI, a randomized controlled
Jenny Nyberg, Malin Henriksson, N David Åberg, Alexander Wall, Robert Eggertsen, M. Westerlund, Louise Danielsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
BMC Psychiatry - 2019 -
Suicidal ideation and attempts in population-based samples of women: temporal changes between 1989 and
Solveig Lövestad, Jesper Löve, Marjan Vaez, Margda Waern, Gunnel Hensing, Gunilla Krantz
BMC public health - 2019 -
Changes in the expression of worries, anxiety, and generalized anxiety disorder with increasing age: A population study of 70 to
Johan Nilsson, Robert Sigström, Svante Östling, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2019 -
Association of Cerebrospinal Fluid Neurofilament Light Protein With Risk of Mild Cognitive Impairment Among Individuals Without Cognitive
Silke Kern, Jeremy A Syrjanen, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Henrik Zetterberg, Margda Waern, Clinton E Hagen, Argonde C van Harten, David S Knopman, Clifford R Jack, Ronald C Petersen, Michelle M Mielke
JAMA neurology - 2019 -
A Comparison of Suicide Risk Scales in Predicting Repeat Suicide Attempt and Suicide: A Clinical Cohort
ÅU Lindh, M. Dahlin, K. Beckman, L. Strömsten, J. Jokinen, Stefan Wiktorsson, E. S. Renberg, Margda Waern, B. Runeson
The Journal of clinical psychiatry - 2019 -
Chronic pain and health-related quality of life in women with autism And/or ADHD: A prospective longitudinal
Karin Asztély, Svenny Kopp, Christopher Gillberg, Margda Waern, Stefan Bergman
Journal of Pain Research - 2019 -
Cardiovascular fitness and risk of migraine: A large, prospective population-based study of Swedish young adult
Jenny Nyberg, S. Gustavsson, M. Linde, N David Åberg, J. L. Rohmann, Maria A I Åberg, T. Kurth, Margda Waern, Hans-Georg Kuhn
BMJ Open - 2019 -
Person-Centered Psychosis Care (PCPC) in an Inpatient Setting: Ward Level Data and Staff
Katarina Allerby, Anneli Goulding, Lilas Ali, Andreas Gremyr, Margda Waern
Schizophrenia Bulletin Volume 45, Issue Supplement_2, April 2019, Page S304 - 2019 -
Personcentrerad psykosvård - patient- och personalresultat efter
Katarina Allerby, Anneli Goulding, Lilas Ali, Andreas Gremyr, Margda Waern
Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhusets Kvalitetsdagar 2019 - 2019 -
Impulsive suicide attempts among young people-A prospective multicentre cohort study in
K. Beckman, A. U. Lindh, Margda Waern, L. Stromsten, E. S. Renberg, B. Runeson, M. Dahlin
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2019 -
Method of self-harm in adolescents and young adults and risk of subsequent
K. Beckman, E. Mittendorfer-Rutz, Margda Waern, H. Larsson, B. Runeson, M. Dahlin
Journal of Child Psychology and Psychiatry - 2018 -
Increased Alcohol Consumption Among Swedish 70-Year-Olds 1976 to 2016: Analysis of Data from The Gothenburg H70 Birth Cohort Studies,
Felicia Ahlner, Robert Sigström, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Silke Kern, Svante Östling, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
Alcoholism: Clinical and Experimental Research - 2018 -
Late-life suicidal behaviours among new users of antidepressants: A prospective population-based study of sociodemographic and gender factors in those aged 75 and
Khedidja Hedna, Karolina Andersson Sundell, Gunnel Hensing, Ingmar Skoog, Sara Gustavsson, Margda Waern
BMJ Open - 2018 -
Prevalence of preclinical Alzheimer disease Comparison of current classification
Silke Kern, Henrik Zetterberg, Jürgen Kern, Anna Zettergren, Margda Waern, Kina Höglund, Ulf Andreasson, Hanna Wetterberg, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog
Neurology - 2018 -
Depressive spectrum states in a population-based cohort of 70-year olds followed over
Robert Sigström, Margda Waern, Pia Gudmundsson, Ingmar Skoog, Svante Östling
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2018 -
Low fasting serum insulin and dementia in nondiabetic women followed for 34
Kirsten Mehlig, Leif Lapidus, Dag Thelle, Margda Waern, Henrik Zetterberg, Cecilia Björkelund, Ingmar Skoog, Lauren Lissner
Neurology - 2018 -
Cause-specific mortality in Swedish males diagnosed with non-psychotic mental disorders in late adolescence: a prospective population-based
Malin Henriksson, Jenny Nyberg, Linus Schiöler, Gunnel Hensing, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Mia Söderberg, Kjell Torén, Jesper Löve, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
Journal of epidemiology and community health - 2018 -
Cognitive performance in late adolescence and long-term risk of early heart failure in Swedish
Martin Lindgren, Peter J Eriksson, Annika Rosengren, Josefina Robertson, Linus Schiöler, Maria Schaufelberger, N David Åberg, Kjell Torén, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
European journal of heart failure - 2018 -
Risk factors in Swedish young men for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis in
Maria A I Åberg, Jenny Nyberg, Josefina Robertson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Linus Schiöler, Hans Nissbrandt, Margda Waern, Kjell Torén
Journal of Neurology - 2018 -
Advances in Understanding Vulnerability to Late-Life Suicide: Clinical
Gary Kennedy, Anna Sucs, Kati Szanto, Margda Waern
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry Conference abstracts Am Assoc Geriatric Pscyhiatry, Honolulu, 2018. - 2018 -
Cardiovascular fitness in late adolescent males and later risk of serious non-affective mental disorders: a prospective, population-based
Jenny Nyberg, Malin Henriksson, Maria A I Åberg, Annika Rosengren, Mia Söderberg, N David Åberg, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Margda Waern
Psychological medicine - 2018 -
Antidepressants and suicidal behaviour in late life: a prospective population-based study of use patterns in new users aged 75 and
Khedidja Hedna, Karolina Andersson Sundell, Armina Hamidi, Ingmar Skoog, Sara Gustavsson, Margda Waern
European journal of clinical pharmacology - 2018 -
Resting heart rate in late adolescence and long term risk of cardiovascular disease in Swedish
Martin Lindgren, Josefina Robertson, Martin Adiels, Maria Schaufelberger, Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén, Margda Waern, N David Åberg, Annika Rosengren
International Journal of Cardiology - 2018 -
Alkohol och äldre – eftersatt fråga hos våra vanligaste
Felicia Ahlner, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Läkartidningen - 2018 -
Short term risk of non-fatal and fatal suicidal behaviours: the predictive validity of the Columbia-Suicide Severity Rating Scale in a Swedish adult psychiatric population with a recent episode of
A. U. Lindh, Margda Waern, K. Beckman, E. S. Renberg, M. Dahlin, B. Runeson
Bmc Psychiatry - 2018 -
Decreasing aggressive behavior in patients with cognitive impairments by training psychiatric staff in interactive
Daniel Abrams, Anneli Goulding, Margda Waern, Nils Sjöström
Schizophrenia Bulletin - 2018 -
Person-centered psychosis care (PCPC) in an inpatient setting: Patient
Anneli Goulding, Katarina Allerby, Lilas Ali, Margda Waern
Schizophrenia Bulletin. 44 (suppl 1), S426 - 2018 -
Study protocol design and evaluation of a hospital-based multi-professional educational intervention: Person-Centred Psychosis Care
Anneli Goulding, Katarina Allerby, Lilas Ali, Andreas Gremyr, Margda Waern
BMC Psychiatry - 2018 -
Few Sex Differences in Hospitalized Suicide Attempters Aged 70 and
Stefan Wiktorsson, Therese Rydberg Sterner, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Ingmar Skoog, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Paul Duberstein, Kimberly Van Orden, Margda Waern
International journal of environmental research and public health - 2018 -
Socialstyrelsens målnivåer signalerar brist på
Susanne Bejerot, Mikael Landén, Markus Heilig, Henrik Anckarsäter, Margda Waern
Lakartidningen - 2017 -
CSF YKL-40 and GAP-43 are related to suicidal ideation in older
Irma Rymo, Silke Kern, Maria Bjerke, Henrik Zetterberg, Thomas Marlow, Kaj Blennow, Pia Gudmundsson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2017 -
Instruments for the assessment of suicide risk: A systematic review evaluating the certainty of the
B. Runeson, J. Odeberg, A. Pettersson, T. Edbom, I. J. Adamsson, Margda Waern
Plos One - 2017 -
Mental disorders and stress resilience in adolescence and long-term risk of early heart failure among Swedish
Josefina Robertson, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Torén, Mia Söderberg, Jesper Löve, Margda Waern, Annika Rosengren, Maria A I Åberg
International journal of cardiology - 2017 -
Time Trends in Murray's Psychogenic Needs over Three Decades in Swedish
Eva Billstedt, Margda Waern, Hanna Falk, Paul Duberstein, Svante Östling, Tore Hällström, Ingmar Skoog
Gerontology - 2017 -
Body weight in adolescence and long-term risk of early heart failure in adulthood among men in
Annika Rosengren, Maria A I Åberg, Josefina Robertson, Margda Waern, Maria Schaufelberger, Hans-Georg Kuhn, N David Åberg, Linus Schiöler, Kjell Torén
European heart journal - 2017 -
Author response: Calcium supplementation and risk of dementia in women with cerebrovascular
Silke Kern, Jürgen Kern, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Margda Waern, Xinxin Guo, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Ingmar Skoog, Svante Östling
Neurology - 2017 -
A Cross-Cultural Adaptation of the ICECAP-O: Reliability and Validity in Swedish 70-Year-Old
Susanne Gustafsson, Helena M Hörder, Therese Rydberg, Isabelle Ottenvall Hammar, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
21st International Association of Gerontology and Geriatrics (IAGG) World Congress, July 23-27, 2017 San Francisco, California. Innovation in Aging, 1 (S1), s. 752 - 2017 -
Medically Serious and Non-Serious Suicide Attempts in Persons Aged 70 and
Stefan Wiktorsson, Petter Olsson, Margda Waern
Conference poster, International Association for Suicide Prevention, 2017 - 2017 -
Ångest och depression hos
Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern, Robert Sigström, G Bucht
Forskning i korthet - 2017 -
A cross-cultural adaptation of the ICECAP-O: test-retest reliability and item relevance in Swedish 70 year
Helena M Hörder, Susanne Gustafsson, Therese Rydberg, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Societies MDPI - 2016 -
DSM-IV and DSM-5 Prevalence of Social Anxiety Disorder in a Population Sample of Older
Björn Karlsson, Robert Sigström, Svante Östling, Margda Waern, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Ingmar Skoog
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry - 2016 -
Calcium supplementation and risk of dementia in women with cerebrovascular
Jürgen Kern, Silke Kern, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Margda Waern, Xinxin Guo, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Ingmar Skoog, Svante Östling
Neurology - 2016 -
Future marginalisation and mortality in young Swedish men with non-psychotic psychiatric disorders and the resilience effect of cognitive ability: a prospective, population-based
Jesper Löve, Gunnel Hensing, Mia Söderberg, Kjell Torén, Margda Waern, Maria A I Åberg
BMJ Open - 2016 -
Cognitive Function in Older Suicide Attempters and a Population-Based Comparison
Petter Olsson, Stefan Wiktorsson, Simona Sacuiu, Thomas Marlow, Svante Östling, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry and Neurology - 2016 -
Medically Serious and Non-Serious Suicide Attempts in Persons Aged 70 and
Stefan Wiktorsson, Petter Olsson, Margda Waern
Geriatrics - 2016 -
A systematic review of physical illness, functional disability, and suicidal behaviour among older
Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Gary Cheung, Silvia Sara Canetto, Annette Erlangsen, Sylvie Lapierre, Reinhard Lindner, Brian Draper, Joseph J. Gallo, Christine Wong, Jing Wu, Paul Duberstein, Margda Waern
Aging & Mental Health - 2016 -
Cerebrospinal Fluid Fatty Acid-Binding Protein 3 is Related to Dementia Development in a Population-Based Sample of Older Adult Women Followed for 8
Maria Bjerke, Silke Kern, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Margda Waern, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Svante Östling, Jürgen Kern, Ingmar Skoog
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD - 2016 -
Person Centred Psychosis Care (PCPC) in an Inpatient Setting: The Implementation Process and Staff
Anneli Goulding, Lilas Ali, Katarina Allerby, Margda Waern
Npj Schizophrenia - 2016 -
Assessing the role of physical illness in young old and older old suicide
Stefan Wiktorsson, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Katarina Wilhelmson, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, K. Van Orden, P. Duberstein, Margda Waern
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2016 -
Psychiatrists' experiences of suicide
Margda Waern, N. Kaiser, E. S. Renberg
Bmc Psychiatry - 2016 -
Interpersonal violence and the prediction of short-term risk of repeat suicide
A. Haglund, A. U. Lindh, H. Lysell, E. S. Renberg, J. Jokinen, Margda Waern, B. Runeson
Scientific Reports - 2016 -
Person-centerd psychosis care in an inpatient setting: Implementation process and staff
Anneli Goulding, Lilas Ali, Katarina Allerby, Margda Waern
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care 2016. Gothenburg, Sweden - 2016 -
Person-centred psychosis care in the inpatient setting:Staff experiences of an educational
Lilas Ali, Anneli Goulding, Katarina Allerby, Margda Waern
International Forum on Quality and Safety in Health Care. Gothenburg, Sweden 12-15 April 2016 - 2016 -
Nonpsychotic Mental Disorders in Teenage Males and Risk of Early Stroke A Population-Based
Maria A I Åberg, Kjell Torén, Michael Nilsson, M. Henriksson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Jenny Nyberg, Annika Rosengren, N David Åberg, Margda Waern
Stroke - 2016 -
A 9-Year Prospective Population-Based Study on the Association Between the APOE*E4 Allele and Late-Life Depression in
Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern, P Duberstein, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Svante Östling, Xinxin Guo, Deborah Gustafson, Pia Gudmundsson, Thomas Marlow, Silke Kern
Biological Psychiatry - 2015 -
Stigma and burden among relatives of persons with schizophrenia: Results from the Swedish COAST
Katarina Allerby, Birgitta Sameby, Cecilia Brain, Erik Joas, Patrick Quinlan, Nils Sjöström, T. Burns, Margda Waern
Psychiatric Services - 2015 -
Longitudinal associations between physical activity and depression scores in Swedish women followed 32
Pia Gudmundsson, Magnus Lindwall, Deborah Gustafson, Svante Östling, Tore Hällström, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2015 -
37 Years of Body Mass Index and Dementia: Effect Modification by the APOE Genotype: Observations from the Prospective Population Study of Women in Gothenburg,
Kristoffer Bäckman, Erik Joas, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Xinxin Guo, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Deborah Gustafson
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD - 2015 -
Beliefs about antidepressants among persons aged 70 years and older in treatment after a suicide
Eva Lesén, Stefan Wiktorsson, Anders Carlsten, Margda Waern, Tove Hedenrud
International psychogeriatrics - 2015 -
Experience of stigma and discrimination reported by people experiencing the first episode of schizophrenia and those with a first episode of depression: The FEDORA
Elizabeth Corker, Alina Beldie, Cecilia Brain, Miro Jakovljevic, Marek Jarema, Oguz Karamustafalioglu, Josef Marksteiner, Pavel Mohr, Dan Prelipceanu, Anamaria Vasilache, Margda Waern, Norman Sartorius, Graham Thornicroft
International Journal of Social Psychiatry - 2015 -
Influence of Cardiovascular Fitness and Muscle Strength in Early Adulthood on Long-Term Risk of Stroke in Swedish
N David Åberg, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Jenny Nyberg, Margda Waern, Peter Friberg, Johan Svensson, Kjell Torén, Annika Rosengren, Maria A I Åberg, Michael Nilsson
Stroke - 2015 -
Reasons for Attempted Suicide in Later
Kimberly A Van Orden, Stefan Wiktorsson, Paul Duberstein, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Margda Waern
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry - 2015 -
A Prospective Study on Self-Assessed Mental Well-Being and Work Capacity as Determinants of All-Cause Sickness
Monica Bertilsson, Marjan Vaez, Margda Waern, Gunnar Ahlborg, Gunnel Hensing
Journal of occupational rehabilitation - 2015 -
Higher CSF interleukin-6 and CSF interleukin-8 in current depression in older women. Results from a population-based
Silke Kern, Ingmar Skoog, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Svante Östling, Jürgen Kern, Pia Gudmundsson, Lars Rosengren, Margda Waern
Brain, behavior, and immunity - 2014 -
Determinants of Sexual Activity in Four Birth Cohorts of Swedish 70-year-olds Examined
Nils Beckman, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Valter Sundh, Ingmar Skoog
The journal of sexual medicine - 2014 -
Twelve months of electronic monitoring (MEMS(®)) in the Swedish COAST-study: A comparison of methods for the measurement of adherence in
Cecilia Brain, Birgitta Sameby, Katarina Allerby, Eva Lindström, Jonas Eberhard, Tom Burns, Margda Waern
European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology - 2014 -
Stigma, discrimination and medication adherence in schizophrenia: Results from the Swedish COAST
Cecilia Brain, Birgitta Sameby, Katarina Allerby, Patrick Quinlan, Erik Joas, Eva Lindström, Tom Burns, Margda Waern
Psychiatry Research - 2014 -
Midlife personality and risk of Alzheimer disease and distress: A 38-year
Lena Johansson, Xinxin Guo, Paul Duberstein, Tore Hällström, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Ingmar Skoog
Neurology - 2014 -
Psychosocial work environment, job mobility and gender differences in turnover behaviour: a prospective study among the Swedish general
Mia Söderberg, Annika Härenstam, Annika Rosengren, Linus Schiöler, Anna-Carin Olin, Lauren Lissner, Margda Waern, Kjell Torén
BMC Public Health - 2014 -
Exercise or basic body awareness therapy as add-on treatment for major depression: A controlled
Louise Danielsson, I. Papoulias, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Jane Carlsson, Margda Waern
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2014 -
Functional disability and death wishes in older Europeans: results from the EURODEP concerted
Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Svante Östling, Arjan W Braam, Kristoffer Bäckman, John R M Copeland, Manfred Fichter, Sirkka-Liisa Kivelä, Brian A Lawlor, Antonio Lobo, Halggrimur Magnússon, Martin J Prince, Friedel M Reischies, Cesare Turrina, Kenneth Wilson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Social psychiatry and psychiatric epidemiology - 2014 -
Physical Activity, Weight Status, Diabetes and Dementia: A 34-Year Follow-Up of the Population Study of Women in
Kirsten Mehlig, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern, Junmei Miao Jonasson, L. Lapidus, Cecilia Björkelund, Svante Östling, Lauren Lissner
Neuroepidemiology - 2014 -
Secular changes in at-risk drinking in Sweden: birth cohort comparisons in 75-year-old men and women
Margda Waern, Thomas Marlow, Johanna Morin, Svante Östling, Ingmar Skoog
Age and ageing - 2014 -
Prevalence of Obsessive-compulsive Disorder in Relation to Depression and Cognition in an Elderly
Isak Fredén Klenfeldt, Björn Karlsson, Robert Sigström, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Thomas Marlow, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry - 2014 -
Personality in women and associations with mortality: a 40-year follow-up in the Population Study of Women in
Malin André, Eva Billstedt, Calle Bengtsson, Tore Hällström, Lauren Lissner, Ingmar Skoog, Valter Sundh, Margda Waern, Cecilia Björkelund
BMC Women's Health - 2014 -
Cardiovascular fitness in early adulthood and future suicidal behaviour in men followed for up to 42
Maria A I Åberg, Jenny Nyberg, Kjell Torén, A Sörberg, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Margda Waern
Psychological medicine - 2014 -
A 37-year prospective study of neuroticism and extraversion in women followed from mid-life to late
Eva Billstedt, Ingmar Skoog, P Duberstein, Thomas Marlow, Tore Hällström, M André, Lauren Lissner, Cecilia Björkelund, Svante Östling, Margda Waern
Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2014 -
Lower CSF interleukin-6 predicts future depression in a population-based sample of older women followed for 17
Silke Kern, Ingmar Skoog, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Svante Östling, Jürgen Kern, Pia Gudmundsson, Thomas Marlow, Lars Rosengren, Margda Waern
Brain Behavior and Immunity - 2013 -
Drug attitude and other predictors of medication adherence in schizophrenia: 12 months of electronic monitoring (MEMS(®)) in the Swedish
Cecilia Brain, Katarina Allerby, Birgitta Sameby, Patrick Quinlan, Erik Joas, Ulla Karilampi, Eva Lindström, Jonas Eberhard, Tom Burns, Margda Waern
European neuropsychopharmacology : the journal of the European College of Neuropsychopharmacology - 2013 -
Acupuncture and physical exercise for affective symptoms and health-related quality of life in polycystic ovary syndrome: Secondary analysis from a randomized controlled
Elisabet Stener-Victorin, Göran Holm, Per-Olof Janson, Deborah Gustafson, Margda Waern
BMC complementary and alternative medicine - 2013 -
Socio-economic determinants of early discontinuation of anti-depressant treatment in young
Karolina Andersson Sundell, Margda Waern, Max Petzold, Mika Gissler
European journal of public health - 2013 -
Neuroticism and Extroversion in Suicide Attempters Aged 75 and Above and a General Population Comparison
Stefan Wiktorsson, Anne Ingeborg Berg, Eva Billstedt, Paul Duberstein, Thomas Marlow, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Aging & Mental Health - 2013 -
Suicidal feelings in the twilight of life: a cross-sectional population-based study of
Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Svante Östling, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Bmj Open - 2013 -
Lifestyle, diabetes, and dementia: chronology of diseases and synergistic associations with physical inactivity and
Kirsten Mehlig, Ingmar Skoog, Junmei Miao Jonasson, Margda Waern, Cecilia Björkelund, Svante Östling, Lauren Lissner
European Journal of Epidemiology. Non-communicable disease epidemic: epidemiology in action (EuroEpi 2013 and NordicEpi 2013). Aarhus, Denmark from 11 August to 14 August 2013 - 2013 -
Hans-Georg Kuhn, Maria A I Åberg, Margda Waern, Jenny Nyberg, Michael Nilsson, Nancy L Pedersen, Ylva Bergh, N David Åberg, Kjell Torén
British journal of psychiatry - 2013 -
Capacity to work while depressed and anxious - a phenomenological
Monica Bertilsson, Eva-Lisa Petersson, Gunnel Östlund, Margda Waern, Gunnel Hensing
Disability and rehabilitation - 2013 -
Secular trends in the prevalence of dementia and depression in Swedish septuagenarians
P Wiberg, Margda Waern, Eva Billstedt, Svante Östling, Ingmar Skoog
Psychological medicine - 2013 -
Common psychosocial stressors in middle-aged women related to longstanding distress and increased risk of Alzheimer’s disease: a 38 year longitudinal population
Lena Johansson, Xinxin Guo, Tore Hällström, Maria C Norton, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Calle Bengtsson, Ingmar Skoog
BMJ Open - 2013 -
Effects of aerobic exercise and body awareness training in major depression - a pilot
Louise Danielsson, Ilias Papoulias, Margda Waern, Jane Carlsson
21st International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services (HPH). May 22-24, 2013 Gothenburg, Sweden - 2013 -
Prevalence of cardiovascular disorders and risk factors in two 75-year-old birth cohorts examined in 1976-1977 and
Xinyue Zhi, Erik Joas, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Ingmar Skoog
Aging clinical and experimental research - 2013 -
[Depression from cradle to
Anne-Liis von Knorring, Lars Von Knorring, Margda Waern
Läkartidningen - 2013 -
Research to reduce the suicide rate among older adults: methodology roadblocks and promising
Katalin Szanto, Eric J Lenze, Margda Waern, Paul Duberstein, Martha L Bruce, Gary Epstein-Lubow, Yeates Conwell
Psychiatric services (Washington, D.C.) - 2013 -
Self-assessed mental health problems and work capacity as determinants of return to work: a prospective general population-based study of individuals with all-cause sickness
Gunnel Hensing, Monica Bertilsson, Gunnar Ahlborg, Margda Waern, Marjan Vaez
Bmc Psychiatry - 2013 -
Drinking context and problematic alcohol consumption in young Swedish
Christina Andersson, Valter Sundh, Margda Waern, Annika Jakobsson, Lauren Lissner, Fredrik Spak
Addiction Research and Theory - 2013 -
Exercise in the treatment of major depression: A systematic review grading the quality of
Louise Danielsson, Anna Maria Noras, Margda Waern, Jane Carlsson
Physiotherapy Theory and Practice - 2013 -
Secular changes in the relation between social factors and depression. A study of two birth cohorts of Swedish septuagenarians followed for 5
Linnea Sjöberg, Svante Östling, Hanna Falk, Valter Sundh, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
Journal of Affective Disorders - 2013 -
Characteristics and Comorbid Symptoms of Older Adults Reporting Death
Kimberley Van Orden, A Simning, Y Conwell, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry - 2013 -
Paranoid symptoms and hallucinations among the older people in Western
Svante Östling, Kristoffer Bäckman, Margda Waern, Thomas Marlow, M Fichter, AW Braam, BA Lawlor, A lobos, FM Reischies, JRM Copeland, Ingmar Skoog
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2013 -
Secular changes in personality: study on 75-year-olds examined in 1976-1977 and
Eva Billstedt, Margda Waern, Paul Duberstein, Thomas Marlow, Tore Hellström, Svante Östling, Ingmar Skoog
International Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2013 -
Alcohol Use Disorder in Elderly Suicide Attempters: A Comparison
Johanna Morin, Stefan Wiktorsson, Thomas Marlow, Pernille J Olesen, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2013 -
Midlife Psychological Distress Associated With Late-Life Brain Atrophy and White Matter Lesions: A 32-Year Population Study of
Lena Johansson, Ingmar Skoog, Deborah Gustafson, Pernille J Olesen, Margda Waern, Calle Bengtsson, Cecilia Björkelund, Leonardo Pantoni, Michela Simoni, Lauren Lissner, Xinxin Guo
Psychosomatic medicine - 2012 -
37 years of body mass index and dementia: observations from the prospective population study of women in Gothenburg,
Kristoffer Bäckman, Erik Joas, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Xinxin Guo, Kaj Blennow, Ingmar Skoog, Deborah Gustafson
Journal of Alzheimer's disease : JAD - 2012 -
A systematic review of social factors and suicidal behavior in older
Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, K van Orden, P Duberstein, A Erlangsen, S Lapierre, E Bodner, SS Canetto, D De Leo, K Szanto, Margda Waern
International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health - 2012 -
Sense of coherence and suicidality in suicide attempters: a prospective
Nils Sjöström, Jerker Hetta, Margda Waern
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing - 2012 -
Blood Pressure Trajectories From Midlife to Late Life in Relation to Dementia in Women Followed for 37
Erik Joas, Kristoffer Bäckman, Deborah Gustafson, Svante Östling, Margda Waern, Xinxin Guo, Ingmar Skoog
Hypertension - 2012 -
The 1-Month Prevalence of Generalized Anxiety Disorder According to DSM-IV, DSM-V, and ICD-10 Among Nondemented 75-Year-Olds in Gothenburg,
Johan Nilsson, Svante Östling, Margda Waern, Björn Karlsson, Robert Sigström, Xinxin Guo, Ingmar Skoog
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry - 2012 -
Cardiovascular fitness in males at age 18 and risk of serious depression in adulthood: Swedish prospective population-based
Maria A I Åberg, Margda Waern, Jenny Nyberg, N. L. Pedersen, Ylva Bergh, N David Åberg, Michael Nilsson, Hans-Georg Kuhn, Kjell Torén
British Journal of Psychiatry - 2012 -
Anxiety symptoms and suicidal feelings in a population sample of 70-year-olds without
Mattias Jonson, Ingmar Skoog, Thomas Marlow, Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Margda Waern
International Psychogeriatrics - 2012 -
Leptin and dementia over 32 years-The Prospective Population Study of
Deborah Gustafson, Kristoffer Bäckman, Lauren Lissner, Lena M S Carlsson, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Xinxin Guo, Calle Bengtsson, Ingmar Skoog
Alzheimers & Dementia - 2012 -
Antidepressant utilization patterns and mortality in Swedish men and women aged 20-34
Karolina Andersson Sundell, Mika Gissler, Max Petzold, Margda Waern
European journal of clinical pharmacology - 2011 -
Depression in Swedish women: relationship to factors at
Pia Gudmundsson, Susann Andersson, Deborah Gustafson, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Tore Hällström, Sigurdur Palsson, Ingmar Skoog, Lena Hulthen
European journal of epidemiology - 2011 -
Sense of coherence in elderly suicide attempters: the impact of social and health-related
Madeleine Mellqvist Fässberg, Stefan Wiktorsson, Erik Joas, Svante Östling, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
International psychogeriatrics - 2011 -
Substance use/abuse and suicidal behavior in young adult women: a population-based
Maud Sundin, Fredrik Spak, Lena Spak, Valter Sundh, Margda Waern
Substance use & misuse - 2011 -
Psychotropic drug use in relation to mental disorders and institutionalization among 95-year-olds: a population-based
Eva Lesén, Anders Carlsten, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern, Max Petzold, Anne Börjesson-Hanson
International psychogeriatrics - 2011 -
One-Month Prevalence of Mental Disorders in a Population Sample of 95-Year
Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry - 2011 -
Is the proposed DSM-V Suicide Assessment Dimension suitable for
Margda Waern, A Y Dombrovski, K Szanto
International psychogeriatrics / IPA - 2011 -
Familial clustering of suicide risk: a total population study of 11.4 million
D Tidemalm, B Runeson, Margda Waern, T Frisell, E Carlström, P Lichtenstein, N Långström
Psychological medicine - 2011 -
Prospective cohort study of suicide attempters aged 70 and above: One-year
Stefan Wiktorsson, Thomas Marlow, Bo Runeson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Journal of affective disorders - 2011 -
Sex steroids, insulin sensitivity and sympathetic nerve activity in relation to affective symptoms in women with polycystic ovary
Elizabeth Jedel, Deborah Gustafson, Margda Waern, Yrsa Bergmann Sverrisdóttir, Mikael Landén, Per-Olof Janson, Fernand Labrie, Claes Ohlsson, Elisabet Stener-Victorin
Psychoneuroendocrinology - 2011 -
Quality of life and remission status during treatment with oral antipsychotics: results form the COAST
Birgitta Sameby, Katarina Johansson, Cecilia Brain, Thomas Marlow, Margda Waern
The 15th World Congress of Psychiatry (Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 18-22, 2011 - 2011 -
Psychosocial functioning and remission status during treatment with oral antipsychotics: results from the COAST
Cecilia Brain, Thomas Marlow, Birgitta Sameby, Katarina Johansson, Margda Waern
The 15th World Congress of Psychiatry (Buenos Aires, Argentina, September 18-22, 2011 - 2011 -
A population-based study on phobic fears and DSM-IV specific phobia in 70-year
Robert Sigström, Svante Östling, Björn Karlsson, Margda Waern, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog
Journal of anxiety disorders - 2011 -
A systematic review of elderly suicide prevention
Sylvie Lapierre, Annette Erlangsen, Margda Waern, Diego De Leo, Hirofumi Oyama, Paolo Scocco, Joseph Gallo, Katalin Szanto, Yeates Conwell, Brian Draper, Paul Quinnett, among the Elderly Intern Res Group for Suicide
Crisis - 2011 -
Key considerations for preventing suicide in older adults: consensus opinions of an expert
Annette Erlangsen, Merete Nordentoft, Yeates Conwell, Margda Waern, Diego De Leo, Reinhard Lindner, Hirofumi Oyama, Tomoe Sakashita, Karen Andersen-Ranberg, Paul Quinnett, Brian Draper, Sylvie Lapierre, Among the Elderly Intern Res Group on Suicide
Crisis - 2011 -
Midlife homocysteine and late-life dementia in women. A prospective population
Dimitri Zylberstein, Lauren Lissner, Cecilia Björkelund, Kirsten Mehlig, Dag Thelle, Deborah Gustafson, Svante Östling, Margda Waern, Xinxin Guo, Ingmar Skoog
Neurobiology of aging - 2011 -
Psychotic Symptoms in a Population-Based Sample of 85-Year-Old Individuals With
Svante Östling, Deborah Gustafson, Kaj Blennow, Anne Börjesson-Hanson, Margda Waern
Journal of geriatric psychiatry and neurology - 2011 -
Anxiety and depression symptoms in women with polycystic ovary syndrome compared with controls matched for body mass
Elizabeth Jedel, Margda Waern, Deborah Gustafson, Mikael Landén, Elias Eriksson, Göran Holm, Lars Nilsson, Anna Karin Lind, Per-Olof Janson, Elisabet Stener-Victorin
Human reproduction - 2010 -
Does the Suicide Assessment Scale predict risk of repetition? A prospective study of suicide attempters at a hospital emergency
Margda Waern, Nils Sjöström, Thomas Marlow, Jerker Hetta
Risky drinking on the rise: Alcohol consumption in two birth
Thomas Marlow, Svante Östling, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Am Assoc Geriatric Psychiatry, Annual meeting Savannah 2010 Conference Abstracts - 2010 -
The 32-year relationship between cholesterol and dementia from midlife to late
Michelle M. Mielke, Peter P Zandi, H Shao, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Xinxin Guo, Cecilia Björkelund, Lauren Lissner, Ingmar Skoog, Deborah Gustafson
Neurology - 2010 -
The prognosis and incidence of social phobia in an elderly population. A 5-year
Björn Karlsson, Robert Sigström, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog
Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2010 -
Midlife psychological stress and risk of dementia: a 35-year longitudinal population
Lena Johansson, Xinxin Guo, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Deborah Gustafson, Calle Bengtsson, Ingmar Skoog
Brain : a journal of neurology - 2010 -
Is there a CSF biomarker profile related to depression in elderly
Pia Gudmundsson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern, Kaj Blennow, Henrik Zetterberg, Lars Rosengren, Deborah Gustafson
Psychiatry Research - 2010 -
Attempted suicide in the elderly: Characteristics of suicide attempters (70+) and a general population comparison
Stefan Wiktorsson, B Runeson, Ingmar Skoog, Svante Östling, Margda Waern
American Journal of Geriatric Psychiatry - 2010 -
Alcoholism and suicidal behavior in the
Margda Waern
Suicidal Behavior in Alcohol and Drug Abuse and Dependence. Ed. Sher L, Vilens A - 2010 -
Are sedatives and hypnotics associated with increased suicide risk of suicide in the
Anders Carlsten, Margda Waern
BMC geriatrics - 2009 -
Persistent nightmares are associated with repeat suicide attempt: a prospective
Nils Sjöström, Hetta Jerker, Margda Waern
Psychiatry research - 2009 -
The prevalence of psychotic symptoms and paranoid ideation in non-demented population samples aged 70-82
Robert Sigström, Ingmar Skoog, Simona Sacuiu, Björn Karlsson, Isak Fredén Klenfeldt, Margda Waern, Deborah Gustafson, Svante Östling
International journal of geriatric psychiatry - 2009 -
Prevalence of social phobia in non-demented elderly from a swedish population
Björn Karlsson, Isak Freden Klenfeldt, Robert Sigström, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry - 2009 -
Adiposity indicators and dementia over 32 years in
Deborah Gustafson, Kristoffer Bäckman, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Xinxin Guo, P Zandi, M Mielke, Calle Bengtsson, Ingmar Skoog
Neurology - 2009 -
Psychotic and behavioural symptoms in a population-based sample of the very elderly
Svante Östling, Deborah Gustafson, Margda Waern
Acta psychiatrica Scandinavica - 2009 -
Prevalence of social phobia in non-demented elderly from a Swedish population
Robert Sigström, B Karlsson, I Freden Klenfeldt, S Saciuu, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern, Stefan Wiktorsson, D Gustafsson, Svante Östling
14th AEP Symposium. Dubrovnik 2008 - 2008 -
Psychotic symptoms in the elderly in Europe. Results from the EURODEP
Svante Östling, Thomas Marlow, A Braam, Margda Waern
14th AEP Symposium. Dubrovnik 2008 - 2008 -
Psychotic symtoms in the
Svante Östling, Thomas Marlow, Margda Waern
14th AEP Symposium. 2008, Dubrovnik, Croatia - 2008 -
Health improving measures for patients suffering from psychosis- Development of treatment methods and an intervention
G Sameby, H Söderberg, Margda Waern
Nordic Journal of Nursing Research and Clinical Studies - 2008 -
Sence of coherence, sleep and suicidality in suicide
Nils Sjöström, Jerker Hetta, Margda Waern
Eleventh European Suicide Symposium. Glasgow 2008 - 2008 -
Personality and risk for depression in a birth cohort of 70-year-olds followed for 15
P R Duberstein, Sigurdur Palsson, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
Psychological medicine - 2008 -
Alcoholic beverages and incidence of dementia: 34-year follow-up of the prospective population study of women in
Kirsten Mehlig, Ingmar Skoog, Xinxin Guo, Madlen Schütze, Deborah Gustafson, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Cecilia Björkelund, Lauren Lissner
American journal of epidemiology - 2008 -
Secular trends in self reported sexual activity and satisfaction in Swedish 70 year olds: cross sectional survey of four populations,
Nils Beckman, Margda Waern, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog
BMJ (Clinical research ed.) - 2008 -
Excess mortality in persons with severe mental disorder in Sweden: a cohort study of 12 103 individuals with and without contact with psychiatric
Dag Tidemalm, Margda Waern, Claes-Göran Stefansson, Stig Elofsson, Bo Runeson
Clinical practice and epidemiology in mental health : CP & EMH - 2008 -
Mental health literacy and attitudes in a Swedish community sample - investigating the role of personal experience of mental health
Karin M Dahlberg, Margda Waern, Bo Runeson
BMC public health - 2008 -
A history of alcohol dependence/misuse in elderly suicide
Stefan Wiktorsson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
Eleventh European Suicide Symposium. Glasgow 2008 - 2008 -
The Sahlgrenska suicide study: Psychiatric diagnoses in elderly suicide
Stefan Wiktorsson, Ingmar Skoog, Svante Östling, Margda Waern
14th AEP Symposium. Dubrovnik 2008 - 2008 -
The Prospective Population Study on women in Gothenburg: Psychological stress increases risk of dementia: A 32-year longitudinal population study of
L Johansson, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog, Xinxin Guo
14th AEP Symposium. Dubrovnik 2008 - 2008 -
Anaemia increase risk of Alzheimers disease: A 32-year longitudinal population study of
Xinxin Guo, Svante Östling, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
14th AEP Symposium. Dubrovnik 2008 - 2008 -
The 95? Study. The prevalence of mental disorders in 75-, 85- and 95-year olds from the same birth
A Börjesson-Hansson, Margda Waern, Ingmar Skoog
14th AEP Symposium. Dubrovnik 2008 - 2008 -
A sociological study of suicidal feelings among nonagenerians in
M Mellqvist, A Börjesson-Hansson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern
14th AEP symposium. Dubrovnik 2008 - 2008 -
Disability, death wish and depression in elderly Europeans. Data from the Eurodep
Margda Waern, Svante Östling, A Braam, ATF Beekman, R Fuhrer, SL Kiela, BA Lawlor, A Lobo, H Magnusson, F Reischies, Ingmar Skoog, C Turrina, JRM Copeland
14th AEP Symposium. Dubrovnik 2008 - 2008 -
Alcohol use disorder in elderly suicide
Margda Waern, Stefan Wiktorsson
Am Assoc Suicidology. Boston 2008 - 2008 -
Treatment of elderly suicide
Margda Waern, Stefan Wiktorsson
Am Assoc Suicidology. Boston 2008 - 2008 -
Nightmares and sleep disturbances in relation to suicidality in suicide
Nils Sjöström, Margda Waern, J. Hetta
Sleep - 2007 -
The relationship between cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers and depression in elderly
Pia Gudmundsson, Ingmar Skoog, Margda Waern, Kaj Blennow, Sigurdur Palsson, Lars Rosengren, Deborah Gustafson
The American journal of geriatric psychiatry : official journal of the American Association for Geriatric Psychiatry - 2007 -
Midlife respiratory function and Incidence of Alzheimer's disease: a 29-year longitudinal study in
Xinxin Guo, Margda Waern, Karin Sjögren, Lauren Lissner, Calle Bengtsson, Cecilia Björkelund, Svante Östling, Deborah Gustafson, Ingmar Skoog
Neurobiology of Aging - 2007 -
Evaluation of the quality of drug therapy among elderly patients in nursing homes - A computerized pharmacy register
Åsa Bergman, Jonny Olsson, Anders Carlsten, Margda Waern, Johan Fastbom
Interviews or medical records, which type of data yields the best information on elderly people's health
Katarina Wilhelmson, Eva Lundin Rubenowitz, Christina Andersson, Valter Sundh, Margda Waern
Aging Clinical and Experimental Research - 2006 -
A vascular risk factor index in relation to mortality and incident
A. Mitnitski, Ingmar Skoog, X. Song, Margda Waern, Svante Östling, Valter Sundh, Bertil Steen, K. Rockwood
Performance of the SF-36 health survey in screening for depressive and anxiety disorders in an elderly female Swedish
Ellen R. T. Silveira, Charles Taft, Valter Sundh, Margda Waern, Sigurdur Palsson, Bertil Steen
Quality of life research : an international journal of quality of life aspects of treatment, care and rehabilitation - 2005 -
Elderly people’s perspectives on quality of
Katarina Wilhelmson, Christina Andersson, Margda Waern, Peter Allebeck
Aging & Society - 2005 -
Predictors of suicide in a community-based cohort of individuals with severe mental
Dag Tidemalm, Stig Elofsson, Claes-Go?ran Stefansson, Margda Waern, Bo Runeson
Suicides among family members of elderly suicide victims: an exploratory
Margda Waern
Suicide & life-threatening behavior - 2005 -
[A court verdict arouses concern: Risk of compulsory care "just in
Margda Waern, Hans Ågren
Läkartidningen - 2004 -
Margda Waern, Hans Ågren, Bruno Hägglöf, Björn Lundin
Läkartidningen - 2004 -
Participation bias in longitudinal studies: experience from the Population Study of Women in Gothenburg,
Lauren Lissner, Ingmar Skoog, K Andersson, N Beckman, Valter Sundh, Margda Waern, Dimitri Zylberstein, Calle Bengtsson, Cecilia Björkelund
Scandinavian Journal of Primary Health Care - 2003 -
Pain and its relation to cognitive function and depressive symptoms: a Swedish population study of 70-year-old men and
Ingrid Bergh, Gunilla Steen, Margda Waern, Boo Johansson, Anders Odén, Björn Sjöström, Bertil Steen
Journal of pain and symptom management - 2003 -
Alcohol dependence and misuse in elderly
Margda Waern
Alcohol and alcoholism (Oxford, Oxfordshire) - 2003 -
Suicidal ideation in a female population sample. Relationship with depression, anxiety disorder and alcohol
Margda Waern, Fredrik Spak, Valter Sundh
European archives of psychiatry and clinical neuroscience - 2002 -
Dental anxiety in relation to mental health and personality factors. A longitudinal study of middle-aged and elderly
Catharina Hägglin, Magnus Hakeberg, T Hällström, Ulf Berggren, Lena Larsson, Margda Waern, Sigurdur Páll Pálsson, Ingmar Skoog
European journal of oral sciences - 2001 -
Suicide in late
Margda Waern
2000 -
Suicidal feelings in a population sample of nondemented
Ingmar Skoog, O Aevarsson, J Beskow, L Larsson, Sigurdur Palsson, Margda Waern, Sten Landahl, Svante Östling
The American journal of psychiatry - 1996