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- David Brax
David Brax
About David Brax
I am a senior investigator at the Swedish Secretariat for Gender Research since 2018. I received my doctorate in practical philosophy at Lund University in 2009 with the thesis Hedonism as the explanation of value, and have worked at the University of Gothenburg since 2010.
My work primarily focuses on issues related to the conditions of research and scholarship, particularly on hate and threats directed at representatives of research and education, as well as the consequences of this for both individuals and society. In previous research projects, I have primarily worked with moral and legal philosophical perspectives on hate crimes and hate crime legislation.
Current projects
Between 2021-2024, I have been working with a report based on a survey concerning vulnerability to threats and harassement in Swedish higher education institutions. The survey concerns the extent, forms, distribution and consequences of vulnerability and concern about vulnerability in the sector. An interim report was published in July 2022 and a final report was published in December 2024. During 2024-25, I am responsible for a series of conversations about the conditions of research. I am also active in various fund projects administered by the secretariat.
Collaboration is an integral part of the secretariat's operations. The investigation of threats and hatred in the higher education sector has taken place in collaboration with SULF and SUHF. The series of conversations takes place in collaboration with various higher education institutions and other actors in that sector.
Swedish academics suffer widespread threat and harassment – most of it from their own colleagues and
David Brax
The Conversation 10/12 2024 - 2024 -
Victimisation in swedish higher education institutions - a study of harassment, thrats and violence against researchers and
David Brax
2024 -
Utsatthet vid svenska universitet och högskolor - en undersökning om trakasserier, hot och våld mot forskare och
David Brax
2024 -
Living on Hope? Reflections on ‘Hope Labour’ in
David Brax
2024 -
Skräm inte bort unga forskare från
David Brax
Curie - samtal om forskningens villkor - 2024 -
Att leva på hoppet: "hope labour" inom akademiskt
David Brax
2024 -
Om Melina Duarte, Katrin Losleben, Kjersti Fjortoft (red.): Gender Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Academia – A Conceptual Framework for Sustainable
David Brax
Tidskrift för politisk filosofi - 2024 -
Några reflektioner angående akademisk
David Brax
Svensk Filosofi - 2024 -
Nationella sekretariatet för genusforsknings remissvar på betänkandet Ett starkare straffrättsligt skydd – mot sexuella kränkningar, bedrägerier i vissa fall och brott med hatmotiv avseende kön, SOU
Delrapport: Hot och hat mot forskare och lärare i svensk
David Brax
2022 -
Om hatbrott (i "Hatbrott mot LGBTI-personer i norden: En kartläggning av strategier, arbetssätt och
David Brax
Hatbrott mot lgbti-personer i norden. TemaNord 2021:546 - 2021 -
Hatbrottsbegreppet i svensk
David Brax
Att odla kriminologi - perspektiv på brott och utsatthet. Festskrift till Eva Tiby - 2019 -
Vad gör hatbrott värre än andra
David Brax
Filosofisk tidskrift - 2017 -
Mäns våld mot kvinnor bör ses som
Caroline Mellgren, David Brax, Moa Bladini
Svenska Dagbladet - 2017 -
The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues. Vol.
E. Dunbar, A. Blanco, D. A. Crèvecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax
2017 -
Hate Crime and (Domestic) Terrorism: A
Christian Munthe, David Brax
Edward Dunbar, Amalio Blanco, Desirée A. Crèvecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax (eds.), The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues, vol. 3 - 2017 -
The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues, vol.
Edward Dunbar, Amalio Blanco, Desirée A. Crévecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax
2017 -
The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues, vol.
Edward Dunbar, Blanco Amalio, Desirée A. Crévecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax
2017 -
Motives, Reasons, and Responsibility in Hate/Bias Crime
David Brax
Criminal Justice Ethics - 2016 -
Ett viktigt
David Brax
Sydsvenskan - 2016 -
The Philosophy of Hate Crime: A
David Brax, Christian Munthe
Edward Dunbar, Amalio Blanco, Desirée A. Crèvecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax (eds.), The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues, vol. 1 - 2016 -
Hate Speech and the Distribution of the Costs and Benefits of Freedom of
David Brax
Blurring the Lines, Market-Driven and Democracy-Driven Freedom of Expression - Maria Edström, Andrew T. Kenyon & Eva-Maria Svensson (eds.) - 2016 -
Hate Crime Concepts and their Moral Foundations - A Universal
David Brax
The Globalization of Hate: Internationalizing Hate Crime? - 2016 -
Hatbrott nära släkt med
David Brax
Svenska Dagbladet - 2015 -
Hat som
David Brax
Modern Filosofi - 2015 -
Den konservative
David Brax
Sydsvenskan - 2015 -
Special Section: the Philosophy of Hate
David Brax, Christian Munthe
Journal of Interpersonal Violence - 2015 -
On Hate Crime and
David Brax
The International Network of Hate Studies blog - 2015 -
Rikspolischefens svar stillar inte våra
David Brax
Dagens Juridik - 2015 -
Vad händer med Polisens hatbrottsarbete,
David Brax, Eva Tiby
Dagens Juridik - 2015 -
Hovrätten kunde ha använt sitt tolkningsutrymme för det moraliskt rimligaste
David Brax
Dagens Juridik - 2015 -
Balen i
David Brax
Sydsvenskan - 2015 -
The Philosophical Aspects of Hate Crime and Hate Crime Legislation: Introducing the Special Symposium on the Philosophy of Hate
David Brax, Christian Munthe
Journal of Interpersonal Violence - 2015 -
Skärp straffen för dem som hatar och hetsar på
Christian Munthe, David Brax
Dagens nyheter - 2015 -
Vad innebär det egentligen att rasismen är
David Brax
Internationalen - 2014 -
Hets mot folkgrupp handlar inte om att hetsa upp en
David Brax
SVT opinion - 2014 -
Filosofiska perspektiv på hatbrott och
David Brax
Ej publicerad - 2014 -
Hatbrottslagstiftning i Sverige och i
David Brax
Förhoppningar och farhågor - Sveriges första 20 år i EU - 2014 -
Hate Crime Concepts and their Moral
David Brax
Understanding Hate Crime: Research, Policy and Practice, University of Sussex, 8th and 9th May 2014. - 2014 -
Vilka grupper bör skyddas av hat och
David Brax
Dagens Juridik - 2014 -
Vad innebär det att rasismen är
David Brax
Dagens Arena - 2014 -
Hedonism: Normativity
David Brax
The Oxford Hedonism Conference, 6th-7th of March 2014, Ertegun House - 2014 -
Arbetet mot hatbrott måste prioriteras – på
David Brax, Christian Munthe, Lena Halldenius
Göteborgs-Posten 14 mars 2014 - 2014 -
"Regeln om straffskärpning vid hatbrott måste användas - och redovisas i
David Brax
Dagens Juridik - 2014 -
Integritetsskyddet måste stärkas i svensk
David Brax, Mårten Schultz
Dagens Nyheter - 2013 -
Skånepolisens register kan vara diskriminerande mot romer - även om det inte är ett etniskt
David Brax
Dagens Juridik - 2013 -
The Philosophy of Hate Crime: Concepts, Values and Tensions in the European
David Brax, Christian Munthe
When Law and Hate Collide, Brussels, january 29, 2013. - 2013 -
The Philosophy of Hate Crime Anthology, Part I: Introduction to the Philosophy of Hate
Moralen mellan Förnuft och
David Brax
Axess - 2013 -
Motives, reasons and responsibility in Hate Crime
David Brax
Stockholm Criminology Symposium 2012 - 2012 -
The Hate Crime Concept(s) - Moral, legal and political
David Brax
Hate Crime Symposium, Frankfurt, april 2012 - 2012 -
Nätets mörka sidor kommer fram i
David Brax
Axess - 2012 -
Causation and Responsibility in the Context of Hate Crime
David Brax
14th international conference for philosophy and psychiatry - 2011 -
Emotions in Moral
David Brax
The 9th Nordic Symposium on Forensic Psychiatry - 2011 -
David Brax
Filosofisk Tidskrift - 2011 -
A Tentative Philosophical Framework for Hate Crime Policy Across the European
Christian Munthe, David Brax
The Philosophy of Hate Crime Symposium, Gothenburg, September 26-27, 2011 - 2011 -
To know or not to know: ethical issues related to early diagnosis of Alzheimer's
Niklas Mattsson, David Brax, Henrik Zetterberg
International journal of Alzheimer's disease - 2010