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- Christian Munthe
Christian Munthe
Philosophy and Logic unitAbout Christian Munthe
Christian Munthe is professor of practical philosophy and conducts research and expert consultation on ethics, value and policy issues arising in the intersection of health, science & technology, the environment and society. He is elected member of the Royal Society of Arts and Sciences in Gothenburg, and serves on several ethics councils in Sweden and internationally. In 2016-18, he was faculty elected member of the board of the University of Gothenburg.
Munthe has developed a cross-disciplinary approach, collaborating with researchers and practitioners from, e.g., medicine and care, environmental-, natural and technological science, economics, law and politics. He is a frequently commissioned expert by public agencies in Sweden and abroad, and a source and particpant in media reporting and debates within his area of expertise.
Research Munthe has published 9 academic books and over 70 research articles or book chapters. Some recent books are:
- The Price of Precaution and the Ethics of Risk (2011), where he develops a novel theory of the ethics of environmental and technological risks and applies it to a number of practical areas. Recent applications to biotechnology were published in the 2017 volume Precuation and ethics.
- (with Niklas Juth) The Ethics of Screening in Health Care and Medicine: Serving Society or Serving the Patient?(2012), where he presents a seminal and comprehensive analysis of the ethics of health-oriented so-called screening programmes.
- The co-edited 3-volume book series The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues (2017), that exhibits broad crossdisciplinary work on hate crime, terrorism and related social issues.
Additionally, he has published a string of works on the ethics of person centered care and shared decision making, forensic psychiatry and related legal systems, reproductive and family ethics, and public health ethics. He has edited special issues and symposia of international journals on the ethics and philosophy of antibiotic resistance, social media, 'big data' and hate crime.
Christian is member of the editorial board of the internation research journal Bioethics, and a founding member of the Centre for Ethics, Law and Mental Health (CELAM) and the Centre for Antibiotic Resistance Research (CARe) (where he is also member of the respective steering groups). He is a member of the academic advisory board of the Centre for Business in Society (CBiS), and associate senior researcher in the Urban Safety and Societal Security Research Center (URBSEC), as in the Lund-Gothenburg Responsibility Project (LGRP).
He has been PI or co-PI of projects funded by the Swedish Research Council (VR), Riksbankens Jubileumsfond (RJ), the Swedish Research Council for Health, Working Life and Welfare (FORTE), Vardalstiftelsen, VINNOVA, The Swedish Government, the Dutch Research Council (NWO), and the European Commission. Currently, he is co-PI in the projects FORevidence: Development of Evidence-based Practice in Forensic Psychiatry (FORTE), PLATINEA: Collaborative Platform for Securing Sustainable Access to Antibiotics (VINNOVA), and EDAR: The Environment as a Driver of Antibiotic Resistance (VR).
Expert consultation Christian serves as ethics council for the Swedish National Board of Health and Welfare, is co-chair of the ethics clouncil of the Joint Programming Initiative for Antimicrobial Resistance Research (JPIAMR), is member of the Competence Network for Public Health Ethics of the German Academy of Medical Ethics, as well as the Västra Götaland County Council Working Group for Orderly Introduction of New Pharmaceuticals. Formerly, he has been a member of the Swedish government's National Council of Medical Ethics (2000-2006), the National Advisory Board of Gene Technology (2014-2018), and the Delegation for Medical Ethics of the Swedish Society of Medicine (2013-2018). Throughout his career, he has been involved in developing specific regulation or policy in areas such as reproductive and genetic medicine, biomedical research, public health policy and social care and welfare, and has performed many commissioned reports and expert services for Swedish public agencies, the Swedish Parliament, and the national and county governments; as well as for the European Commission, and the Swiss federal government.
Teching and supervision
Munthe coordinates the B.A.-level first cycle course in practical philosophy, and is responsible for the B.A. thesis and the contemporary philosophy modules. He supervises and examines theses and courses on the M.A. and Ph.D. levels, and teaches various courses at other levels. He is engaged as lecturer for programmes in health, natural or the technological sciences, as well as courses for medical researchers, clinical specialists and health professionals. Since 2020, he is responsible for the ethics module of the obligatory research supervision and leadership training programs at the University of Gothenburg.
Podcasts and videos with Christian Munthe
- Antibiotic Resistance: Ethics and Value Challenges (University of Gothenburg, video 2019)
- How Drug Resistance Challenges Medical Ethics (Ludwig Maximilians Universität, München, video 2019):
- Ethics of Allocation in Translational Genomic Medicine (University of Oxford, video 2018):
- The magic word? Ethical experience of prioritizing cancer-related health action in a Swedish context (University of Cambridge, video 2018).
- Should Drug Resistance Interventions be Expedited? (University of Gothenburg, video 2017)
- AMR Ethics; ethical prescriptions; persisters & plasmid transfer in the gut (Uppsala University, podcast 2019)
- Munthe on the Precautionary Principle and Existential Risk (Philosophical Disquisitions, podcast 2019)
- Rationing antibiotics in the face of drug resistance: ethical challenges, principles and pathways (University of Oxford, podcast 2018)
More information:
- Christian Munthe on Google Scholar Citations
- Christian Munthe on Researchgate.net
Environmental dimensions of the ethics of antimicrobial
Christian Munthe, D. G. Joakim Larsson
The Oxford Handbook of Environmental Bioethics (ed. Cristina Richie). Oxford: Oxford University Press. Accepted for publication, in press. - 2026 -
3D-modellen för värdering av hållbar tillgång till effektiva
Anders Herlitz, Erik Malmqvist, Christian Munthe
Antibiotikaresistens – hur går vi från forskning till praktik, produkter och policy? Vetenskapsrådet, Stockholm, 6 februari, 2025 - 2025 -
Sveriges statsminister undergräver
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2025 -
Sustainable rather than green: minding the future in healthcare ethics and planning – the cases of antibiotic policy, climate ethics and one
Christian Munthe
PKenote presentation at the conference "Intergenerational Healthcare Ethics: Responsibility, Solidarity, and Sustainability", Hanse Wissenschaftskolleg, Delmenhorst, 16-18 October, 2024 - 2024 -
Hvad vilja Gazaplatsens
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2024 -
Psychosocial Interventions Preventing Gang-Related Crime Among Young People: A Systematic
Caroline Mellgren, Amir Rostami, Manne Gerell, Joachim Sturup, Thomas Hartvigsson, Christian Munthe, Johan Bring, Uliana Hellberg, Ann Kristine Johnsson, Sara Fundell, Knut Sundell
Research on social work practice - 2024 -
Self-Reported Perceptions of Patients and Staff on Participation and Verbal and Social Interactions in High-Security Forensic Psychiatric Care in
Andreas Söderberg, Märta Wallinius, Christian Munthe, Ulrica Hörberg, Mikael Rask
Journal of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing - 2024 -
Världens sämsta argument – och
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2024 -
Barriers and Pathways to Environmental Surveillance of Antibiotic Resistance in Middle-and Low-Income Settings: An Exploratory Qualitative Key Expert
Ann-Christin Peters, D. G. Joakim Larsson, Ramanan Laxminarayan, Christian Munthe
Global Health Action - 2024 -
Vad ska vi leva av när maskinerna gör
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2024 -
How ethics complicates and helps life science and health policy: antibiotics, sustainabiIity and global
Christian Munthe
STEP seminar, Virginia Tech, February 16, 2024 - 2024 -
Litterära återbesök i Wien speglar
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2024 -
Vilka är ”vi” i
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2024 -
‘Green’ bioethics widens the scope of eligible values and overrides patient demand: comment on
Anders Herlitz, Erik Malmqvist, Christian Munthe
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2023 -
Pharmaceutical Pollution from Human use and the Polluter Pays
Erik Malmqvist, Davide Fumagalli, Christian Munthe, D. G. Joakim Larsson
Public Health Ethics - 2023 -
För koncentrerad läsning i små portioner. Recension av Pär Thörns "Era anklagelser är
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2023 -
Forensic psychiatric patients’ experiences of participating in administrative court proceedings concerning the continuation of forensic psychiatric
Andreas Söderberg, Märta Wallinius, Christian Munthe, Mikael Rask, Ulrica Hörberg
Frontiers in Psychiatry - 2023 -
Thomas Hartvigsson, Christian Munthe
Psykosociala insatser för att förebygga och minska gängkriminalitet bland barn och unga vuxna. SBU Utvärderar 369. - 2023 -
Mellan genialitet och galenskap: Recension av Benjamin Labatuts roman
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2023 -
Ethics and value challenges for veterinary AMR policy : from production plant to farming waste
Christian Munthe
Optimal practices to protect human health care from antimicrobial resistance selected in the veterinary domain, Amsterdam, the Netherlands, October 5-6, 2023 - 2023 -
Civila offer i krig – vem är
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2023 -
Djurhållning och antibiotika: en gyllene
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2023 -
FOR-ETHICS: Etiska aspekter på strategier för delaktighet i rättspsykiatrisk
Christian Munthe, Leila El-Alti, Thomas Hartvigsson
Nationell rättspsykiatrisk konferens 2023, Göteborg, 23-24 augusti, 2023 - 2023 -
Karlstads universitet sviker både lärare och
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2023 -
”Gymnasieelever bör studera
Håkan Salvén, Sama Agahi, Åsa Wikforss, Per Bauhn, Martin Berzell, John Cantwell, Thomas Hartvigsson, Gert Helgesson, Lars Lindblom, Erik Malmqvist, Christian Munthe, Elin Palm, Susanna Radovic, Fredrik Stjernberg, Per Sundström, Marco Tiozzo
Svenska dagbladet - 2023 -
Så kan vi få dödshjälp i
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2023 -
Vad händer med genus om människan blir
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2023 -
Pragmatic Challenges in Practical
Christian Munthe
In: Garcia, A., Gunnemyr, M. & Werkmäster, J. (2023) Value, Morality & Social Reality: Essays dedicated to Dan Egonsson, Björn Petersson & Toni Rønnow-Rasmussen. Lund: Department of Philosophy, Lund University. DOI: https://doi.org/10.37852/oblu.189 - 2023 -
Hegelianska fuskargument till Rysslands
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2023 -
Låt skiten
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2023 -
Caregiver perspectives on patient capacities and institutional pathways to person centered forensic psychiatric
Leila El-Alti, Lars Sandman, Christian Munthe
PLoS ONE - 2022 -
Non-prescription acquisition of antibiotics: Prevalence, motives, pathways and explanatory factors in the Swedish
Christian Munthe, Erik Malmqvist, Björn Rönnerstrand
PLoS ONE - 2022 -
Patients’ Experiences of Participation in High-Security, Forensic Psychiatric
Andreas Söderberg, Märta Wallinius, Christian Munthe, Mikael Rask, Ulrica Hörberg
Issues in Mental Health Nursing - 2022 -
Sustainable healthcare resource allocation, grounding theories and operational principles: response to our
Christian Munthe, Davide Fumagalli, Erik Malmqvist
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2022 -
The role of pragmatics in practical
Christian Munthe
Filosofidagarna: Swedish Congress of Philosophy, Lund University, June 10th-June 12th, 2022 - 2022 -
Etiska aspekter på köer inom
Christian Munthe
Svenska sällskapet för reproduktionsmedicin (SSRM):s Jubileumsårsmöte, 16-17 juni-2022, Göteborg - 2022 -
I ett friskare samhälle är vi
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2022 -
Balancing health and environmental impact in antibiotic resistance
Christian Munthe, Erik Malmqvist
16th World Congress of Bioethics, University of Basel, July 20-22, 2022 - 2022 -
Om krishantering i offentlig
Christian Munthe
Tidskriften Alba - 2022 -
Christian Munthe
14th Nordic Symposium on Forensic Psychiatry, University of Helsinki, August 24-26, 2022 - 2022 -
The place of political values in pandemic
Christian Munthe
Seminar series "Ethics @ Lunch", University of Augsburg, May 13, 2022 - 2022 -
Who is the
Christian Munthe
In: Gustafsson, M & Lugo, T (2022). VERTICAL. Baltimore, MD: Superpang records. [Vinyl album phonogram] - 2022 -
Technology Neutrality in European Regulation of
Per Sandin, Christian Munthe, Karin Edvardsson Björnberg
Ethics, Policy & Environment - 2022 -
Den medicinska etiken är
Niklas Juth, Gustaf Arrhenius, Krister Bykvist, Göran Collste, Ingemar Engström, Stefan Eriksson, Gert Helgesson, Anna T Höglund, Niels Lynöe, Christian Munthe, Mikael Sandlund, Lars Sandman, Torbjörn Tännsjö
Dagens medicin - 2022 -
Digital contact tracing and exposure notification: ethical guidance for trustworthy pandemic
Robert Ranisch, Niels Nijsingh, Angela Ballantyne, Anne van Bergen, Alena Buyx, Orsoliya Friedrich, Tereza Hendl, Georg Marckmann, Christian Munthe, Verina Wild
Ethics and Information Technology - 2021 -
Sustainability principle for the ethics of healthcare resource
Christian Munthe, Davide Fumagalli, Erik Malmqvist
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2021 -
Breaking Bad News in Cancer Care: Ethiopian Patients Want More Information Than What Family and the Public Want Them to
Aynalem Abraha Woldemariam, Rune Andersson, Christian Munthe, Barbro Linderholm, Nataliya Berbyuk Lindström
JCO global oncology - 2021 -
Implication of COVID-19 in society: The complexity of value conflicts in public health crisis
Christian Munthe
Implication of COVID-19 to the Society, Ecology and Environment, Ludwig Maximilian University, München, 29th April 2021 (Webinar) - 2021 -
Etiska aspekter på
Niklas Juth, Christian Munthe
Ajne G, Blomberg M, Carlsson Y (red.). Obstetrik - 2021 -
Two additional operative principles for health resource allocation on the overarching institutional and policy levels: primary prevention and
Christian Munthe
Award Winner Seminar 2021: Priority setting in healthcare in pandemics and other situations of mass casualties, National Council of Medical Ethics, Stockholm, December 10, 2021 - 2021 -
Filosofen som
Christian Munthe
Svensk Filosofi - 2021 -
Sexuella övergrepp och svält används som vapen i
Anna Nordén, Kristina Mohlin, Susanna Olai, Thomas Sterner, Sverker C. Jagers, Johan Boman, Rune Andersson, Christian Munthe
Dagens ETC - 2021 -
The Ethics of fetal and prenatal cardiology: a very quick
Christian Munthe
AEPC 2021: 54th annual meeting for European Pediatric and Congenital Cardiology, Gothenburg, May 26, 2021 - 2021 -
Breaking bad news in cancer care: preferences of patients, family caregivers and general public in
Aynalem Abraha, Rune Andersson, Christian Munthe, Barbro Linderholm, Nataliya Berbyuk Lindström
International Conference on Communication in Healthcare (ICCH) 2020 Part 2, 15-16 April, 2021 - 2021 -
Ethical aspects of pandemic public policy-making under
Christian Munthe, Jan-Christoph Heilinger, Verina Wild
2021 -
Den rättspsykiatriska vårdens komplexa mål – följder för etik och
Christian Munthe
Forskningsdag, Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhusets & Västragötalandsregionens rättspsykiatriska vårdkedja, Göteborg, 31 mars 2021 - 2021 -
The Interlinked Fluidity of Art and Mental
Christian Munthe
Punzi E, Sinclair V (eds.). Outsider Inpatient: Reflections On Art As Therapy. - 2021 -
Antibiotikaresistens och socialismens
Erik Malmqvist, Christian Munthe
Tidskrift för politisk filosofi - 2021 -
What High-Income States Should Do to Address Industrial Antibiotic
Erik Malmqvist, Christian Munthe
Public Health Ethics - 2020 -
Covid-19: Eine Ad hoc
Verina Wild, Alena Buyx, Samia Hurst, Christian Munthe, Annette Rid, Peter Schröder-Bäck, Daniel Strech, Alison Thompson
Das Gesundheitswesen - 2020 -
Person- and Family-Centeredness in Ethiopian Cancer Care: Improving Communication, Ethics, Decision Making and
Nataliya Berbyuk Lindström, Aynalem Abraha, Abebe Bekele, Christian Munthe, Rune Andersson, Betlehem Girma Kebede, Barbro Linderholm, Tigeneh Wondemagegnehu
JMIR Research Protocols - 2020 -
Communicative challenges among physicians, patients, and family caregivers in cancer care: An exploratory qualitative study in
Betlehem Girma Kebede, Aynalem Abraha, Rune Andersson, Christian Munthe, Mats Linderholm, Barbro Linderholm, Nataliya Berbyuk Lindström
PLoS ONE - 2020 -
A Normative Approach to Artificial Moral
Dorna Behdadi, Christian Munthe
Minds and Machines - 2020 -
Screening for multi-drug-resistant Gram-negative bacteria: what is effective and
Niels Nijsingh, Christian Munthe, Anna Lindblom, Christina Åhrén
Monash Bioethics Review - 2020 -
Interventions in Foster Family Care: A Systematic
Martin Bergström, Marianne Cederblad, Kickan Håkansson, Ann Kristine Jonsson, Christian Munthe, Bo Vinnerljung, Ingegerd Wirtberg, Pernilla Östlund, Knut Sundell
Research on social work practice - 2020 -
The ethics of screening for rare
Christian Munthe
Presentation at the Society and Technologies on Health and Illness seminar, Polish Academy of Sciences, December 15, 2020, Warsaw, Poland - 2020 -
Healthcare must stop ignoring future
Christian Munthe, Davide Fumagalli, Erik Malmqvist
Journal of Medical Ethics Blog - 2020 -
Precautionary Principle (Version
Christian Munthe
International Encyclopedia of Ethics (2020 Update) - 2020 -
Justifying Antibiotic Resistance Interventions: Uncertainty, Precaution and
Niels Nijsingh, D. G. Joakim Larsson, Karl Persson de Fine Licht, Christian Munthe
Jamrozik E., Selgelid M.J. (eds) Ethics and Drug-Resistance: Collective Responsibility for Global Public Health - 2020 -
Fem kärnfrågor som Coronakommissionen måste ta
Christian Munthe
Göteborgsposten - 2020 -
Humaniora mår bra av kritisk
Christian Munthe
GU Journalen - 2020 -
Det behövs mer kvantitativ och normativ
Christian Munthe
Tidningen Curie - 2020 -
Konservatism för
Christian Munthe
Tiden - 2020 -
Ethics of digital contact tracing apps for the Covid-19 pandemic
Robert Ranisch, Niels Nijsingh, Angela Ballantyne, Alena Buyx, Orsolya Friedrich, Tereza Hendl, Samia Hurst, Georg Marckmann, Christian Munthe, Verina Wild
2020 -
Svensk humanistisk forskning måste bli mer
Christian Munthe
Tidningen Curie - 2020 -
Public Health Ethics and Covid-19: The ethical dimensions of public health decision-making during a
Jan-Christoph Heilinger, Alison Thompson, Verina Wild, Angela Ballantyne, Nancy Berlinger, Ryoa Chung, Lisa Eckenwiler, Hans-Jörg Ehni, Agomoni Ganguli-Mitra, Samia Hurst, Els Maeckelberghe, Georg Marckmann, Christian Munthe, Annette Rid, Peter Schröder-Bäck, Daniel Strech, Sridhar Venkatapuram
2020 -
Kan vi undvika ideologisk
Christian Munthe
Tidningen Curie - 2020 -
Ethics Briefing for Covid19 Policy: Interesting Experience in Germany and a Plea for the Swedish
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2020 -
Treatment Foster Care Oregon for Delinquent Adolescents: A Systematic Review and
Therese Åström, Martin Bergström, Kickan Håkansson, Ann Kristine Jonsson, Christian Munthe, Ingegerd Wirtberg, Johanna Wiss, Knut Sundell
Research on social work practice - 2020 -
Responding to the SARS-CoV-2 pandemic: Experiences of an ad hoc public health ethics
Verina Wild, Alena Buyx, Samia Hurst, Christian Munthe, Anette Rid, Daniel Strech, Alison Thompson
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2020 -
New Swedish Guidelines for ICU Priority Setting in Exceptional
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2020 -
Longstanding Conscientious Refusal Assault to Undermine Swedish Abortion Policy Ended by European
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2020 -
The Red Baron: Outline of A Conservatism for the Political
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2020 -
Är det något fundamentalt fel med kritiska
Christian Munthe
Tidningen Curie - 2020 -
Health‐related Research Ethics and Social Value: Antibiotic Resistance Intervention Research and Pragmatic
Christian Munthe, Niels Nijsingh, Karl Persson de Fine Licht, D. G. Joakim Larsson
Bioethics - 2019 -
Family-Centeredness as Resource and Complication in Outpatient Care with Weak Adherence, Using Adolescent Diabetes Care as a Case in
Anders Herlitz, Christian Munthe
What about the family? : practices of responsibility in care / edited by Marian A. Verkerk, Hilde Lindemann, and Janice McLaughlin. - 2019 -
Person Centered Care and Personalized Medicine: Irreconcilable Opposites or Potential
Leila El-Alti, Lars Sandman, Christian Munthe
Health Care Analysis - 2019 -
The Ethics of Antibiotic Resistance: Towards an Agenda for Feasible and Justified Global Health
Christian Munthe, Niels Nijsingh, Karl de Fine Licht, D. G. Joakim Larsson
Bioethics - 2019 -
Price of precaution of human-pig chimeras for transplantation
Christian Munthe
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2019 -
The Black Hole Challenge: Precaution, Existential Risks and the Problem of Knowledge
Christian Munthe
Ethics, Policy & Environment - 2019 -
Introduction: Big Data – Digital Technology, Loads of Empirical Materials, and a Daring
Christian Munthe, Urban Strandberg
European Review - 2019 -
The Price of Precaution in Clinical Medical
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Tools for Real-World Problems – Reflections on Sven Ove Hansson’s Style of Philosophizing, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, December 13-14, 2019 - 2019 -
Reconsidering Humanity: Big Data, the Scientific Method, and the Images of
Urban Strandberg, Christian Munthe
European Review - 2019 -
Managing pollution from antibiotics manufacturing: charting actors, incentives and
Niels Nijsingh, Christian Munthe, D. G. Joakim Larsson
Environmental health - 2019 -
An Improved Model Definition of
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2019 -
Jordens framtid – eller
Christian Munthe
Ett HUM Om – Världskulturmuseet, Göteborg, 20 november, 2019. - 2019 -
Academic inquiry and the open
Christian Munthe
International Youth Conference, 11–14 November 2019, Gothenburg, Sweden - 2019 -
Har relativism någon plats i
Christian Munthe
Tidningen Curie - 2019 -
Etiken och rättspsykiatrin i Sverige – framtida
Christian Munthe
NÄTROM: Nätverket för rättspsykiatrisk vård, Konferens, 14-15 November, 2019, Stockholm - 2019 -
Vi borde överge externa forskningsmedel som ett mått på
Christian Munthe
Curie - 2019 -
Etiska aspekter på insatser inom det sociala området: En vägledning för att identifiera relevanta etiska
Gunilla Fahlström, Maria Ahlberg, Susanna Larsson Tholén, Ragnar Levi, Laura Lintamo, Christian Munthe, Lars Sandman, Sofia Tranæus, Pernilla Östlund
2019 -
Cutting red tape to manage public health threats: An ethical dilemma of expediting antibiotic drug
Christian Munthe, Niels Nijsingh
Bioethics - 2019 -
Munthe on the Precautionary Principle and Existential
John Danaher, Christian Munthe
Philosophical Disquisitions Podcast #64 - 2019 -
The Ethics of Antibiotic
Christian Munthe, Karl de Fine Licht, Niels Nijsingh, D. G. Joakim Larsson
Bioethics - 2019 -
Development of evidence-based practice in forensic psychiatry: a transdisciplinary characterization and development of new
Märta Wallinius, Peter Andiné, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Björn Hofvander, Ulrica Hörberg, Christian Munthe, Thomas Nilsson, Mikael Rask
Annual Meeting of the American Psychiatric Association, 18-22 May, 2019, San Fransisco, USA - 2019 -
RÄTTSPSYKIATRI: tvärvetenskaplig kartläggning och metodutveckling for en mångfacetterad och sårbar
Märta Wallinius, Peter Andiné, Malin Hildebrand Karlén, Björn Hofvander, Ulrica Hörberg, Christian Munthe, Thomas Nilsson, Mikael Rask
FORTE Talks 2019, 26-27 mars, 2019, Stockholm. - 2019 -
Health Care
Ulrik Kihlbom, Christian Munthe
Verkerk M, Lindemann H, Mclaughlin J (eds.) What About the Family? Practices of Responsibility in Care. - 2019 -
Managing pollution from antibiotics manufacturing: charting actors, incentives and
Christian Munthe, Niels Nijsingh, D. G. Joakim Larsson
5th International Symposium on the Environmental Dimension of Antibiotic Resistance, 9–14 June 2019, Hong Kong - 2019 -
Den svindlande tanken om att utrota all världens
Christian Munthe
Vetenskapsfestivalen, Göteborg, 4 april, 2019 - 2019 -
How Ethics is Central for Antibiotic Resistance management, Research and
Christian Munthe
Ethics & Antibiotics, Uppsala Antibiotic Center Workshop, April 8, 2019. - 2019 -
Two methodological issues for practical
Christian Munthe
Philosophy unit, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, February 21, 2019 - 2019 -
Stöd till ensamkommande barn och unga – effekter, erfarenheter och
Henry Ascher, Åsa Backlund, Christian Munthe, Pernilla Östlund, Göran Bertilsson, Gunilla Fahlström, Kickan Håkansson, Ann Kristine Jonsson, Knut Sundell
2018 -
”Utvecklingen går i en annan riktning än vad forskningen visar krävs för att stödja ensamkommande barn och
Henry Ascher, Åsa Backlund, Titti Mattsson, Christian Munthe
Sydsvenskan - 2018 -
Etiska och samhälleliga
Christian Munthe
Ascher, Backlund, Munthe, et al (red). Stöd till ensamkommande barn och unga – effekter, erfarenheter och upplevelser: Systematisk litteraturöversikt och etiska och samhälleliga aspekter. Sockholm: SBU - 2018 -
Disputing with patients in person-centered care: Ethical aspects in standard care, pediatrics, psychiatry, and public
Christian Munthe, Leila El-Alti, Thomas Hartvigsson, Niels Nijsingh
Journal of Argumentation in Context - 2018 -
Etiken och rättspsykiatrin i Sverige – framtida
Christian Munthe
Framtidens rättspsykiatri, Universitetssjukhuset i Malmö, 4 September 2018. - 2018 -
Etiken och
Christian Munthe
Föredrag vid Sankta Elisabeths Folhögskola, 3 oktober, 2018 - 2018 -
Identifying Ethical Aspects in the Assessment of Social Services- A
Lars Sandman, Gunilla Fahlström, Ragnar Levi, Sofia Tranaeu, Pernilla Östlund, Christian Munthe
HTAi2018: Strengthening the Evidence-to-Action Connection, Vancouver, 1-5 Juni, 2018. - 2018 -
Error trawling and fringe decision competence: Ethical hazards in monitoring and addressing patient decision capacity in clinical
Thomas Hartvigsson, Christian Munthe, Gun Forsander
Clinical Ethics - 2018 -
Medical Ethics Journal Infected by Anti-Vaxx
Christian Munthe
Daily Nous - 2018 -
Rationing antibiotics in the face of drug resistance: ethical challenges, principles and
Christian Munthe
Practical medical ethics: Rationing responsibly in an age of austerity. University of Oxford, June 20, 2018. - 2018 -
Ethics of allocation in translational genomic
Christian Munthe
Resource Allocation in Personalised Medicine: Evaluation, Translation & Ethics. University of Oxford, May 19, 2018 - 2018 -
Bioethics, Disability, and Selective Reproductive Technology: Taking Intersectionality
Christian Munthe
Wassermann, DT & Cureton, A (eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Philosophy and Disability - 2018 -
Technology neutrality and regulation of agricultural
Per Sandin, Christian Munthe, Karin Edvardsson Björnberg
Professionals in food chains: ethics, rules and responsibility. EurSafe 2018, Vienna, Austria 13 – 16 June 2018 / edited by: Svenja Springer, Herwig Grimm - 2018 -
SBU har ordet: metoder som används i Sverige bör prövas
Ulf Axberg, Martin Bergström, Anders Broberg, Marianne Cederblad, Staffan Jansson, Lina Leander, Christian Munthe, Knut Sundell, Sofia Tranæus, Bo Vinnerljung, Stefan Wiklund, Ingegerd Wirtberg, Therese Åström
Socionomen - 2018 -
Етичноста на борбата против отпорност на
Christian Munthe
Res Publica - 2018 -
Christian Munthe, Therese Åström
Bergström, M et al. (2018). Behandlingsfamiljer för ungdomar med allvarliga beteendeproblem – Treatment Foster Care Oregon. En systematisk översikt och utvärdering inklusive ekonomiska och etiska aspekter. - 2018 -
Welcome Retraction Decision from the Indian Journal of Medical Ethics, and Hopefully Future Policy Revisions to Be
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2018 -
Indian Journal of Medical Ethics Troubles Deepen as Editorial Team Responds to
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2018 -
Highly Problematic Stance on Fake "Antivaxx" Authorship By the Indian Journal of Medical
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2018 -
Treatment Foster Care Oregon for seriously delinquent adolescents: A systematic review and assessment including economic and ethical
Martin Bergström, Christian Munthe, Ingegerd Wirtberg, Knut Sundell, Therese Åström, Kickan Håkansson, Johanna Wiss, Ann Kristine Jonsson
2018 -
La ética de la lucha contra la resistencia a los
Christian Munthe
El País - 2018 -
Hälsan flyter, konsten
Christian Munthe
Tunnelseende: Finissage av patientmålningarna i kulvertarna på Lillhagens sjukhus, Lillhagens äldreboende, 16 april, 2018 - 2018 -
Behandlingsfamiljer för ungdomar med allvarliga beteendeproblem – Treatment Foster Care Oregon. En systematisk översikt och utvärdering inklusive ekonomiska och etiska
Martin Bergström, Christian Munthe, Ingegerd Wirtberg, Knut Sundell, Therese Åström, Kickan Håkansson, Johanna Wiss, Ann Kristine Jonsson
2018 -
The magic word? Ethical experience of prioritizing cancer-related health action in a Swedish
Christian Munthe
What is so Special about Cancer? Perspectives from Clinical Research, Philosophy and Social Sciences, University of Cambridge, April 5-6, 2018 - 2018 -
The ethics of fighting drug
Christian Munthe
The Reporter Ethiopia - 2018 -
The Ethics of Fighting Drug
Christian Munthe
The New Dawn Liberia - 2018 -
The Ethics of Fighting Drug
Christian Munthe
Gulf Times - 2018 -
Etika boje proti rezistenci na
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
The Ethics of Fighting Drug
Christian Munthe
Daily Outlook Afghanistan - 2018 -
The Ethics of Fighting Drug
Christian Munthe
Times of Oman - 2018 -
The Ethics of Fighting Drug
Christian Munthe
The Kathmandu Post - 2018 -
Implications of drug resistance strategies must be
Christian Munthe
Irish Examiner - 2018 -
Etika dalam Melawan Resistensi
Christian Munthe
Bisnis Indonesia - 2018 -
La ética de la lucha contra la resistencia a los
Christian Munthe
Revista de Prensa - 2018 -
Les questions morales qui sous-tendent le combat contre la résistance aux
Christian Munthe
Le Quotidien D'Oran - 2018 -
Sind wir unterwegs in die postantibiotische
Christian Munthe
Tageblatt Letzebuerg - 2018 -
The Ethics of Fighting Increasing Drug
Christian Munthe
The Daily Star - 2018 -
The Ethics of Fighting Drug
Christian Munthe
Azer News - 2018 -
La ética de la lucha contra la resistencia a los
Christian Munthe
project Syndicate - 2018 -
A Ética do Combate da Resistência aos
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
L’etica della lotta alla
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
Etika dalam Melawan Resistensi
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
Ethische Aspekte der Bekämpfung von
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
Les questions morales qui sous-tendent le combat contre la résistance aux
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
De rol van ethiek in het gevecht tegen
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
أخلاقيات مكافحة مقاومة
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
La ética de la lucha contra la resistencia a los
Christian Munthe
La Nación - 2018 -
Этика борьбы с устойчивостью к
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
The Ethics of Fighting Drug
Christian Munthe
Project Syndicate - 2018 -
How drug resistance challenges medical
Christian Munthe
Ethikforum "public health ethics”, Ludwig-Maximilians Universität, München, Germany, February 6, 2018 - 2018 -
Hate Crime and (Domestic) Terrorism: A
Christian Munthe, David Brax
Edward Dunbar, Amalio Blanco, Desirée A. Crèvecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax (eds.), The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues, vol. 3 - 2017 -
Hate Crime, Mental Disorder and Criminal
Christian Munthe
Edward Dunbar, Amalio Blanco, Desirée A. Crèvecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax (eds.), The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues, vol. 1 - 2017 -
Conscientious refusal in healthcare: the Swedish
Christian Munthe
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2017 -
Health care to empower self-care in adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus and an immigrant minority
Åse Boman, Margareta Bohlin, Mats Eklöf, Gun Forsander, Christian Munthe, Marianne Törner
Sage Open medicine - 2017 -
The Legal Ethical Backbone of Conscientious
Christian Munthe, Morten EJ Nielsen
Cambridge Quarterly of Healthcare Ethics - 2017 -
Utmaningar och vägar för funktionell bioetisk
Christian Munthe
Genombrott inom gentekniken – var finns etiken?, Statens medicinsk-etiska råds etikdag, Stockholm, 7 december, 2017, - 2017 -
The cake and its bits: can universal healthcare systems survive (without) ethical priority
Christian Munthe
Hard Choices in Nordic Health Care 2.0: A Nordic conference on ethics in priority settings in health care, Svenska Läkaresällskapet, Stockholm, November 20, 2017 - 2017 -
Insatser för bättre psykisk och fysisk hälsa hos familjehemsplacerade barn: En systematisk litteraturöversikt och utvärdering av ekonomiska, samhälleliga och etiska
Martin Bergström, Marianne Cederblad, Christian Munthe, Bo Vinnerljung, Ingegerd Wirtberg
2017 -
Precaution and Ethics: Handling risks, uncertainties and knowledge gaps in the regulation of new
Christian Munthe
2017 -
Should drug resistance interventions be
Christian Munthe
Ethics and Value Challenges in Antibiotic Resistance Management, Research and Policy, November 15-16, 2017, Gothenburg. - 2017 -
Interventions to improve foster children’s mental and physical health: A systematic review and assessment of the economic, social and ethical aspects. Executive
Martin Bergström, Marianne Cederblad, Christian Munthe, Bo Vinnerljung, Ingegerd Wirtberg, Knut Sundell, Kickan Håkansson, Pia Johansson, Kristine Jonsson, Pernilla Östlund
2017 -
Questioning the patient in person centred care: ethical aspects: children, forensic psychiatry, and public
Christian Munthe, Leila El-Alti, Thomas Hartvigsson, Niels Nijsingh
Medical Argumentation and Patient Centred Care, University of Amsterdam, October 26-27, 2017. - 2017 -
Under luppen: nazistisk
Christian Munthe
Alba.nu - 2017 -
Hur kan den etiska kompetensen i forskarsamhället
Christian Munthe
Vetenskaplig redlighet och oredlighet. Kungliga Vetenskaps- och Vitterghetssamhället, måndagen den 9 oktober 2017, Göteborgs stadsmuseum - 2017 -
Etiska och samhälleliga
Christian Munthe
Insatser för bättre psykisk och fysisk hälsa hos familjehemsplacerade barn. - 2017 -
Drug Resistance, Social Interventions and Dynamic
Christian Munthe
Existential risk to humanity seminar, Chalmers Institute of Technology, September 21, 2017. - 2017 -
Ethics of
Niels Nijsingh, Niklas Juth, Christian Munthe
International Encyclopedia of Public Health, 2nd Edition, Volume 3. Stella R.Quah (ed.) - 2017 -
Testing Interventions for Drastic Public Health Threats: "Social Value”, Pragmatic Risks and the Challenge of ”Health-related Research” Ethics – The Case of drug
Christian Munthe, Niels Nijsingh, Karl Persson de Fine Licht
Matariki Research Ethics Workshop, Bader International Study Center, Herstmonceux Castle, East Sussex, UK, August 14-17, 2017 - 2017 -
Patient Collaboration and Person Centeredness in Forensic Psychiatric Care: An Ethical
Christian Munthe
35th International Congress on Law and Mental Health, July 9-14, 2017, Prague. Abstracts of the XXX Vth International Congress on Law and Mental Health / David N. Weisstub Editor - 2017 -
What about the family? Ethical implications of family centred clinical decision
Christian Munthe
What About the Family? An interdisciplinary course on ethical issues in health and social care, University of Groningen, August 20-25, 2017. - 2017 -
Increasing Critical Questions Amid Mexican Mitochondrial Replacement Therapy
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2017 -
A Virtue of Precaution Regarding the Moral Status of Animals with Uncertain
Simon Knutsson, Christian Munthe
Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Ethics - 2017 -
Regulating New Biotechnologies for the Non-human Domain: Ethical issues in the handling of risks, uncertainties and knowledge
Christian Munthe
2017 -
Christian Munthe
Academic Refugee Staff Training Week, University of Oslo, June 20, 2017 - 2017 -
Precaution and professional responsibility in
Christian Munthe
1st Congress for Ethics and Neurosurgery, Stockholm, May 4-6, 2017. - 2017 -
Läkarförbundet missar kärnan i min
Christian Munthe
Svenska dagbladet - 2017 -
Fel avråda läkare från att medverka vid
Christian Munthe
Svenska Dagbladet - 2017 -
Gör granskningen av forskningsansökningar
Christian Munthe
Curie - 2017 -
Permissibility or Priority? Testing or Screening? Essential Distinctions in the Ethics of Prenatal
Christian Munthe
American Journal of Bioethics - 2017 -
The Leadership Moral Qualities of President Donald "So-called POTUS"
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2017 -
The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues. Vol.
E. Dunbar, A. Blanco, D. A. Crèvecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax
2017 -
The Ethics of Preselecting Children: PGD, PGS, and Prenatal
Christian Munthe
Nordic Fertility Innovation, Stockholm, January 27, 2017. - 2017 -
The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues, vol.
Edward Dunbar, Amalio Blanco, Desirée A. Crévecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax
2017 -
The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues, vol.
Edward Dunbar, Blanco Amalio, Desirée A. Crévecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax
2017 -
The Philosophy of Hate Crime: A
David Brax, Christian Munthe
Edward Dunbar, Amalio Blanco, Desirée A. Crèvecoeur-MacPhail, Christian Munthe, Michael Fingerle, David Brax (eds.), The Psychology of Hate Crimes as Domestic Terrorism: U.S. and Global Issues, vol. 1 - 2016 -
NIPT är ett genombrott i fosterdiagnostiken: Träffsäker metod ger färre invasiva provtagningar – men gamla etiska frågor blir åter
Bo Jacobsson, Christian Munthe, Sissel Saltvedt, Ylva Carlsson, Peter Lindgren, Erik Iwarsson
Läkartidningen - 2016 -
Individual responsibility as ground for priority setting in shared
Lars Sandman, Erik Gustavsson, Christian Munthe
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2016 -
The Counseling, Self-care, Adherence Approach to Person-centered Care and Shared Decision Making: Moral Psychology, Executive Autonomy, and Ethics in Multi-dimensional Care
Anders Herlitz, Christian Munthe, Marianne Törner, Gun Forsander
Health Communication - 2016 -
Reproductive liberty through a public health ethics lens: from individual rights to the public good of procreating
Christian Munthe
30th European Conference on the Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare. 17th - 20th August, 2016 Istanbul (Turkey) - 2016 -
Konsten att tänka systematiskt och brett om etik och
Christian Munthe
Kritiskt etiskt tänkande i all högre utbildning –Tillgång, behov & åtgärder. Kungliga Vetenskapsakademin, 19 oktober, 2016. - 2016 -
Antibiotikaresistens och
Christian Munthe
Ord & Bild - 2016 -
Christian Munthe
Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics, edited by Henk Ten have - 2016 -
Person centredness and shared decision-making in forensic care, social services and public
Christian Munthe, Lars Sandman, Pia Nykänen, Leila El Alti
30th European Conference of the Philosophy of Medicine and Healthcare, Zagreb, August 17-20, 2016 - 2016 -
Reproductive liberty through a public health ethics lens: from individual rights to the public good of procreating
Christian Munthe
13th World Congress of Bioethics, Edinburgh, June 14-17, 2016 - 2016 -
Progress and
Christian Munthe
13th World Congress of Bioethics, Edinburgh, June 14-17, 2016 - 2016 -
Person centredness and shared decision-making in forensic care, social services and public
Christian Munthe, Lars Sandman, Leila El Alti, Pia Nykänen
13th World Congress of Bioethics, Edinburgh, June 14-17, 2016 - 2016 -
All or nothing: The legal, ethical and jurisprudential basis of legal rights to conscientious objection of voluntarily employed
Christian Munthe
The conscience of health professionals in the time of biotechnologies: present and future of conscientious objection in medicine, Brocher Foundation, Geneva, June 7-9, 2016 - 2016 -
Kommentar angående Läkarförbundets motion om samvetsklausul gällande otestade
Christian Munthe
Humanistbloggen - 2016 -
Etiska dimensioner och dilemman i följden av
Christian Munthe
Regional STRAMA dag, Göteborg, 19 maj, 2016 - 2016 -
Is it a good idea for academics to keep track of their
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2016 -
Evaluative and Normative Conflicts As A Challenge for Managing Antibiotic
Christian Munthe
Kickoff meeting of the Centre for Antibiotic Resistance Research (CARe), Aspenäs Herrgård, April 8, 2016 - 2016 -
Ansvar bör även läggas på
Christian Munthe, Linus Broström, Bengt Brülde, Daniela Cutas, Stefan Eriksson, Mats Johansson, Niklas Juth, Ulrik Kihlbom, Erik Malmqvist, Lars Sandman, Kristin Zeiler
Svenska Dagbladet, SvD.se - 2016 -
Efter skandalen: ”Gråzoner sätt att blanda bort
Christian Munthe, Linus Broström, Bengt Brülde, Daniela Cutas, Stefan Eriksson, Gert Helgesson, Niklas Juth, Ulrik Kihlbom, Erik Malmqvist, Lars Sandman, Kristin Zeiler, Mats Johansson
Svenska Dagbladet, Svd.se, 2016-03-10 - 2016 -
Personalised, Individualised or Precision Medicine: Three Unaddressed Socio-economic
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2016 -
On "Smykkeloven": The Danish Policy to Seize Personal Valuables and Money from Asylum
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2016 -
Delat beslutsfattande och evidensbaserad praktik inom socialtjänsten: mål, begrepp och etik för utformning och
Christian Munthe, Pia Nykänen, Lars Sandman
2015 -
Special Section: the Philosophy of Hate
David Brax, Christian Munthe
Journal of Interpersonal Violence - 2015 -
The ethics of “primo non nocere”, professional responsibility and shared decision making in high-stakes
Christian Munthe
Acta Neurochirurgica - 2015 -
Emelie Heintz, Laura Lintamo, Monica Hultcrantz, Stella Jacobson, Ragnar Levi, Christian Munthe, Sofia Tranæus, Pernilla Östlund, Lars Sandman
International Journal of Technology Assessment in Health Care - 2015 -
The Philosophical Aspects of Hate Crime and Hate Crime Legislation: Introducing the Special Symposium on the Philosophy of Hate
David Brax, Christian Munthe
Journal of Interpersonal Violence - 2015 -
Precaution, bioethics and normative
Christian Munthe
Monash Bioethics Review - 2015 -
Överrösta fossillobbyn – kräv bindande
Agnes E Wold, Björn Siesjö, Catharina Thörn, Christian Munthe, Hans Abrahamsson, José Gonzales, Kerstin Alnebratt, Lars Henriksson, Sven-Eric Liedman, Thomas Sterner
Göteborgsposten - 2015 -
What Is A Terrorist Threat, And How Should One Respond To
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2015 -
On Using Physiological or Biomedical Methods to Determine the Age of Unaccompanied Refugee
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2015 -
Delaktighet, ansvar och
Christian Munthe
Nationella Prioriteringskonferensen, Norrköping, 21-22 Oktober, 2015. - 2015 -
The Ethics of Assisted Reproduction Through the Lens of Public
Christian Munthe
Hot Topics in IVF, Swedish Society for Reproductive Medicine, Stockholm, November 13, 2015 - 2015 -
The Return of Lombroso? Ethical Aspects of (Visions of) Preventive Forensic
Christian Munthe, Susanna Radovic
Public Health Ethics - 2015 -
Är behovsprincipen etiskt godtagbar? (och vad är det i så fall vi
Christian Munthe
Behovsprincipen - vems behov talar vi om, mina eller dina?, Svenska Läkaresällskapet, Stockholm, 2015-11-03 - 2015 -
Skärp straffen för dem som hatar och hetsar på
Christian Munthe, David Brax
Dagens nyheter - 2015 -
Against a Rights-based Ethics of
Christian Munthe
The Ethics of Risk, University of Copenhagen, September 23, 2015. - 2015 -
Time-lapse in reproductive medicine: outlining ethical prospects and
Christian Munthe, Stina Järvholm, Kersti Lundin
Human Reproduction - 2015 -
Ethical aspects on prioritisation of new cancer
Christian Munthe
11th Nordic Melanoma Meeting, Gothenburg, 3 September, 2015 - 2015 -
Reproductive public health ethics: New challenges carrying uneasy
Christian Munthe
Hindsight and foresight – based on 30 years of medical ethics, Stockholm, September 9-10, 2015 - 2015 -
Reproduktiv medicin, kultur och folkhälsa i ett etiskt
Christian Munthe
SFOG-veckan, Jönköping, 24-27 Augusti, 2015. - 2015 -
Taking relational perspectives seriously in reproductive bioethics: some uneasy
Christian Munthe
U4 Conference on Ethics of Families: Moral relevance of family relations in reproductive medicine, Ghent, August 26, 2015 - 2015 -
A politico-normative model of parenthood and the concept of reproductive caring
Thomas Hartvigsson, Christian Munthe
Donor conception: An unfamiliar path to a normal family? 27 – 28th of August 2015 Ghent, Belgium - 2015 -
If Forensic Psychiatry is the Science, What is its Object of Study? If it is a Branch of Medicine, What is the Disease? If it is a Specialty, What is its Topic of
Christian Munthe
34th International Congress on Law and Mental Health, Vienna, July 12-17, 2015 - 2015 -
Time-lapse in reproductive medicine: ethical prospects and
Christian Munthe, Stina Järvholm, Kersti Lundin
ESHRE Annual Meeting, Lisbon, June 14-17, 2015 - 2015 -
Christian Munthe
Encyclopedia of Global Bioethics - 2015 -
Vilken maktbalans bör vi ha inom vården och varför? – En fråga om
Christian Munthe
Patientmakt eller patientpakt?, Sahlgrenska universitetssjukhuset, 21 maj, 2015 - 2015 -
Five Observations About Conscientious Objection in Health
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2015 -
The Inevitable Endpoint of EU Refugee and Border Policy Spells
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2015 -
This is Huge: Serious Research Misconduct in Almost 3/4 of FDA Inspected Clinical Trials – Hidden by Both Inspecting Agency and
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2015 -
Inaugural Issue of the Journal of the American Philosophical Association: 10 of 11 Authours Male, as Gender Imbalance Issues Are Shaking Up North American Philosophy
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2015 -
Forget the "Editing" Hype: Human Genome Action Painting Attempted in
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2015 -
Etiska och praktiska utmaningar med ökat
Erik Gustavsson, Niklas Juth, Christian Munthe, Lars Sandman
Läkartidningen - 2015 -
The Price of Precaution: Evaluating Actions Actualised by Extreme and Extremely Unclear
Christian Munthe
Seminar of the Institute for Future Studies, Stockholm, April 8, 2015. - 2015 -
There Is A Question of What We Should Say To Each Other, But It Has Nothing To Do With Limits To Freedom Of
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2015 -
Etiska aspekter på att lyssna på barn i familjehem – mål, komplikationer och
A Brief Note on Palestine's Bid to Join the ICC and Have War Crimes in Occupied Territories
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2015 -
Why Aren't Existential Risk / Ultimate Harm Argument Advocates All Attending
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2015 -
A New Ethical Landscape of Prenatal Testing: Individualizing Choice to Serve Autonomy and Promote Public Health: A Radical
Christian Munthe
Bioethics - 2015 -
Special Symposium on New Media, Risky Behaviour and
Christian Munthe, Karl Persson de Fine Licht
Public Health Ethics - 2014 -
Editorial: New Media and Risky Behavior of Children and Young People: Ethics and Policy Implications. Introducing the Themes and Pushing for
Christian Munthe, Karl Persson de Fine Licht
Public Health Ethics - 2014 -
Etiska aspekter på åtgärder inom hälso- och sjukvården. En vägledning för att identifiera relevanta etiska
Lars Sandman, Emelie Heintz, Monica Hultcrantz, Stella Jacobson, Laura Lintamo, Ragnar Levi, Christian Munthe, Sofia Tranaeus, Petra Östlund
2014 -
Brian Leiter's Christmas Present: Threatening Colleagues with Defamation Suit for Signing "The September Statement" and Carrie Ichikawa-Jenkins with Exposure of Intimate Health
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Vi vill lägga dessa felaktigheter tillrätta: Replik på artikeln "Möjligheten att rädda några av dessa kvinnors liv har inte vägts
Christian Munthe, Niklas Juth
Dagens medicin - 2014 -
Den (kommande) nya fosterdiagnostiken (och den gamla): Etiska
Christian Munthe
Medicinska Riksstämman, symposium om den nya fosterdiagnistiken, Stockholm, 4 December, 2014. - 2014 -
Etikens roll i delaktighet och medbestämmande i vård, omsorg och
Christian Munthe
Nya Spår: Gemensam avdelningsdag för kunskapsstyrning och kunskapsstöd, Socialstyrelsen, Stockholm, 3 December, 2014 - 2014 -
Sharing Decision with patients - Whatever Does It
Christian Munthe
Seminar at the Dept of Obsterics & Gynecology, University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), University of Groningen, October 31, 2014 - 2014 -
Hur mycket behöver vi veta och varför? Försiktighetens och oförsiktighetens pris i medicinskt
Christian Munthe
Seminarium, Statens Beredning för Utvärdering av Medicinska Metoder (SBU), Stockholm, 14 november, 2014 - 2014 -
'The Greatest Trick the Devil Ever Pulled': Exploiting 'Jewishness' for the Sake of Violence: The Core of Israeli Hardliner Political
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
1400 Dead Going On 4000: The Blood Soaked FIFA 2022 Qatar World Cup Built with Slave
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Next Step in Hungary's March Back to Dark and Brown Political Legacy: Official Historical Revisionism to Hide Pro-nazi
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Dr Jean-Claude Worms of the European Science Foundation Threatens Critics of ESF Policy: He Should Resign or Be Sacked - Effective
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Bättre hantering av ansvar: resurser och etiska dilemman i komplexa
Christian Munthe
Dagar om lagar, Göteborg, 4-5 november, 2014 - 2014 -
A politico-normative model of parenthood and the concept of reproductive caring
Thomas Hartvigsson, Christian Munthe
Family relationships: ethical and legal aspects, Umeå University, November 3-4, 2014 - 2014 -
The Ethics and Philosophy of Shared Decision-making, Person Centered Care, Reproduction and the
Christian Munthe
Seminar at the University Medical Center Groningen (UMCG), University of Groningen, October 30, 2014 - 2014 -
Person Centredness and Shared Decision-making for Young People and Other Vulnerable Groups: Ethical Complications, Considerations and Possible
Christian Munthe
Seminariet i medicinsk etik, Lunds universitet, 17 oktober, 2014. - 2014 -
On the Official Israeli Reaction to Sweden's Plans to Recognize Palestine As A Sovereign
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Some Further Developments on Brian Leiter and the PGR, following the September Statement and the Advisory Board Letter that Urges his
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
An Increasingly Remarkable Series of Unprovoked Bullying Attacks Puts Brian Leiter in the Sight of Open Statement Signed by A Growing Number of Philosophers in US and
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Will IVF ever be the
Christian Munthe
Future of IVF - A Brave New World? ESHRE symposium, September 26-27, Stockholm - 2014 -
Reproductive Population Health and the Goals of Public Health: Exploring a Territory of Moral
Christian Munthe
Mancept Workshops in Political Theory, University of Manchester, September 8-10, 2014. - 2014 -
The Limits of Self-defense, the Threat of Violent Right-wing Extremism and the Job of
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
The Pathetic Hypocricy of Israel and USA on Palestinian ICC Plans to Probe War Crimes in
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Could Reproductive Liberty be Ethically Curtailed for Environmental Policy Reasons? or Why I Would Have Rejected Cristina Richie's Article on
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
How Decision Competent Consumers May Mostly be Incapable of Taking Responsibility for Public
Christian Munthe
12th World Concgress of Bioethics, Mexico City, June 24-28, 2014 - 2014 -
A Framing Problem of Public Health Ethics: Addressing the Fundamental Issue of
Christian Munthe
12th World Congress of Bioethics, Mexico City, June 24-28, 2014 - 2014 -
Shared Decision-making, moral psychology and ”family-centeredness”: the case of parents and
Christian Munthe, Anders Herlitz
Family Ethics Network Workshop, Sandhamn, June 11-13, 2014. - 2014 -
Etiska aspekter på modeller för att lyssna på barn i familjehem : mål, komplikationer och
Christian Munthe, Thomas Hartvigsson
Etiska aspekter på regeringsuppdraget ”Att lyssna på barn i familjehem och genomföra en pilotstudie”. Seminarium arrangerat av Socialstyrelsen, Stockholm, 2 Juni, 2014. - 2014 -
A Framing Problem of Public Health Ethics: Addressing the Fundamental Issue of
Christian Munthe
Seminar of the Philosophy Unit, Royal Institute of Technology, Stockholm, May 21, 2014. - 2014 -
Vad är rättspsykiatri? En filosofisk
Christian Munthe
Ancharsäter H, Nilsson T & Radovic, S (2014). MAD, SAD or BAD? Nedslag i svensk rättspsykiatrisk forskning - en festskrift till Anders Forsmans 70-årsdag - 2014 -
Comment on John Coggon's an Jurgen de Wispelaere's "Republican Aims and Republican Constraints in
Christian Munthe
Towards a Republic of Health? Freedom and Solidarity in Public health and Health Policy, Chilworth Manor, Southampton, May 13-14, 2014. - 2014 -
Etik och
Christian Munthe
Screening och etik. Etiska rådets seminarium, Linköping, 2014-05-08 - 2014 -
Modern fosterdiagnostik: etiska
Christian Munthe
Göteborgs Läkaresällskap, Göteborg, 23 April, 2014 - 2014 -
familjebildning i framtiden - behandling till varje pris? Etiska
Christian Munthe
Västsvenska gynekologsällskapets vårmöte, Göteborg, 23 April, 2014 - 2014 -
Etiska aspekter på handhavande av patienter som vill avstå blodtransfusion vid
Christian Munthe
Västsvenska gynekologsällskapets årsmöte, Göteborg, 23 April, 2014 - 2014 -
Etik/Moral, Teknik och Vetenskap: Special Falkenberg N+
Christian Munthe
Naturvetenskap Plus, Falkenberg, 2014-04-03 - 2014 -
Arbetet mot hatbrott måste prioriteras – på
David Brax, Christian Munthe, Lena Halldenius
Göteborgs-Posten 14 mars 2014 - 2014 -
The Anti-Roma Racist Apartheid Stink of the Sheraton Stockholm Hotel Can't Be Washed Off as
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Fostrets hälsa – Kvinnans rätt: Etiska aspekter av intresse- och hälsokonflikter mellan gravida kvinnor och foster / kommande
Christian Munthe
Föräldrar med substansmissbruk och det väntade barnets behov av skydd, ABF-huset, Stockholm, 18 mars, 2014 - 2014 -
Legalised Euthanasia for Children Regardless of Age in Belgium: The Actual Law in
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Is Human Extraterrestial Migration Banned by (Monotheistic) Religious Ethics – And Maybe Some Secular
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
UK Plan to Sell Out NHS Medical Records Hits Another Bump: Data Prematurely Given to Insurance Industry – MP's
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Why Aren't Acknowledgements Acknowledged in Academic Citation Indeces and
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
What is Derek Parfit to do with the Prize Money? Preliminary
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2014 -
Ethics & Values Relating to the Environment and
Christian Munthe
Hav och samhälle, Sven Lovén Centrum, Fiskebäckskil, 2014-01-30 - 2014 -
Grundläggande ansvars-, värde- och policyfrågor i folkhälsoarbete och
Christian Munthe
Vem har ansvar för människors hälsa - institutionerna eller den enskilda medborgaren?, Forskarskolan Miljö & Hälsa, Göteborg, 2014-01-29 - 2014 -
Centrala universitetsvärden hotas av
Roland Arnrup, Victoria Fareld, Johan Fornäs, Sylva Frisk, Gunlög Fur, Hillevi Ganetz, Mattias Gardell, Maria Hedman Hvitfeldt, Erika Höghede, Dimitrios Iordanoglou, Lars Jalmert, Maria Johansen, Peter Josephson, Thomas Karlsohn, Linda Laikre, Åsa Bharathi Larsson, Patricia Lorenzoni, Sven-Eric Liedman, Guy Madison, Edda Manga, Christian Munthe, Ulrika Nilsson, Sören Nylin, Erik J Olsson, Julia Peralta, Mats Persson, Gunilla Priebe, Sharon Rider, Tetz Rooke, Niklas Rådström, Staffan Söderblom, Jens Sörensen, Mattias Tydén, Magnus Zetterholm, Johan Öberg
Dagens Nyheter - 2013 -
Improving diabetes care for minority group adolescents - a stance in perceptions, attitudes, communication and
Marianne Törner, Margareta Bohlin, Åse Boman, Mats Eklöf, Gun Forsander, Christian Munthe, Cajsa Ottesjö, Helena Wigert, Ewa Wikström
39th annual conference of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes. Oct 16-19, Gothenburg - 2013 -
Organizing Person-Centred Care in Pediatric Diabetes: Communication, Decision Making, Ethics and
Marianne Törner, Margareta Bohlin, Åse Boman, Mats Eklöf, Christian Munthe, Ewa Wikström, Gun Forsander
39th ISPAD annual conference - 2013 -
Christian Munthe
International Encyclopedia of Ethics - 2013 -
David B. Resnik. Environmental Health Ethics. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2012. xii + pp. 305. ISBN:
Christian Munthe
Public Health Ethics - 2013 -
Hur mycket behöver vi veta och varför? Försiktighetens och oförsiktighetens pris i medicinskt
Christian Munthe
Svenska läkaresällskapets Medicinska Riksstämman, Stockholm, 5-6 December, 2013 - 2013 -
R.I.P. Adrienne Asch – Bioethicist, Philosopher and Disability Ethics
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
Den (kommande) nya fosterdiagnostiken – och den gamla Etiska
Christian Munthe
Inst för Kvinnors och Barns Hälsa, Akademiska Sjukhuset, Uppsala Universitet, 2013-11-14 - 2013 -
Livskvalitet ur ett etiskt
Christian Munthe
Gothia Forums nationella konferens om klinisk forskning, Göteborg, 22-23 oktober, 2013 - 2013 -
Respecting the Adolescent Diabetes Patient as an Autonomous Person - What Does it
Thomas Hartvigsson, Christian Munthe
ISPAD 2013: 39th annual conference of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes. Oct 16-19, Gothenburg - 2013 -
The Moral Psychology of Person Centred Adolescent Diabetes Care: two potentially conflicting ethical dimensions of shared decision making for sustainable
Anders Herlitz, Christian Munthe
ISPAD 2013: 39th annual conference of the International Society for Pediatric and Adolescent Diabetes. Oct 16-19, Gothenburg - 2013 -
The Moral Psychology of Person Centred Adolescent Diabetes Care: Two Potentially Conflicting Ethical Dimensions of Shared Decision Making for Sustainable
Anders Herlitz, Christian Munthe
Research seminar on ethics, University of Groningen, 2013-10-17 - 2013 -
Hur mycket behöver vi veta och varför? Försiktighetens och oförsiktighetens
Christian Munthe
Etik och evidens i vård och medicin: Är evidensbaserad medicin en för trång kostym för god vård och behandling?, Göteborg, 23 september, 2013 - 2013 -
Why Southern Sweden's Police Should Immediately Create a Registry of Police Officers and their
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
When is a Person's Religion A Personal Matter and When is it
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
The Price of Precaution in Frontline Reproductive
Christian Munthe
Artificial Gametes: Science and Ethics, Maastricht, September 12-13, 2013 - 2013 -
Further Complications with the US Argument for 'Punishing' Syria for Chemical Attacks: Hypocricy and Lack of
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
Försiktighetens pris och oförsiktighetens i pandemiplaneringens mångbottnade verklighet med filosofen som
Christian Munthe
Workshop med socialstyrelsens smittskyddsenhet, Stockholm, 4 september, 2013 - 2013 -
The Moral Behavior is not Necessarily so Moral at All. Letter in response to Ma-Kellams C, Blascovich J: Does “Science” Make You Moral? The Effects of Priming Science on Moral Judgments and
Christian Munthe
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
My View of Bradley Manning's
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
Hate crime and bias-driven criminality: philosophy and mental health aspects
Christian Munthe
Seminar of the Centre for Ethics, Law and Mental Health, University of Gothenburg - 2013 -
A Moral Theory of Online "Hate" Harassment and
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
The Philosophy of Hate Crime: Concepts, Values and Tensions in the European
David Brax, Christian Munthe
When Law and Hate Collide, Brussels, january 29, 2013. - 2013 -
The Philosophy of Hate Crime Anthology, Part I: Introduction to the Philosophy of Hate
Why the Prisoners' Dilemma Has Not Been Tested In Any Way
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
Hate Crime, Mental Disorder and Criminal
Christian Munthe
33rd International Congress of Law and Mental Health, Amsterdam, July 14-19, 2013 - 2013 -
The Return of Lombroso? Ethical and Philosophical Aspects of (Visions of) Forensic
Christian Munthe
33rd International Congress of Law and Mental Health, Amsterdam, July 14-19, 2013 - 2013 -
Will Sweden Withstand the Planned EU Tobacco Directive Rules on Cigarette Packet Warning
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
My Reading of the Greek Public Service Media
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
Two basic queries. Comment on E Gleichgerrcht's & L Young's Low Levels of Empathic Concern Predict Utilitarian Moral
Christian Munthe
PLoS ONE - 2013 -
Den (kommande) nya fosterdiagnostiken: Etiska aspekter med särskilt vikt på
Christian Munthe
Nya metoder för prenatal genetisk diagnostik – NIPT och aCGH, Regionens dag, 25 april 2013, Centrum för fostermedicin, Karolinska institutet - 2013 -
A NEW ETHICAL LANDSCAPE OF PRENATALTESTING: Individualising Choice for Reproductive Autonomy – A Radical
Christian Munthe
Individualized Choice: A New Approach to Reproductive Autonomy in Prenatal Screening, Brocher Foundation, geneva, April 4-5, 2013 - 2013 -
Outrage and disgrace in the UK: NHS genetics database laws allow selling people's health data against their will to private
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
Threats, Libel, Calls for FDA & Government Action – and a Petition to the Governor: Research Ethics Morass at the University of Minnesota Psychiatry
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
Continuing Official Catholic Confusion on the Morality of Child Molestation, Rape and
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
Why I'm Sceptical to the Idea of Harvesting Donor Organs from Living
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2013 -
Den (kommande) nya fosterdiagnostiken: Etiska aspekter med särskilt vikt på
Christian Munthe
Läkaresällskapet, SFOG, Arbetsgruppen för Etik. Stockholm, 18 januari, 2013. - 2013 -
Remissvar från Göteborgs universitet till betänkandet SOU 2012:17 Psykiatrin och
Tova Bennet, Henrik Anckarsäter, Susanna Radovic, Christian Munthe, Thomas Nilsson
2012 -
The Best Interest of Children and the Basis of Family Policy: The Issue of Reproductive Caring
Christian Munthe, Thomas Hartvigsson
Cutas, D & Chan, S (eds.). Families: Beyond the Nuclear Ideal - 2012 -
Person centred care and shared decision making: Implications for ethics, public health and
Christian Munthe, Lars Sandman, Daniela Cutas
Health Care Analysis - 2012 -
Etiska aspekter på rutinfrågor om våldsutsatthet i hälso- och sjukvården samt
Niklas Juth, Christian Munthe
2012 -
The Correct Use of Ethics and Precaution with Regard to Abortion and Mental Health. Letter in Response to Priscilla K. Coleman's 'Abortion and Mental Health: Quantitative Synthesis and Analysis of
Christian Munthe
Brtitish Journal of Psychiatry - 2012 -
Overselling Science, Halting Progress, Killing Opportunities: Gene Therapy, Cloning, Stem Cell Medicine & Synthetic
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2012 -
US Approval of the GMO Salmon "Frankenfish" - Reasons for Continuous Caution Remain in the Absence of Added
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2012 -
The Ethics of Screening in Health Care and Medicine: Serving Society or Serving the
Niklas Juth, Christian Munthe
2012 -
Comment on Fulvio Mavilio's "Gene therapies need new development
Christian Munthe
Nature - 2012 -
Challenges for Empirical Study of Patient Autonomy, Self-determination and Co-Decision
Christian Munthe
Thinking Ahead: Bioethics for the Future, the Future of Bioethics – Challenges, Changes, Concepts. 11th World Congress of the International Association of Bioethics. Rotterdam, June 26-29, 2012 - 2012 -
USA willingness to abandon 2°C target in climate talks opens for negative spirals and moral
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment - 2012 -
Adherence, shared decision-making and patient
Lars Sandman, Bradi B Granger, Inger Ekman, Christian Munthe
Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy - 2012 -
Lots to do at the American Journal of
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment - 2012 -
David Magnus Defends the New Managerial Solution for AJOB as Udo Schuklenk Resigns from the Editorial
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2012 -
The Conflict of Interest Claim Towards New AJOB Editorial Arrangement is not
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2012 -
Press release from Taylor & Francis on the New AJOB
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2012 -
Confidence Lost: The McGee's, Celltex and the American Journal of
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2012 -
On the Very Idea of Security and Terrorism
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
The Price of Precaution and the Ethics of
Christian Munthe
2011 -
Utvidgade mål, fördjupade problem: lika möjligheter och
Christian Munthe
Brülde, B (red.). Folkhälsoarbetets etik - 2011 -
Riskbedömningar, frihetsberövande och rättssäkerhet: Etiska och rättsfilosofiska
Christian Munthe
Brott och straff: Etiska och politiska perspektiv på rättssystemet, Jonsereds herrgård, 16 mars, 2011. - 2011 -
Forensic Risk Assessment, Incarceration and Legal Security: An Ethical
Christian Munthe
14th International Conference on Philosophy and Psychiatry: Ethics, evidence & Experience. Gothenburg, September 2-4, 2011 - 2011 -
Etik och
Christian Munthe
Välfärd, arbete, hälsa - 250 år med den allmänna försäkringskassan. Måndagen 5 december 2011, Göteborg. - 2011 -
Ethical Aspects of Oocyte Vitrification, Storage and
Christian Munthe
9th Avenya Seminar: Oocyte Vitrification, Gothenburg, November 11, 2011 - 2011 -
Bad Arguments on All Sides in the European Embryonic Stem Cells Legal Circus, part
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Bad Arguments on All Sides in the European Embryonic Stem Cell Legal Patenting Circus, part
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Abortion, Mental Health Problems and the Politicisation of
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Approaches to Preventing Hate
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Organizing Person Centered Care in Pediatric Diabetes: Communication, Decision Making, Ethics and
Gun Forsander, Ann-Katrine Karlsson, Christian Munthe, Staffan Larsson, Marianne Törner, Ewa Wikström, Mats Eklöf
ISPAD 2011: Possibilities for Prevention of Diabetes and Its Complications, Miami, FL., Oct. 19-22. - 2011 -
Further Deterioration in Bioethics: The Journal of Clinical Research and
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
COP-17: Brazil, China, India, South Africa and USA Wearing the Dunce Cap, Europe the
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Lame Response from the Burzynski
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Why Anders Behring Breivik is Probably both Criminally Insane and Legally
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Burzynski Cancer Clinic Charges Plenty for Entry to Trial of Quack Treatment and Threatens Children and Families of Critical
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Media, Young People and Alcohol: Towards a European Policy
Christian Munthe
Media, Alcohol and Violence in Young People Research and Policy Perspectives, Gothenburg, October 29, 2011 - 2011 -
The Seductive Power of Nationism: from Revocable Citizenship to Abolishment of the Citizenship
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Call for Retraction of Article Claiming Abortion to Cause Mental Health
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
A Tentative Philosophical Framework for Hate Crime Policy Across the European
Christian Munthe, David Brax
The Philosophy of Hate Crime Symposium, Gothenburg, September 26-27, 2011 - 2011 -
Pharma Corps put Money Before Swedish Women's Health, But Why Be
Christian Munthe
Phiulosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
A Lysenko Affair in Private Enterprise Sponsored
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Should Names of Swedish STASI- Collaborators be
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Goverment Decision not to Compensate Abused Swedish Foster Care Children: Hypoctitical and
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
New Media, Young People and Risky Behaviour: Ethics and Policy
Christian Munthe
25th EUROPEAN CONFERENCE ON PHILOSOPHY OF MEDICINE AND HEALTH CARE, 17 – 20 August, 2011 Zurich, Switzerland - 2011 -
David Cameron Loses It over UK Riots: Totalitarian Ideology and Collective
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Kan legitimitet berättiga orättvisa lagar? En utmaning för komplex rätts- och politisk
Christian Munthe
Filosofidagarna, 10-12 Juni, 2011, Göteborg - 2011 -
Finland Wanders Down Racist Memory Lane: the ID as Concentration Camp
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
A Continuous Quantitative Theory of Sex, Gender and
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Nuclear Power and Climate Change - No Easy
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
From publication ethics to big-time research ethics scandal in
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Deteriorating Bioethics, Plagiarism, Amateurism and Open
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2011 -
Grow Your Steak? The Case for In Vitro
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
From synthetic genome to synthetic life: prospects as well as perils of gene technology exponentially
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Etik, försiktighet och hållbar utveckling - med havet i särskilt
Christian Munthe
Ekosystemansatsen i teori och praktik, Göteborg, 21 oktober, 2010. - 2010 -
Legal imperialism in the regulation of stem cell research and therapy: the problem of extraterritorial
Daniela Cutas, Christian Munthe
Capps BJ & Campbell AV (eds.). CONTESTED CELLS: Global Perspectives on the Stem Cell Debate - 2010 -
Ethical Issues in Forensic Psychiatric Research on Mentally Disordered
Christian Munthe, Susanna Radovic, Henrik Anckarsäter
Bioethics - 2010 -
Ethical aspects of controlling genetic
Christian Munthe
Mike McNamee (ed.) The Ethics of Sports: A Reader - 2010 -
The Precarious Practice of Forensic Psychiatric Risk
Thomas Nilsson, Christian Munthe, Christina Gustavson, Anders Forsman, Henrik Anckarsäter
Gustavson, C (2010). Risk and prediction of violent crime in forensic psychiatry - 2010 -
Organ trade and the penal system: contrasting cases, pragmatics and structural
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
So, What's Up with COP
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Sizing, Slicing and Dynamic Effects: A Neglected Aspect of the Ethics of Rationing Health Care
Karl Persson, Christian Munthe
Health Care Rationing, 9-10 December 2010 in Rotterdam - 2010 -
The Wikileaks Cablegate Pro &
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Public Health Ethical Aspects of Human
Christian Munthe
Workshop on Reproductive Ethics, University of Gothenburg, November 30 - December 1, 2010 - 2010 -
More on the Pope's Condom Turnaround: Dance of the
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
New Catholic ruling on condoms? Maybe, and maybe some ethics news as
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
The New European Political Racism, Pt. 3: From Nationism to Conditionalised Citizenship to Ethnic
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
The New European Political Racism, Pt. 2: The Nationism - Ethno-racism
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
The New European Political Racism, Pt. 1: How Nationism Whitewashes
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Uterus transplantation: ethics and
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
US Stem Cell Legal Debacle the First Step In a Long Fight Based on Absurdity and
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
New Swedish animal rights activist tactics is smart, effective and strategically
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Will the Synthetic Genome Breakthrough Be Any Good? - Reasons for
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
What is a Religious
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Reflections from a just inbroken
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Celibacy is not the problem: the core of Catholic ideology on the family
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Den "galna brottslingen" och det goda
Christian Munthe
Humanistdagen, 13 april, 2010, Göteborgs universitet - 2010 -
War - Why Not? That's
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Myriads of Indecency: Ruling Against Patenting Cancer Genes Makes Scientific, Legal and Ethical
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Presumed Guilty Until Proven Innocent - Legal Security Out the Window in New Utah Law that Criminalises
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
How our Compassion Reveals a Moral
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
War is hell - even for
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Message of Love - if only you could eat
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2010 -
Some Mutual Benefits of Normative Analysis and Empirical
Christian Munthe
Workshop: The Empirical and the Normative in Applied Ethics, March 12-14, 2010, University of Birmingham - 2010 -
Shared Decision Making, Paternalism and Patient
Lars Sandman, Christian Munthe
Health Care Analysis - 2010 -
Att dela kakan rättvist i vården: den etiska betydelsen av storlek och
Christian Munthe
Föredrag vid samlingsdag för enheten för arbetsterapi och sjukgymnastik vid Sahlgrenska Universitetssjukhuset, Göteborg, 21 Januari, 2010 - 2010 -
Smittskyddsområdets etik ur ett
Christian Munthe
Seminarium vid Socialstyrelsens smittskyddsenhet, Stockholm, 22 Januari, 2010 - 2010 -
The precarious practice of forensic psychiatric risk
Thomas Nilsson, Christian Munthe, Christina Gustavson, Anders Forsman, Henrik Anckarsäter
International Journal of Law and Psychiatry - 2009 -
A Starter and a note on COP
Christian Munthe
Philosophical Comment Blog - 2009 -
Tillräkneligheten, etiken och det goda
Christian Munthe
Presentation vid seminariet i politisk teori, Statsvetenskapliga institutionen, Göteborgs universitet, 2009-09-09. - 2009 -
Shared decision-making and patient
Lars Sandman, Christian Munthe
Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics - 2009 -
Tillräkneligheten, etiken och det goda
Christian Munthe
Radovic, S & Anckarsäter, H (red.). Tillräknelighet. Lund: Studentlitteratur. - 2009 -
Var går gränsen mellan bot och förbättring - eller: är frågan fel
Christian Munthe
Etiska aspekter på neurovetenskap, SMERs etiska dag 2009, 8 maj, 2009, Rosenbad, Stockholm - 2009 -
Moraliska maskiner och manipulerad
Christian Munthe
Tredje rummet, Malmö, 14 april, 2009. - 2009 -
Christian Munthe
Annan konst: Konsten är ett mystrium - 2009 -
Bye bye
Christian Munthe
Other art: Art's Mystrious - 2009 -
Nya studiemedelsförslaget kontraproduktivt och byggt på
Christian Munthe
Newsmill.se - 2009 -
Etikens roll i globalt
Christian Munthe
Nya impulser för en bättre folkhälsa, Krinova, Kristianstad, 5 mars, 2009 - 2009 -
Stretching the Performing Art - Sport Analogy Thin: Conceptual and Normative Limits of the Room for Improvisation in Sport - and for Sport in
Christian Munthe
Power Play: Improvisation and Sport, University of British Columbia, February 6-7, 2009 - 2009 -
Etik och ärftlighet: exemplet
Christian Munthe
The Karlstad Meeting on Oncological Care and Medicine, Karlstad, February 28, 2009 - 2009 -
Etik: grundfrågor och
Christian Munthe
Andersson, I & Ejlertsson, G (red.), Folkhälsa som tvärvetenskap - möten mellan ämnen - 2009 -
The Best Interest of Children: A Core Battleground of Secular
Christian Munthe
Secularisation & Secularism: Multidisciplinary, International perspectives, Gothenburg, October 20-21, 2008 - 2008 -
Westermarck, Edward
Christian Munthe
Liedman S-E, Tännsjö T, Westerståhl D (red.). Den svårfångade relativismen - en uppslagsbok - 2008 -
Christian Munthe
Liedman S-E, Tännsjö T, Westerståhl D (red.). Den svårfångade relativismen - en uppslagsbok - 2008 -
Antropologi och
Bengt Brülde, Christian Munthe
Liedman S-E, Tännsjö T, Westerståhl D (red.). Den svårfångade relativismen - en uppslagsbok - 2008 -
The Goals of Public Health: An Integrated, Multidimensional
Christian Munthe
Public Health Ethics - 2008 -
Spelar du med mig, så spelar jag med dig: Spelteorins väg till fred och
Christian Munthe
Vetenskapsfestivalen, Nordstan, Göteborg, 2008-04-16 - 2008 -
Livet och samhället som ett spel: nyttiga insikter och förledande
Christian Munthe
Vetenskapsfestivalen, Stadsmuseet, Göteborg, 2008-04-16 - 2008 -
Arbets(o)förmåga - begreppsliga och etiska
Christian Munthe
Arbets(o)förmåga - ur ett mångdisciplinärt perspektiv - 2008 -
A qualitative study of organizational background and developments at cancer genetic centres in
Annika Baan, Christian Munthe, Lilian Axelsson
European Journal of Cancer Supplements - 2007 -
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Ethical
Christian Munthe
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences - 2007 -
Screening: Ethical
Christian Munthe, Niklas Juth
Principles of Health Care Ethics, 2nd Edition (ed. by Aschcroft R, Dawson A, Draper H & McMillan J) - 2007 -
Selected Champions: Making Winners in the Age of Genetic
Christian Munthe
William J. Morgan (Ed.): Ethics in Sport. 2nd ed. - 2007 -
Definition of Public
Erica Richardson, Fiona Day, Christian Munthe, Darren Shickle
Public policies, law and bioethics: a framework for producing public health policy across the European Union - 2007 -
Reproduktion och familj i framtiden - etiska
Christian Munthe
Läkarstämman, Stockholm, 29 november, 2007 - 2007 -
Försiktighetens pris, och
Christian Munthe
Humanistdagarna, 10 november, Göteborgs universitet, Göteborg - 2007 -
Riskvärdering, försiktighet och rättvisa i
Christian Munthe
Seminariedag om klimatfrågan, 9 november 2007, Trelleborg - 2007 -
Public policies, law and bioethics: a framework for producing public health policy across the European
Darren Shickle, Erica Richardson, Christian Munthe, Fiona Day, Albert Jovell, Heta Gylling, Rein Vos, Tuija Takala, Carlo Petrini, Gaetano Torlone, Nicola E. Moran, Ingrid Holme, Karen El-Arifi, Adrienne Hunt, Marcus Griffin, Alex Coupland, Laura Stroud
2007 -
The Goals of Public Health: An Integrated, Multi-dimensional
Christian Munthe
Ethics, Philosophy and Public Health (Cardiff University, Cardiff, UK), 21st European Conference on Philosophy of Medicine and Health Care - 2007 -
Christian Munthe
Sound of Music - 2007 -
Therapy and Enhancement: Meeting the Need for a Distinction without making
Christian Munthe
Enhancement, Stockholm University, March 29-30, 2007 - 2007 -
Försiktighetens pris och tillämpning - riskfilosofi, normativ etik & praktisk
Christian Munthe
Filosofidagarna, nationell konferens i filosofi, Umeå, 8-10 Juni, 2007 - 2007 -
The Goals of Public
Christian Munthe
Public policies, law and bioethics: a framework for producing public health policy across the European Union - 2007 -
It Could Be Me: On the Hazy Border between Self-interest and
Christian Munthe
Public policies, law and bioethics: a framework for producing public health policy across the European Union - 2007 -
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Ethical
Christian Munthe
Encyclopedia of Life Sciences - 2006 -
On the relation between metaethical and substantial normative forms of
Christian Munthe
Transnational Cooperation in Stem Cell Research, February 22-24, Hinxton, Cambridge - 2006 -
Are Compulsory Immunisation and Incentives to Immunise Effective Ways to Achieve Herd Immunity in
Nicola E. Moran, S Blancafort, H Cowley, K Czabanowska, K Dierickx, Christian Munthe, Carlo Petrini, Elisabeth Petsetakis, Franz Piribauer, Darren Shickle
Selgelid M, Battin M, Smith C (eds.), Ethics and Infectious Disease - 2006 -
Naturalist Farewells to Philosophy: A
Christian Munthe
Kvantifikator för en Dag: Essays Dedicated to Dag Westerståhl on his Sixtieth Birthday - 2006 -
The Price of Precaution and the Ethics of
Christian Munthe
Ethical Aspects of Risk, Delft, june 14-16, 2006 - 2006 -
The Goals of Public Health and the Ethics of Public Health
Christian Munthe
Ethics, Philosophy and Public Health, Manchester, june 31-july 2, 2006 - 2006 -
Vad är ett
Christian Munthe
Medietik under debatt - 2006 -
Etiska principer och
Christian Munthe
Etiska rummet, Vårdalinstitutets webbplats - 2005 -
Abort och
Christian Munthe
Abort i Sverige (SOU 2005:90) - 2005 -
On the relation between metaethical and substantial normative forms of
Christian Munthe
Lectures on relativism (Westerståhl & Tännsjö red) - 2005 -
The Price of
Christian Munthe
Uncertainty and Active Risk Management in Agriculture and Forestry, Swedish University of Agriculture, Alnarp, may 25-26, 2005 - 2005 -
The Goals of Sports Medicine - What are They and What Should They
Christian Munthe
The Ethics of Sports Medicine, Stockholm University, may 23-24, 2005 - 2005 -
Czym jest free
Christian Munthe
Glissando - 2005 -
Geselecteerde kampionen - Het creëren van winnaars in een tijdperk van genetische
Christian Munthe
van Hilvoorde I & Pasveer B (eds.), Beter dan Goed: Over genetica en de toekomst van topsport - 2005 -
Ethical aspects of controlling genetic
Christian Munthe
Genetic Technology and Sport - Ethical Questions, Tamburrini and Tännsjö (eds) - 2005 -
Genetiska tester och personförsäkringar. En analys. (Bilaga
Gunnar Falkemark, Göran Flood, Sture Gustafson, Niklas Juth, Annika Lindblom, Christian Munthe, Staffan Nilsson, Anders Olauson, Jan Wahlström, Barbro Westerholm, Lotta Vahlne Westerhäll
Genetik, integritet och etik (SOU 2004:20) - 2004 -
Det kostar att vara
Christian Munthe
Forskning och Framsteg - 2004 -
The Goals of Public Health and the value of
Christian Munthe
resented at Public Health 2004: Annual Scientific Meeting of the UK faculty of Public Health, Edinburgh, 8-10 June, 2004. - 2004 -
Should Promotion of Autonomy be a Goal of Public
Christian Munthe
7th World Congress of the International Association of Bioethics, Sydney - 2004 -
Public Health Policy in
Christian Munthe
1st Workshop of the EuroPHEN projec t - 2003 -
Etiska aspekter på regenerativ
Christian Munthe
SNIB-konferensen 2003, Chalmers tekniska högskola, Göteborg, 16-18 maj 2003 - 2003 -
Ethical Aspects of Controlling Genetic
Christian Munthe
Gene Technology in Elite Sports, University of Sports, Stockholm, 22-23 may 2003 - 2003 -
Preimplantation Genetic Diagnosis: Ethical
Christian Munthe
Nature Encyclopedia of the Human Genome (London: Nature Publishing Group) - 2003 -
Communicable Disease Control Management Policy in Sweden and the Case of
Christian Munthe
2nd Workshop of the EuroPHEN project, Barcelona, November 2003 - 2003 -
Review of Mats G. Hansson's (red.), The Use of Human Biobanks. Ethical, Social, Economical, and Legal
Christian Munthe
Journal of Medical Ethics - 2003 -
Särart och uteslutning: är handikapp- och funktionsnedsättningbegreppen nödvändigtvis
Christian Munthe
Delaktig eller utanför? Konferens om handikappforskning, 20 november 2003, Göteborg - 2003 -
Förslag till etiska riktlinjer för preimplantatorisk genetisk
Christian Munthe, Jan Wahlström, Barbro Westerholm, Elisabeth Blennow, Lars Nilsson, Helena Malmgren
Läkartidningen - 2002 -
Cancer och gener: etiska
Christian Munthe
5:e nationella konferensen i cancervård, Göteborg, 18-19 april, 2002. - 2002 -
Genetisk populationsscreening - ett etiskt
Christian Munthe
Läkartidningen - 2002 -
Reply to Miah: Prospects and Tensions in the Meeting of Bioethics and the Philosophy of
Christian Munthe
Sport Technology: History, Philosophy, Policy (eds: Miah, A. & Eassom, S.B.) - 2002 -
Promotion of Autonomy as a Goal of Medicine: Prospects and
Christian Munthe
6th World Congress of the International Association of Bioethics, Brasilia, 31 october - 3 november 2002 - 2002 -
Genetisk testning och vägledning inom sjukvården - etiska aspekter på genetisk
Christian Munthe
Genetisk screening - om hälsa och ärftlig sjukdomsrisk - 2002 -
Den bedrägliga
Christian Munthe
Sjöberg, F (ed.), Vad ska vi med naturen till? - 2001 -
Moral Roots and Future Goals in Prenatal
Christian Munthe
# Coming Ethical Challenges in Prenatal Diagnosis and Reproductive Genetic Counselling, Gothenburg, February 15-16, 2001. - 2001 -
Divisibility and the Moral Status of
Christian Munthe
Bioethics - 2001 -
Etiska principer och
Christian Munthe
Tidig fosterdiagnostik, arr. av Landstingsförbundet, Socialstyrelsen & Vetenskapsrådet, Stockholm, 10-12 oktober, 2001. - 2001 -
Gentester och försäkringar - etiska
Christian Munthe
Läkarstämman, Stockholm, 28 november 2001 - 2001 -
Selected Champions: Making Winners in the Age of Genetic
Christian Munthe
Tamburrini, C M & Tännsjö, T (eds.), Values in Sport: Elitism, Nationalism, Gender Equality and the Scientific Manufacture of Winners - 2000 -
Genteknik og
Christian Munthe
Det grenseløse mennesket, Oslo, 17 Februari, 2000 - 2000 -
Recherche médicale contrôlée ou procédés médicaux de routine? Considérations éthiques et politiques pour une ligne de
Christian Munthe
Proellochs, P & Schultess, D (eds), Ya-t-il des limites éthiques à la recherche scientifique? - 2000
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