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- David Garcia Jivegård
David Garcia Jivegård
Department of LawAbout David Garcia Jivegård
Doctoral Student in Legal Science since 2016.
Main supervisor Max Lyles
Research areas
- Legal theory
- Legal philosophy
- Jurisprudence
Research in progress
Teaching areas
- Jurisprudence
- Human Rights
- Discrimination law
- Legal Philosophy
- Procedural law
Kritik av den kritiska rättspositivismens kritik (Del 2): Rättsvetenskaplig immanent
David Jivegård, Elin Sandegård
Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift - 2022 -
”Märkliga påståenden av Östling och
Patrik Emblad, David Jivegård
Svenska Dagbladet - 2022 -
Kritik av den kritiska rättspositivismens kritik: den heliga
David Jivegård, Elin Sandegård
Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift - 2021 -
REPLIK – ”Välkommen till vårt lag, åklagare
Wanna Svedberg, Moa Bladini, Kristina Hultegård, David Jivegård, Tormod Otter Johansen, Elin Sandegård, Kristina Wejstål, Sebastian Wejedal
Dagens Juridik - 2021 -
From Exploitation Through Justice Towards Exploiting Justice: Conceptions of Justice in the Closing of a Suburb School in
David Jivegård
Nordic Journal on Law and Society - 2020 -
Sociala rättigheters kausala kedjor: skisser till en förklaring av icke-monetära sociala rättigheters horisontala
David Jivegård
Retfærd. Nordisk Juridisk Tidsskrift - 2020 -
Power effects between the conception of the legal person and the material consequences from resolving school
David Jivegård
International Perspectives on Gender and Justice: Theory and Practice, Conference 28 to 30 October 2019 in Sarajevo - 2019 -
Decolonizing subjectivity: the legal subject’s encounter with forms of governance on a school
David Jivegård
INTEGRATION AND DIMENSIONS OF BELONGING, Conference October 17th 2019, Faculty of Law, Lund University - 2019 -
Inte nån annan: rättslig subjektsbildning som delproducent
David Jivegård
IVR:s årliga konferens, 8-9 maj 2017, Karlstads universitet. - 2017 -
Decolonizing subjectivity through Fanon and
David Jivegård
Presentation at Critical Legal Conference, Warwick 1-3 September 2017 - 2017